Zodiac Shifters Aries Love's Warrior

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Zodiac Shifters Aries Love's Warrior Page 9

by Jennifer Hilt

  Carson got to his feet. “Let’s get you back to the cabin. There are better places to—”

  A shot that sounded like thunder cracked through the night. Carson dropped back to the ground.

  Jessica sat up. “What the hell?”

  He pushed her back down. “Stay low.” He covered her with his body.

  “Oof.” All her air exited her lungs—Carson was no featherweight.

  When she caught her breath, she tried rolling under him to get a better look around. She touched his abdomen and came away sticky.

  “Hold still—your wound is bleeding again.”

  “The wound is on the other side.”

  “Then what’s that?” She gently touched the place again. “Carson, you’ve been shot.”

  “Get back in the crevasse.” He grimaced. “I’m going to deal with Deegan.”

  “I’m not going back down here.”

  “Jess, you’ll be safer down there. On the surface we’re target practice.”

  “She won’t hurt me. She needs me.” Jessica wiggled out from under Carson. She squinted in the direction of the field hut. Deegan must be up there. “Is Mariko still alive?”

  “I don’t know,” Carson admitted. “If she wasn’t lured outside I’d say there’s a good chance. If she has to survive the elements, it’s less likely.

  “Where’s your gun?”

  “With Mariko.”

  “She’s still alive.” Jessica pulled off her parka. “I can’t see her giving anything up willingly. Put pressure on that wound until I get back.”

  “Wait.” He grabbed her arm. “You can’t face her unarmed.”

  “I’m an Amazon.” She patted her thigh. “We’re never fully dressed without a scythe.”

  Carson stared at her. She hoped it was from shock and not blood loss.

  “It’s in my sock,” she clarified.

  “I love you.”

  Jessica was seriously sick of this shit. She’d tried to follow a new path. Apparently, her old life had not gotten the memo.

  She crawled on her belly toward the edge of the bluff. The ground vibrated. Deegan was coming for her.

  Jessica crawled faster. She would lure Deegan away from Luanne and Carson. She wasn’t sure what advantage lay down at the shore but it was an area Jessica was familiar with and Deegan was not.

  “Stop or I’ll shoot!” She heard the woman’s voice coming closer.

  Jessica was almost at the edge. She struggled to hold on but she kept slipping.

  “Gotcha!” Deegan grabbed her leg, pulling her back from the ledge.

  Fuck, that hurt! She’d grabbed Jessica’s sprained ankle. The only good news was that left her other leg free. Jessica rolled from her stomach onto her back.

  Deegan held a rifle with a scope in one hand. She dragged Jessica toward her.

  Jessica raised her free leg up to knee high, reaching into her sock. The glint of moonlight on steel made Deegan pause.

  “That’s quite a knife for a little girl.” The other woman licked her lips. “But I know you took an oath not to harm others. That’s why you play with all those potions of yours.”

  “You didn’t dig deep enough in my file. I’m a retired soldier.” Jessica liked the feel of the knife’s handle against her palm. It felt reassuring, like embracing an old friend after a long absence. “Let go of me.”

  “No wonder you are in such excellent shape! I promise when the time comes to make it painless for you. Probably.”

  “Can’t say that I’ll do the same.” Jessica swept out her good leg, knocking Deegan right in the crotch. “You killed innocents.”

  Deegan dropped to the ground, howling in pain. She rolled back and forth to an excessive degree.

  When Deegan’s cries subsided, she whined. “Lucky shot. Got a bit of fire in you.”

  They were both on the ground. Jessica tightened her grip on her weapon. “I’ve more than a bit of fire in me. I’m a daughter of Aries.”

  “You’re an Amazon?” Deegan got to her feet. She staggered but she did it.

  “We prefer woman warrior.” Jessica knew she had one attempt with her weapon. If she only injured Deegan, her own life was over. “Since you know the truth about me, who are you really?”

  “Didn’t figure that out yet? Not so smart as you thought. I’m Cornelius Root. Now get up. We gotta get back to the station.”

