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ESAN Page 2

by KD Jones

  “Computer, light the room with candlelight.” As soon as she finished speaking, the room dimmed with flickering light shining against the walls. The ambiance imitated candles lit around the room, giving it a romantic glow. “Keep this lighting setting until told otherwise.”

  She began walking around the room, inspecting it. A cart in the corner of the room was keeping fruit and cheese and a bottle of champagne chilled. She moved the pillows around on the bed and pulled the covers down a little. Walking over to the wall panel, she looked through the three-dimensional background murals and picked one showing a jungle. The murals came with sound, and she chose a soft lilting of birds. Done. All she needed to do now was check the bathroom for bubble bath then she could — she gasped as someone grabbed her from behind.

  “Who are you?” a deep male voice asked, squeezing her bare arms a little tightly.

  “Nina Sinclair. Who the hell are you?” She tried to turn around and get a look at the man holding her but she couldn’t see him because he pulled her even more tightly against his chest, then wrapped a large muscular arm around her waist. She was held so rigidly she wasn’t able to get much air in.

  “Be ssstill and anssswer my quessstionsss. Why are you here, Nina Sssinclair?”

  “I — can’t — breathe.”

  “Anssswer me!”

  “I’m ... coordinator. My job…”

  He eased up his hold, allowing her to breathe. “You’re what?”

  “The event coordinator, Nina Sinclair.”

  Finally, he released her and she turned to yell at him only to be struck silent for a moment. It wasn’t a perpetrator but Sersan’s older brother. “What in the hell are you doing attacking me like that?”

  Esan crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly. “Why were you sssneaking around in a poorly lit room?”

  “I came up to make sure the honeymoon suite was ready for Sersan and Ronin. Why the hell are you here?”

  “I wasss leaving a traditional Reptan mating ceremonial gift.”

  “There are several tables in the ballroom where the gifts for the couple are to be left.”

  “Thisss isss ssspecial.”

  She crossed her own arms over her chest, lifting her ample bosom. “What is it?”

  Esan ignored her question and picked up a box that was the size of a shoe box and placed it on the end of the bed. “Thisss isss for Sssersssan and isss none of your busssinesss.”

  Her phone vibrated, letting her know she had a message. She glanced down and frowned. “We need to leave. Sersan and Ronin have left the ballroom early.”

  “After you,” Esan motioned for her to go ahead of him toward the door.

  Nina opened it and started to walk out into the hallway but froze. Esan had closed the door and ended up bumping into her. “What’sss going on?”

  “Shhh! I think they’re getting off the elevator. We need to hide.” Nina grabbed his arm and started to pull him down the hall to an alcove.

  “I don’t sssee the need to hide,” Esan stated.

  “Shhh..” Nina placed her hand over his mouth. She leaned close to his ear to whisper, “If I saw my brother standing outside my honeymoon suite, it would totally kill the mood.”

  “Really?” Esan looked way to pleased about the idea of interrupting the honeymoon. She would not let that happen. She had to distract him and do it quickly, because she heard Sersan giggling as they approached their suite.

  Just as Esan began to move away as if he were going to step out into the hallway, Nina reached for the lapels of his suit and pulled him down to her and kissed him. She expected it to shock him and that he would push her away. What she didn’t expect was that he would kiss her back.


  Esan was surprised at the boldness of the curvy female, but also pleased. He claimed her plump lips in a deeper kiss, coaxing her to open up to him. As she did, he entered her and dueled with her tongue until she gave in to him. She moaned sweetly against his lips. The spark that lit up the moment she touched him suddenly turned into bright flames. Those flames traveled down his spine and settled in his cock, which was hard and ready for business. Never before had a kiss done this to him, making him lose control. At least he wasn’t the only one affected.

  When he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up his body, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He liked the feel of her against him; the taste of her was addictive. He nearly growled with desire when she grabbed his hair with her hands. He could feel her nipples through their clothing, and her breasts felt heavy. He loved how she was so ... substantial. He normally went for tall or very muscular females. Nina was sweet and soft and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth he stroked in and out, taking her mouth as he wanted to take her body. His forked tongue split and he double his strokes. She was the one that made a growling sound when he lifted her up by her lovely plump backside. Forgotten was the fact that they were but a few feet away from his sister’s honeymoon suite or that they were in a hallway where anyone could walk by and see them. He wanted her so badly that his hands trembled as he explored her figure. She didn’t seemed bother by the difference with his tongue or feared the way he pressed her back agains they wall so that he could have better access to her. She wanted him as much as he wanted her in that moment and he knew that she would not have put up any resistance if he had his way with her right then and there. As hot as that would be, he didn’t want to put on a show for everyone else. Reluctantly, he lowered her to her feet and held on long enough to steady her. She was swaying a bit. He felt a little light headed himself which was a first for him.

  “I think the…coassst isss clear. Thank you for your ssservicesss rendered.” He chose to walk away before he gave in to his instincts and took her back into his arms. That female, a small curvy human, was unsettling. Nina had gotten him to almost completely lose his self-control and that was unacceptable.


