Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 4-6 plus 2 Bonus Novellas

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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 4-6 plus 2 Bonus Novellas Page 83

by Kennedy, Elle

  Laughter was probably not the most appropriate of reactions, but Mia couldn’t help it.

  “Good point,” she said between giggles. “Obviously you’re as dumb as I am.”

  Danny started laughing too, and suddenly they were both crying again, but this time because of the ridiculous hilarity of the situation. Eventually they hauled their asses off the couch and drifted side-by-side toward the hallway, pausing in front of Danny’s bedroom door to exchange another long hug.

  “We’ll try and straighten everything out in the morning,” she assured him as she ruffled his hair.

  “Thanks, Mia.” He paused. “And you’re going to straighten things out with Jackson, too. Right?”

  “Don’t worry, I have every intention of fixing what I broke.” A ripple of worry tugged on her stomach. “I just hope Jackson is able to forgive me.”

  * * *

  It was nine in the morning when Jackson let himself into Mia’s apartment with the key she’d given him weeks ago. He knew he was probably abusing his key privileges by sneaking into her place without warning, but he didn’t give a shit. He was tired, hungry, mad and worried, a four-way punch that made it impossible to care about etiquette at the moment.

  In fact, there wasn’t a single trace of Southern gentleman in him as he threw open the door to Mia’s bedroom and stormed inside.

  “Wake up, sugar.”

  Her dark head popped up, those beautiful green eyes more alert than he’d expected them to be.

  He realized then that she hadn’t been sleeping. Wasn’t even lying under the covers. She was fully dressed and sitting on the bed, almost as if she’d been waiting for him.

  Her next words confirmed his thoughts. “Took you long enough.” She sighed. “I checked the airline website and it said the next flight out of Dallas was at five o’clock this morning.”

  “It got delayed ’til seven.” He approached the bed with wary strides. “You knew I’d come, huh?”

  “Of course.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Was that why you left? To see if I’d chase after you? Because that’s fuckin’ crazy, sugar.”

  “I left because I got scared,” she replied quietly. “Once I was gone, yes, I figured you’d come after me, but that wasn’t why I ran away.” She hopped off the bed and walked over to him, keeping a foot of distance between them. “I’m so sorry I took off without telling you. That was a really shitty thing to do.”

  He scowled. “Damn right.”

  “The only excuse I have is what I just told you. I was scared.” Her expression conveyed a whole lot of regret. “I was really, really scared.”

  “Why?” His forehead creased. “Because you thought you’d get in trouble for sluggin’ Tiff?”

  “No, because of the reason I slugged her in the first place. I didn’t hit her because she called me a bitch,” Mia confessed. “I did it because I couldn’t stand knowing how much she’d hurt you. I hated the way everyone treated you in town, Jackson. You didn’t deserve it, not one fucking bit.”

  He was confused. “And that scared you enough to send you packing?”

  “I realized…” She trailed off, taking a deep breath. “I realized I cared about you so much more than I thought I did. And then when you dropped me off at the ranch, I saw your parents lying together on the couch, and I wanted that, Jackson. I wanted what they had so badly, but with you. Because I love you.”

  His heart did a somersault.

  “I mean it. I love you so much it hurts, and when I realized it yesterday, it scared the crap out of me.”

  “Because you don’t want a relationship,” he said in a low voice.

  “Because I never thought relationships were capable of lasting.” Her eyes softened, shining with certainty. “But ours can, and it will.”

  “Oh, really?” he couldn’t help but taunt.

  Her tone grew fierce. “It will. You said so yourself—I’m yours. And you’re goddamn mine. We belong together and we’re going to get our happily ever after, got it? You and me? We’re forever, Jackson, and we’re—why are you smiling like that?”

  He could barely contain his glee. “Because you’re making my job too dang easy, sugar.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I came here to win you back, but you didn’t even give me a chance to make the big speech I was practicing on the plane. You stole the words right outta my mouth.”

