Plantation Slaves

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Plantation Slaves Page 8

by Powerone

  She felt torn inside, seeing the blood on his cock as it pulled out, bracing herself for each time he fucked back in, the General dropping her until it felt like his cock was going to come out her mouth. It banged so painfully into her cervix, sure that he would tear her to shreds if he continued the constant pounding. And his cock began to swell larger, more painful with each thrust back inside, Mary not realizing that his orgasm was imminent. All she wanted to do what end this painful rape.

  The General couldn't contain his lust any longer; his sphincter clenched tightly, the knot in his balls tight and a deep ache from the need to release his cum. He jerked her up and down on his cock three times, quick jerks up and down, his cock spearing her bloodied hole until her muscles clenched so tight that they dragged the sperm from his balls. He let her sink down on his cock, the head of his cock clenched tight against her cervix. His head shot up as he bellowed his impending orgasm. “Take my cum in you.” He flooded her once virgin hole with his hot cum, bathing her passage with his sperm, the orgasm racing through his body, his balls tingling as his cum shot up to spurt out the head of his cock. He pulled her up, his cock spewing another load of cum as her pussy pinched the head tight, slicing back in, his cock spewing as it shot into the depths of her passage.

  At least it was less painful; his cum lubricating her abuse passage, feeling the hot fluids coat her virgin passage. His cock jerked and sputtered, the General finally releasing her down onto him, his softening cock still snuggled tight inside of her. She could feel the rush of cum flood out, dripping down her pussy to fall on the General beneath her. Her body was covered in sweat, her hair stuck to her forehead, exhausted from the terrible rape. She only wished he would regain his strength and release her to go back to her room and allow her to administer to her wounded body.

  The General relaxed, getting his normal breathing back. His hands crept up to her bound breasts, finding the nipples, rubbing them as Mary watched him. Her nipples were swollen, the bondage shoving the blood harshly to the tips, his fingers igniting them, the General enjoying her moans of pain as he pinched them too hard.

  She didn't understand, his hands playing with her breasts, Mary unable to stop the nipples from growing bigger to his touch, the bondage making them swell with blood. Then she felt it, the General moving his cock inside her. First just an inch at a time, Mary suddenly realizing that his prick was stiffening. “No! Don't fuck me again!” She didn't even care about the words she used, she just wanted to end this rape. She felt him raising her up again, her pussy pulled from his cock, feeling it grow. He lowered her down again, slowly this time, her insides forced to caress the thickening shaft as it slid in her slick passage. Up she went, then back down, each time more of his ever increasing thickness slid inside her. He was fucking her again, looking down between her legs to see his white cock slicing between her brown thighs, slick with her juices and mixed with her blood.

  It was almost as good the second time, but he still had a way to make her as tight as a virgin. With one hand guiding her up and down with the ropes, his other hand slid under her ass, feeling her cheeks tighten up from his unexpected touch. With the bondage, she could do little to stop his intentions, his fingers finding her crack, one finger sliding up and down the sweat drenched anal cleft. His finger tickled her virgin anus, sending the tiny hole into a series of spasms, her pussy clamping down on his cock as she was forced to tighten her muscles. He shoved his hips up at the same time his finger shoved into her virgin hole.

  "Not there!” She couldn't do anything but shake her body as the finger searched out her backside. She felt a shiver run through her as it teased over her hole, tingling at the tight knot, her muscles clenching uncontrollably. His cock in her pussy hurt, her pussy tightening on the thick shaft in response to the unexpected probing of her backside. Her eyes opened wide, her mouth open, no sounds coming out for second, then a ear piercing scream filled the room, even scaring Jacob. The thick, dry finger had breached her bottom, a sob of pain from her lips as she found her asshole impaled for the first time tonight by a thick finger. She could do nothing, clenching on the finger as it pushed in until it pushed hard against the muscles in her rectum, sending a fiery feeling deep in her guts. His cock continued to fuck her, pulling her up and down, his cock sliding easily in her cum-drenched pussy. It still felt huge, his cock not completely hard again, the finger in her guts making her tighten her muscles. She was taking all eight inches of his cock again, the brutal flesh tearing up and down to beat against her ravaged cervix. But it was the finger that was the worst, her body shooting up as a second finger joined the first, her anal ring burning as it was forced to open wider then she thought humanly possible. She was sure that she was bleeding back there.

