Deep Into the Game: S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND (Episode 1) (Volume 1) (S. W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND)

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Deep Into the Game: S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND (Episode 1) (Volume 1) (S. W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND) Page 16

by Saul Tanpepper

I concentrate on my breathing—in and out and in again—timing my kicks to keep the rhythm going. The beat becomes a part of me, a part of my own living rhythm, until I no longer have to think about it.

  Images gradually creep back into my mind, so slowly and stealthily that I don’t realize it at first. The zombies in the store, the way their heads exploded like a sack of flour, like they were so old that they’d completely dried up inside. How could they still be…alive?

  The ones that attacked us after we’d returned to where our gear was hadn’t been like that. The faster ones. One of the zombies Kelly had beheaded had made a wet squelching sound when it fell. A thick, deep red fluid had oozed from its neck. It was a fresh zombie.

  I shudder.

  Reggie stops a couple times, both times asking us via Link if we’re all okay. Kelly notices that I don’t have mine and gives me a curious look. I shrug and hold out my empty hands. He types something into his screen, then shows it to me:


  I nod. He shakes his head. I’ll need to figure out how to explain it to the Department of Citizen Registration when we get back. The questionnaire for a lost Link is over a thousand questions long.

  The second time Reggie stops, I notice the drag on us. The current has stopped pushing at us. And while it isn’t yet pulling us back yet, the lack of assistance combined with our fatigue is slowing our progress. We’ve depleted our energy reserves.

  I’m especially beginning to feel it, since I didn’t eat earlier. My legs cramp. There’s a stitch in my side. Any adrenaline I’d been running on has long since run out.

  Micah gives Reggie an impatient look and gestures at him to keep going. We quickly reform our chain and carry on. We don’t know how much longer our cartridges will last. Once more, I close my eyes and let the others guide me.

  The minutes pass. Then I feel Ash and Kelly release my hands. I open my eyes, thinking we’ve reached the end. But everything’s still dark, except for the two beams of light, spreading out.

  I push myself toward the source of the closest one. Jake’s face emerges from the gloom. I grab his hand and hold on. He stops and looks at me, confused, tension filling his face.

  He holds up his Link and types:


  He reads my frown immediately, since I have no goggles to distort my eyes. Gripping my hand once more, he points downward with the light. Below us is the faint outline of the rear of the old bus we’d passed on our way in.

  I look up again. The debris dam looms over us, tall and massive. It stretches all the way to the ceiling and spans the tunnel from one side to the other. A large tree trunk pokes through it, its stunted roots looking like a gorgon’s head, a nest of unidentifiable flotsam trapped within its tentacles.

  Jake swings the light over to the side. I’m barely able to make out Kelly and Reggie. They’re at the opening we used earlier, but now it’s blocked. I can see them trying to move something. Ash and Micah hover nearby with the other flashlight. Jake must’ve taken Reggie’s light to find another opening.

  I urge his hand to point the beam over the surface of the logjam once more, looking for another opening. Below us, a stream of mud eddies out of a narrow gap beneath the bus. In just the few seconds we hover there, the cloud spreads up to meet us.

  A new alarm rises up inside of me: the current has shifted.

  Jake realizes this too. He yanks the light away and swings it back up at Reggie and Kelly. They’ve got a corner of what looks like a box spring and are pulling at it, trying to pry it loose. Micah makes an urgent noise with his throat, but we’re too far away and they can’t hear it. I begin to kick my way up toward them.

  I reach Ash just as I start hearing a soft plinking noise below us. I look down and see Jake urgently banging the handle of his knife on the flashlight, trying to alert the others. Ashley hears it and turns, inadvertently shifting the light in Micah’s hands away from Kelly and Reg.

  Just then there’s a low grinding noise, massive and ominous. I feel it in my bones, and I sense, rather than see or hear, the pile beginning to shift, the low grinding of several tons of material moving against itself, pushed forward by the strengthening current, unrelieved now that its only opening has been obstructed.

  Jake makes that urgent sound in his throat again, but Kel and Reg don’t hear. He swims past us and stabs them with his light. They keep working on pulling the mattress free.

  Now I see the first fingers of muddy water beginning to surge past them. I grab Ashley’s arm and pull her away.

  Her eyes narrow at me in confusion. She pulls back.

  A loud metallic moaning sound comes from the bottom of the pile. The bus lurches. Ash makes a sound in her throat. I gesture that the boys need to hurry.

  Jake reaches Kelly and pushes him away. They begin to wrestle with each other. Reggie turns and stares as if they’re crazy. His body stiffens. He watches them do their slow motion fight for a moment before he tries to separate them.

  Something shoots through the small opening. It wraps around Jake’s head. He tears it away and tries to see what it is, but it slips from his hand and disappears into the gloom. Kelly takes the opportunity to move away.

  I waves my arms, but they don’t see me. Jake grabs Reggie and points down, but Reggie can’t see what he’s pointing at; it’s too dark. Behind them, the mattress bulges out. Jake points again and waves his hands in a sweeping motion. Reggie shakes his head. Jake gives up and tries Kelly again.

