Mafia Romance Series

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Mafia Romance Series Page 18

by Smanta Howard

  Daniel had gotten lucky when he was offered the lead investigator position with the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department. It meant that he would have to give up his motorcycle patrol, but it was a less dangerous job that paid more money. Harold would have preferred that Daniel find a different career entirely, but he was better satisfied to learn that Daniel would not be in constant danger.

  Meri had learned that Daniel’s appearance was not entirely something that he chose. Sure, he loved to get out with his biker buddies on weekends and visit a few bars, but his dark looks were as much for his job as they were of his own choosing. Daniel explained that as an investigator, he often came into contact with rough characters. It was much easier to get the criminals to talk if they saw a bit of themselves in him. Criminals did not like to confide in men with suits and ties.

  Meri contemplated Daniel’s personality. The two of them were almost the exact opposites of each other. Daniel was dark and Meri was fair. Daniel was worldly and Meri was innocent. Daniel spent his weekends motorcycle riding with his buddies while Meri spent most of her weekends studying. She had to admit that Daniel was very handsome. In fact, she could not remember ever seeing another man who looked so good. His dark looks appealed to her in a way that she did not understand. He is the exact opposite from the man she pictured in her mind that she would one day marry.

  Meri picked up her English book and began studying. English was not one of her favorite subjects so she had to put in extra effort to keep up her grade. On this particular evening she found that she was having trouble concentrating. In her mind she kept seeing the image of a darkly handsome man with long hair pulled back, tattoos on his arms, and one shiny earring.

  It was Friday and Meri had been back in class for a couple of weeks. Her last class on Friday got out at noon, leaving her with the entire afternoon off. She decided to return to her dorm and take a nap. She had found that she was having trouble sleeping the last two weeks. Images of Daniel kept entering her mind. She did not understand why she could not get him out of her mind. After grabbing some lunch it was about 3 p.m. when Meri finally dozed off. She must have really needed the rest because when she awoke it was after midnight. She noticed that Anna was not in the room and she supposed that she was out partying with her friends.

  Meri got up and went to the bathroom, but when she returned to bed she found that she could not sleep. Her stomach growled in protest at not having any food in over 10 hours. She knew that it was too late to find anything on campus, but there was a burger joint not far from her dorm. Meri pulled on her clothes and set out to find something to eat.

  The Dairyette was crowded with college students who were trying to find something to eat after a long night of partying. Meri ordered a burger and fries. The cashier asked if her order was for here or to go. Meri decided that she would just have a seat and eat there. After all, if she went back to the dorm she only had four walls to look at. She was not sleepy and there would be no telling when Anna would get in.

  Meri had just received her order and was getting settled in when she heard an unfamiliar rumble. She looked up to see a motorcycle pull in and park. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when the rider took off his helmet and dark long hair fell down his back. What was Daniel doing here?

  Daniel walked in and placed his order before turning around and finding the object of his desire sitting there eating a hamburger and fries. He had not been able to get Meri off his mind since their trip to Florida. He couldn’t forget her beauty and her innocence. He found himself being drawn to her table like a magnet.

  “Well hello there Princess,” Daniel said. “What are you doing out all alone at this time of morning?”

  Meri was having trouble finding her voice. He was just as handsome as she remembered. Just looking up at him standing there beside her table made funny things happen to her insides.

  “I took a long nap this afternoon and found myself hungry when I woke up,” Meri said. “Since nothing is open on campus at this time of night, I decided to walk over here. They do have some of the best burgers around. This is a popular hangout for students.”

  “May I join you,” Daniel asked.

  Meri could no more deny him than she could deny herself breathing. She was actually glad to have somebody to talk to.

  The two sat there and enjoyed their burgers in silence. The place was crowded with students and it was loud. They could barely hear each other think. When they had finished their meal, Daniel suggested they find a quieter place so they could talk. Meri failed to notice the looks of envy she was getting from other students when she left the place with Daniel in tow.

  There was a small park nearby that had a water feature with benches. The water fountain was timed to come on at certain times of the day and night. At night there were solar lights that offered a soft glow to the fountain. The benches allowed visitors to sit and enjoy the view in a quiet and serene setting. Daniel grabbed Meri’s hand and was heading for one of the benches.

  They sat there and watched the water fountain rise and fall as they talked about various things. The conversation did not get too personal at first. Daniel asked Meri if she had heard from the newlyweds but Meri told him she had not. Meri told him she was still trying to decide what she was going to do with her summer. She didn’t know how she would feel staying there with them since they were still basically on their honeymoon.

  The sounds of the water seemed to be working its magic. Both Daniel and Meri were feeling very relaxed. Daniel placed his arm around Meri, waiting to see if she protested. When she did not he pulled her closer to him.

  “I have thought of you often since we returned from Florida,” Daniel said.

  “I have thought of you too,” Meri said in return.

