When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 12

by Darrien Lee

  She shook her head. “It’s just this scar.”

  He turned her around to face him. He tilted her chin so he could make eye contact with her.

  “I love every inch of your body, Meridan, and that scar won’t make a difference.”

  He reached down to caress the scar, causing her to flinch. He looked down into her eyes and saw sadness. With concern, he asked, “How did you get it?”

  She looked away. “I’m not ready to talk about that; especially not tonight.”

  He saw fear and more sadness in her eyes. He removed his hand. “It must’ve been terrible.”

  “It was, and that’s all I’m going to say about it tonight,” she said with persistence.

  “That scar’s not important, Meridan.” He pointed to her heart and said, “What’s important is what you have in there. This is the last time I ever want you to try and hide your body from me. From where I’m standing, you’re flawless. You’re built like an athlete and I’ve had some very erotic dreams about your body. Now, do I make myself clear, Miss St. John?”

  “I hear you, Keaton, but something tells me you like your women a lot slimmer.”

  “What I like is everything I see in you.”

  Meridan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. An eligible, handsome bachelor like Keaton Lapahie wanted to be with a country tomboy like her. She still didn’t see herself as desirable and the ugly scar didn’t help matters. Being friends with Jacob all her life was safe. She never had to care about what another man thought about her. She had never been in a serious relationship with anyone since Jacob. In college, most men saw her as a conquest they would never get the opportunity to conquer. Since she had met Keaton, she had started wondering why he wanted to date her.

  “What exactly do you see in me, Keaton?”

  Kissing her tenderly, he said, “I see an attractive woman with a beautiful soul who is full of love and desire. I see a woman who is sexy, independent, as well as loving and caring. I see a woman who has done something I vowed would never happen.”

  Shyly, she asked, “And what is that?”

  He came closer and whispered, “Cause me to fall in love.”


  “Really. Now, why didn’t you tell me you’d never done this before?”

  “Would you have gone through with it?”

  “Probably not,” he answered, fingering her braids.

  Looking away, she said, “Now you know why I didn’t tell you.”

  He scanned her lovely face. “I have to admit, I’m a little shocked.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  He let the water run over his face, then said, “It’s just that I don’t meet many virgins these days.”

  She looked away in embarrassment. “It never was that important to me.”

  Keaton picked up the sponge and put some soap on it. “Weren’t you a little curious?”

  She looked up at him. “A little bit, but not to the point of actually doing it. I guess you’ve had your share, huh?”

  Keaton smiled as he made a soapy trail on her shoulders. He softly responded, “I’ve spent time with a few ladies.”

  “I must’ve seemed so clumsy to you?”

  He continued to sud up her body. Pulling her against his body, he said, “No. You were fine. What I want to know is if you really meant what you said to me, or was it just the heat of the moment?”

  Embarrassed, she lowered her chin and bit down on her lower lip. “I meant it. I’ve been in love with you for some time now, Keaton. I never planned on telling you because I knew you were only in Philly for a short time.”

  “Well, it’s too late now. It’s been confirmed by both of us. Now, what do we do about it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He continued to make slow, circular movements with the sponge that caused her skin to tingle. She poured some gel into her hands and rubbed it onto his chest in silence. He stopped bathing her and hugged her. The hot water pounded their bodies as he lowered his head, claiming her lips. The bathroom was full of steam and her knees became weak as his tongue darted inside her mouth, then he went even lower. Meridan did her best to remain standing as Keaton tasted the very essence of her. There was a moment she thought about Sam, but the love she had for Keaton erased that awful memory as quickly as it came. Her body began to spasm as Keaton’s tongue took her to the ultimate level of pleasure. She nearly collapsed in the shower when the sensations overtook her. Keaton was able to maneuver her, just where he needed to get the best reaction. He stood and they both moaned as their hands and lips caressed each other’s body. Keaton’s body was now in full effect.


  She was delirious and hot. “Yes?”

