Deep Within Me tp-2

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Deep Within Me tp-2 Page 14

by Tina Donahue

  Liz noticed how he avoided looking at her now.

  Jacob went to Zeke and spoke quietly. “What are you doing?”

  Zeke’s expression grew pained, perhaps from sorrow, jealousy or a mixture of the two. He spoke on a sigh. “She needs both of us.”

  Liz shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

  “You refuse to stop healing,” Zeke accused. He approached so quickly, Liz stepped back without thinking. Zeke loomed over her, his masculinity heightened by his anger. “Nothing your father or I say makes a difference, does it?”

  Liz rested her hand on his chest. His heart drummed fiercely, further betraying his frustration and worry. “How can I stop what I was born to do when someone’s life is at risk?”

  “What about your own?” he countered.

  “If anything happens to me, my father can—”

  “No, he can’t,” Zeke interrupted. “He doesn’t know what his power will do. I might lose you forever.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her into him, burying his face in her hair. Anguish laced his words. “Don’t you know that would kill me? Don’t you fucking care?”

  Oh Zeke. Liz wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek against his shoulder. As she spoke, her breath puffed against his tee. “How can you even think that? I’m doing this for you. What if you’re injured?” She moaned at the thought and held him even tighter. “What if you’re killed? Do you think I could stand by and do nothing? Do you actually believe I’d want to save myself?”

  Swearing beneath his breath, Zeke hugged her so hard Liz could scarcely breathe. Then, as if he’d made a decision he released her and stepped back. His eyes were shiny.

  Jacob stood to the side, looking lost.

  Zeke cleared his throat, then said, “When you healed me and Jacob, you poured your life force into us. I don’t know how your gift works. I wish to fuck I did. But I’ve been thinking that the part of you we have inside of us—what allowed us to heal—can hopefully be returned to you. It can somehow undo what the reanimation changed.”

  “What?” Jacob blurted.

  “It’s all we have,” Zeke said to his brother. “What if her father’s gift stops working on her? What if it’s too strong and does more damage than good? They’re related— so sharing the same genetic material might also be a problem. I don’t know for certain. And I sure as hell don’t want to risk finding out that her father’s healing power killed Liz without any possibility of him bringing her back. We have to do this.”

  Clearly bewildered, Jacob shook his head. “Do what?”

  “Make love to me,” Liz answered. “Get as deep inside of me as you can. Return to me what I gave to you.”

  Surprise and naked desire registered on Jacob’s face, followed quickly by apprehension. He regarded his brother as though he expected an argument from him because Liz had guessed wrong and there would be another fight over her.

  Zeke spoke softly. “I don’t know what else to do. Liz needs your help.”

  She could see that Zeke believed as much. Never had he appeared as torn. He didn’t want to share her. She’d known that shortly after she’d healed Jacob. However, Zeke was willing to do this to make certain no harm came to her. That if she continued to challenge him and saved anyone, she wouldn’t risk her life.

  Jacob looked more uncertain than Liz felt. “You’re sure about this? What you’re asking me to do.”

  Zeke nodded.

  “What about you?” Jacob asked Liz. Doubt made him even more hesitant. Gone was the cocky warrior who’d demanded she pleasure him, who’d played at sex and love. He was a man who didn’t know where he belonged, what place he had in her life—if he had any at all.

  “I know you don’t love me,” he said, filling the growing silence before she could. “Just seeing how you look at Zeke tells me what you feel for him. That’s okay. Nothing I can do about it.” He looked past her as though it pained him to have admitted that and to meet her gaze. “But do you at least like me a little? It doesn’t have to be a lot. I’m not expecting or even hoping for that. Just a—”

  “Jacob.” She’d spoken his name gently so he’d stop. She ached for him, her sympathy mixed with tenderness she’d never be able to deny. Leaving Zeke’s side, she went to Jacob and cupped his face in her hands so he had to look at her.

  Longing and despair shone in his eyes.

  Oh baby. Liz ran her thumbs over his cheeks, feeling the rasp of his coming beard, enjoying how male it felt. “You’re wrong. I like you so damn much.” Especially when he wasn’t putting on an act to try to compete with his brother. When he allowed himself to be the man he really was…gentle and kind. “I always have.”