  Meri was having mixed feelings about Daniel being so close. She knew that she should probably return to her dorm, but she couldn’t seem to tear herself away from those strong arms that felt so good around her shoulder.

  “Do you have any plans for Saturday afternoon,” Daniel asked.

  “No, just hang around the dorm and I will probably get some studying in,” Meri said.

  “Have you ever been on a motorcycle before,” Daniel asked.

  “Not since I was very young,” Meri said. My dad used to have a motorcycle, but my mother did not like him riding it. She always said it was too dangerous. She would not allow me to ride with him very often, but he did manage to get me out a few times.”

  “Would you be interested in going for a ride with me,” Daniel asked.

  Meri had to think about that for a few minutes. It had been a long time since she had been on a motorcycle, and she was not sure about being that close to Daniel. Finally, she agreed that she would go for a ride if he promised to not try any daredevil stunts with her.

  Daniel pulled up to Meri’s dorm at exactly 2 p.m. Meri had been ready for the past hour. She had paced the floor in anticipation, not really knowing what to expect. Daniel was not allowed to come to her dorm room, but the office attendant rang the room to let Meri know that she had a visitor.

  When she walked outside Daniel presented her with a helmet. She placed the helmet on and climbed onto the bike, closing her knees tightly on each side of his hips. She placed her hands just above her knees. Meri felt the rumble of the engine when Daniel started it up and placed it in gear. They pulled out onto the roadway and Daniel headed west. They rode for about an hour before Daniel pulled off the side of the road beside a small lake. He asked Meri if she was doing okay. Meri was thinking that she was doing much better than just okay. She felt exhilarated with the wind in her face and feeling the rumble of the engine beneath her. She had scooted as close to Daniel as she could and could feel the heat coming from his body. She could easily understand why Daniel liked to take his weekend rides. They walked along the edge of the lake, stretching their legs and just enjoying each other’s company. Daniel asked her if she was hungry. While she had not even given food a second thought, Meri suddenly dis
covered that she was starving.

  They got back on the bike and Daniel took them to a small restaurant just on the out skirts of Memphis. The retro décor reminded Meri of the television show Happy Days. They enjoyed a burger and milkshake before heading back out to the bike.

  Daniel was in torment. Having Meri this close to him was creating all kinds of crazy feelings. He didn’t understand his attraction to her. She was not his usual taste in women. She was beautiful with her golden hair and crystal blue eyes, but as a rule, he shied away from virgins. He preferred women who were worldly and already knew how to please him. But there was something about Meri that he could not get out of his mind. He had made up his mind that he wanted to be the one to introduce her to the world of passion. And he had every intention of doing that tonight.

  Meri was just relaxed and enjoying the ride. She had no idea where Daniel was taking her, and at the moment she really didn’t care. She did not realize they had pulled up to an apartment complex until Daniel turned off the engine. She gave him a questioning look when he reached to undo the snap of her helmet.

  “Come in and let me show you how bachelors live,” Daniel said. “I promise I will take you back to the dorm after while.”

  There were all kinds of warning bells going off in Meri’s head. She had never been alone inside a man’s apartment before. Daniel sensed her hesitation and put his arm around her to gently guide her up the steps. She went without protest, but she was still uncertain if this was the right thing to do. They arrived at his door and Meri watched as he placed his key in the lock and opened a door that led into a small living area. Meri jumped when she heard the door close behind her.

  Daniel knew that he was going to have to be gentle with Meri if he was going to get what he wanted. She was skittish and on edge, and he had to find a way to make her relax. He told her to have a seat on the couch while he fixed them something to drink. She did as she was told while Daniel went to the kitchen took out two glasses. He filled them almost to the top with Coke, then finished them off with Jack Daniels. He made sure to not overdo it with Meri’s glass.

  Meri took the glass that Daniel held out and took a large drink. She almost spit it right back out when she discovered that it was not just Coke. She had never had alcohol before and she was not sure she liked the taste.

  “Just drink it and relax,” Daniel said. “There is only a small amount in your glass.”

  Meri took a smaller sip, testing it on her tongue to see if she liked it. She had absolutely no idea the effect it would have on her once she drank the entire glass.

  As planned, Daniel watched Meri as she began to relax a little. They sat on the couch and talked a while, but Meri was having trouble concentrating on what he was saying. For some reason her insides were on fire. She didn’t understand it, but she wanted Daniel to touch her.

  Sensing that she was almost ready, Daniel put his arm around Meri and drew her to him. He gently kissed her on the mouth. Meri felt as if there were butterflies in her stomach. She never knew how much a man’s kiss could cause such unexplained feelings in her. She was not aware when Daniel unbuttoned the buttons of her blouse, opening it to reveal her chest and abdomen. Only her bra was standing in the way of Daniel discovering those round orbs that were begging for his attention. He reached around and unhooked her bra, exposing those beautiful breasts that had haunted his memory since Florida. Meri jerked when she felt his mouth close over her bare breast.