  “Out… Now!”

  Keaton turned off the water and grabbed a towel. He dried their bodies off the best he could, before they fell back onto the tangled sheets on the bed. He hurriedly applied another condom before entering her body once more. She screamed and moaned as he tried to get his fill of her.

  “Keaton. What are you doing to me?”

  When he saw she was near completion, he moved vigorously inside her moist body. This time, he wouldn’t hold back. This time, he had to show her he loved her just as much as she loved him.


  Breathlessly, she answered, “Yes?”

  “Just how limber are you?”

  “Oh… My… God!”

  He covered her breasts with his hands. The rest was a blur after he placed her legs over his shoulders.

  Moments later, he switched positions so they were lying on their sides, facing each other. He ran his hand through her braids and down her back. She snuggled closer to him, kissing his chest. His breathing was rapid and his heart was beating wildly. Keaton held her close to him and whispered, “I love you, Meridan.”

  Closing her eyes, she answered, “I love you, too, Keaton.”

  Moments later, they both slipped into a deep, satisfied slumber.


  The next morning, Keaton and Meridan made breakfast together. Dressed in his T-shirt, she put the bacon on a paper towel to drain. She blushed as she reminisced about the things they had done the night before. She looked over at Keaton, who was dressed in shorts and a tank top. He was gorgeous. He noticed her staring.

  “What you thinking about, Meridan?”

  Blushing, she answered, “Nothing.”

  “I don’t believe you. The look on your face tells me you’re thinking about something very specific.”

  Laughing, she said, “Okay, okay! I’m busted.”

  He stalked over to her and put a buttery croissant up to her lips. She took a bite. “Hmm, yummy!”

  “The croissant, or what you were thinking about?”

  “Both,” she admitted.

  “So you’re not going to tell me?”

  She smiled. “You have to know everything, don’t you?”

  “Only when it involves us and some heavy breathing.”

  Meridan laughed out loud and threw a dishtowel at him. He grabbed it and chased her around the kitchen table. He wanted her to think he was going to pop her with the towel.

  “Don’t you dare, Keaton Lapahie!”

  “You’re not the boss of me, Meridan St. John!”

  He grabbed the back of the T-shirt just as she tried to run out of the kitchen. Laughing and screaming, she said, “Okay, I give up!”

  He held her close, cupping her hips.

  “I wouldn’t dare pop you back there, Meridan. My baby definitely has junk in her trunk, and I love the way it feels in my hands.”

  Blushing, she said, “Keaton, you know I’m self-conscious about my hips.”

  “I don’t know why. Any man who’s ever been around you, myself included, goes into a trance when you enter the room. I wanted to bust Malik in the mouth at basketball practice because he was looking at you just a little too hard.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Never mind. Now let�
��s eat. Oh, don’t forget we have practice this evening, so you need to save your strength.”

  “Okay. You can turn my hips loose now.”

  “Do I have to?”

  Kissing him, she said, “You’re so bad.”

  The telephone rang so he reluctantly released his grip on her. Meridan smiled as she picked up the telephone. “Hello?”

  Silence met her on the other end of the line. She frowned and said hello again. Still, there was silence on the line. Keaton looked over at her curiously as he poured another cup of coffee.

  “Hello? Is anybody there?” she asked again.

  A baritone voice asked, “Have you missed me?”

  She immediately dropped the telephone in shock. It had been years since she had heard that voice, and it was at that moment that reality set in. Sam was out of jail.

  Keaton ran over and grabbed the telephone. “What is it?”

  Meridan stood there, trembling in fear.

  Keaton put the phone up to his ear and frantically asked, “Hello?”

  All he got was a dial tone.

  Meridan’s tears started flowing from her eyes and she ran from the room. Keaton quickly ran after her and found her in the bathroom throwing up her breakfast.