  He swallowed. “You’re sure?”

  “I’ll prove it to you if you let me.”

  Jacob glanced past her at Zeke. All the previous times Jacob had wanted her, Zeke had made certain to stand in his brother’s way.

  Not now. HeZeke joined them, sandwiching her body between his and Jacob’s.

  Liz’s belly fluttered at their size and scents, the warmth radiating from their skin.

  Zeke pressed his cheek to hers and spoke loud enough so his brother could hear. “Take off your clothes. Now.” Straightening, he said, “Unless you want Jacob and me to do it for you. We will, won’t we?” he asked his brother.

  Jacob nodded. “Sure. I’m game.”

  Liz suppressed a smile. “I’m capable of undressing.”

  “Then show us,” Zeke said. He stepped back. So did Jacob. Both brothers crossed their arms over their chests, waiting for her to disrobe.

  At the moment, all Liz could do was regard them…her men. Both tall and rough in a good, protective way, their long hair giving them a slightly uncivilized appearance, which added to their masculine appeal. Her body weakened at the thought of their hands and mouths on her, their powerful bodies pressed close, their heat and strength, their cocks in each of her openings, not only thrilling her, but returning what she’d once given to them.

  The room seemed to sway with the promise of both men taking her again. Heat rose to Liz’s chest and cheeks, making the room’s mild temperature seem too hot suddenly, her clothing restrictive.

  With all of her attention on them, Liz toed off her moccasins. Jacob regarded her naked feet. Zeke, her expression. Liz didn’t try to hide her love or that she’d be his for as long as they both lived. Giving him a smile that belonged to him alone, she pulled off her tee and tossed it aside.

  The garment hit Jacob’s leg. He didn’t appear to notice. He stared at her bra.

  Zeke’s breathing picked up. He tightened his arms as though he needed to control himself. His muscular biceps flexed. Liz nearly moaned at how commanding he was…and so damn beautiful. She lowered her bra straps, taking her time, making him want her as no man ever had.

  Except for Jacob. He regarded her bra with such fascination and longing it seemed he’d never seen one before.

  Giving him a show, Zeke too, Liz undid the clasp. The lingerie slipped off her arms, baring her breasts. The room’s tepid air did nothing to tighten her nipples. The attention her men provided did the trick. Her areolas puckered. The tips grew hard. She tossed her bra.

  It hit Zeke’s belly.

  He grinned. So did she.

  All that remained were her jeans and panties. Liz made quicker work of the button and fly than she’d originally intended. Haste seemed prudent now so she might know their fevered touch, the wonder of their bodies, both brothers taking whatever they demanded, expecting her to yield to them.

  Her cleft grew damp at the thought of being used so well, so relentlessly.

  She pushed her panties and jeans over her hips, past her knees, to her ankles.

  Zeke reacted first. He went behind her, one hand holding both of her wrists, his other moving over her breasts. Liz rested her head on his shoulder, exposing her throat. Zeke kissed her there, then suckled. The sweep of his tongue registered throughout her body. Weakened by the delicious sensations, Liz
released her weight into him and emptied her lungs on a breathy sigh.

  Zeke tightened his grip, letting her know he wouldn’t release her for a very long time. Certainly not until all three of them were sated…and some of her healing gift had returned.

  Jacob went to his knees at her feet. He ran his hands down the insides of her naked thighs. Liz trembled, liking that. However, she wanted far more. His face to her pussy, his mouth on her slit.

  He remained where he was and guided her to lift her feet from her jeans and panties. Once he’d pushed the garments aside, he murmured, “Spread your legs.”

  Liz did so immediately. Her sex felt hot and achy, needy of a man’s touch.

  To make certain she kept herself open to them, Zeke slid his right foot inside of hers, then did the same with his left. Naked and opened to the Neekoma brothers, Liz waited for their next move.

  Again, Zeke acted first. He ran the tip of her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. A jolt of pleasure tore through her. Jacob interrupted it, his mouth on her cunt, his tongue stroking her clit.

  Oh my God.

  The sensations were needed yet overwhelming, nearly more than Liz could bear as Jacob slipped two fingers inside her sheath. Held captive by his touch and Zeke’s, she had no choice except to submit. Neither man would allow her freedom.

