The Heart

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The Heart Page 5

by Iris Bolling

  It was 5:45 in the morning. Al was sitting in his enclosed patio that overlooked the pool in a pair of shorts, tee shirt and flip flops. This was his favorite part of his home. It was where he relaxed, and where he met regularly with his brother-in-law. Brian and Samuel entered the wrought iron security fence that led to his back yard. The men’s presences indicated that JD was about to make an appearance. The two nodded then took their surveillance positions. Wearing sweats, a tee shirt, hat and sneakers, JD walked in and took a seat across from him. Al handed him a cup of tea. JD took a sip and frowned. “Man, you have to do better than that.” He held the cup out to Al.

  Al reached over to the stand next to him, pulled out a bottle of Hennessey and added it to the tea. JD took another sip. Laying his head back he sighed, “Much better.” He savored the moment. “I prefer to have this straight but diplomacy dictates that I not indulge at this time.”

  “I feel for you my brother.” Al smiled just as the sun began to rise. He knew why JD was there. Tracy wasn’t happy about the recent events and that had a direct impact on JD’s frame of mind. “You have to make her feel secure.” Al stated, “What happened the other day has her on edge. It’s not so much about her, as it is about the children. Those men were well organized, fully armed equipped and highly trained. That equals money and power.” Al sat forward. “They were missionaries and they were after your family.”

  JD sat up. “I only trust certain people with my family. Secret Service is good, but I’ve been in the position before of trusting officials and they were the very people that went after my family. My personal detail travels with me and they are stretched to their limit. I will walk away from this campaign before I put my family in jeopardy. I need your help to continue.”

  “You know I will protect Tracy and the children with my life. But JD, the people that we encountered were professionals. They were organized and well financed. You will need a lot more than me to protect your family.” Al grinned, “You may not want to hear my suggestions, but it’s guaranteed to keep your family safe.”

  “I’m listening,” JD exclaimed, “Who….” He stopped and began shaking his head. “Don’t.”

  Al smirked, “He’s the best whether you like his methods or not.”

  JD stood and looked out at Samuel. “The last time we were together he damn near blew up a town.”

  “It was an island,” Al replied. “And from what I understand it needed to be blown up.”

  JD put his hands in the pocket of his sweats and looked down at the ground as if waiting for the answer to jump up at him. Knowing the combination of Al, Hurricane and Absolute would keep his family protected did not make the decision easy. If anything were to go wrong, and with Absolute around the odds increased the possibility, he would have hell to pay.

  “Al, I love Tracy. She is the fiber that keeps my blood pumping.” After a moment, he looked out at the sunrise. A smile creased his lips, “That’s what Tracy is to me—my sunrise every morning.” He sighed. “I believe I can move this country forward, but I can’t do it without knowing Tracy and my children are safe.” He turned to Al. “What do I do here? I want my family safe but have a responsibility to protect this country. The best way to do that is to keep Absolute busy in other countries.”

  Al laughed understanding JD’s hesitation. He stood and walked over to stand next to his brother-in-law, looking out over the yard. “Here’s what I see. This attack is the first of many to come. Since this attempt failed, we have to be prepared for other. We will need his skills to determine where the threat is coming from. And let’s be honest, as extreme as his antics are, they work.”

  JD shook his head, “Tracy is not going to like this.”

  “I’ll handle Tracy.”

  JD nodded. “I’ll get him on board.” He was silent for a moment. Having Al around had been a godsend to JD. The circumstances in which they first met were less than desirable. During his stint as District Attorney, JD was the prosecutor responsible for bringing Al Day down. It was during that time that Al placed Tracy’s protection in JD’s hands. At the time neither of them knew he would fall in love and marry Tracy. Despite how they first met, JD knew Al was a good man and cared deeply about people, especially those he loved. In addition to that, Al was one of the most intelligent people he had ever met. That was saying a lot, when you consider those who surrounded JD. With all of that aside, Al was a good listener and always gave good advice where Tracy was concerned.

  “Tracy doesn’t like campaigning. If I could get this job any other way she would have no issues with it at all. She thinks this is the moment she has feared for ten years. I don’t know how to get her to realize I’m not going anywhere. She is going to have me until death we do part plus some. There isn’t a woman on this planet that could take me from Tracy. She loves me and all my faults. Believe me, I have plenty. In spite of them she has given me four beautiful children and not one day of regret. Seeing her worried, concerns me. Tell me what to do.”

  Al chuckled softly. “You’re asking me for relationship advice.” He laughed, “You must be desperate.”

  JD smiled. “Not on the relationship, just on how to convince Tracy I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Tracy is insecure when it comes to love. Your years together have helped, but it hasn’t diminished. The only time she is secure is when she is pregnant.”

  “She said I can’t have any more children right now.”

  “She put you on lockdown?” Al teased.

  “In a way. She said I can have another child once we move into the White House.”

  Al laughed, “That’s months away, my brother.”

  JD shook his head, “She can’t hold out. Tracy will be all over me in less than a week.”

