When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 5

by Darrien Lee

  Tearing up, she said, “Don’t think I’m going to let you get away with this, Keaton!”

  “Get away with what, Dejá? You had as much fun as I did, so let’s just end it.”

  Dejá didn’t have a response for him because everything he’d said was right. But, she hadn’t expected to fall so hard for him. Now it was hard for her to accept what he was saying. She stood there staring at him and said, “You could’ve told me, Keaton, instead of avoiding me.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry about that. I did plan on talking to you about it, but I guess now is as good a time as any. Look, we enjoyed each other’s company and had a great time. I’m only in Philly visiting and there’s no reason for us to leave each other like this.”

  Dejá folded her arms and tapped her foot as she stared at him. She was gorgeous and a man would have to be a fool to walk away, but he was.

  Hurt, she said, “Goodbye, Keaton.”

  As she walked away, he softly said, “Goodbye, Dejá. Take care of yourself.”


  Meridan didn’t wake up until around eleven o’clock. She probably would’ve slept longer if her dad hadn’t called. She was happy to hear his voice and she promised she was eating right and getting plenty of rest. She couldn’t wait to see her family at the birthday party. She hoped the gathering would be without incident. It wasn’t unusual for a family member to have too much to drink and end up embarrassing the entire family. The award usually went to her father’s sister, Aunt Glo, which was short for Gloria. She’d seemed bitter with everyone since her husband had left her for a younger woman over ten years earlier, leaving her to raise their five children alone. She really didn’t raise them alone because Meridan’s father and other siblings made sure they had everything they needed. Her bitterness stemmed from the adultery. In any case, the birthday party for her father was going to be the event of the year and she’d do her best to make sure Aunt Glo didn’t ruin it.

  “Okay, Meridan, it’s time for you to start your spring cleaning,” she said, talking to herself.

  She slid into her sweats and started pulling winter clothes out of her closet.

  Hours later, she’d completely rearranged her closet and drawers. Looking at her watch, she realized it was almost four o’clock. She sat on the edge of her bed and thought about Keaton. Then she thought about her conversation with Nichole. Was she really ready to move on with her life? According to Nikki, it was past time, but it’s easier said than done. She remembered the girls in the dorm whispering as she passed them in the hallway and the stares as she walked across campus. After that horrible night, she’d thrown herself into her studies and never looked back. Anybody else would’ve transferred to another college, but she wasn’t about to let anyone run her off campus; no matter what.

  She sighed and ran her hand across her scar on her abdomen. Tears formed in her eyes momentarily before saying out loud, “Maybe Nikki’s right. Maybe it is time.”

  Smiling, she wondered what Keaton might be doing. She hoped he would call, if for nothing else, just so she could hear his voice.

  Keaton and MaLeah drove to Mrs. Camille’s house to pick up Fredrick. As expected she wouldn’t let them leave until they’d eaten dinner and he wasn’t one to turn down a home-cooked meal. After they finished, he thanked Mrs. Camille, gathered up the kids, and loaded them into the car. He was glad to help out his sister and brother-in-law. Even though he knew he wouldn’t have children of his own, he enjoyed his niece and nephew very much.

  “Uncie Key! I want some ice cream!”

  “Later, Shorty. I need to get you guys home.”

  Fredrick was drooling and babbling in the carseat.

  “Hush, Freddie!!”

  Keaton looked in the rear-view mirror and yelled, “Chill, MaLeah!”

  When she started crying, he knew she was sleepy. He’d kept her out all day without a nap. What Keaton didn’t realize was that he’d called her “MaLeah.” He only called her that when she was in trouble or something serious was going on. What MaLeah didn’t realize was that her uncle’s mind was on another woman…Meridan St. John.

  “Shhh, Shorty! I’m going to have you guys home in a sec. Then you can get your bath and go to bed. Okay?”

