When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 2

by Darrien Lee

  He smiled and asked, “Are you okay, Shorty?”

  “Freddie hurt my head,” she said as she pointed to her hair.

  “I know, but he’s sorry. Aren’t you, Fredrick?”

  Fredrick was still crying as Arnelle hurriedly cleaned up the kitchen. She had no sympathy for her crying toddler.

  Keaton picked up MaLeah and took her back over to her brother. He knelt down. “Fredrick, stop crying and give your sister a kiss so she’ll know you still love her.”

  He poked out his bottom lip and looked at his uncle. He was only one but seemed to understand.

  Keaton said again, “Kiss, Fredrick!”

  Fredrick leaned over and kissed MaLeah on the cheek.

  “Now, MaLeah, you kiss your brother,” he instructed her.

  MaLeah reluctantly kissed her brother, then quickly jumped back into Keaton’s arms. When all was finished, he sat her in her chair with her plate of pancakes in front of her. Arnelle watched him be the peacemaker with her children. She thought to herself, realizing he’d make a great father one day.

  “Why did Winston have to go in so early this morning?” Keaton inquired.

  Giving the kitchen another look, she replied, “I don’t know, but I need to hurry up and get out of here myself.”

  Keaton laughed. “Are you guys ready for tonight?”

  He was talking about the Professional African-American Awards banquet. Winston was up for Man-of-the-Year.

  Arnelle turned on the dishwasher. “As ready as we’re going to be. Winston’s so excited, but if he doesn’t get it, he’s okay. He enjoys working with those young boys over at the youth center. Since he’s taken over, the attendance has risen.”

  “Dang, Sis, those kids must really like old Winston.”

  She smiled with pride. “They love him and so do I.”

  Keaton watched his sister’s eyes brighten when she spoke of her husband. They’d had a rocky start, but neither of them could fight off the inevitable. With what they’d shared, they were destined to be together. He couldn’t imagine having that kind of love and connection with one woman for the rest of his life. Besides, marriage wasn’t for everyone.

  Looking around the kitchen once more, Arnelle said, “Okay, I’m out of here. We should be home by four so we can get ready for the banquet. Are you sure you’re going to be all right with these two rugrats tonight? Camille said she’d watch them for us.”

  Keaton frowned at his sister. “You act like I’m the babysitter from hell or something. I told you, I got it. We’ll be fine!”

  Arnelle threw up her hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I didn’t mean for you to get all bent out of shape.”

  “I’m cool. I have a lot of fun and games planned for these two.”

  MaLeah was smiling at her uncle as she sat eating her pancakes. She’d heard the words “fun” and “games” in the same sentence. When her uncle said “fun” he meant fun.

  On that statement, Arnelle grabbed her jacket and said, “Well, it seems you have everything under control so let me get out of your way.”

  Before walking out the door, she kissed Fredrick, MaLeah, and lastly Keaton.

  “See you guys later,” she said as she pulled on Keaton’s ear playfully like he was a little boy. Even though he was her younger brother, he looked older than his thirty-two years.

  “Bye, Mommie!” MaLeah loudly shouted.


  Later that evening, Keaton helped MaLeah with her bath while Arnelle and Winston dressed for the banquet. As MaLeah splashed and tossed her duck at Keaton, he sat on the toilet seat and tried to read his Sports Illustrated in peace.

  “Uncie Key!”

  Without looking up, he answered, “Yes, Shorty?”

  “Look! My ducky can fly!”

  Keaton glanced over and watched her throw the duck against the wall and giggle loudly.

  He shook his head. “Are you almost done?”


  About that time, Winston walked in looking debonair in his suit.


  Keaton eyed him up and down. “Dang, Bro, you look like you stepped off the cover of GQ.”

  “Thanks. So how did it go with Dejá last night?” Keaton smiled mischievously. Winston laughed. “Say no more. Are you sure about being the nanny tonight? I mean, you don’t have another date or something?”

  Keaton chuckled. “Get the hell out of here. I have everything under control and no, I don’t have a date. You just make sure you win tonight.”

  “Oooo! Uncie Key said a bad word!” MaLeah screamed.

  Keaton rolled his eyes while Winston laughed.