  While Jacob tongued her clit and worked his fingers in and out of her as he would his cock, Zeke again kissed the side of neck and ran his roughened palm over her breasts. The friction of his touch and Jacob’s emphasized how helpless she was against their carnal hunger and strength—how they demanded that she submit. Just as their male ancestors had most likely behaved with their women, tolerating no disobedience. They ruled. The females surrendered, especially those they’d taken captive from enemy camps.

  A wanton and delicious thought that sent her over the edge.

  Liz’s orgasm came too quickly, tearing through her. She moaned loudly—lewdly, she thought—then slumped against Zeke, whimpering at him suckling her shoulder and squeezing her breasts. Jacob hadn’t stopped licking her nub. That part of her was still hypersensitive thanks to her climax. Liz needed him to stop.

  He didn’t. He ran his free hand down the furrow beneath her cheeks, his fingers circling her anus.

  She shivered at the intensity of that contact and endured, giving herself fully to him, because she wanted to.

  He concentrated on both of her openings even as Zeke resumed suckling her throat and playing with her nipples. How long they used her, Liz wasn’t certain. Time seemed to have stopped, the seconds and minutes replaced by a lick, a stroke, a wanting sigh.

  At length, Jacob removed his fingers from her sheath and pulled his other hand from her ass. When he abandoned her clit, Zeke lifted Liz into his arms and put her on the bed. There she lay, sprawled indecently, her nudity displayed to both men.

  The brothers regarded her as they undressed. Zeke beat Jacob by a few seconds. Both of them were erect, their balls plumped by lust, their bodies flushed with desire. Liz noted the network of veins on Zeke’s cock and sinewy arms. She regarded Jacob’s broad chest and hard abs.

  Zeke climbed on the bed and lay on his back. Jacob followed, his weight also shaking the mattress.

  Liz didn’t wait to see what would happen next, knowing what the Neekoma brothers craved. Straddling Zeke, she took his thick cock and directed it into her sheath, her slit juicy and wanting of him. Her body eased down his, swallowing his sex, taking him as deep as he could go. Zeke inhaled sharply. Liz released a wanton sigh at his size, how relentlessly he stretched her so her body would shelter his.

  The pleasure was intense, but not nearly enough. Liz needed it all. Draping her torso over his, she sought his lips.

  Zeke’s tongue filled her mouth before Liz could think to do the same to him. His kiss was wild with passion, tender with love. An incredible combination that touched her soul. The noise she and he made thrilled her. So primitive. So necessary.

  If Jacob thought the same, he didn’t voice his opinion. Nor would he allow Liz to ignore him. He settled between her and Zeke’s legs. With his hand on the small of her back, he directed her to present her ass to him.

  Readily, she obeyed.

  Jacob placed his hands on her buttocks and eased them apart. His thumbs stroked her anus.

  Liz gasped around Zeke’s tongue. He slanted his mouth for better penetration and deepened his kiss.

  Jacob ran his hand over her belly to her mound and touched her clit.

  A shock of pleasure rippled through her. She had no chance to indulge in it.

  Jacob had stroked her there to merely bathe his fingers in her moisture. He now brought them to her tight ring, lubricating it.

  She wiggled at his touch. Didn’t deter or stop him. Jacob rubbed the head of his cock against her anus. Liz trembled in anticipation of his crown entering her, the invasion of his rigid yet silky flesh.

  The wait wasn’t long. Jacob eased the tip of his shaft into her tightest opening, then tunneled inside.

  The pressure proved so intense and seductive, Liz pulled her mouth from Zeke’s. Several sounds escaped her, betraying her lust, her desire for this.

  Zeke pumped his hips, a demand that she work her body up and down his cock. Jacob was already fully within her other opening, his fingers pressed into her hips to make certain she couldn’t get away from him.

  Filled by both men, Liz surrendered to each. Immeasurable feelings coursed through her along with a sense of being restored. Not only emotionally, but that they were returning some of her life force to her.

  Or was she merely imagining that?