  MaLeah continued to sob and rub her eyes. Within minutes, both she and Fredrick were sound asleep. Keaton welcomed the peace and quiet for the final fifteen-minute drive home. He pulled into the garage and let out a sigh.

  “I don’t see how people do this every day,” he said out loud.

  He exited the vehicle and unlocked the door so he could take the children into the house at the same time. He laid both of the sleeping children across his bed, then jumped in the shower.

  Meridan looked over at the telephone for the fourth time without picking it up. The business card Keaton had given her was sitting on the nightstand.

  “Oh! What the hell!”

  She dialed the number and gnawed on her nails as she listened to it ring on the other end.


  Startled, she stuttered, “Keaton, it’s Meridan. Did I wake you?”

  “No, you didn’t. What a nice surprise. How are you?”

  She nervously paced the floor. “I’m well and you?”

  “Better, now that you’ve called. Have you caught up on your rest yet?”

  “I guess you can say that. I’ve been spring cleaning and sleeping in. I didn’t know how tired I was.”

  Keaton ran his hand across MaLeah’s dark hair and said, “You were kind of wiped out the last time I saw you. I’m glad you’re getting some rest.”

  “Thank you.”

  Silence engulfed the telephone for what seemed like an eternity. Meridan began to sweat and her heart was beating loudly.


  “I’m here,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to catch a movie tonight?”

  Smiling, she said, “That would be nice, but it’s my treat.”

  “I don’t think so. How does seven o’clock sound?”

  “It sounds like a plan to me. Shall I meet you somewhere?”

  Keaton softly answered, “I’ll pick you up, so be ready.”

  Laughing, she said, “I will and I promise not to fall asleep on you.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad, if you ask me,” he said mischievously.

  She giggled. “I’ll see you at seven. Goodbye, Keaton.”

  “Goodbye, Meridan.”

  Keaton couldn’t help but smile as he hung up the telephone.

  Meridan, on the other hand, hung up and went into a panic. It took a minute to calm herself. The last thing she wanted to do was have a panic attack. She couldn’t believe she’d called Keaton in the first place, but she still felt she owed him the date since she’d stood him up. Then again, maybe she simply wanted someone like Keaton Lapahie to hang out with. The fact was, Nikki’s comments were starting to make her think. Keaton was cute and seemed to be nice, so why not? She remembered, just like it was yesterday, the way he’d gone from nurse to nurse, holding conversations on the day they’d first met. From the way the nurses were blushing, it was obvious their conversations were on the seductive side. This was something she was beginning to feel she needed to do…no…had to do.

  Winston arrived home before Arnelle and found Keaton, MaLeah, and Fredrick all asleep. As he turned and walked out of Keaton’s room, Fredrick woke up.

  “Da Da!”

  Winston quickly picked him up and exited the room so the other two could continue their naps.

  Minutes later, Keaton walked into the family room and greeted Winston.

  “Hey, Bro.”

  Keaton sat down and leaned back in the chair. “What’s up?”

  Winston sat there playing with Fredrick and watching TV. “You act like you’re exhausted. What did you guys do today?”

  “You don’t want to know, but I can tell you that Dejá is crazy.” Laughing, Winston asked, “What did she do?”

was at the gym and she walked up behind me and threw cold water on my back. Then she started going off about me using her and that she wasn’t going to let me get away with it.”

  “You’d better stop playing with that girl.”

  Keaton grabbed the remote. “It’s over with Dejá. She seems cool with it now. By the way, I’m taking Meridan to the movies tonight.”

  Winston picked up one of Fredrick’s toys and started laughing.

  Keaton frowned. “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, nothing. Have fun.”

  “You can have your laugh right now, but you won’t be laughing when I ride your motorcycle out of the garage.”

  “You’re dreaming, Keaton. I already have this bet won, so I’m not worried.”

  Keaton looked at his watch. “When hell freezes over! Meridan’s cool people. I’m going to kick it with her until I go back to Texas.”