  Winston folded his arms. “You do know she watches and listens to everything you say and do?”

  “Yeah, I know. I hope I don’t leave any bad habits with her when I leave.”

  Winston looked over at his daughter. “MaLeah, you make sure you behave tonight and help take care of your brother with your uncle. Now blow me a kiss ’cause you’re not about to get me wet.”

  Keaton stood up. “Hold up, Bro. That’ll never work with her, and you know it.”

  Keaton grabbed the towel and pulled MaLeah’s naked, slippery body out of the suds. He wrapped the towel around her body, pinning her arms to her side so she couldn’t move.

  “Now, give your daddy a kiss.”

  She smiled and gave her dad a welcomed kiss.

  Afterwards, Winston yelled, “Arnelle, you’d better get in here so you can give your daughter a goodnight kiss while she’s retrained!”

  MaLeah saw this entire scene as a game. She giggled as she looked up at her daddy. “Daddy, kiss, kiss!”

  “You’re greedy, just like your momma,” he said with a smile.

  Arnelle walked in looking stunning in her ivory beaded gown. “I heard that, counselor,” she warned him. He turned to kiss Arnelle on the cheek. “Hurry up, woman, so we won’t be late.” She looked at her brother, standing there holding her daughter imprisoned in the towel.

  “What have you done to my baby?”

  Keaton laughed. “I’m attempting to keep you and Winston dry. Hurry up before she figures out this towel is a restraint and not a game.”

  Arnelle kissed her daughter. “MaLeah, we’ll be back later, so make sure you don’t drive your Uncle Keaton crazy tonight. Okay?”


  Keaton looked at his sister. “You clean up real good, Sis. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. Now make sure you call if you need us, and all the important numbers are by the telephone in the kitchen. Fredrick is sleeping right now, but he’ll probably wake up in a few hours for some milk and a diaper change.”

  Keaton dried MaLeah’s body. “Arnelle, I got this! Go! Get out of here with your Man-of-the-Year.”

  Kissing him on the cheek, she smiled. “Okay. We’re out of here.”

  MaLeah yelled, “Bye, Mommie!”


  Keaton and MaLeah had been watching TV for almost two hours. Dejá had called his cell phone three times, but he’d let his voicemail catch her calls. He’d been out with her several times, and it seemed like she was starting to get too attached to him, demanding more of his time.

  MaLeah sat next to him, sharing popcorn and Pepsi. Fredrick’s monitor had been silent for a while, so Keaton said, “Come on, Shorty. Let’s go check on your brother. He should’ve been up by now.”


  “You’re supposed to say ‘okay,’ Shorty; not just ‘K.’”

  She giggled as Keaton took her hand and led her up the stairs. When they reached the landing, he knelt down. “Now you have to be quiet so you won’t wake your brother.”

  “K! Uncie Key.”

  Hearing her say “K” again made him shake his head and laugh. It would be a while before she got it right.

  They pushed open Fredrick’s door and walked over to his bed. Keaton looked down on him and ran his hand across his back. It felt unusually warm. Frowning, he picked him up and cr
adled his head against his neck.

  “Whoa! MaLeah, your brother feels kind of warm. We’d better take his temperature.”

  Keaton moved Fredrick over to the changing table, with MaLeah following closely behind. When he laid him down, he woke up crying.

  “Hold on, little man. I’m getting ready to take care of you.”

  He removed the footie pajamas from his chubby body. Fredrick screamed louder as MaLeah looked on.

  She watched her uncle fumble with the pajamas, then yelled, “Be quiet, Freddie!!”

  Keaton softly said, “MaLeah, your brother doesn’t feel well so be nice.”


  After removing the soaked diaper from Fredrick’s bottom, he immediately released a stream of urine directly in Keaton’s face.

  “Oh shit!!”

  He tried to duck, but it was too late.

  MaLeah giggled out loud. “Ooooo! You said another bad word, Uncie Key!”

  “I know, Shorty. I’m sorry and I better not hear you say it either,” he explained as he wiped the urine from his face with a baby wipe.

  She nodded in agreement, then said, “Freddie tee-teed in your face, Uncie Key!”