  What the hell just happened? Nina asked herself as she watched the infuriating but sexy male walk away. What an ass … he has the most amazing one ever. Shit! Get it together, Sinclair. He’s not the first man you’ve ever kissed. He wasn’t, but there was something about Esan’s brooding manner that made her want to ruffle his feathers. That kiss of his, his tongue splitting had her panties wet. This was no good. She didn’t know the guy, didn’t even think the guy liked her. At least she wouldn’t have to face him again after tonight.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning

  Nina woke up feeling more tired than ever and horny as hell. The kiss between her and Esan the night before was both surprising and unsettling. Granted, she was the one who had initiated it but that had only been to keep him from exposing their location. Still, the way she responded to him was unacceptable. She should have stopped him, opened her mouth, and told him no instead of letting him stick his tongue in her mouth. Her traitorous body refused to even push him away. Nope, instead she had moaned and ground her body against his. She didn’t want to stop him. Thank God he managed to end things when he did or she would have ripped open his shirt and rubbed against him like a cat. Man, she really needed to get a boyfriend.

  Her phone rang and she reached over recognizing the name on the caller ID. Frowning she answered on the third ring. “Sersan, is everything all right?”

  “Yesss, you did a great job with the ceremony, reception and honeymoon sssuite. We will be leaving for our honeymoon in about an hour. I wanted to asssk a favor of you before we leave.”

  “Of course, anything.” Nina leaned over to grab her digital planner ready to take notes.

  “Last night, Esssan told me he that it wasss time for him to fulfill hisss duty to the Reptan nation.”

  Nina frowned. “What duty? Is he going into the military?”

  “No, it’sss not that kind of duty. Reptan citizensss are expected to reproduce after they turn twenty. Both Esssan and I left Reptan yearsss ago ssso that neither of usss
would have to abide by their ssstupid expectationsss.”

  “Okay, what does this have to do with the favor you want of me?”

  “Esssan isss going to fulfill hisss duty which meansss, he’sss going to mate with sssomeone from Reptan. Going back to Reptan isss not good for Esssan, there’sss bad blood there between him and our fossster father. He needsss to be sssurrounded by hisss friendsss and family. Unfortunately I won’t be able to be there to help him with hisss choice in mate. I would like for you to hold a gathering for him on the GCFA ship.”

  “A gathering?”

  “Yesss, it’sss kind of like a meet and greet where familiesss on Reptan would invite femalesss that they felt would be a good match for their sssonsss. If a female at the gathering getsss along with the male their union is planned by the parentsss or eldersss.”

  “This sounds really outdated.”

  Sersan snorted. “Tell me about it. Growing up there it wasss what I wasss taught to expect. Only, I wasss never invited to a gathering becaussse asss a halfsssie female Reptan, I wasss consssidered poor ssstock.”

  “Those assholes! Why would Esan even consider having this chauvinistic gathering thingy?”

  “A male isss consssidered more valuable on Reptan, even a halfsssie male. When he takesss a Reptan female asss a mate and producesss children, he will have pressstige and power. My fossster father will welcome him back and offer a share in the family busssinesss.”

  “Sounds like a good deal for Esan. He won’t have to continue fighting in the GCFA.”

  “Esssan and I invesssted well over the yearsss, and neither of usss hasss to fight. We like our career. Unfortunately, my fossster father never approved. He turned hisss back on usss the moment we left Reptan, but recently he hasss been trying to reconnect with Esssan.”

  “Why? If he cut you guys out, why would he want to pull you back in?”

  “Not me — Esssan. My fossster father, Shrake, never had any other children ssso he wantsss Esssan back to help him run hisss exporting busssinesss. Esssan would hate to be sssitting at a desssk all day. It would kill hisss ssspirit.”

  Nina couldn’t see Esan sitting behind a desk in a suit either. He had barely tolerated the tuxedo he wore to the wedding. He did look amazing in it though. Her thoughts strayed temporarily. Sersan had to repeat her question.

  “Will you help me, Nina?”

  Well, she had to plan two other weddings on board the GCFA. What would it hurt to plan this gathering event on top of that? “What’s my timeline for this thing?”

  “You’ll do it?”


  “Oh that’sss fabulousss. Thank you ssso much! Esssan wanted to leave for Reptan in two two weeksss. Plan the gathering two weeksss from today to give the invited femalesss time to travel to the GCFA ship.”

  Two weeks? That wasn’t a lot of time to plan a baby shower. She would have to call on Amelia to help her find someone who could lend a hand. “Send me the details of what I need to have for this gathering. Also, you have to tell Esan that you asked me to do this. From what little I know about him, he’s not going to like having a stranger take over planning his future for him.”

  “You’re right. He will probably fight you on thingsss. If he becomesss too hard to deal with, tell him that I will come back from my honeymoon early and do it all myssself.”

  “He loves you and wouldn’t want that.”

  “I know,” Sersan said with cockiness.

  “Sersan, you are devious. I knew I liked you.”

  She laughed. “I like you too, Nina. I will email you with the information on the gathering. Money isss no problem. I will have Nigel and Amelia approve everything. You won’t have to go to Esssan about anything.”

  “I’ll text you to let you know how things are going.”