  Her hot, moist asshole clenched on his two fingers, feeling her muscles trying to force them out, only succeeding in forcing her pussy to grip his cock harder. He took her with powerful thrusts with his cock, his fingers twisting and turning in her tight asshole, her body jerking on the end of the ropes like a puppet, impaled on his duel flesh. There was hated in her eyes as she stared at him, but her lips were clenched in tight defiance, all the while his fingers buried deep in her clutching asshole. He rode her ruthlessly, fucking her up and down on his cock, a new gasp from her lips as a third finger joined the other two, twisting and turning as he fought his way deep into her bowels. He felt his impending orgasm, not caring about her pleasure, bending his fingers in her guts until she sobbed in pain, her body tense and tight. He shoved his fingers so deep inside her; he could almost feel them tear her, her body shuddering in pain as he let her down on all eight inches of his cock. He filled her from both sides, his balls spewing forth its precious seed into her waiting womb, his second orgasm taking over. He was surprised as he shot three loads of cum in her, bathing her insides all while twisting his fingers inside her, stretching them out, all needed to make her tighten on his cock as he filled her pussy with cum. He finally let her sink down on him again, his semi-limp cock still nestled tight in her cum drenched hole. He felt his fingers inside her, Mary sobbing above him.

  Her asshole felt torn and used, his fingers still burning as they sat inside her like a giant rock. Even his shrunken cock felt big, Mary afraid of moving, afraid that any movement might be construed as her arousal, not wanting to get fucked again. She didn't think she could take another one. His fingers finally pulled out of her asshole with a loud pop, the burning still there in spite of them being gone. She felt the tremors for long minutes in her asshole, finally feeling her anus close, a series of spasms sending her pussy muscles to clench on his cock. She held her breath, hoping that his cock didn't grow inside her.

  The General had cum twice, not sure he could do it again, but he wanted to try. Jacob still had one trick left, moving close to the bed. The General felt her pussy clench on his cock as he took his fingers from her asshole, the flesh beginning to stir again.

  "You ready, Master.” Jacob didn't wait for an answer, moving close enough to grab the straps that held Mary in the tight bondage. He began to shove her, twisting her until she began to spin. Spin on his cock.

  "NOOOO!” The cock in her instantly grew when they spun her. It wasn't so bad at first, her insides still slick with his cum. But as he spun her faster Mary's head grew dizzy as the room spun around faster. Her insides dried out, his thick cock rubbing the wrong way, feeling like it was twice the size as it stretched out places that were not meant to be touched. The General began to raise and lower her as she spun, the cock tearing up and down her insides like a giant corkscrew. She almost passed out twice, her body drenched in sweat, the General able to hold out longer, fucking her painfully for almost a half of an hour. Half of hour of painful hell as she spun on his thick cock. He finally came in her the last time, just a bit of his former self, his balls emptied too many times already.

  "Take her away.” The General was exhausted from his rape of the lovely girl, eager to sleep now. They cut her down, pulling her away from the bed t
o drop harshly to the floor, Mary laying curled up into a ball on the floor, the cum dripping from her pussy. He took one look at her, her pussy stretched and red from the numerous fucking. She would remember her first time forever. All girls did, whether it was by a lover or by rape. It would be etched in her brain forever.

  They had to drag her off, Mary unable to walk, though she knew that she would still be required to show up for work in only a couple of hours. She had lost her virginity to the white man, the General taking her with a brutality that she never knew existed. And she feared what he would do to her in the future, already feeling the touch of his finger in her ass and fearing for her mouth.