  Fuck. Cornelius Root. The murderous fugitive Carson and Mariko had been searching for. Jessica glanced toward Carson, hoping he was still alive. Please don’t be dead, she prayed.

  He was gone.

  Not dead. Just not there physically anymore, like he’d disappeared into thin air.

  That meant not dead.

  “Jessica, get down!” Mariko’s voice rang through the air.

  Jessica fell back, flattening herself. An enormous ice bear easily cleared her, crashing into Deegan. Drops of the ice bear’s blood splattered her when he passed overhead. Carson’s blood.

  Deegan was airborne before sprawling in a snow drift. Mariko pounced, snapping the killer’s neck with an audible crack.

  Case closed.

  Jessica crawled over to the ice bear. He growled a warning as she approached but she was undeterred.

  Carson’s ice bear was as magnificent as she dreamed. She placed her hand on his broad head. He sniffed her hand and whined.

  “Stay with me, big guy.”

  Luanne’s fox arrived, carrying the first-aid kit in her mouth.

  “Let me take a look.” Jessica patted the ice bear’s side. He was solid muscle and not interested in moving.

  His wounds were underneath him, staining the snow with blood. He needed help.

  The fox tugged at her sleeve, pulling her away. Jessica didn’t want to leave. The fox was insistent. Carson’s ice bear closed his eyes.

  By the Goddess, was he dying? No, no, no.

  “Leave him.” Mariko was standing over her. Her pale features covered with Deegan’s blood. “He won’t shift with you here. He’s afraid he’ll hurt you. Go back to the cabin. I’ll bring him up.”

  “He wouldn’t hurt me.”

  Mariko rolled her eyes. “We can stand and debate about it while he bleeds to death or you can give him some space and save his life.”

  This vamp was a total pain in her ass but seeing how she’d just eliminated Deegan, Jessica limped up to the field hut.

  She didn’t look back. Not even when an anguished roar stopped her in her tracks. Anguish echoed in her soul. Carson.

  Luanne’s fox accompanied her and Jessica was grateful for the moral support.

  Once inside, Jessica blasted the heat. Now was the time for her excellent discipline to shine. Carson’s injuries were going to require her best self.

  She unpacked her fishing tackle box full of herbs and her own first-aid kit. She’d laid them all out on the table when Carson and Mariko banged through the door. Carson, naked and bleeding, leaned on Mariko.

  “You should’ve let me carry you.” The vamp helped him to the cot.

  “You don’t know your boss very well if you think he’ll let anyone carry him around.” Jessica poured some heated water from the electric kettle in a basin. His wounds needed cleaning before she could begin the healing process.

  Mariko flashed her a smile full of fang.

  The field hut door slammed again. Luanne arrived in human form wearing a blanket. “We should head back with Deegan’s body. The whole station is freaking out. Some reassurance is needed.”

  “Excellent point,” Mariko agreed. “I’ll secure Deegan’s body to the back of the snowmobile.”


  The vamp turned back to Jessica.

  “Thank you. For everything.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “Thanks anyway. And you might want to clean the blood off you before you return to the station.”

  Mariko slipped out.

  It wasn’t long before Jessica spied Mariko and Luanne speeding across the sno
w, dragging a plastic-wrapped corpse behind them.


  After Jess washed and dressed his wounds, she handed him a mug of hot coffee. “You’ll live.”

  “Disappointed?” He waved it away. “Have anything stronger to celebrate?” He wanted to prop himself up one elbow but it hurt like hell to breath. Moving was to be avoided at all costs.

  “Not that you’d enjoy.” She smiled ruefully over her own coffee.

  She was pale. A brush with death would do that, he well knew.

  “Sorry you didn’t get to use your scythe.”

  “Yeah, what was that all about? You should never come between an Amazon and her scythe.”

  “I couldn’t take the risk. As Root, Deegan killed too many. I couldn’t lose you too. You know I still love you. I always will.” He patted the scant space next to him.

  “I could’ve taken her. Him.”

  “I know,” he murmured, smoothing her still wet hair from the battle outside.

  “Next time you’ll wait for me to strike first, right?”

