Mafia Romance Series

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Mafia Romance Series Page 13

by Smanta Howard

  Ashley is especially proud of her two children. She remembered the day she found out she was pregnant, and how happy she had been. It was two months later when she found out she was carrying twins. At first she had been scared at the prospect of having two infants, but now, when she looked back, she realizes that she would not have done it any other way. Labor was long and painful, and there were many times when she wished Davio to hell for causing such pain, but as soon as Ray was born, all of the pain was temporarily gone while she got to hold her precious son. Jenna had taken longer, and by the time she was finally born Ashley was completely worn out. She slept for the next 12 hours, thankful for the nurses who took care of the twins and allowed her to rest. When she finally felt like seeing the babies, she learned that the nurses were already smitten with them. The nurses were quick to tell her how loud and vocal Ray was, and how Jenna was the perfect little angle, sleeping most of the time. Things had not changed all that much. Ray was still loud and vocal, very much like his father. Jenna was quiet and reserved, preferring to curl up in bed and read a book rather than go out with friends. But Jenna had inherited her beauty from her mother and Ashley knew that one day Jenna would find that right one who would turn her world upside down.

  Chapter 2

  Jenna loved her job at Kleinfelds. She worked around happy people because her clients were planning their weddings. There would be the occasional spat between the bride-to-be and the family if the family didn’t like a certain gown, but usually the bride-to-be won out. After all, she was the one who had to wear the gown, and she had the right to choose the one she wanted. Most of the upcoming brides brought other women with them to pick out their gown, but occasionally there would be a man in the group. That was the case this morning for Jenna’s first client. The entourage included the brother of the bride, as well as the father.

  Jenna stepped around the partition and introduced herself to the group and asked which one was the bride. As was the custom, the bride introduced the people with her to the bridal consultant. Audrey Evans had brought her mother, father, maid of honor, and her brother, Marty Evans. Jenna shook hands with each member of the group and welcomed them to Kleinfelds. She had done it hundreds of times before. But when she shook hands with Marty, something strange happened inside. She felt a flutter deep inside, a feeling she had never before experienced.

  Jenna talked with the bride to get an idea of what she wanted in a wedding gown. While they talked, Jenna’s eyes kept going back to Marty. He was dashingly handsome, tall and slim, with dark hair and eyes, and looked to be close to her age. Something about him attracted Jenna and she didn’t understand what it was. She had seen plenty of handsome guys before, but none of them caught her attention like Marty had.

  Jenna wasn’t the only one who was having trouble concentrating on the appointment. Marty couldn’t take his eyes off Jenna. She was beautiful, very shapely, and he noticed the absence of a ring on her left hand. He had met plenty of pretty women in the past, but none as striking as Jenna. He guessed her to be in her early twenties and he secretly hoped that she was not involved with anyone. Something told him this woman could become a very important part of his life.

  The Evans family proved to be somewhat difficult. Each time Audrey came out in a gown, they picked it apart. Nobody could agree on a gown, leaving Jenna frustrated and wondering if she was ever going to find anything to please them. Finally, Audrey was tired of trying on gowns and told her family she was finished for the day. Jenna hates this kind of appointment because she works on commission, and the Evans had just wasted three hours of her time.

  The following morning when the staff had their regular morning meeting, Jenna discovered that Audrey Evans was coming back, but without the other members of her family. Audrey had requested Jenna to be her consultant. She supposed that Audrey felt bad for wasting her time yesterday, and she was probably a little embarrassed at the way her family acted. Perhaps Jenna would earn a commission after all. Without the other family members, Audrey would be easier to please. She walked around the partition to find Audrey and Marty waiting for her.

  Jenna had not expected Marty to come back with his sister. She was somewhat disconcerted to discover his presence, but she had no idea why. Audrey was apologizing profusely for the way her family acted yesterday, and she assured Jenna that Marty would not present a problem. Jenna had no way of knowing that Marty had encouraged his sister to allow him to accompany her because he wanted another chance to meet Jenna.

  Audrey was much easier to work with without her family present. Marty was very agreeable with anything Audrey chose and was very complementary of Jenna’s selections. When Audrey made her choice, she returned to the dressing room to change back into her clothes. Marty decided to strike up a conversation with Jenna, asking her if she was involved with anybody.

  Jenna didn’t think Marty had the right to be asking her personal questions, but she didn’t want to be rude. She told him that she honestly spent much of her free time reading because she wasn’t much of a party girl.

  “I know that we only met yesterday, but I wondered if you would agree to have dinner with me one evening,” Marty asked. “I promise, we will meet at a very public place and I will be a gentleman.”

  Jenna didn’t know what to say. She had never expected Marty to ask her out, but she knew that if she didn’t agree she would not likely see him again. It was doubtful that he would come back to the salon since Audrey had made her decision on a gown. She finally gave him her phone number and told him to call her in a couple of days.

