Murder Mysteries # 4

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Murder Mysteries # 4 Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Awhile back, I told my sister all about Patsy Lane and she told me she was a slut. It seemed to my sister she was always coming in with a yeast infection or sometimes even worse. That's all I've to say detectives."

  Stacy said, "I'm going for a little walk and will be back shortly. At that time let's discuss whether or not to take Rick in with us."

  All three men watched her walk away, head down deep in thought. It was very close to the time when Stacy put all the pieces together to close out the case. However, Edwin Trailor would upset the balance of the case in just a few hours time.

  Nerdy Eddie Confesses

  Stacy and detective Lance both agreed that Rick wasn't a risk to fly away. Unlike Rob he had roots here in Blue Lake. With that decision, they drove back to Eugene. On the way, a shocking report occurred when the city police went to see about Edwin Trailor, they found him blabbering at his front door almost incoherently saying he was the one who killed Patsy Lane. The city police took him to the station where he is awaiting interrogation from the State Police and the US Marshall.

  Nobody said a word as speculation would not be worth the effort to elaborate on a wide range of possibilities. Dan drove right to the city jail. Inside they found a sergeant who showed the investigators a holding room that doubled for interrogation.

  Inside they saw Edwin Trailor a nervous wreck. Looking up at the three law enforcement people standing in front of him, Edwin adjusted his thick black rimmed glasses while licking his dry lips. Lance read him his rights. He nodded he understood.

  Stacy said, "Why did you kill Patsy Lane Edwin?"

  "Because she wouldn't give me the time of day. It was plain to see she went for every man that came along; why not me?"

  "Okay Edwin, how did you kill her," asked Stacy.

  "I – uh—used my knife," said Edwin.

  "Where is that knife now," asked Lance.

  "I threw it into the lake," said an increasingly stronger Edwin.

  "Did you drug her and if so, what drugs did you use," asked Stacy.

  "Damn right I did. I gave her the date rape drug Rohypnol."

  "When did you give it to her Edwin," asked Lance.

  "We stopped for a coke and I slipped it into her cup," said a smiling Edwin.

  "Did you rape her Edwin," asked Stacy. They saw a frown come across his face as he considered the question. "Yes, I did and she loved it cause I'm so big in that department."

  "Did you ejaculate inside her Edwin," asked Stacy.

  "No way was I going to leave any DNA behind. I pulled out and caught my seed in my hanky."

  A shock appearance could be seen on all three faces starring at Edwin. Stacy thought can it really be that this nerdy guy kidnapped, raped and murdered Patsy Lane?

  "Another question Edwin. Where is the money and how much did you ask for," said Stacy. The problem was the amount had been published many times by the media.

  "I took it to Portland and gave it all away to the homeless," he said while smiling through crooked teeth.

  "My last question Edwin. Patsy Lane had a tattoo. Where was it and what, if any, writing was on it," asked Stacy.

  "Thought I did know huh; she had a red rose with three letters under it: KID." He cracked up laughing and continues by saying, "You know what the KID stands for? It says: 'Kiss It Delicious."

  Lance looked at Stacy, who nodded. He said, "We're booking you for kidnapping, rape and murder Edwin Trailor. You'd best call a lawyer."

  Nagging Doubts

  Stacy was perplexed that this revelation of Edwin Trailor turned her case upside down. It was just after five pm when she walked out of the city jail. She told Dan and Lance she'd walk for awhile to digest what had transpired this long morning.

  Dan and Lance were left talking. Dan said, "I know from what I've seen before Lance that Stacy usually has a suspect in mind considering how deep we're into this case. This has thrown her for a loop. I know it sound crazy, but I don't think that guy killed the victim Patsy Lane. My money is on Stacy and she'll reveal the killer in her own time. I'm going to give you a lift back to your office Lance, okay?"

  ''Let's go and the media will splash the confession across the TV and newspapers. I'm a wait and see guy Dan. Let's see what the morrow brings."

  Stacy walked into her building at just before 6 pm. Emma was preparing to close up shop. "You look like your best friend died Stacy."