  A smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Sorry?”

  “Don’t you dare apologize.” He reached for her hand and tugged her toward him. “I’m glad you finally came to your senses and realized that we’re meant for each other.” He brought his lips close to her ear and added, “I love you too, by the way.”

  The way her entire face lit up made him grin. “You do? Even after I abandoned you in Abbott Creek?”

  “I love you,” he repeated, his tone clear and unwavering. “I fell in love with you on our very first date and I’m gonna love you ’til the day I die. I hope you know that, and I hope you’re cool with it, because you’re never gettin’ rid of me. ”

  Mia stood on her tiptoes and smacked a kiss directly on his mouth. “Good, because I’m never letting you go.”

  Their lips met in another kiss that sent a rush of pure joy to his heart. He’d truly expected to show up and have to use some serious persuasion to woo her back, but as usual, Mia surprised him. She was the most incredible woman he’d ever known, quick to apologize, willing to own up to her mistakes, unafraid to tell him exactly how she was feeling when she was feeling it.

  He should’ve known that once she’d become aware that she loved him, she wouldn’t hesitate to let him know, and a thrill traveled up his spine as he anticipated their future together. This was the relationship he’d longed for, one chock full of honesty and patience, laughter and challenge. And no-holds-barred sex—he definitely couldn’t leave that out.

  When the kiss ended, Jackson beamed at the woman he adored. “Should we get naked now, sugar? Because no declaration of love is official until the two parties involved get naked.”

  Her laughter echoed in the bedroom. “You’re going to have to take a rain check, sugar. Right now you’re accompanying me and Danny to the bank. We might need your muscles.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “What for?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it in the car.” She laced their fingers together. “Oh, and before I forget—how did it go with your brother?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it in the car,” he mimicked.

  They stepped into the hall, rapping a wake-up call on Danny’s door on their way to the living room. As they waited for her brother, Jackson cocked his head and said, “So what do you wanna do later? After we’re finished being naked, that is.”

  She mulled it over. “Well, I guess we can grab some dinner from Tonio’s.” She thought about it some more. “And then I’m sure we’ll get naked again at some point.”

  He smiled. “And then?”

  Mia smiled back. “And then we can get started on the forever part.”


  Six months later

  “Ladies and gentlemen—and Seth—will you please do me the honor of welcoming the miracle before you.” Lieutenant Carson Scott stepped through the waiting-room doorway and held up a tiny infant swaddled in a blue blanket. “Feast your eyes on Jacob Thomas Sullivan Scott.”

  “Two middle names?” Seth cracked. “Isn’t that overkill?”

  “And did you really just Lion King that baby?” Dylan piped up.

  “Seriously, dude, put the kid down,” John Garrett advised. “Holly’ll kill you if you drop her precious bundle.”

  Carson rolled his eyes, but he did lower his infant son and cradle him protectively against his chest. “Who wants to hold him?”

  Every female in the room jumped out of her chair and hurried over to Carson with outstretched arms.

  Jackson rubbed his clean-shaven chin and hid a grin as he watched the women battle over which one
of them got to hold baby Jacob first. Shelby Garrett ended up getting the honors, and as Carson carefully transferred the valuable cargo into her arms, the other women gathered around her to take a peek.

  “Oh gosh, he’s so beautiful!” Claire gushed.

  “He’s perfect,” Annabelle agreed.

  “Absolutely perfect,” Savannah echoed.

  Jackson’s gaze focused on Mia, who wore an awed expression as she admired the baby. He couldn’t help but imagine the day that his and Carson’s roles would be reversed. He would be the proud father showing off his kid to his friends and teammates. And Mia would be the proud mother catching a much-needed nap in her hospital bed, as Holly Scott was currently doing.

  Don’t put the cart before the horse, a little voice chided.

  Yeah, he should probably take things one step at a time. Babies would come eventually. But first he had to make an honest woman out of Mia—which he planned on doing.