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  Poor, White Trash

  The General protested when he heard the news. “She and her husband were a couple of slimy farmers. They cheated everyone. I haven't heard from them in ten or fifteen years."

  "Yes, General. They were killed in a wagon accident. They were traveling home from selling their crops and their wagon went off the road and plunged down a ravine. They say it wasn't an accident, but nobody really cared. It was good riddance to bad rubbish.” Jerry Lee knew it would be a hard sell, but he had heard about the twin girls.

  "I didn't even know they had any kids. How old are they?” The General didn't want to take any distant relatives onto the plantation, in spite of them being related. Too many were just after hus money.

  "Just turned eighteen, General. Twin girls. From what I hear they are good looking but dumb as a jackass."

  "They're old enough to take care of themselves. Why bring them here?” The General was adamant. With the blacks, they were easily controlled and learned their place quickly. White trash never learned, expecting that they had something coming. You had to continually beat them into submission.

  "They're too dumb. They wouldn't last a day without someone picking them up. You don't want it going around that our relatives are hookers because you wouldn't take them in.” Jerry Lee already had plans for them. “Kaitlyn and I will be responsible for them."

  "Damn right you'll be responsible for them. They'll earn their keep just like the blacks. We can use them as servers. At least we'll have some white ones. I just know you'll have to beat them every month. Or is that what you had in mind, Jerry Lee?” Now it dawned on him, Jerry Lee and Kaitlyn were going to abuse their cousins. Two white girls to string up on the wall, stripped naked and whipped until they beg for Jerry Lee to rape them. And he was sure that Kaitlyn would have them licking her pussy before the month was out.

  "We'll keep them in line with whatever means are necessary. Don't you think it would be nice to have some white pussy around in case you want it, General?"

  The General's cock grew at the thought of two young, naked white girls in his bed, but he didn't want to show it to Jerry Lee. “You can send for them, but don't you forget you're responsible for them. Both of you are responsible,” giving Kaitlyn a stern look.

  Jerry Lee and Kaitlyn left the General to make arrangements for the girls to make the trip. They would be here by the beginning of the week.

  Jerry Lee met the stage when it came in, the girls getting off on the remote stop just outside the plantation property line. The door opened and the twins got out; the driver stepping down to make sure he held the door for them; his eyes watching their generous bosoms as they bent over to get out of the stage. Their ragged clothes barely covered their bodies; the driver making no attempt to cover his eagerness to ogle their half-naked bodies. “Out of the way,” Jerry Lee said while pushing the driver out of the way. “Over here,” he said harshly to the girls.

  Emily and Paris followed the man over to the wagon, grabbing their one bag, running to keep up with his large strides. Their blonde tresses clung to their faces, dirty from the long wagon ride, their dresses clinging to their sweat drenched bodies. They had heard that these relatives were rich, living a good life on a big plantation, though their parents had never spoken of them before. They were at least thankful that they were taken in, not knowing enough to live on their own. They only attended school up to the second grade because of their parents making them work the fields as soon as they were strong enough. The last couple of years they spent inside, sewing for some of the townspeople, their father not happy with their enthusiasm in the fields.

  Jerry Lee looked at them as they stood in front of the wagon. They were smelly and sweaty, but beneath the grime they still looked good. Twin blondes, they were good looking, though not beautiful. A nice pair of tits pushed out the thin dress, the sweat molding it over the firm flesh so you could make out the nipples beneath, the girls not showing any sign of shame or even recognition that they looked half naked. They had full hips below their slim waists; he was sure they didn't get much food at home. Long legs were hidden by the long dress, but you could see through some of the tears in it. He walked behind them, his eyes gazing at the pert asses that thrust out so provocatively. He couldn't wait to see more. He moved in front of them.

  "Which one is Emily and which one is Paris?” They looked exactly the same, not a speck of difference that he could see between them.