  "I feel like it. Our nerd friend Edwin Trailor confessed to the crime. I'm almost positive he didn't do it, but he sounded convincing." Stacy walked back to her office with Emma in tow. They sat down at the round table. "The part that remains confirming is the money was given away to the homeless in Portland. A rumor would go around about that. Anyway, I'm talked out and starving as we all missed lunch; and me both breakfast and lunch. If you're not busy let's go find some Teriyaki chicken."

  "Let's go. I'm starving as well. A couple calls came in and I'll tell you about both over dinner. Neither requiring a call back."

  At a fake Japanese Teriyaki restaurant, the chicken and other veggies were very good. When they'd finished, over tea, Emma said, "Ben Razor called to say he'd been transferred to Eugene beginning November first. Next was your crush Rory sounding very lonely. He'd like you to call him later tonight."

  "Ben Razor is a detective based out of North Bend office of the state police. He's a darn good investigator and has a feel for facts and an eye for evidence. He'll be a wonderful addition to the detective staff in Eugene. He's also a really nice man.

  My crush is crushing me Em. He'd like a roommate soonest. I've tried to tell him not to smother me, but the kid in him takes precedence over the adult. The fact is he's a great guy who's shown a lot of growth in the last two years or so. But, and that but word raises its ugly head, I'm just not ready to make the commitment to a full time relationship."

  "Gosh Stacy, you've really opened up on or about him. He's drop dead gorgeous that's for sure. He seems really polite and respectful. However, men have a tendency to overwhelm a prospective mate. Once they catch the 'scent' it's full steam ahead. I wish I'd that problem right now, but that's another story for another dinner," said Emma.

  The 4 am Alarm Goes Off

  Stacy bolted upright from bed. Her bedside clock said 4 am straight up. She smiled and rubbed her eyes. After she tossed the covers back, she hummed a tune while walking to the shower. Rory had given her some almond shampoo that smells wonderful. She overdid it a little while still smiling.

  If Ben was around and if Rory was around, they'd both know what that smile and smug look on her face really meant: she knew who the killer was and like before on some of her cases, it might be hard to prove. It was going to take some clever conversation and hopefully, the killer would reveal the particulars of the case. As a matter of fact, the killer doesn't know what evidence the investigators have, so why even pretend you don't have proof. Walk in with purpose and let the killer spill the beans.

  After getting dressed and a mug full of green tea, she called her father. "I'm not going to tell you what time it is daughter, but if you hurry up and tell me why you called, I'll go back to my interrupted dream very soon now."

  "I've solved my first case as a US Marshall dad. I was thrown a red herring, but after a night's sleep, I've got my killer. The killer will need to confess, but that should not be a problem."

  "Congratulations dear daughter. As usual, I'm proud as punch. Call me tonight if possible."

  Last Call

  Stacy was in her office at 6 am. She'd preformed a dress rehearsal two times. In her mind, it was a done deal. However, she was patient and waited for her team to arrive and Dan could ask Lance to come over. At 8 am she'd call Cathy and have her contact the DA's office to alert them of an arrest of the murderer of Patsy Lane.

  The slight problem was how to approach the suspect without causing undue suspicion. Stacy needed a witness so she decided Cathy would be the best choice.

  After all the participants were in the conference room, she
laid out her plan. "I'll explain later how I came to the conclusion that Carol Loomis was our killer." Stacy let that sink in as she saw heads swiveling. What we don’t have is any evidence to charge her with. We could probably get a pharmacist to testify Carol Loomis purchased a prescription for the drugs found in Patsy's body. But that isn't much; if anything. No, we need to hear from her that she committed the crime.

  Cathy and I are going into the health clinic on the assumption of a follow up on Dr. Dunsmire. At that time I'll going to tell her how sorry we are to have to charge her brother with the murder of Patsy Lane.

  I'll then ask her if she'd come to my office and talk to him. Before this takes place, Dan and Lance will go fetch Rick. Okay, we load up on Rick before Carol's eyes. Let's see if she caves. Any questions or suggestions?"