  “That’s too much information, my man. You’re talking about my little sister.”

  “She’s my wife.”

  “Are we going to have this argument again?”

  JD grinned. “Do you remember when I came to the prison to tell you about Tracy?”

  “I was ready to kick your ass that night.”

  “That would have been an ass kicking I would have to take. There was no way I was not going to have Tracy. I didn’t care what you did.”

  “It took balls for you to tell me that back then. That’s why I didn’t object. I knew you had to be in love with her.”

  JD sat back in his chair and crossed one knee over the other, placed his forefinger and thumb against his chin and stared at Al in thought. “You’ve been behind the scene pulling strings for a long time. Did you set us up?”

  Al smiled then sat back down. “Not intentionally.” Al sat in the same comfortable position as JD. “I didn’t know you were Tracy’s roommate’s brother until the spring break she spent at your condo. That was all fate. I had nothing to do with it.” Al smiled, “One of my men saw you and Tracy on the balcony at a club. He took pictures of you kissing her. He wanted to take you out.” Al laughed. “Lucky for you, by then my focus had changed.” Al took on a faraway look. “When Munford killed your father, something snapped in me. Seeing Munford take him out like that,” he shook his head, “for no reason, changed me. That was when we reorganized our business. I figured if cops were killing cops, we didn’t stand a chance. Taking a life needlessly just did not make sense to me.” Al shrugged. He looked over JD’s shoulder as Tucker joined Brian and Samuel in the yard. “One could say Munford made me. My focus became getting my people off the streets and into legit businesses that would keep them out of the line of fire.”

  “When your man Charlie came to me with the story of Munford, I began to understand why the man had it in for me.” JD stated, “What I never understood was why he was after you. What did you have that he wanted and couldn’t take?”

  Al smiled, “Ms. Sunshine.”

  “Who’s Ms. Sunshine?”

  Al laid his head back and smiled at the memory. “Ms. Sunshine was a Madame that lived two doors down from us when we were kids.” He sat up,
“Man that was a beautiful woman and could handle her business. Munford was one of her main clients, but she couldn’t stand the man. She had to deal with him to keep the police away. When I was just about thirteen, Ms. Sunshine caught me looking up the dress of one of her girls.” He laughed, “She told me don’t be a little pervert. If you want something from a woman, be a man and step to her. From that point on, she taught me how to make love to a woman. I can truly say I was taught by a professional. She took a liking to me, found out I was smart and began teaching me about her business. It was her hope that I would work for her, but at the time I was into basketball and school. The day Tracy’s father died changed all of that. I began working in the business, handling the books and from time to time, the muscle. When she died, Munford thought he was going to take over the business. Hell, he was running everything else on the streets. But on her deathbed, she made me swear not to let Munford near her business or her girls. I made the promise and I meant to keep it. A few months later Munford approached me about taking over the house. I turned him down cold. That’s when the battle began.”

  “Why did he want Ms. Sunshine’s business if he was controlling everything else on the street?”

  Al laughed again, “Between the weed and the girls, Ms. Sunshine was pulling in over a million a year with no effort. Munford may have been pulling in that kind of money, but he was greedy for power. He wanted to control the police force and the streets. I interfered with that on the streets and you interfered with it in court. Munford merged our lives.”

  JD chuckled, “He unknowingly fused us into a bond that will never be broken.” JD sat up and clasped his hands. “What about Gavin?”

  Al smiled. “Roberts was a rookie back then. His only problem was trying to impress the brass. He didn’t find out until later that Munford was dirty. He didn’t know about your father, JD. Gavin was being politically blackmailed. Munford knew Gavin wanted a political career and he used that knowledge against him.”

  “I appreciate you sharing that.” JD sat forward, “Al, I want you at the table.”

  Al shook his head. “As much as we want to believe, once a man pays his debt to society all is forgiven and he starts on a clean slate, it’s a myth. The far right Republicans will use that to incite the general public. They will have half of the country believing you will have thugs running the White House. I’ve been in the background of your life for over twenty years. This is where I work the best.”

  JD nodded his head, accepting Al’s decision. “Do you still have those pictures?”

  “Those, and some woman giving you hell afterwards. It’s not often you see a real player caught in the game.” He laughed.

  “I wasn’t caught, man.” JD had to laugh. “Oh hell, I was, but not by Vanessa. Tracy caught me that night and she still got me.”

  Al stood and tapped him on the knee. “Yeah man, you are good and got!”

  “Like Ryan got you?” JD smirked.

  The statement made froze Al in his seat. Then he nodded. “Ryan has my interest, but not my heart. There is a difference.”

  JD laughed. “Yeah, I said the same thing.”

  Not truly ignoring JD, Al looked to the men in the yard. “Breakfast?” he called out. “You’re soft. I’m not.”


  “Yeah,” Al looked over his shoulder as the men followed him into the kitchen. “Soft. You let a pair of light brown eyes control you.”