  Emily was the one that spoke up, Paris the shyer one, though both tended to stay in the background. Their daddy had told them they were better off if others didn't see or hear from them, and they always obeyed their daddy. “I'm Emily.” Her voice was barely more then a whisper.

  "How can I tell you from Paris?"

  "I have a small birth mark.” She pointed to a spot just below her right breast as if it was a natural thing. “Paris ain't got none."

  I'll be doing a lot of inspecting, Jerry Lee thought to himself. Starting tonight in the parlor when they will meet the family. “Get in the wagon; we have a long ride.” He threw them each a piece of bread with some meat on it. “That should hold you until you get to the plantation.” He watched as they both devoured it as though they hadn't eaten in a month. Maybe they hadn't.

  Kaitlyn met Jerry Lee when one of the servants told her of the arrival of the wagon. “I'll take them from here,” pushing aside Jerry Lee. “I'm Mistress Kaitlyn, but you'll call me Mistress. He's called Master. You'll never address any of us by our first names. We are all Master or Mistress.” She looked at them, their eyes glazed over as though they didn't know what was going on. “Do you understand?” Her voice increased in volume until she saw a speck of recognition in their eyes.

  "Yes, Mistress,” Emily said in a small, girlish whisper.

  "Good. You both smell; we'll get you a bath and some clean clothes.” She led them off, the two of them trailing Kaitlyn like little children following their mother. Kaitlyn took them to the slave quarters, their new home. It was one long corridor of the house, rooms on both sides of the wide hallway, anywhere from two to six in each room. This was for the house staff only, the farm slaves lived in shanties around the plantation. Some were even allowed to marry and have families. The family and the other whites in the household roamed these halls at night when they needed to sate their lust, the slaves cringing at the sounds of footsteps in the hallway until they passed their doors. Many nights you could hear the painful squeals of girls beneath their masters, white cocks between their black thighs.

  They both stripped off their clothes in front of Mistress, glad to get rid of the smelly clothes, a hot bath filled for them, each one taking their turn while the other waited naked for her sister to finish. Mistress watched them, her eyes glancing over their naked bodies, but they were more concerned with washing the filth of the long ride from their bodies.

  Kaitlyn looked at them, identical firm bodies that Jerry Lee would enjoy, as would Kaitlyn, though in a different way. Firm breasts on both of them, small nipples, though dark against their pale white skin. Each had a blonde bush; the silky, light hair barely able to cover the full mound and deep slit of their pussy. She caught the sight of their firm ass cheeks, Kaitlyn almost jealous of their young, taut bodies, but she would take her jealously out
on them with a whip. “Hurry up, I don't have all day to waste on you.” The last one in the tub washed quickly, getting out and drying off as Kaitlyn handed them new clothes.

  Emily and Paris had trouble figuring out how to put them on, the dresses long and full, covering their ankles. The waist and hips were tight, clinging to their bodies. As was the bosom, a wide expanse of naked cleavage showing, the dress pushing up their breasts as if offering up to those that wanted to gaze at them. They were ashamed at how exposed their bosoms were, but said nothing, not wanting to offend Mistress. And Mistress's dress was just as daring. They were each given a light chemise to wear underneath their dress, as well as white undergarments, Paris playing with the pretty pink bows that held the sides together. They never saw boots like the ones Mistress gave them, spending over ten minutes to lace them up, going up almost to their knees. They were black, almost like riding boots that daddy wore, but these had lace and were made for girls. It took a minute for them to get used to them, the heels high, stumbling before they could finally walk.

  "You'll eat and live with the black slaves. You aren't any better. If you misbehave, I'll whip you just like them. You'll do anything we tell you. Anything. Just because you're distant relatives, don't think you're as good as we are. You're just white trash. The General took you in because he felt sorry for you. Out here he is the judge and jury. Many blacks could be found in shallow graves around the plantation for not believing that. Now eat and you'll meet the rest of the family tonight.” She left the two girls eating, more like shoveling the food in their mouths. They ate like it was their last meal or their first meal in a month, Kaitlyn not sure which.


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