The Heart

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The Heart Page 3

by Iris Bolling

  During that time Ryan was assigned to a case involving Cynthia Thornton. That’s when Ryan met Samuel Lassiter, who was working for Thompson Security Agency, which handled personal security to now Governor Harrison. Lassiter liked the way she handled herself and recommended her for the position she held now- personal security to Tracy Washington-Harrison, wife of JD and sister to the man she was staring down at the moment, Al Day.

  As soon as she walked onto the stage behind Tracy, she scanned the area for any possible threats. Like always, her eyes found and settled on Al. Her shades protected her from detection, as she watched the brother who literally took her breath away.

  Al Day towered at six foot-one, boasting a solid one hundred ninety-five pounds of pure unadulterated man. Today, he was dressed in an Armani suit, royal blue, crisp white shirt, with a red, white and blue stripe tie. What set the ensemble off was his crowning glory of locs that fell to his shoulders. How she would love to run her fingers through them, just once. Ryan watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his shades. She held her smile, for she knew he was doing the exact same thing she was doing—checking her out undercover. She felt the familiar tingle the moment his eyes were on her.

  “I love this cat and mouse game you two play,” her partner, Magna Rivera stated as she scanned the lawn.

  As much as she liked her partner, Ryan was at a point where she simply wanted to get Magna in a room and knock her the hell out. The only thing stopping her was the fact that Magna was a martial arts specialist who would probably kick her butt then ask whose next. “Keep your eyes on the children, not me.”

  “We are in the safest place in America today.”

  “If it was that safe we wouldn’t be here.”

  “Touchy—touchy, aren’t we. That’s what five years of celibacy will get you.”

  Ryan turned, lowered her shades and glared at the woman standing next to her. “Do I look amused to you?”

  “You look horny to me and I wish you would man up and do something about it.”

  Ryan pushed the shades back up then returned to scanning the lawn. “I wish you would mind your business and leave mine the hell alone.”

  Magna sucked her teeth, “You are my friend, which makes you my business.”

  “I’m good watching from afar.”

  “You’re chicken, that’s what you are. Keep sitting back—watching. Some other woman is going step in and take your man.” She hunched her shoulders. “Hell, I may give the brother a try myself. From what I understand he doesn’t discriminate. A little Spanish fly might do him some good.” Ryan turned to her partner with eyes blazing. Magna threw her hands up. “Hey, I was just joking. Stop shooting lasers at me through those shades.”

  Tracy turned to them with a look that meant she could hear the conversation. Ryan straightened up resuming her position. If she thought for one minute she could tame Al Day, she would go for it. But two things stopped her. One was her father. He would never accept Al as the man in her life, simply because he has a record. All the other things the man had accomplished would never be considered. The second reason—Al. In her estimation he did not come across as a man that could be tamed unless he wanted to be. And he clearly didn’t want to be. So for now, she would continue her life of celibacy and covertly watching the man who had captured her heart years before she’d even met him.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Ladies and gentleman,” JD spoke, “It is with a heavy heart mixed with joy and excitement that I stand before you today.” He reached his hand out to his side. Tracy took a step to her right and joined their hands together as she smiled up at him. That smile did exactly what it had done for the last twelve years—took his breath away. He shook his head, “For those of you, who do not know, I love my wife, Tracy.” The crowd applauded as Tracy waved to them. “I make no decisions, small or large without her counsel and blessing. “With that in mind, we stand here, together, before our friends and supporters to announce that your hard work has paid off. As of tomorrow, I will officially be named the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States of America.”

  The statement was barely out of his mouth before the crowd erupted in cheers, applause, cat whistles and music. People were literally dancing on the lawn. JD held up his hand to silence the crowd, but they weren’t ready to stop the celebration. He stepped back and allowed the crowd to have the moment. Pearl stepped up and whispered, “Primetime news cycle is due to start within the hour, and this announcement needs to be completed before then.” JD raised his hands again and waited as the crowd began to settle down. “Now,” he hesitated, “This journey is not going to be easy. The road is a long, arduous one that will take us months to complete. But we knew that when this journey began twelve years ago here, in Richmond, Virginia. I believe on the first Tuesday in November, we will complete our mission by receiving the keys to the front door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D. C.” The crowd erupted again. “Are you ready to take this journey with me?” JD asked over the roar of the crowd. “If you’re ready, just say—Yes, I’m ready.”

  The crowd yelled, “Yes, I’m ready!”

  “If you’re ready for a better economy, a stronger educational system, stability in our inner cities and peace in our foreign lands, just say, I’m ready.”

  The crowd yelled, “I’m ready!”

  Once the crowd quieted down, JD turned to his campaign manager and brother-in-law, James Brooks and said into the microphone. “James,” he said as he shook his head, “I think a call should be placed to Washington to put Congress on notice that the people have spoken. We’re ready and we’re coming!”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  That was the sound bite that flooded the national news cycle. The governor’s mansion in Austin, Texas, was filled with the family of the Republican nominee, Governor Jeremiah McClintock III, better known as Jerry, as they watched the announcement. “Well, the wait is over. He’s clinched the nomination. It should be a hell of a race.” Jerry proclaimed as he swallowed the last of the scotch from his glass. Surrounded by his father, US State Senator Jeremiah McClintock, Jr. who went by Jeremiah, and his grandfather ex-governor of Texas, Jeremiah McClintock, Sr., who everyone simply referred to as Mac, the room took on a solemn tone. “Cheer up, everybody,” Jerry said with his southern drawl, “Hell, I haven’t lost the damn race yet.”