  He placed a cloth diaper over Fredrick’s naked body and continued to wipe his face.

  “Yeah, he got me, Shorty. Man! I don’t see how people do this every day!”

  When he finished cleaning his face, he cautiously removed the cloth diaper and cleaned Fredrick’s body. MaLeah watched with curiosity as she handed him the powder and fresh diaper. Fredrick had calmed down a little, until Keaton put the thermometer in his ear. While waiting for the results, he rubbed his round tummy in a soothing manner.

  “Hold on, little man. I’m just taking your temperature,” Keaton said as he tried to remain calm.

  About that time a beep sounded and Keaton looked at the digital reading.

  “Damn…103 degrees! Not good, Fredrick!”

  Keaton now took on a serious tone. “MaLeah! Go get the telephone,” he instructed, trying not to panic. He hardly ever called her MaLeah so she looked at him as if he was talking to someone else.

  He raised his voice slightly this time. “Shorty! Go get the phone!”

  MaLeah sprinted out of the room and brought back the cordless phone. Fredrick continued to cry as Keaton put a fresh diaper on him. He gently put his pajamas on him and picked him up.

  “Let’s go get your brother some milk. I have to get his temperature down. Shh, Fredrick! I’m going to take care of you.”

  When they walked into the kitchen, he removed a bottle from the refrigerator.

  “MaLeah, hand me that piece of paper on the table.”


  MaLeah handed the piece of paper to him as she watched him balance Fredrick and the telephone on his shoulder. Keaton dialed Arnelle’s cell phone, but got an out-of-area message.

  “Damn it!!”

  MaLeah covered her mouth. “Oooo! You said another bad word, Uncie K!”

  “Not now, MaLeah, and stop being the bad word police. Okay?”

  She smiled. “K!”

  Keaton tried to dial the number again and once more, got the out-of-area message.

  Fredrick’s bottle was almost empty and Keaton sat there trying to figure out what to do next. He knew Craig and Venice were also at the awards banquet so he couldn’t call them for help. As Fredrick continued to suck on his bottle, it soothed him temporarily.

  “MaLeah, I can’t get your parents on the phone.”

  She patted him on the leg. “I’m sowwy, Uncie Key.”

  “I know. Oh! I can call your Ms. Camille,” he remembered.

  Keaton dialed Camille’s number, trying to stay calm. Within seconds, a female voice answered.


  “Ms. Camille. This is Arnelle’s brother, Keaton.”

  “Oh yes! How are you?”

  “Fine, but Fredrick’s not doing so well. Arnelle and Winston are out for the evening and I can’t get either of them on their cell phones.”

  Ms. Camille asked, with worry in her voice, “What’s wrong?”

  “Fredrick’s crying and has a fever of 103 degrees. He’s drinking his milk right now, but I don’t know what to do.”

  “The best thing is to get him to the hospital right away. I’m sure he’ll be fine. If I didn’t have the Bennett children, I could meet you there. Look, I’ll keep trying to get in touch with Arnelle and Winston. Call me from the hospital and let me know what’s going on. Do you have MaLeah with you?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Well, wrap her up good. It’s cool outside. I’m sure it’s nothing, but we’re better off safe than sorry.”

  Keaton stood. “Thank you. I’ll call you back later.” He hung up the phone. “Let’s go get some clothes on, Shorty. We have to take Fredrick to the doctor.”



  Keaton was getting frustrated at the nurse asking him all sorts of questions regarding Fredrick. Another nurse had taken Fredrick to an examining room and Keaton was unable to see what was going on.

  “Look, Ma’am! He’s my nephew. I can’t get in touch with his parents and I need to get back there to see what’s going on!”

  The nurse stood up. “I’m sorry, Sir, but I need this information to make sure your nephew gets the proper treatment.”

  Keaton ran his hand over his face in frustration. “I don’t know any more than I’ve already told you!” he yelled.

  MaLeah sat on the counter in front of her uncle, singing. She entertained herself by sticking her Barbie doll inside his jacket pocket. She looked over his shoulder and yelled, “Doctor MeMe!!”