  Daniel was causing havoc on Meri’s body. His sucking and biting on her breasts caused strange things to happen in her lower stomach. His mouth felt so good as he gave his attention to first one, then the other of her breast. She had laid her head back on the couch and closed her eyes so that she could just enjoy the sensations that she was feeling. She was only vaguely aware when Daniel unzipped her pants and pulled them off. She heard them when he dropped them on the floor. For Meri it was all about the feeling. Her body was experiencing such delightful feelings that she no power to stop Daniel from doing anything he wanted. She felt the cool air touch her moist breast when Daniel stopped his ministering and picked her up. He headed down the hallway and into a room with a king size bed. He placed her gently on the bed and immediately started kissing her again. She felt his hands move down her body and lift the waist of her panties. Soon his fingers found that mound located just above the apex of her canal. Meri was completely lost in the warm feeling that she was experiencing. She was not sure what Daniel was doing to her, but she knew she didn’t want it to stop. There was something else that she was reaching for, but she just was not sure what it was.

  Daniel moved his fingers toward the opening of her canal. He discovered that her juices had already started flowing. He inserted his middle finger inside her hot canal, finding the proof of her virginity. He knew that he would soon have to cause her pain because he was very large and she was very tight. He used his finger to imitate the motion of his manhood, hoping that maybe she would at least loosen a little.

  Meri was on fire. Daniel was doing things to her body that were driving her wild. She felt him remove her panties, leaving her completely naked. Suddenly he stood beside the bed and started to remove his clothes. Meri watched as his shirt and pants hit the floor. His body looked beautiful to her. When he removed his underwear her eyes widened when she got a look at his manhood. To her it looked huge. It stuck out in front of his body and seemed to be throbbing. She had no idea what he was about to do to her with that appendage.

  Daniel was about to explode with desire, but he knew he had to prepare Meri for what was to come. He hated the thought of hurting her, but he knew there was no way around it. He spread her legs wide open and lowered his head between her thighs. He thought if he could manage to enter her as she was having an orgasm it might not hurt her so much. His mouth found her clitoris and started nipping at it with his teeth. His finger found her hot canal and entered it while his mouth continued its onslaught of her clit.

  Meri was rising higher and higher. A warm and tingling feeling started between her legs and was spreading throughout her body. Daniel recognized the beginning of her orgasm and knew that he must act quickly. He positioned himself between her legs, spreading them as wide as he could. He picked up her hips to place her in a better position to receive him. When she threw her head back and closed her eyes, Daniel quickly thrust into her. She was so tight that it took him a couple of thrusts before he felt her virginity give away and her canal opened to receive all of him.

  All of the good things Meri was feeling suddenly stopped and she screamed as she felt a white hot pain between her legs. Her eyes opened wide as she looked at Daniel. He was on his knees between her legs and it looked to her as if their bodies were attached.

  “I am sorry I had to hurt you,” Daniel said. “I promise, it won’t hurt again.”

  Meri slowly came to the realization that Daniel had just taken her virginity. She felt a stab of anger because she had wanted to save that for her wedding night. She looked down at where Daniel was and discovered that she could no longer see his manhood. That part of his body is what had just denied her of the pleasure she was feeling by causing her such pain. As she lay there she could feel his enormous manhood as it filled her canal to capacity. The pain was subsiding, and another strange feeling was beginning to take its place.

  Daniel stayed still for a minute, allowing Meri to adjust to his size. She was so tight around him it was almost his undoing. He knew that he would have to arouse her fires again since he had just interrupted her orgasm with his entry. He stayed joined to her while he reached his fingers down and started playing with her clitoris. Meri could feel the fire start up again. His fingers continued their onslaught while he gently started moving in and out of her. To Meri if felt strange at first, but then she started feeling those fires build again. This time they were much hotter than before.

  Daniel could feel Meri’s body give in and he started moving faster and harder. He pounded in and out until he could not take i
t anymore. He could feel her start to pulse around him as he felt his release build. Lightening was streaking across the room for Meri as she felt Daniel’s hard thrusts. His hands grabbed her hips and held her close as he began his ascent. Meri’s body was exploding with a feeling so wonderful she did not know if she could survive.

  Chapter 4

  Meri lay on her back trying to take control of her breathing. She was feeling things she never knew existed. For some reason she no longer felt like a girl. She now felt like a woman. Daniel was lying beside her with his arm thrown across her stomach. She supposed that she should be shy at laying there in his bed completely naked, but somehow it felt right. Daniel had introduced her to passion and it felt wonderful. She knew that from that moment on, she would always hold a special place in her heart for Daniel.

  Daniel was glad that the deed was done. Now he could introduce Meri to all sorts of passion. He knew that she was very inexperienced and he was looking forward to surprising her with all of the things he had planned. His manhood jumped at the thought.


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