  When Jenna went home that evening she told her mother she wanted to discuss something with her. She didn’t understand her reaction to Marty. Maybe it was just her innocence, or maybe there was a mutual attraction there. She knew that her mother would give her good advice.

  “I met this man yesterday when he came in with his sister to look for a gown. He was very handsome and polite, but the bride ended up walking out because the family couldn’t agree on anything. Today the bride came back and brought her brother with her. While she was getting dressed, the brother asked me to have dinner with him. I’m not sure what to do,” Jenna said.

  “Well, did you like this man,” Ashley asked. Was he somebody you felt you could enjoy spending time with?”

  “I suppose. He is very handsome, and as I said, he was polite, not arguing with his sister the way the rest of the family did. When he shook my hand I felt this strange flutter in my stomach and I don’t understand what happened,” Jenna said.

  Ashley smiled. She understood perfectly what had happened. Jenna was obviously attracted to this man or she would not be considering his invitation. Her daughter usually preferred to spend her time with some of the girls she worked with rather than with a man.

  “Well, if he wants to meet you someplace, and you find him attractive, I don’t see any reason why you should not get to know more about him. He sounds like a gentleman so I don’t think you have anything to lose except an evening of your time,” Ashley said.

  Jenna decided she would agree to the dinner. Something about Marty was different from other guys she had dated. He seemed to have a maturity about him that was lacking in other guys. She remembered his good looks and smiled. She certainly wouldn’t need to feel ashamed to be seen with him. She expected she would be the envy of other single women when they got a good look at him.

  Marty had called Jenna and asked to meet on Friday evening. When she agreed he told her he would make reservations at Evans Steakhouse. She learned that his family was in the restaurant business with steak houses in Chicago and in Louisville, Kentucky. He gave her directions and told her he would meet her at six.

  Jenna was fussing with her hair. Her natural curly locks were not cooperating with her this evening, making her cuss under her breath. Ashley heard her daughter’s distress and went to the bathroom to find out the problem. She saw Jenna fighting with her hair and made a suggestion that she pull it back on the sides and fasten it in the r
ear with a hair clamp. That seemed to work and finally Jenna was satisfied with the way she looked. It was time to leave for the restaurant if she wanted to arrive on time.

  Ashley smiled because she recognized what was happening with her daughter. Jenna was drawn to this man. If he turned out to be the one, Ashley knew that her daughter might fall in love and move on with her life away from her parents. This thought made Ashley both sad and happy. She wanted her daughter to be happy, but she would miss her terribly when she moved out of the house.

  Jenna arrived at Evans Steakhouse right at 6 p.m. She told the hostess there were reservations in the name of Evans. The hostess took her to a small dining room at the side of the front door where Marty was already waiting for her. He stood and pulled out her chair, waiting until she was seated before returning to his seat. He looked very handsome in a pair of khaki pants and navy shirt opened at the neck, and it did not go unnoticed that he was a gentleman and pulled out her chair.

  “I am so glad you agreed to meet with me,” Marty said. “I must confess, I have never met a woman in a bridal shop before. I expected to be thoroughly bored by the whole experience, but you made it worthwhile. You seem to really listen to your clients and you try to find them exactly what they want.”

  “Well, I have met plenty of men at Kleinfields, but they are usually married and most are the father of the bride. Most brothers do not care enough for their sister to agree to come for the consultation. Men usually hate shopping of any kind, but watching somebody model bridal gowns is even worse,” Jenna said. “I guess that means that you and your sister are very close.”

  “We have always been close. There is less than two years difference in our ages and we have always looked out for each other. I actually introduced her to the man she plans to marry. What about you, do you have brothers and sisters,” Marty asked.

  “I have a twin brother. He was born two hours before me so he is always teasing me about being my big brother. He and I get along fairly well, but he spends a lot of time traveling with our dad on business. I usually stay at home with mom. I could get a place of my own, but for now I prefer to live at home. Our house is plenty big enough for us to stay out of each other’s way.”

  Jenna and Marty had a great meal and they both enjoyed talking to each other, learning about each other. Jenna found herself drawn to this man in a way she had never felt before. She felt at ease with him, knowing instinctively that she could trust him. At the end of the evening she agreed to another date, but this time Marty would come to her house and pick her up. She felt comfortable enough with him to allow him to meet her parents, even if it would be a quick introduction before their date.

  Jenna was bubbling with excitement when she went home. She told her mother about her date and that she had agreed to go out with Marty again. She explained that his family owned restaurants, and he and his sister were very close. Ashley listened intently as Jenna described her entire evening with this guy. Ashley felt in her gut that Marty might very well be the man to sweep Jenna off her feet. She had raised her daughter to be careful when dealing with men because Ashley knew there were plenty of them who had ill intentions. She trusted Jenna, knowing that her daughter would not give her heart to just anybody. Jenna was much like her, shying away from men unless she felt she could trust them.

  Jenna had trouble falling asleep that evening. She had never enjoyed the company of a man the way she had enjoyed Marty. He was such a gentleman and he seemed to share her same family values. Every time she closed her eyes she could see his handsome face and the way he smiled at her. She could hardly wait to go out on an actual date with him.