  “Keaton, my man, I wish you luck. I will say that Meridan has talents you might be surprised about.”

  It was at that moment that MaLeah walked into the family room, completely naked, and yelled, “Daddy’s home!”

  She walked over to him and climbed up into his lap. Startled at her appearance, he kissed her and calmly asked, “MaLeah, sweetheart, where are your clothes?”

  “I don’t know, Daddy. I like being naked,” she answered as she swung her ponytails over her shoulders.

  He picked up MaLeah, shook his head, and said, “Come with me, lil’ girl, so we can find your clothes. You’re so much like your mother. Oh! Keaton, we’re practicing for the tournament in a few weeks and there’s a possibility that Byron might have to drop out. His baby’s due around that same time but I’m working on his replacement. Are you sure you’re in shape?”

  Keaton laughed. “I’m as ready as I’m going to be. Now, I guess I’d better start getting ready. Oh yeah, we ate over at Mrs. Camille’s house, so the kids might not be hungry.”

  “Thanks, Keaton, and make sure you practice your song when you get in the shower.”

  Keaton followed them up the stairs and on the way up, he said, “Varoom! Varoom!”

  “My bike’s not going anywhere, Keaton.”

  “Winston, it’s already gone,” he teased.

  MaLeah broke up their conversation, saying, “Daddy, I have to boo boo.”

  Winston laughed and hurried his naked daughter up the stairs.


  A couple of weeks passed and Meridan and Keaton were spending more and more time together. The kisses they shared were becoming more intimate as each date ended. Keaton found himself thinking about her much more since he’d been spending quality time with her. They’d been meeting for lunch and dinner, working out at the gym together, and snuggling in front of the TV. She fit him so well—too well—and it was getting a little scary for Keaton. Something was happening, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

  On this movie date, Keaton found himself loving the way Meridan giggled. They’d chosen a comedy to watch instead of a drama. He was mesmerized as he continued to stare at her.

  Blushing, she asked, “Keaton, why are you staring at me?”

  He replied, “You’re very beautiful when you laugh.”

  “Thank you.”

  She turned and continued to watch the movie. When it was over, they walked hand in hand down the sidewalk to a coffee shop.

  Once seated, Keaton said, “I couldn’t have asked for better company tonight.”

  “I agree. Tonight has been the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Thank you for hanging out with me over the past few weeks.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” he answered as he leaned back in his chair.

  They sat together enjoying coffee and pastries. Meridan revealed more about her family; including her father’s upcoming birthday celebration. She felt herself being pulled under the spell of Keaton Lapahie. Each time he kissed her, it left her breathless. It would only be a matter of time before she wanted to explore more of him.

  As Meridan talked about her father, Keaton could see she missed him very much.

  “I’m sure your father will be happy to see you. How long will you be there?”

  She answered, “I’m taking a four-day weekend. Would you like to go?”

  Before she realized it, she’d invited him. She hadn’t known Keaton for very long, but in the short time they’d spent together, she felt like she’d known him for years. Keaton was surprised at her invitation and didn’t really know how to respond; except to smile. Usually when a woman invited a man home to meet the family, things were serious between them. Looking into her amazing eyes, he realized that it wasn’t such a bad thought.

  “Meridan, I appreciate your invitation, but I don’t know what your father would have to say about it.”

  “Relax, Keaton,” she said, laughing. “My father would love to meet you. Look, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I thought it would do you some good to get back to the South for some R & R. So do you want to go? I promise I’ll be a perfect lady.”

  Keaton took a sip of his coffee. “Does your father have any horses?”

  “He sure does,” she said as she bit into her pastry.

  He sat his cup down, smiled, and said, “In that case, count me in.”

  Meridan clapped and said, “This is going to be fun!”

  “When do we leave?”

  She sipped her coffee and said, “We leave next weekend and Keaton…thank you for going with me. I’ll take care of all the arrangements.”