  The ring his mother had given him during his last visit home had been burning a hole in his pocket for weeks now, but tonight was finally the night. Danny had left for football camp yesterday, and the Imperial Beach house the three of them had moved into last month was finally starting to look and feel like home. Danny had insisted on paying a small percentage of the down payment using a portion of his savings, which the bank had returned to him after an outraged Mia stormed the branch manager’s office and demanded he fix his employee’s irresponsible mistake. There’d been no word from Brenda since she’d stolen her son’s money, and none of them expected to hear from the woman anytime soon.

  But Mia and Danny weren’t heartbroken about it. They had each other, and that was enough for them. And now they had Jackson, too.

  Only thing left to do was for him to get down on one knee and slide that diamond ring on Mia’s finger.

  He couldn’t wait.

  But that was later. That was their moment.

  Right now, it was Carson’s moment, and Jackson quickly walked over to give his lieutenant a big hug.

  “Congratulations.” He snuck a peek at the gorgeous, healthy baby who was now being cooed over by his Auntie Jen. “You’ve got yourself a beautiful boy there, LT.”

  “Damn right,” Carson said proudly.

  One by one, Carson’s teammates came up to embrace him, thump his back and offer their congratulations. Jacob Two-Middle-Names Scott was passed around from one set of arms to another, his big blue eyes flickering with interest as he peered up at each person. The baby didn’t cry once, but by the time he’d been held by everyone in the waiting room, a big yawn overtook his tiny face and he was promptly spirited away by his father, who, with an overprotective glare, told them all to quit tiring out his son.

  After Carson was gone, everyone drifted toward the elevator bank, the men chatting and the women raving about how cute little Jacob was. Cash and Jen stayed behind with Carson and Jen’s parents to spend more time with Carson, Holly and the newborn, but the rest of the group rode the elevator down to the lobby and left the hospital.

  They walked out to the visitor lot, and then everyone went their separate ways.

  Garrett and Shelby headed home to their daughter Penny.

  Seth and Miranda went home to their twins.

  Former SEAL Will Charleston and his wife Mackenzie made the long drive back to the small town they resided in, where their son Lucas awaited them.

  Jane and Thomas Becker dashed off to get back to their daughter Sadie.

  Ryan and Annabelle carpooled with Matt and Savannah to the building where they all lived.

  Dylan, Claire and Aidan left hand in hand in hand to the trio’s downtown condo.

  And Jackson and Mia drove back to Imperial Beach, smiling the entire time.

  The End

  * * *

  UP NEXT: a BONUS novella! Everyone loves a where-are-they-now story. Well, here’s your chance to find out what Cash and Jen from Feeling Hot have been up to! Featuring special appearances from your favorite Out of Uniform characters.

  Hot Zone

  Giving up control has never been so hard…

  Navy SEAL Cash McCoy knows all about danger—he lives and breathes it on a daily basis. When it comes to the love of his life, though, this alpha soldier does everything in his power to keep Jen Scott happy and safe. But when the tables are turned and Jen places herself in harm’s way for her job, their relationship is put to the test. Now Cash must learn to trust the woman he loves…or lose her forever.

  Hot Zone

  An Out of Uniform Novella


  “You know what they say, dude—bigger is better.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Cash McCoy tipped his head in contemplation as he studied the display case. “But I also hear people say that small and subtle goes a long way.”

  “Name three people who have ever said that to you,” Dylan Wade shot back, then hurried on before Cash could open his mouth. “Nobody says that. Seriously, when was the last time a chick looked at a ten-inch cock and thought, ‘Gee, I wish this was four inches.’”


  The loud interjection came from the stodgy older man behind the counter. With his perfectly groomed white hair and crisp gray suit, the owner of the store looked like he belonged on the set of Downton Abbey. He conveyed visible disapproval as he stared at the two T-shirt-clad men in his shop.

  Awesome. Now they had no shot in hell of getting any sort of deal from the guy.