  Behind them, the mattress twists. Suddenly, it shoots out of the gap, hitting Reggie in the back. A bubble of air escapes his mouth and his mask sinks away. For a moment he looks unconscious, but then his head whips around and his hands go to his throat.

  I dive downward into the darkness, not knowing where I’m going, only moving by instinct. I sweep my arms around until I feel something light brush against the back of my hand and I stab at it until my fingers wrap around the tube connecting the cartridge to the mask. It seems like a miracle, but I’ll take it. I turn and kick my way up.

  Reggie is still struggling. He’s drifting away toward the darkness, but nobody else sees him. Kel and Micah are moving to the opening. They see that’s clear again. Jake swims up to them, still gesturing.

  A series of thumps comes to us from all around. They echo dully and ponderously, sounding like they’re coming from the other side of the heap. A loud scrape follows. Everyone stops what they’re doing to look around. Everyone but me and Reggie.

  I swim desperately toward the gloom, towards Reggie’s fading ghostly shape. I get one last glimpse of his eyes just before he disappears: they’re wild and bulging behind his goggles.

  I hear the sudden release of air and I know Reggie’s using the air in his goggles. There’s another release. Then a third. How many more before it’s empty?

  I need to find him.

  Kelly’s suddenly there, pulling me back toward the opening. He spins me around. I see Micah hanging onto the edge of the metal cage, kicking against the current, casting his light inside to see if it’s clear all the way through. The mud swirls through in thick clouds. But the current looks too strong. Even if it’s wide enough for us to swim through, how can we?

  I push Kelly away and turn. I kick into the darkness.

  Then the light turns on us. I see Reggie up ahead, his hands clasped over his mouth, his cheeks bulging. His eyes lock on me, and the mask in my hand. He kicks weakly, but he’s still drifting further away.

  I finally reach him. He clutches me desperately. Even starving of air, his grip is like steel. I thrust his mask into his face. He takes it and exhales explosively into the canister, then inhales. The canister wheezes from the force of his breathing. I fear he’ll burst the bag inside.

  In he breathes. Out. Repeating the cycle as I try to tow him back toward the heap. But it’s against the current. It’s like towing a boulder through quicksand.

  Reggie recovers enough to help me. Finally we reach the opening. Items are falling all aroun
d, tumbling down around us or being swept up in the rush of water through the gap.

  Kelly’s got his Link out. He flashes the screen at us:

  <<2 DANGERUS>>

  He points back the way we came.

  Ashley shakes her head. She grabs for Kelly’s arm and misses, tries again, grabs his ankle. I can see her shaking her head vehemently at him and pointing in the other direction. There’s no way she’s going back to Long Island.

  I feel Reggie push against me. He’s still shaking, but stronger than he was even just a moment before. His recovery is amazingly quick. He grabs the edge of the metal cage and pulls himself into the opening.

  The urgency is clear in Kelly’s eyes, but Ashley takes the opportunity to jockey her way into the gap. The current pushes her back and she somersaults. But then a hand shoots through the opening and grabs her, turning her around. The gap shifts; the cage begins to narrow.

  Micah grabs me and shoves me toward the opening. Then Kelly follows me. I pass Reggie inside, wedged in a tiny recess. He helps us through. Just in front of me, I see Ashley’s flippers disappearing out the other side.

  Something flutters past my face. Then something else drags across my arm, scratching me. I kick and strain and grab onto anything that’ll keep me from sliding back. I’m acting on adrenaline. We all are. There’s nothing else left.

  I push and pull and kick. Then I shoot through the opening and find calmer water. Ash returns with a pole. She pokes it through. Kelly grabs it and pulls himself out.

  There’s a loud rumble and everything shifts several feet. Ashley loses her air and lets go of the pole. I take her place while she recovers.

  Just as the entire debris pile shudders, Micah emerges. There’s a loud crack and a rumble and the cage collapses upon itself. Micah’s flashlight gets ripped from his hand. It tumbles away, then winks out. Complete darkness descends over us.

  Someone grabs me. A Link screen glows, showing me Kelly’s face. He pulls me clear of the pile.

  Jake! my mind screams. He never made it through.

  Kelly points. I catch a glimpse of Ash holding her Link before her, the mask now back in her mouth: she’s trying to put her goggles on. Micah’s helping her.

  I don’t see Reggie or Jake.

  Then Reggie appears in the faint glow of Ash’s Link. We join them, clustering close together.

  << JK?>>

  We all shake our heads.

  Reggie types:


  Kelly shakes his head. He points at the pile and begins to swim toward it. But then he stops and turns. He pushes his mouthpiece deeper in and sucks. Panic rises in his eyes.

  I can also feel it. I don’t know if it’s just because Reggie mentioned the canisters failing or if it’s actually happening, but I’m suddenly feeling light headed, just like I did on the way over. There’s a dull pressure behind my eyes and I fight the urge to breath deeper and faster. How many more breaths do I have left?

  I snatch Ash’s Link and quickly scroll through it to find Jake’s contact. Pictures of people flash by, some I recognize, others I don’t. One goes by so fast that it doesn’t register at first, someone I know. Someone Ash shouldn’t.