  Chapter 3

  Jenna had been out with Marty several times and it seemed the two of them shared a lot in common. Marty was easy to be with and she found herself counting down the time until they could be together again. She was feeling things that she never knew existed like butterflies in her stomach and a tingling in her loins. When Mart kissed her she turned into a quivering mass of unknown feelings that left her wanting more. She checked herself in the mirror to see how she looked. Marty was due to pick her up n about ten minutes.

  As usual, Marty arrived right on time. Since meeting Jenna’s parents he always had to spend a few minutes talking to them before he and Jenna left. Marty liked Jenna’s parents, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. He was deep in a discussion with Davio when he looked up and saw Jenna coming down the stairs. Her beauty and innocence always intrigued him. This gentle woman had stolen his heart and he was starting to contemplate a future with her.

  After saying their goodbyes to Jenna’s parents, the couple left to enjoy an evening of food and movies. Marty had asked Jenna if she would consider coming to his place if he rented movies and ordered pizza. She had readily agreed, looking forward to spending the evening alone with him.

  Both Jenna and Marty laughed their way through the movie, A Walk in the Woods. They ate pizza and had a couple of beers while they relaxed on the couch in the den. Marty had bought a place of his own last year after his parents made him the manager of Evans Steakhouse. It wasn’t anything near as grand as Jenna’s place, but it was comfortable and allowed him to enjoy his own space.

  He looked at Jenna and smiled as he watched her light hearted laugh. He had wanted her for a long time, but he had not acted on his feelings for fear of scaring her off. Tonight, he felt the time was right. He wanted to make this woman his. He knew that Jenna was innocent to the world of passion, and he realized that he would have to take his time and be gentle with her. He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth, taking pleasure in the feel of her so close to his body.

  Jenna had kissed Marty many times before, but this one felt different. In her innocence, she felt there was more to come, but she was not sure what it was. Marty continued to kiss her, increasing the intensity, making her insides quiver with some unknown feeling. She felt him start to undo the buttons on her blouse, and she didn’t try to stop him. There was something her body was yearning for, and she wanted to find out what it was. She allowed Marty to completely unbutton her blouse and remove it, leaving her sitting there in her bra.

  Marty stood up and held his hand out to Jenna. She took it, not quite sure what he had in mind. She allowed him to lead her to his bedroom where a small table on the night stand cast a romantic glow across the room. Marty led her to his bed and sat down beside her, once again kissing her deeply. Jenna knew that something big was going to happen and she didn’t even want to stop it. She wanted to discover what all of those strange feelings meant, and she wanted to see of perhaps there were more.

  Marty had Jenna lay back on the bed while he continued to remove the rest of her clothing. When she lay naked before him he just admired her beautiful body. She was perfect in every way. Her breasts were firm and round, her waist small, and her hips were in perfect proportion to her waist. He leaned over and took one of her breasts in his mouth, gently sucking on it while his had massaged the other one.

  Jenna had never been naked in front of a man before, not even her doctor. Somehow, being naked in front of Marty felt right. She was a little shy when she saw him looking at her nakedness, but she did not fear Marty. If he felt this was a good thing, then she wanted it too. When he took one of her breasts in his mouth she felt a stirring deep inside that made her want more.

  Marty stood and started removing his clothes. He hoped Jenna didn’t get scared when she saw his huge manhood that was already engorged in passion. He wanted her so badly that he had to rein his passion under control so that he could go slowly.

  Jenna watched Marty remove his clothing. Her eyes widened when she saw the huge appendage that stood out in front of his body. She had never seen a man naked, but she had discussed such things with her mother. She knew that men put their appendage inside the woman, and according to her mother, it was very pleasurable when done with a person you loved. She did love Marty, and right now she was a little fearful about what was going to happen to her, but she truste
d him. She didn’t think he would do anything to hurt her, and right now she was longing to explore all of these unexplained feelings.

  Marty stretched out on the bed beside Jenna, loving the feel of her naked body next to his. He kissed her deeply while his hands started exploring her body. Jenna could do nothing except allow him to guide her. She did not have any experience in lovemaking, so she had to depend on Marty to show her what to do.

  Marty moved his mouth back down to Jenna’s firm breasts. He noticed that her nipples were already hard in response to his attention to them. He slowly started kissing her across her stomach, slowly moving lower. He gently spread her legs open and moved his mouth down to her clitoris, sucking and nipping it with his teeth.

  Jena raised her head and looked at Marty’s head buried between her legs. The things he was doing to her had her body on fire. She briefly wanted to protest his close proximity to her womanhood, but it just felt too good and she wanted more. She lay her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes, giving him total access to her body.

  Marty continued his attention to Jenna’s clitoris, watching her face as she enjoyed the feelings of passion for the first time. He took his finger and found the entrance to her woman’s canal, placing it just inside to try and get her moist enough to accept his manhood.


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