  “Just like you’re letting a pair of dark brown eyes have you so wound up you can’t even look at another woman. Like it or not, Ryan’s got you the same way Tracy got me. We are good and got, my brother. The men laughed. “Al.” He turned to JD. “If I haven’t said it before, I appreciate all you’ve done for Tracy and me.”

  “I know.”

  JD patted him on his back as he followed him into the kitchen. “Prepare yourself, Absolute is hell on wheels.”

  Al’s face lit up. “I’m looking forward to working with him.”

  JD shook his head. “That’s what you say now—just wait.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Mac was sitting in his home office looking over some papers when the Senator walked in. “You summoned me, father?” he said taking a seat in front of the desk.

  “Have you seen the polls? The boy is double digits ahead of Jerry. I’ve made a phone call. We’re flying to Miami tomorrow.”

  The Senator was not comfortable with the arrangements his father had made and shared with him earlier. “Do you think this is wise?”

  The one thing Mac hated about his son was his lack of balls. He was raised to take out whatever competitor he had with all the force he could. His son, as much as he loved him, was raised with a conscience. He got that from his mother. “No. The writing is on the wall. You don’t let the enemy get stronger. Once his party base solidifies around him it’s a wash, son.”

  “I agree with your thinking. I just don’t agree with your methods. Your solution should be the last option, not the first. I’m merely suggesting we try another approach to get him to drop out of the race. If that doesn’t work, then we do things your way.”

  “Your plan failed. It’s time to move forward.” Mac held his son’s eyes until he looked away. “We’ll meet with my people tomorrow. Set things in motion.”

  Jeremiah looked up at his father, somewhat surprised he knew about the failed attack. However, he knew not to show the weakness of surprise. You must be confident in all things you do, his father once told him. “When at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Jeremiah stood. “I’ll meet with your people tomorrow. If this backfires, I will distance myself from you quicker than a politician with a sex tape.

  Chapter 4

  Miami, Florida

  Alejandra Mateo stood at the window of his home office overlooking the veranda where his household staff was busy setting up for the meeting with an American Senator. The calm of the clear blue Atlantic Ocean just beyond his veranda was a definite contrast to the turmoil raging inside him. Dealing with politicians was what he had to do at this level of his organization and as the Americans always say, politics is a dirty business. It always left a bad taste in his mouth after dealing with an elected officer. In Mexico, he controlled the politicians and the police. Hell, he even controlled a few in just about every major city in America. That was precisely the reason he despised them. The politicians, that is. Most of them had a price tag. Money, women, and drugs—all politicians crave one or the other. But most of all, they craved power. Power—the word alone generated immense pride inside of him, as he patiently listened to the request placed before him. Again, the American Senator is in search of what he has—the power to control a country.

  “Our contact indicates the senator is offering a few million for the completion of this contract,” Miguel Santiago stated as he swallowed his tequila. “However, I brought this directly to you. Under the circumstances, I thought you might require more than just monetary compensation.”

  Mateo, standing just at five-eleven, with a solid body weight of one hundred ninety-five, dark, almost coal black hair, dark black eyes and as always, impeccably dressed in an Italian tailored suit and loafers turned to the man he considered his lieutenant and friend. “You were right to bring this directly to my attention, amigo.” He spoke casually at times mixing Spanish, his native language and English his second. “How many know of this meeting?”

  “Only Raul Cortez from the Houston operations,” Miguel replied. “He has previously handled a few situations for the Senator’s father. This request, however, in his words was fire. Raul wanted no parts of it. In fact, he marked it for your eyes only.” Taking a seat in front of Mateo’s mahogany desk, Miguel asked, “Any thoughts on the matter?”

  Mateo sat in his leather chair with a marked grin. “Men at this level seek only one thing, power.” His dark eyes leveled on Miguel, “But to acquire such you have to have the heart to seek it, take it once found and then control it once you’ve conquered. What we have to determine is
does the American Senator have the heart to take what he desires. More importantly, what will the benefit of honoring his request be for the organization?”

  “They’re offering a few million,” Miguel smiled.

  Mateo rendered a laughable look at his friend. “The organization could pay off the Americans debt to China and not miss a meal.” He stood, resuming his stance at the window. “I don’t trust the Americans from Texas. No, the Senator would have to offer significantly more than money.”

  There was a soft knock at the door of his office. Before he could respond, a burst of energy by the name of Ariella came through. Standing, holding the handles to both doors, dressed in a flowing white sundress and white sandals, with her raven black waist length hair flowing behind her, Ari, as he called her, beamed a smile so bright, he knew all was right with the world.

  In addition to the meeting, they came to Miami to visit with her family. A family that tried to turn her against him, but for some reason God had blessed him with her love.

  “Ale, you would never believe what I’ve just learned.”

  “Apparently not how to wait until you are invited into a closed room,” Miguel replied testily.

  The smile faded, along with the gleam in her eyes as Ari looked to the imposing figure sitting in her husband’s office. She turned back to Ale. “Forgive the interruption. I wasn’t aware you were in a meeting.” She turned to leave.


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