  “I really appreciate it. I owe you big time for thisss.”

  “Enjoy your honeymoon.” Nina hung up the phone and pulled up her search app. She typed in Reptan Gatherings. Images popped up on different styles and locations.

  Some preferred indoor events; others had outside gatherings close to water. They would have limited venues here on board a large space cruiser. The female Reptans looked similar to Sersan, except that they appeared to be a little taller, thinner and more muscular. Their scales were more prominent, and they had short hair that accentuated their exotic looks. She could see how any man would consider them beautiful. Esan would be picking a female like one of these she saw on her screen. That thought bothered her a little bit and she didn’t know why. She had just met him. They weren’t even the same species, not really.

  She stood up and went to take a shower. First thing she needed to do was to go see Nigel and Amelia. She had to coordinate her and Esan’s schedules. She still had two weddings coming up in the next two weeks that she had to plan and execute. Now this gathering thing had been added to her workload. Most event coordinators had a full staff but because of the GCFA ship, she brought just a few of her trusted employees to help out. She would need to find additional helpers to handle these three events. Nigel could help her locate those needed helpers.

  She pulled the nightshirt off of her and tossed it to the side. As she stepped into the shower, the water turned on automatically. After quickly adjusting the temperature, she reached for the soap dispenser. She closed her eyes and remembered that incredible kiss. It hadn’t lasted that long but it had felt … almost life changing. If only the water could wash away her memory of that kiss.


  Esan had gotten up early to have a quick workout before going to the lobby to say goodbye to Sersan as she left to go on her honeymoon. He didn’t understand why they didn’t just remain on board. Hell, they moved in together before the ceremony. What was so important about going somewhere else and wasting money.

  He quickly finished his workout, showered, and changed into his jeans and T-shirt. His hair was flat and he would have spiked it up but didn’t want to miss seeing his sister off. He smoothed it back out of his face and left the gym.

  Once he got off the lift he was relieved to see his sister was still there saying goodbye to some of their fellow GCFA fighters. The females were tearing up while the males stood back, looking uncomfortable. He stopped a few feet away to watch his sister.

  Sersan had tears in her eyes but she was beaming with happiness. Glancing over at his sister’s mate Ronin, the love the male had on his face was evident. He may have had his reservations at first, but seeing how the other male cared for Sersan and how happy his sister was he would accept the male into their small family. Sersan had picked well. At that moment she looked Esan’s way and ran the distance between them to jump into his arms. He caught her easily.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked, looking at the tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m not usssed to usss being apart.”

  He gently wiped the dampness with his two big thumbs. “You’ll be back sssoon and I’ll be here.”

  She pulled back, took his arm, and walked with him toward Ronin. “I know you plan to have a gathering.”

  “I already asssked the Reptan eldersss for approval. They are sssending me a lissst of eligible femalesss. When I go, I will ssset up the plansss for the location.”

  “Have it here.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “You’re finishing up a circuit. Why cater to the Reptan council? Have the femalesss come here. They should sssee what kind of lifessstyle they are sssigning up for anyway.”

  “I don’t know…” He preferred to keep his personal life separate from his professional one.

  “Have the femalesss provide you videosss of themssselvesss for you to choossse from. Only send for thossse you are truly interesssted in to come. You can keep your normal routine while pursssuing thisss at your leisure.”

  It made sense to him to have it here. He was more at ease on board the GCFA ship and this would be part of his mate’s life, so she would need to get used to the environment. There was no wa
y he would move back to Reptan, though the elders expected that of him. His life was here now. Plus, he wouldn’t have to deal with seeing his foster father. That male inspired nothing but anger and hatred in him.

  “I’ll talk to Nigel about it.”

  “Already done. Nina Sssinclair isss going to arrange everything for you. All you have to do isss pick a female that I can call sssissster.”

  “I will. Wait, what did you sssay?” Esan was confused and a little outraged.

  “Sersan, it’s time for us to depart.” Ronin called her name.

  Esan looked at Ronin not sure how he felt about the male other than respect. The male that loved his sister just as much if not more than Esan did. “Take care of her.”

  Ronin nodded as he responded, “With my life.”

  He turned to his sister. “I’m not sure what I’ll do with you gone.”

  She had tears in her eyes. “I’ll be back before you know it. I love you.”

  “I love you too little sssissster.”

  Sersan hugged him then moved to her mate’s side and they quickly departed.

  Esan stood there and realized that his sister had blindsided him with this Nina Sinclair thing. He didn’t need her or anyone else to help him find an appropriate mate. Well, he would just have to tell Miss Sinclair that her services were no longer needed.

  Chapter 4

  Nina walked down the corridor toward Nigel and Amelia’s offices. Nigel was one of the assistant directors for the GCFA and Amelia was his assistant and wife. They traveled on the GCFA ship with the fighters during the GCF circuit. Many fighters and staff lived on the GCFA ship full time. Others retained living quarters but only lived on the ship during the circuit seasons.

  Jobs with the GCFA were highly coveted. When Nina saw a position available for a new event coordinator, she had jumped for the chance. If she proved herself, then she would eventually handle corporate events as well, and that was where the big money was.


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