  "I hope you make this work Stacy," said detective Lance. I'm darn curious as to how you knew she was or is the killer."

  "I can't totally explain it Lance. I guess it's like alphabet soup: it floats around and then a word shows up in a bowl telling me the answer to a difficult problem."

  It was just after lunch when they brought Ranger Rick in. At 1:30 Stacy and Cathy walked into the health clinic. Walking up to the reception area, Stacy asked for Carol Loomis. The receptionist smiled with a full complement of steely grey braces and said, "Just a minute."

  Carol walked out with a frown on her face. The frown never left as Stacy showed her US Marshall shield and said, I'm Marshall Foreham and this is Cathy Miller from the Medical Examiner's Office. We'd like to talk to you privately about Dr. Dunsmire and other things."

  She was a cool customer, thought Cathy. Then she heard her say, "I don’t know much about Dr. Dunsmire, but I'd be happy to tell you what I do know."

  "Another thing Ms. Loomis; we picked up your brother Rick and have him being interrogated for the murder of Patsy Lane. Our evidence depicts he's our perpetrator. We'd like for you to come to my office and tell us about Dr. Dunsmire and maybe you can help Rick be strong," said Stacy with a nice smile.

  "Let me ask my supervisor for a few hours off. I'll be right back."

  What she didn't know was Dan was standing at the back door with Lance and two patrolmen. They weren't needed as Carol came back with the same frown she left with. "I can leave now. I'm worried about my brother. That whore Patsy was not good for him."

  Cathy drove with Stacy in the back. Behind were Dan and the patrol cars following.

  It's Closing Time

  At the office, Rick was being entertained by Emma and two plain clothed state police officers. They were sitting around the large conference room's table when Stacy and Cathy walked in with Carol. Rick stood up rather shocked seeing his sister in this building. Stacy said, "Let's all take a seat. We'll be joined by other investigators shortly. Emma make a recording of this interview with both Rick Loomis and his sister Carol Loomis."

  Emma was already prepared. Stacy had previously told her to have the DA present for the interrogation. When Dan and Lance walked in, so did Louis Lester the current DA.

  When Carol saw Dan she realized trouble was brewing. Stacy said, "Rick Loomis, you have the right to ………………….. now do you understand your rights?

  "I do but it appears I need a lawyer. Carol what do you think," said Rick just a little confused.

  "I'm not sure what is happening Rick. I know I'm in trouble with sending patients for bogus prescriptions from Dr. Dunsmire. But you being charged with murder is insane. What evidence to you have to support the charges," asked Carol.

  "Rick had an admitted relationship with Patsy Lane. She tossed him aside for something more efficient. He had motive, opportunity and with you supplying him with the drugs, it's a done deal. You know Oregon has the death penalty," said Stacy.

  "My God Rick, they've got you dead to rights. What can I do dear brother of mine? I've always taken care of you." A long silence occurred and nobody moved. All eyes were on Carol to see if she'd rise up and spare her brother the death penalty. "I guess I've no choice Rick," as she looked at his very confused face, "but to save you one more time."

  She looked around the room and then focused back on Stacy. She said, "You bitch. You knew I was the one, but you needed to use my brother to obtain a confession. Clever, very clever. Well, for the record, I did it and damn glad I did. The money is behind the seat of my pickup. I suppose you want the grisly details huh," Carol said with venom pouring out of her mouth.

  "For the record we'd like that Carol. Please continue," said Stacy.

  "Patsy was a regular customer with a rotten crotch. Then when my brother told me he'd a crush on her, I told him that wasn't a good idea. I also told him why, but he was thinking with his dick not his brain. Then she dumped him telling he wasn't good enough for her. That really hurt my brother's feelings. I decided then to make a plan to rid the world of her. Rick told me about their campground parties.