  Like Hell, they’ll be a next time.

  “Absolutely. Scout’s honor.” He crossed his fingers behind his back with his free hand.

  She wiggled closer. A small sigh escaped her.

  “What’ll happen to Mariko?”

  “There will be an investigation. It’d been better for her if she took him alive. But damn, that Vamp hates paperwork.” Jessica’s scent made him dizzy.

  She pressed herself against him. “Warm me up,” she said.

  Wrapping his arms and legs around her, Carson tucked her head under his chin. Jessica snuggled in, flattening herself against him.

  “Better.” She murmured. “I love your ice bear.” She reached back for him under the blanket.

  “Jess, I’m not made of stone.”

  “I can tell.” She turned so they both lay on their sides. Jessica kissed his neck. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Hell no.

  “What do you want?” Carson managed. His kept his eyes closed. If this was a dream he didn’t want to wake up.

  “I don’t want to live without you. I’ve been an idiot. Can you forgive me?” Her fingers worked down to stroke his cock.

  “I’m a pretty generous guy,” Carson said.

  His erection strained against her hand. She slid her soft touch down the base, fondling him with her fingertips. With some wiggling, she climbed on top of him, still stroking him. Her tongue darted inside his mouth.

  His hands roamed underneath her layers, stroking the bare skin of her back. Her goosebumps rippled at his touch. He unclasped her bra.

  She moaned into his mouth, lifting herself slightly so he could palm her breasts. He teased her nipples as she stroked him.

  “I don’t want to stop,” Carson said.

  “So don’t.” She nibbled at his ear. “Make love to me.”

  Carson rolled over, pinning her beneath him. His need ground into her belly as she shivered beneath him. She sucked in her breath.

  “Like it?”

  “You know I do,” she whispered.

  “It’s been too long.”

  “I know.” Jessica smiled. She opened her eyes. Her pupils dilated so that only the hazel was thin rim. “What do you mean by too long? Don’t you want to?”

  “I want to but they’re a few conditions.” Carson bit back a curse as he slid down lower on the bed.

  “Like what?” Jessica lifted her head, propping herself on her elbows.

  “Like you tell me when to stop.” He unrolled the top of her thermal leggings.


  “Easier right?”

  “If you say so.” She lay back.

  “That’s right. Lie back, baby and let me do all the work.”

  Carson kissed the smooth skin of her belly. He rubbed his face against her red lace panties. Jessica lifted her hips, her fingers pulling to slide them down.

  “No, baby. I’ll do it.”

  Her smile caught Carson’s heart.

  He nuzzled her, spreading her thighs to kiss the inside of her thighs right below her pussy.

  “Mmm. I love how you smell.”

  He returned to the same places, lingered, added his tongue.

  “That might be easier without my panties.”

  “I’m fond of these panties. You were wearing them on the snowmobile. I remember how wet you were. How you strained against my fingers. How I wanted to stop that damned machine and fuck you right there.”

  “I wanted that too.” She raised her hips again.

  “But we didn’t. Instead I had a motherfucking cock straining to sink into you. So now, you’re going to feel a bit of my pain.” Carson dropped his head to her pussy. He pushed the scrap of lace aside, licking and nibbling at her folds.

  Outside the wind picked up, shaking the cabin with the gusts. With any luck, they’d be stuck here forever. He’d give up the marshal service. Jessica could avoid her sisters here. He wasn’t sure of her tolerance for a raw fish diet but he’d be more than happy to give it a go.

  Such a life was made for his ice bear. He had no doubt they’d be happy here together. Nothing else mattered. In time, there’d be cub shifters and Amazon toddlers practicing their fighting skills on each other….

  She tugged his hair, pulling him back to reality. This was now. She tugged him closer, pushing his tongue deeper inside her. She tasted sweet. She was his. Never again would he be parted from her. Whatever they had to do to stay together Carson wasn’t giving her up a second time. The first had been a mistake.

  She likes weapons. She understood them. Now he’d convince her with the weapons at his disposal that they belonged together. Forever.