  He waved her off. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pay for my own ticket. Okay?”

  “You’re my guest, so I’m paying,” she strongly objected. “I insist.”

  “Forget it, Doc. I’m looking forward to breathing some fresh, country air. You’re not buying my ticket, Meridan, and that’s final.”

  She stared at him in amazement. He was so adorable.

  “Fine, Keaton, but we’re staying at Daddy’s so there’s no need for a hotel. Besides, the closest hotel is forty miles away.”

  He smiled. “I can live with that, as long as you don’t try to sneak into my room.”

  “You’re so bad. I’ll behave. Now, are you ready to go?”

  Standing, he said, “After you, Miss St. John.”


  Several days later the guys met at the gym to practice for the basketball tournament. Everyone was there, except Winston and Byron. Keaton, Craig and Malik and a couple of other guys played around while they were waiting on the other two to arrive.

  Keaton threw up a three-pointer and said, “I can’t believe Winston lectured me about not being late and he’s the one late.”

  The guys laughed at his comment. About that time, his cell phone rang.

  He ran over to the bleachers and answered, “Hello?”

  “Keaton, it’s Winston. Byron’s wife went into labor so he’s out. We’re one person short, but I’m bringing someone to take his place.”

  Keaton shook his head and relayed the information back to the other teammates. Putting the telephone back up to his ear, he asked, “Who’s the replacement?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m bringing someone with a lot of experience.” He laughed mischievously.

  “Whatever, Winston! Just hurry up!”

  While Keaton and the guys continued to mess around on the basketball court, Winston walked in moments later with none other than Meridan St. John.

  Keaton turned around and openly mumbled, “What the hell?”

  Malik threw up a three-point shot and whispered, “Who’s the babe?”

  Craig laughed. “That’s Dr. Meridan St. John, former All-American point guard for the University of Tennessee.”

  Keaton’s head spun around again in shock.


  He stared as Winston and Meridan slowly approached. The guys could see Winston grinning as they got closer and it was obvious Meridan was nervous.

  He sat his gym bag down and said, “F
or those of you who don’t already know, this is Dr. Meridan St. John. She’s going to play in Byron’s place until we get his replacement. I don’t have to tell you guys that Meridan’s credentials speak for themselves since she’s played on a National Championship Team. So, if there’s nothing else, let me introduce everyone. Meridan, this is Malik. You already know Craig and Keaton. Over there are Jonathan and Quinton.”

  Meridan nodded toward them. “Nice to meet everyone.”

  Keaton stood there in shock. Meridan was an All-American. He finally snapped back to reality and walked over to her.

  He dribbled the ball and said, “Nice shorts, Doc.”

  “Thank you, Keaton,” she responded shyly. “Look, I know this is a shock to you. I hardly ever mention my days on the basketball court to people. I guess I look at that as my past life or something. When Winston called me, I told him this might not be a good idea. If this is going to be a problem for you, just say the word and I’ll back off.”

  He stopped dribbling the ball and took her hand into his. “No, it’s okay. I’m just surprised, that’s all. I am a little anxious to see if you got game.”

  She playfully punched him in the arm. “You just try to keep up.”

  At that time, Winston called all of them together to go over their strategy. Keaton couldn’t take his eyes off Meridan as she stretched; neither could Malik. He frowned and couldn’t wait to tell Winston to call his boy off or he would, and he wouldn’t be nice about it. When they got into their positions, he heard Malik tell Craig, “Man, that is one fine woman.”

  Craig looked over at Meridan. She was sporting a beautiful red short set that enhanced her athletic legs. Before starting, she pulled her hair into a neat ponytail and laced up her shoes. Keaton overheard Malik and Craig talking.

  Malik whispered, “Is she seeing anyone?”

  Keaton walked over to them and angrily said, “Yes…me, so back off!”

  Malik threw his hands up in the air.

  “Sorry, man, I didn’t know.”


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