  Then there’s Jake’s image. I ping him.

  There’s no response.

  Micah grabs Ash’s hand and pulls her, but I won’t let him. I try Jake’s Link a second time.

  Still no response.

  Now we have no choice. We’ll all die if we stay. Even if we leave now, we might not make it.

  Then Ash’s Link lights up.


  Micah shakes his head. There’s no way through the dam. Jake’s on the other side, but he can’t reach us. And we can’t reach him.

  Ash crumbles, but Reggie grabs her arm and shakes her, pointing. We need to go!

  We form a chain again. I take one last look back, hoping for something, some sign that Jake has found a way through. I think I see a flash of light. I stare for a moment, but there’s nothing but darkness.

  We swim on in total darkness. I can’t know if I’m crying because my tears just melt into the filthy, salty water. And yet I do know. I’m crying because we’ve left Jake behind.

  And yet I swim on.

  One by one, our cartridges fail. We share the rest between us until all we have left is the one unused one that Micah still had on his belt. And still we haven’t reached the opening.

  We each have to wondering, with the five of us using it, will it last?

  Reggie guides us with his hand on the wall of the tunnel. We pass the one mask between us: front to back to front again.

  And then, just it begins to fail, the darkness in the tunnel lightens just a tiny bit. I’m half delirious by then from fatigue and oxygen deprivation and grief. We all are. But it’s not the light of the tunnel opening, it’s the light from Ash’s Link receiving one final message:


  We each see it, but we don’t stop. Surviving is paramount. It’s the one thought we all share.

  But now a second thought settles in, a doubt, waiting for the moment when it can become the most important thing of all: How can we just leave Jake behind?

  We can’t.

  ‡ ‡


  Author’s note

  If you haven’t read the note at the beginning of this book, please do so now. It provides important news about the GAMELAND series and how you can get the entire 8-episode package in a single advance purchase at considerable discount over the individual episodes. The series publication schedule is as follows:

  May 1, 2012: Episode 1

  Jun 1, 2012: Episode 2

  Jul 1, 2012: Episode 3

  Aug 1, 2012: Episode 4

  Sep 1, 2012: Episode 5

  Oct 1, 2012: Episode 6

  Nov 1, 2012: Episode 7

  Dec 1, 2012: Episode 8

  In addition, the entire 8-episode series will be available separately in paperback format shortly after the final episode is published.

  If you’d like some insight into the world of GAMELAND, pick up a copy of Golgotha, which takes place roughly fifteen years earlier and describes the death of Jessie Daniel’s father and the rise of the Omegamen Forces with her grandfather at the helm.

  I welcome your thoughts. If you leave a review, you’ll find a special offer after the page-turn.


  Thank you for reading

  I strive to write the best stories possible

  and would love to know your thoughts on this one.

  Did you like it? How did it meet your expectations?

  If it didn’t, how might I improve it?

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  Your input is valuable to me.

  All my best,


  Contact me: [email protected]


  Tell me where you posted your review

  and I’ll “gift” you Golgotha (prequel to GAMELAND)

  or any tanpepper title priced at up to $1.99.


  My undying thanks to the devoted staff of Brinestone Press for their keen eye and gentle but firm touch in helping me bring this story to life, for believing every step of the way that I could raise the dead.

  To my devoted fans and followers on Twitter (, especially the zombie apocalypse junkies. Everything’s better with the #zombie hashtag.

  My deepest gratitude goes to my family for their unflagging support. Without them, I would not be able to create worlds with such richness to them.


  Saul Tanpepper is a writer of speculative fiction for teens and adults. A former molecular geneticist originally from Upstate New York, he now calls Northern California home.

  If you enjoyed his Gameland series, please check out his other titles, available in
digital and print form from

  For more information about the author and his writings, please check out his website: and Facebook pages at

  Other GAMELAND titles available by Saul Tanpepper

  GAMELAND Episodes 1-8 (package)

  Golgotha (prequel to GAMELAND)

  For ages 16 and up

  Other titles available by Saul Tanpepper


  Paranormal Tales, Science Fiction, Horror

  Seven short stories and novellas.


  The Grin

  The Scenario Egg

  A Thing for Zombies

  Reached in Error

  Raise the Dead

  The Sacrifices We Make

  The Promises We Keep

  Approximately 84,000 words

  For older teens and adults

  Available in paperback (252 pages) and digital formats

  Other titles available by Saul Tanpepper

  Shorting the Undead and Other Horrors:

  A Menagerie of Macabre Mini-fiction

  Eight terrifying tales of the Undead and the Unliving.


  Occupied (a supermoto champion is trapped on an airplane with the Undead)

  Mr. November (four boys, a haunted house, and the World Series on Halloween night)

  The Headhunter (a story of redemption, salvation, and zombie hunters)

  The Object of Her Obsession (a young woman's desire is so strong it reaches beyond the grave)

  Nocturne (a man with a dark secret and an even darker obsession)

  Outsourced (a dark comedy about the economy and zombies that crave more than brains)


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