  After some minutes of hearing her breathy moans, Carson pulled back. He needed to rein in his own need. No ten-minute seductions here.

  “Now the panties can go.”

  “Praise the Goddess.”

  “You invoke Amazons at the oddest times.” Carson bent to kiss the tops of her thighs. He spread her legs wide, one leg propped up on the cot. He looped the other over his shoulder.

  “Careful—don’t hurt yourself.” Jess admonished him.

  “I’m feeling remarkably better. Did you use some special herbs on me again?” he teased.

  “I wanted to but I only had a pinch of frost lavender.”

  “Jess,” Carson interrupted. “Touch yourself. Show me what it was like without me.”

  “I’d prefer your fingers to mine.” Even though she was spread-eagle before him, a blush tinted her cheeks.

  Carson kissed the fingertips of her right hand.

  He reached up, pulling her sweater over her head before sliding her loose bra off her shoulders. Her nipples puckered in the cool air. Carson groaned, dying for a taste.

  Instead he guided her hands to her breasts. “Show me.”

  She stroked her nipples.

  Carson’s balls tightened. His cock throbbed painfully.

  She closed her eyes.

  “Look at me.”

  Jessica’s eyes locked with his. She gave him a secret smile as she tugged the tips of her nipples. They elongated enticingly.

  Carson loved her full tits. His throat felt dry wanting to lick and suck her.

  Gently he moved one hand down to her pussy. Strangely she was shy, settling for stroking her outer folds. Carson gripped the sides of the bed. Sitting back and watching her was more difficult than he thought.

  Her fingers slipped inside her pussy.

  “That’s it baby, nice and slow.”

  Her hand moved faster, her hips pushing down against the bed. She closed her eyes.

  She’d never pleasured herself before him. As her mate, he wanted that task all to himself. But watching her now with her body starting to strain, Carson vowed he’d fuck her so hard that she’d never need to do that again.

  A slight sheen of sweat showed on her brow. In the pauses when the wind stopped howling, the only sounds in the room were the hiss of the
heater and her own wetness.

  Her lips pursed, showing her frustration.

  “What’s the matter, baby? Why can’t you cum?” Carson moved his hands on her thighs.

  “Fuck! Carson. I need you inside me. Please. Just fuck me.” Her eyes now open were feverish.

  “I guess I’m a bit more of a sadist than I thought.” He kissed her temple and each cheek. “I like watching you. A lot.”

  Jessica dropped her hand from her pussy to his cock. She stroked him hard and fast.

  Carson closed his eyes and saw stars. The most amazing constellation ever.

  He slid one finger inside Jess. She was tight and so motherfucking wet. “Fuck, baby. You are so ready.”

  Jessica angled her hips up to allow him greater access. “Sink that Bad Boy right in there.”

  “I want to, baby. I really do.”

  “Then do it now. Before I die. Give me your cock!”

  Carson slid another finger inside her. She was so close. If he let her orgasm now, then later she’d be sated for more play. And he had a lot of time to make up for.

  He increased his speed. His free hand found Jessica’s, raising it over her head, lightly pinning it there. Their fingers clasped.

  He kissed her lightly.

  “You bastard,” Jessica murmured against his lips. “You are going to make me fucking cum with your fingers.”

  Carson pulled back enough to nibble her earlobe. “You’re right. This time. But afterwards I’m going to bury myself in you balls deep. You’re not going to walk straight for a week.”

  “I love a challenge.”

  “I’d expect nothing less.” He silenced her with a kiss. And stroked her until she came, bucking and coming apart for him.


  Jessica lay sprawled on the tiny cot- Holy Motherfucking Stars, that climax just might kill her. Considering all the ways to die, this one wasn’t bad at all. She’d take her chances with Carson any day.

  Carson had moved to lay beside her once more. His wounds must be hurting him. She felt so amazingly good right now it was hard to be sympathetic. She rolled on her side making room for him. His thick cock pressed against the small of her back.

  Clearly, he wasn’t feeling that much pain.

  “You ok?” He arranged the blankets to cover them, tucking them around her.


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