  Cash glared at Dylan, silently reprimanding him for tossing out the word cock in front of a man who clearly hadn’t had sex since the 1800s. Or if he had, it’d been in a shroud of darkness and underneath five blankets.

  “Excuse us,” Cash said hastily. He practically dragged his friend and teammate toward the other side of the store. “Don’t screw this up for me,” he hissed.

  “Me?” Dylan’s green eyes shone with innocence.

  Which was total bullshit, because the blond-haired SEAL was the furthest thing from innocent. Dylan was in a committed threesome relationship, for fuck’s sake.

  Not that Cash was judging or anything. He wholly approved of both of Dylan’s partners—Aidan Rhodes was a stand-up guy, and Claire McKinley was a goddess. In fact, Claire was currently distracting Cash’s girlfriend with a coffee date while he carried out this covert op.

  An engagement ring.

  He’d never thought he’d see the day. Up until three years ago, he’d been perfectly content with his bachelor lifestyle. Brief flings and casual affairs had been his MO, but then he’d met Jen Scott, and all that had changed.

  He loved the woman. So damn much that sometimes he woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat after dreaming that he’d lost her. He wouldn’t survive without her. Jen was like a brilliant explosion of sunlight. Smart, funny, beautiful, compassionate. And her sincerity and honesty had definitely rubbed off on him. He’d always been gruff and awkward when it came to talking about his emotions, but he’d learned how to open up during his time with Jen.

  She made his life better. She made him better.

  “Your wisecracks are making Peter nervous,” Cash accused.

  “Peter the Prude can survive hearing the word cock. Might do him some good.” Dylan crossed his arms. “And you’re screwing this up for yourself. Women like having big rocks on their fingers. It’s a fact. Like gravity.”

  “She bawled her eyes out when we watched Blood Diamond. A big diamond might freak her out. What if she thinks child soldiers died for it?”

  “For chrissake, that’s why you researched this stupid place. Our man Peter already told you all the rings come with a certificate that says it’s not a conflict diamond. And it’s not like you can’t afford a big shiny rock. Your millionaire parents are fronting half the cost.” Dylan raised his eyebrows in challenge. “So go big or go home.”

  His friend did have a point, though Cash still felt guilty about accepting money from his folks. They’d won a major lottery jackpot when C
ash’s mother was pregnant with him, and had invested the money wisely over the years. When he’d told his parents about his plans to propose to Jen, his dad insisted on paying for the ring, but Cash had resisted. He wasn’t too proud to accept money from his folks—they’d paid his way through college—but Jen was his girl, and he was damn well going to pay for her engagement ring.

  But his dad hadn’t taken no for an answer, and in the end Cash conceded to letting his folks pay for half. Which meant his budget was kinda huge.

  “Fine,” he decided. “We’ll go big.”

  “Thank you.” Dylan dragged him to one of the glass cases and pointed to a ring. “How about that one?”

  He furrowed his brow. “It’s got a weird shape.”

  “It’s a marquise cut, dumbass. And look at the clarity—nearly flawless. Plus the white-gold band? Motherfuckin’ classy.”

  “I’m scared to ask why you know so much about engagement rings.”

  Dylan let out a sigh. “Claire likes those shitty wedding reality shows, and she forces me and Aidan to watch ’em with her. There’s this one called Ring My Bell—dude, you should see some of these chicks. They drag their boyfriends to a million jewelry stores and throw honest-to-God tantrums when they can’t find something that fits their budget. They’re cuckoo-fucking-crazy. Seriously. And their poor fiancés are clueless.”

  Before Cash could comment on Dylan’s surprising amount of passion toward Ring My Bell, their teammate Seth Masterson strode into the shop, a deep scowl on his rugged face.

  “The parking situation out there is messed up!” Seth stared accusingly at the man behind the counter. “You know there’s a huge gravel plot right behind this store, right? Ever thought about turning it into a parking lot?”


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