  Keaton turned and was face to face with Dr. Meridan St. John. He hadn’t seen her since the day Arnelle had given birth to Fredrick, but there hadn’t been a day he hadn’t thought about her. Her natural beauty and tall athletic body had caused him to have many sleepless nights. Her skin was cocoa brown and her smile was as bright as the sun. Her hair was short and brown with blond highlights and today she wore it curly.

  Meridan walked over. “Well, hello, MaLeah. What are you doing here? This is your uncle…right?”

  Giggling, MaLeah said, “Uncie Key!”

  Meridan pretended not to remember his name. In reality, his name, face and other important attributes had been etched in her brain since she’d met him.

  “It’s Keaton, right?”

  Keaton blushed. “You remembered my name?”

  “I wasn’t sure,” she answered as she blushed. She was lying. She hugged MaLeah and asked, “What brings you guys here? MaLeah, are you sick? Where are Arnelle and Winston?”

  MaLeah yelled, “Freddie’s sick!”

  She frowned. “What’s wrong with him, Keaton?”

  Frustrated, he answered, “I don’t know. When I went to check on him, I could tell he was running a high fever. I couldn’t get in touch with Winston and Arnelle on their cell phones so his sitter told me to bring him here. Arnelle and Winston are at a banquet at one of the hotels in the city, and I don’t know the answer to all the questions this lady is asking me.”

  Meridan turned to the nurse. “Tamera, Fredrick Carter is one of my patients. Look up his records in my files. Everything you should need will be there.”

  The nurse listened attentively. “Thank you, Dr. St. John.”

  Meridan then turned to Keaton. “Don’t worry. I’ll go see what’s going on with my little patient. I’ll be right back. Tamera, when you’re done, please get Mr. Lapahie something to drink and MaLeah a snack.”

  “You got it.”

  Keaton watched as Meridan exited through the double doors leading to the examining room. She’d taken a lot of worry off him because he knew Fredrick was in good hands. Now, if he could only get in touch with Arnelle and Winston. Finding a seat in the waiting room, Keaton pulled out his cell phone and tried Arnelle’s number again. The nurse walked in with a hot cup of coffee for Keaton and a fruit roll-up for MaLeah.

  Inside the examining room Meridan assisted the emergency room doctor as he worked on Fredrick. Once Meridan informed him that Fredrick was her patient, he let her take over while he left to treat another patient. Meridan talked to Fredrick in a soothing voice while caressing his chubby cheeks. His temperature was still around 103, but at least it wasn’t climbing. Once she completed the examinations, she instructed the nurse to prepare a syringe of medicine. She gave Fredrick the shot, then immediately picked him up to comfort him.

  “Shh. I know it hurt, but this will make you feel all better. I promise.” She turned to the nurse. “Heather, go ahead and get this medicine so little Fredrick can get home to his warm bed.”

  “Okay, Dr. St. John.”

  Meridan put Fredrick’s pajamas back on him and kissed him on the forehead. She looked in his eyes. “Your Uncle Keaton did the right thing bringing you here. I’ll have to tell you how worried he was about you when you get a little older. Now, let’s go show him you’re much better. Your uncle and your sister are very concerned about you.”

  When Meridan walked out the door with Fredrick, Winston and Arnelle were coming around the corner with fearful expressions on their faces. She waved at them, smiling. “He’s okay. Calm down, guys. It’s only an ear infection.”

  Arnelle grabbed her heart and, with tears in her eyes, took Fredrick into her arms. She could see the relief in Winston’s eyes also as he seemed to slowly let out a breath. Arnelle planted kisses all over Fredrick, then said, “Thank you, Meridan.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, but the credit goes to Keaton. He’s the one who noticed Fredrick had a high fever and brought him here.”

  Winston patted Keaton on the shoulder. “Thanks, Man! You just don’t know…”

  “Yes, I do. These guys are my blood and I love them like they’re my own.” Tears were flowing down Arnelle’s cheeks as she walked over and kissed Keaton. “Thank you, little brother,” she said as she hugged him.

  MaLeah was hugging Meridan’s leg and from nowhere shouted, “Freddie tee-teed in Uncie Key’s face!”

  Keaton lowered his face in embarrassment. “Thank you for the reminder, Shorty.”

  Everyone laughed together.


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