  Minutes later, Meridan assured Keaton she was much better and found the strength to get dressed for work. Keaton returned to the kitchen to clean up. When she came back downstairs he was putting the last cup in the cabinet.

  Turning to her, he said, “You look nice, Doc. Are you sure you’re feeling better?”

  “Not really.” She sighed as she sat down to put on her athletic shoes.

  “Maybe you should stay home,” he suggested as he hung the dishtowel on the rack.

  Meridan put her hands over her eyes and said, “I can’t miss work today. I’ll be okay in a little while.”

  Keaton sat down in a chair across from her and pulled her foot into his lap so he could lace her shoes for her. As he laced them, he asked, “Who was that on the telephone?”

  Without making eye contact, she answered, “Someone from my past.”

  He looked at her, noticed the tears, and frowned. “Do you mind telling me who it was and what was said?”

  She wiped the trail of tears off her cheek and shook her head. “It was awful, Keaton. I’ve never had anyone make me feel the way—”

  She stopped mid-sentence and stood.

  He took her hands into his and made her look at him. “What happened to you? Does it have anything to do with that scar?” She nodded. “Is the person who hurt you the one who called?” Meridan nodded again in silence. “Tell me who it is and I’ll make sure they never hurt you again. It’s obvious this thing is messing with you physically and emotionally. Let me help you, Meridan,” he pleaded.

  Meridan kissed him on the cheek. “Look, Keaton, I know you want to help me and I appreciate your concern. It was something that happened a long time ago, and I just want to forget about it. There’s no need for you to get involved. I can handle it.”

  He caressed her hand, then said, “It didn’t seem like you were handling it a few minutes ago. You were scared.”

  “I know,” she said solemnly. “I’m okay now and I just want to forget about it.”

  He ran his hand over his head in frustration. “Whoever this is hasn’t forgotten about it. Maybe you should call the police,” he urged her.

  “I don’t know, Keaton,” she said reluctantly.

  “That was true fear on your face, Meridan. I’ll go with you if you want me to.”

  She forced a smile. “There’s nothing they can do. It was only a telephone call.”

  “You’re not hiding anything else from me, are you?” he asked with a raised brow.

  She kissed him on the cheek again. “No. Now it’s time for me to get to work. I’ll be okay, so don’t worry.”

  He looked at his watch. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I’m going to be worrying about you all day. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

  “Don’t do this to yourself, Keaton. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll call you every hour on the hour.”

  “If you say so. Hold on a sec while I run upstairs and get my things.”

  He hurried past her, kissing her on the lips. In her bedroom, he jumped in his sweats and grabbed his bag. They had taken a shower together earlier in the morning so that was taken care of. He looked around the room and smiled before meeting back up with her in the kitchen.

  “Ready, babe?”

  Meridan slowly walked over to him and put her arms around his neck. He hugged her waist and looked into her eyes. It was at that moment that she kissed him deeply. She wanted him to know the depth of her affection. No words were spoken, because everything that needed to be said was spoken with their eyes. They finally released each other, picked up their bags and headed out the door. He put Meridan’s gym bag in her trunk, then came around to her window.

  “I guess I’ll see you this evening?”

  “Save your strength, Keaton, because I plan on working you very hard,” she said suggestively.

  With a devilish grin, he asked, “Are you talking about on the basketball court or in the bedroom?”

  Raising the garage door, she blushed. “At the gym, silly. Goodbye and drive carefully.”

  “Meridan… Kiss.”

  He stuck his head in her window and gave her one last kiss. They both backed out of the garage and headed in two different directions. Inside the house, Meridan’s telephone rang. When the answering machine picked up, a familiar voice sounded.

  “Hey, Meridan, it’s Jacob. I was just making sure you made it back safely. Give me a call when you get a chance. I wanted to see if you could fly down next weekend and go to this dinner with me. We don’t get to hang out anymore and I thought next weekend would be a good time for us to get together. It was good seeing you this past weekend. I’ve really missed you and I want us to have a chance to talk some more. You have all my numbers. I’ll wait to hear back from you. I love you. Later.”