  Liz didn’t know and couldn’t dwell on the matter. The bed shook with each thrust and pump, the springs squealing. The noises they made were far more enticing. Jacob grunted. Zeke groaned. Moan after moan spilled from Liz followed by a whimper of delight as Zeke slid his hand between their bodies and worked her clit.

  Ah. It was more than any woman could endure, the pleasure too great, the wantonness complete. For minutes, the brothers enjoyed her and Liz did the same with them. At last, she came on a strangled cry. Jacob followed, the racket he made uncivilized. Zeke was the last, his baritone filling the room with sounds of immense pleasure.

  Liz collapsed on top of Zeke, her gasps muffled by his shoulder. His chest pumped with his harsh breaths. Perspiration coated his skin. Panting, Jacob leaned over Liz and kissed her back. Not to be outdone, Zeke again suckled Liz’s neck.

  Both of their actions told her they weren’t anywhere near sated. Nor were they through with her.

  A stack of ham sandwiches lay on a tray in front of Kele and Diaz. Next to it were cups of coffee and glasses of milk.

  He hadn’t taken one bite of the food. Nor had he sipped the offered drinks. Given his growling belly, Kele knew Diaz had to be starving. His worry over Pedro must have made him oblivious to his body’s needs.

  She was no different. Her hunger repressed by her thoughts of Isabel’s disapproval and Jacob’s concern over her welfare…how he actually seemed to care for—

  Don’t, she ordered herself, afraid to dwell on him.

  She had no right. Leading Carreon’s men here had nearly cost Jacob his life. She’d allowed her jealousy, her unending love for him to color her choices. Her life would never be the same.

  No matter how much time passed, her clan would never forgive her fully. She saw it in their eyes, heard it in their cautious responses to her questions or comments since they never spoke to her first. The people she’d grown up with, had trusted and loved, now treated her worse than a stranger. To them, she might as well have been a member of Carreon’s clan. Their expressions betrayed the contempt they felt.

  Kele had seen that on the faces of the men when she’d offered to go with Diaz. She’d noted Isabel’s distrust. So different from the relationship they’d once had. Then, Kele could have gone to the older woman for solace and guidance, as she would have done with her own grandmother when the woman had
been alive.

  Not any longer.

  There would be no comfort from Isabel in the future, no matter how badly Kele might crave it. Jacob was lost forever too. She harbored no more foolish hope that she could make him desire her alone. That had been a fantasy she’d lived for too long. Liz coming here put an end to it. If only Kele had accepted the truth then, she wouldn’t have betrayed her clan.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  She didn’t deserve to be here. She shouldn’t be pining for Jacob right now, wondering, worrying about what he and Liz were doing.

  Had they made love already? Were they doing so now? Kele had caught the look on Zeke’s face when he said Jacob’s name. Zeke intended to share Liz with his brother for reasons Kele didn’t understand and had no right to pursue.

  She’d never have the love she wanted from Jacob. It was a miracle she still had his compassion.

  Diaz turned the laptop toward her. It displayed a Google Earth map. “This is the route we need to take from here…unless you have a better suggestion.”

  Kele was fresh out of ideas. The one she’d had about Pedro coming here had divided the clan once more. The one before that had turned disastrous. What if the clan’s children, or the women and older men, had gotten hurt in the battle she’d caused? How could she have lived with herself then?


  She blinked and focused on Diaz. He had some of Carreon’s features, but not his pale blue eyes and cold stare. Warmth, humanity, the capacity for love welled in Diaz’s dark eyes.

  “Can you think of a better route than this?” he asked.

  She regarded the map, not really seeing it. Something bumped against the ceiling. It came from one of the teens’ bedrooms, not Zeke’s, where he, Liz and Jacob surely were right now. Kele’s mind didn’t care. She kept picturing Jacob on top of Liz, his cock inside of her, their bodies and mouths joined.

  Her belly cramped, stealing her breath. She feared she’d cry.

  No, don’t. Get a hold of yourself.

  If she didn’t, Diaz would see. He’d ask too many questions that she wouldn’t answer. He might alert the others. They’d know then that she hadn’t stopped loving Jacob, not even a little, which would only increase their mistrust. Especially Isabel’s. She and the rest wouldn’t want Kele to leave, wouldn’t believe she could do this without harming them again. She’d lose her last chance to prove her loyalty.


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