  “You won’t lose to that colored boy.” Mac stated as he shook his walking cane at the television. “You have my word on that.”

  “Grandfather, you know I don’t like that kind of talk in my office. We represent everyone in the state of Texas. Now, we are going to win this race. But it’s going to be won fair and square. There will be no behind the scenes schemes. Do I make myself clear?” He looked decisively at his grandfather.

  “Boy, I was winning elections before you were born. Ain’t nobody younger than the hats going to tell me what to do. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Father,” Senator McClintock chimed in as the peacemaker. “This is Jerry’s race to win as he sees fit.”

  “Or lose,” Jerry’s wife, Eleanor, slurred as she downed another glass of scotch.

  “If I lose it will be due to the discovery of your fondness for scotch,” Jerry reprimanded his wife.

  “Here, I thought it would be due to your fondness of all things dark,” she sharply replied.

  Senator McClintock stood. He walked over and took the drink from Eleanor’s hand. “You both have a point. I think it would be wise for both of you to let the dark side go until the campaign is over.” He looked pointedly at his son and his daughter-in-law. “Can we all agree that it is going to be difficult enough beating JD Harrison without the added drama?” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. “Good. Do we all agree this country will be better off with Jerry as President? Eleanor hesitated, then nodded her head. “Good. Then let’s all do our part to see that it happens.”

  Jerry and Eleanor, turned away lost in their own thoughts, As Mac whispered to Jeremiah. �
�Put our people on notice. I want Harrison eliminated.”

  Jeremiah looked from his father to his son. This was one time he wasn’t sure which way to lean. His son was a good man thanks to his mother. His wife, may her soul rest in peace, made sure that their son believed in right and wrong, good would prevail over evil and that the world would be better once America was united. His father, on the other hand, believed strongly, the old way of segregation and bigotry was the only way to preserve the true American way of life. In fact, Mac had spent his entire life ensuring that people knew and stayed in their place, by any means necessary. The Senator believed in his son’s abilities. However, the country was ready for a change. Hell, they were demanding it and JD Harrison was the man they clearly favored to bring the change about. Like it or not, Jerry was going to need all the help he could get to win. Be it behind the scenes or in front of the camera. There was no way he could beat Harrison in a clean campaign. His belief that his son would be good for this country was the deciding factor. The Senator turned back to his father. “I’m with you father.”

  Chapter 2

  The campaign trail took over their lives. JD and Tracy hit the road for days and sometimes weeks at a time. However, it was their policy that one of them would be home with the children as much as possible. The couple now had four of the twelve children they’d discussed having during the first year of their marriage. The final decision came from Tracy when she declared she would have five children and if JD conceived and carried number six, then they could talk about seven through twelve. Needless to say, the couple settled on five children.

  During her visits home, Tracy would always do things with the children. Their favorite place was the park, not far from their home. She sat on the park bench with Al as they watched the children playing. “This is the life I’ve been waiting for. Spending time with you and your children is like being in heaven.” It was good to see that none of the negative effects from Tracy’s childhood had filtered down to her children. They were happy, healthy and surrounded by love. Unlike their mother, they were wanted and from what Tracy had told him, JD wanted more. Al had to laugh at the expression on Tracy’s face whenever she talked about having more children.

  “Wait until you have more than just Monique and let’s see if you are singing the same tune.”

  Shaking his head, Al smiled. “I don’t know if more children are in the cards for me. I’ll just wait for you to have more.”

  Tracy laughed, “You sound as bad as Jeffrey. He wants more children, too. I’ll give him one more, but he is going to have to wait.”

  The glow in her eyes told Al a completely different story. She was happy. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Tracy. Her childhood was not like the one he was enjoying with her children today running around in the park. No, Tracy spent most of her life in a library reading books, just to stay off the streets and away from their mother.

  Their mother, Lena, Al shook his head as he thought of her. It was because of her that at thirty-eight he was still holding to a promise he made to himself at fourteen. He would never, under any circumstances, give his heart to a woman. Lena Washington was a bitch on wheels. Oh, that’s right, he thought as he watched Tracy run after Gabrielle, her youngest. Her name is now Lena Roth. She is the wife of Senator John Roth, who was declared Tracy’s biological father a few years back. Now, that was a surprise that she couldn’t have planned, or could she? Hell, the way his mother operated, one never knows. For a while he had wondered if Billie knew that Tracy was not his daughter. He thought of Billie often, wondering if there could have been another way for his life to end. But then, Al learned a long time ago not to question his path in life. All he could do was embrace it.

  “Al,” Tucker whispered in his ear. “We have a situation.”