  Keaton made it back to his sister’s house in little to no time. He walked through the door and was met by Winston and MaLeah in the hallway.

  Winston shoved his hand into his pockets and said, “Weeeell! Look who decided to finally come home!”

  MaLeah, dressed in her lavender Bratz outfit, saw her uncle and danced and yelled, “Uncie Key!”

  Keaton dropped his bag and picked her up into his arms. He kissed her and asked, “Have you been a good girl, Shorty?”

  Winston interrupted by asking, “My question is, was Uncle Keaton a good boy while he was away?”

  Frowning, Keaton said, “Don’t start, Winston. Where’s Arnelle?”

  “She just left. So, did you have a good time with the good doctor in Mississippi?”

  Keaton sat MaLeah down. “Yeah, I had a good time. She has a very nice family.”

  Winston stared at Keaton, but he wouldn’t make eye contact with him. Instead, he continued to play with MaLeah’s ponytails.

  Leaning against the wall, Winston asked, “So, when did you guys get back?”

  Before he realized what Winston was doing, he answered, “Last night.”

  As soon as he said it, it dawned on him that Winston had tricked him. The last thing he wanted to do was open the door for Winston Carter III, attorney-at-law, to put him on the witness stand.

  He folded his arms. “Last night, huh?”

  Finally making eye contact, Keaton frowned. “Yeah, last night.”

  Keaton took MaLeah by the hand and led her into the family room. He sat down and clicked on the TV. MaLeah crawled up into his lap and started watching TV with him. Winston followed them into the room and sat down in the chair. He continued to study Keaton’s mood as he watched his daughter feed him her animal crackers.

  Without looking away from the TV, Keaton asked, “Are you going into the office today?”

  Still studying him, Winston answered, “Nah, I�
��m going to work from home since I don’t have any court cases today.”

  Looking around, Keaton asked, “Where’s Fredrick?”

  “He’s upstairs asleep,” Winston answered, still staring at him. Without warning, he leaned forward and whispered, “You hit it, didn’t you, Keaton?”

  Keaton laughed out loud and nervously replied, “What did you just ask me?”

  MaLeah turned to her daddy. “Who did Uncie Key hit, Daddy?”

  Waving her off, he said, “MaLeah, go play. I’m talking to your uncle.”

  She turned to Keaton and asked, “Did you hit somebody, Uncie Key?” He laughed, kissed her, and said, “No, Shorty, I didn’t hit anyone. Your daddy’s being silly.” He looked over at Winston. “I can’t believe you sometimes, Winston.”

  Ignoring Keaton’s obvious disgust, he smiled and asked, “Well, did you?”

  Perturbed with Winston’s continued prying, Keaton answered, “That’s none of your business, Bro. You take things too far sometimes.”

  Winston leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. With a sarcastic grin he said, “Sorry, Bro, but when did you start getting so sensitive about me asking you about your sexual conquests? It’s never been a problem with any of the others,” Winston reminded him.

  Keaton stood up. “It doesn’t matter. I’m tired and I’m not up for your games today.”

  Winston smiled, knowing he had struck a nerve with his dear brother-in-law. “Look, Keaton, I’m not trying to get under your skin. I’m not asking you anything I don’t normally ask you after your dates.”

  Keaton walked toward the hallway. “Whatever, Winston. Look, I’ll holler at you later. I’m going upstairs to unpack. Are we still practicing this evening?”

  Winston took a sip of his coffee and said, “Five o’clock straight up.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a little bit. I’m going to lie down for a minute.”

  MaLeah stood up, looking from her daddy over to her uncle. She didn’t know which one she wanted to hang with. She hadn’t seen Keaton in a few days and sort of wanted to hang with him. But it was her daddy who had just bought her the new Barbie Doll townhouse with accessories and was going to be home all day.


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