  It was easy for me to get the drugs from Sybil. I'd purchased a tent and bag for my plan to use the same campsite as she scorned my brother for no experience. She came in the clinic looking for some yeast infection medicine. I told her to follow me to the back room where we had some new oral medicine for the infection. I gave her the Rohypnol with a glass of juice. I asked where she was going and she told me to see a friend. I said I'd drive her as I need to leave early. She accepted and after a few minutes driving she was conked out.

  I drove up to Blue River Lake to campground 23. I set up camp, put Patsy inside. I injected her with the Midazolam. Sybil told me how much to administer. After that I used a muffler over the phone to talk to her father. All was going as planned. I knew he'd deliver the money. I had a scalpel that Sybil gave me to slice her neck with. I also went to the sex shop and bought a strap on dildo 12 inches long. I was going to show that bitch what a good lay I was. I let her almost reach consciences then went to work on her rotten crotch. After she passed out again, I cut her throat. End of story."

  Detective Lance cuffed her and led her away. The DA came up and he and Stacy shook hands. He said, "Nice work Marshall. All of us here in Eugene are happy you're here. I know we'll see more of each other, but I hope not too much," Louis said with a warm smile.

  "Thanks for the nice words Louis. Let's do hope when our paths cross, it's for the good of the people," said Stacy while walking him out the door.

  Dan and Emma were standing amazed at what had transpired right in front of their eyes. "You know Dan; I've been with her almost every step of the way. I never dreamed the killer was a woman and the brother of Ranger Rick. I see why they hired her. She is awesome. Well, I think Dan it's time for you to buy me or us, dinner. There's still time to write up a report to close out the case."

  "I'm your man Em," said Dan as Stacy walked by and winked at both of them on her way to her office. She no more sat down when her desk phone rang. It was Connie.

  "Word travels fast Stacy. You'd almost think we'd a listening device and camera in your office; but we don't. Congratulations are in order. Nice work Marshall Foreham. Some are saying you have a crystal ball hidden somewhere," Connie said laughing.

  "I think the magic was passed on by my dear mother and father. Also, the University of Chicago didn’t hurt a thing. Anyway, thanks for the nice compliment. Only the good Lord knows what lies over the horizon," said Stacy hanging up feeling very good.

  "Murder at the Amazing Tree"

  US Marshall Stacy Foreham was adjusting well to the daily rigors of the position. A month had passed since her first case. The murder-kidnapping case had solidified her place in the investigators ranks of major crime in Oregon. Her reputation was on the rise. Everything was going well except her personal life with Rory Caltex. He was a little upset his partner, Ben Razor was being transferred to Eugene. That would leave him alone when just a short while ago they were a three-some.

  Stacy wasn't in the mood to fight with him. After some considerable meditation on the relationship, decided to break it off. The weekend was coming up as the new mo
nth of November brought with it the Pine Apple Express of storms destined for the Pacific Northwest. She invited Rory up for the weekend to discuss their relationship.

  However, the major topic of discussion was usurped by a murder near a seaside Oregon beach. However this hadn't occurred just yet. It was Friday and the murder would happen on Saturday.

  A Senior Center

  "Okay, all listen up please. I've an announcement to make. On Saturday morning the bus will leave here at the Center precisely at 7 am. If there are any cancellations, tell me now as we've a waiting list of seniors who would like to go," said Maria Topaz, the Center's current director -- let a few seconds go by knowing that old people need some time to digest what was being said. "Okay, then I see we're all set to go. Once again I'm assured the trail down to the Amazing Tree is handicap friendly, including wheel chairs. I'll see you all here tomorrow morning. Enjoy your lunch."

  One senior who was listening with one ear, went by the nickname, Lounger, rather than his given name Harry Langer. He'd picked that handle up during his later years watching his favorite sport on TV: football. He was described by other seniors as persnickety. It almost literally drove his wife, Shelly, crazy. She confided in a friend that she couldn’t remember the last time he was happy or laughed.

  At one time he was best friends with Ralph Bolster. However, they'd had a falling out over some stock deal gone bad. Ralph trusted Harry and from his poor advice, Ralph had to file bankruptcy. As they both attended the Senior Center to have lunch, if by chance their eyes met, hate would fill the distance between them.


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