  Al looked over his shoulder to see Tucker’s hand on his weapon. As an ex-felon, a weapon in Al’s possession could cost him five more years of his life. Fortunately, none of his men from his street days had records. He took a plea and did the time to make sure of it. “Get the children.” Tucker said as he walked swiftly towards Tracy. From the moment years ago when Al put Tracy in Tucker’s arms, he took the responsibility of protecting Tracy to heart. To this day, Tucker had never wavered on that trust.

  Al moved quickly as the peaceful scene quickly turned tensed. Tracy’s security team moved into action. Ryan and Magna had proven to be an impenetrable team for the last five years. Back then the dirty police chief attacked JD and Tracy’s home, almost fatally injuring their boss, Brian Thompson. Since that time no one got within twenty feet of Tracy or the children without the threat of serious bodily harm. Today, it appeared someone wanted to test their resolve.

  Al took ten-year-old Jon-Christopher--JC, and his seven-year-old sister Jasmine, or Jazzy, by the hand and moved quickly towards one of the black SUVs parked at the curb. Tucker grabbed six-year-old Brianna, who was playing in the sand box away from the others. Magna placed Tracy and four-years-old, Gabrielle safely inside another black SUV parked at the curb. Afterwards, Magna and Tucker circled the vehicles with weapons drawn and alert while they waited on backup. Once Al placed JC and Jazzy in the vehicle, Al turned to assist with the assailants, but found no need.

  Confronting the two men that dared to penetrate the security barrier was Ryan. Dressed in a white tee, black skin-tight jeans, and four-inch knee high boots, she was a force to be reckoned with. Apparently, the two men on the attack doubted her abilities.

  “Another step forward could be hazardous to your life.” She calmly stated, with her arms folded across her chest, her stance steady and her eyes lethal.

  “You and what army little lady,” one man had the nerve to laugh.

  “Who said I was a lady?” Ryan bent, stuck one leg out striking the man at the ankles. Before he hit the ground, she had two weapons pulled. One pointing at the fool on the ground with the spiked heel of her boot at his throat, and the other pointed at the man that hadn’t had a chance to react. Within a matter of seconds the situation was under control. By the time she had disabled them, the cavalry had arrived. Brian Thompson, Ryan’s brother, Donnell and members of the Secret Services were on site. Just like that, the attack plot was derailed, as the park area flooded with agents.

  “Having fun Ryan?” Brian called out as he and Donnell cuffed the attackers.

  “Not yet,” she replied. She walked over and kicked the one on the ground between his legs. “That’s for making me break my nail. I’ve been trying to grow them for months,” she yelled.

  “Damn! That woman turns me on.” Al said as Tucker joined him.

  “That’s the first time you’ve really seen her in action?”

  Al nodded, “She handles herself well.”

  “She definitely handles her business,” Tucker nodded.

  Ryan walked toward the vehicles, “Everyone inside the vehicles, we need to move.” She walked by Al as he watched her. “That means you too, Mr. Day. You will have to be debriefed.”

  “Are you going to be the one debriefing me?” Al asked with a crooked smile.

  Ryan turned to him. She tilted her head a little to the side and replied. “I don’t believe you could handle my debriefing, Mr. Day. I suggest we keep things on a professional level. We’ll have one of the men handle you.” She slipped into the driver seat and started the engine.

  Tucker cleared his throat to cover his laugh. “Man, that was the first time I’ve ever seen you flirt and she shut you down.” He walked by shaking his head. “Inhumane I tell you—inhumane.” He laughed and walked away.

  “She doesn’t know she is supposed to be intimidated by you,” Brian smirked as he walked by. “I forgot to send her that memo.”

  “That’s cute, Thompson.” Al said then slid inside the back seat of the vehicle with JC and Jazzy. They watched as Donnell and the other agents pulled off with the two assailants and Brian climbed into the vehicle with Magna, Tracy and the girls.

  Senses still alert, Ryan put her shades ba
ck on as Al secured the children in their seatbelts. “Was those bad men, Uncle Al?” Jazzy asked.

  “Yes Jazzy, they were.”

  “Didn’t they know Ms. Ryan and Ms. Magna were going to be with us?” JC questioned as he shook his head. “They should have sent more than two people. Wouldn’t you think, Uncle Al?”

  Al looked up into the rear view mirror at Ryan, who was just as startled by JC’s remarks. Ryan held his stare through the mirror, both thinking the same thing.

  “Yes, I would think so, JC,” Al replied, never taking his eyes from Ryan.

  Ryan touched her earpiece activating the communication device. “Stay alert people. I don’t think this was the main event.” Between the driver’s door and her seat she passed a weapon to Al. Not thinking twice, he reached out concealing the weapon from the children’s view then secured it in the back of his pants.

  “Jazzy, lay down on the seat. JC, cover your sister.”

  “I don’t want to lay down, Uncle Al.” Jazzy whined.

  Ryan turned in her seat and gave Jazzy a stare that would weaken most grown men. The child immediately spread out on the seat. JC covered her.

  “I see you have a way with children,” Al smirked as he pulled out his phone. “Tucker where are you?”

  “Right behind you,” Tucker replied from his SUV.


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