Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella Page 9

by Laura Ann

  “It must be broken, she never seems to respond to it.” He scrunched his face up to one side.

  Rory laughed. “Not every woman can be taken in by good looks and cheeky grins.”

  Steven stepped up into her personal space. “You think I’m good looking?”

  Rory fought the impulse to lean into his warmth. “You know full well what you look like, I’m not about to stroke your ego.”

  “Aww...that’s my smart aleck.” He came down nose to nose with her. “In fact, I might even say...”

  Something soft brushed Rory’s cheek, but her eyes never strayed from his.

  “You’re my favorite.” The words were a hoarse whisper, proving he was just as affected by the moment. He stayed there, sharing her air and soaking in the chemistry that always sizzled between them.

  After a few moments, he leaned back, allowing Rory to once again get control of her brain function. She blinked several times and leaned back slightly when a red blur popped into her vision. When her vision focused she found that Steven was spinning a single red rose in front of her. She grinned when he tapped her on the nose with it. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Reaching out, she took it from him and took a deep sniff. “I think you’re walking the fraternization line.” She whispered.

  “Contract, remember?” He winked.

  “Don’t get too cocky mister. But...thank you.”

  Steven gave his usual smirk and walked away, Rory slowly followed.

  “ALRIGHT, EVERYONE! Quiet down, quiet down!” Steven moved his hands in a downward motion several times.

  The noise of the room quieted to a low murmur and everyone took a seat in one of the available chairs.

  “I realize everyone is excited, and probably hopped up on chocolate—”

  The group of youth laughed as he had intended and even Rory found herself chuckling slightly.

  “But...we still have work to do. Before we get started, however, we have a surprise that arrived today! If you weren’t in Ms. Briar’s room earlier, you won’t have seen...drum roll please...” He waited until the students were all drumming on their legs. “OUR FLIERS!” He held one up above his head in a triumphant pose.

  The group roared with approval and soon rushed the teacher. They clamored to get a look at the fliers, laughing and teasing as they went.

  Rory laughed as she watched Steven disentangle himself from the mob. When he finally slid out of the crush, he made his way to her side.

  “Whew! They are really excited!” He made a dramatic brow swipe, wiping nonexistent sweat off his face.

  “Well...these kids have never done anything like this before. In fact, this might the only time they ever get to. Who can blame them for their enthusiasm?” Rory looked at the group with fondness.

  Steven slung an arm over her shoulders and leaned closer. “Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Rory warmed at his touch and the sentiment. “It’s been fun. I’m excited to see it all come together in the next couple weeks.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.” His voice was low and his lips brushed her ear.

  “It’s Valentine’s Day. Not only will it be impossible to get in anywhere, but it will also send an announcement to anyone who sees us that we’re a couple.”

  Steven shrugged. “Aren’t we?”

  “Aren’t we what?”

  “A couple?”

  Rory bit back a grin. “I don’t think so. We’ve never even been on a date.” She teased.

  Steven jerked back. “Oh yes we have.”

  “Oh no we haven’t. Not once have you actually asked me on a real date. A quick dinner after practice does not a date make.” She folded her arms across her chest, and poked out her bottom lip. It was all she could do to stay serious as she flirted with him.

  Steven closed his eyes and chuckled. “Well allow me to rectify that situation, my dear lady.” He let go of her shoulders and stepped back to allow himself room.

  Rory bit her lip, and immediately grabbed her lip gloss. Her heart began to hammer in anticipation of what the flamboyant teacher planned.

  “Fair maiden!” Steven projected his voice and spread his arms wide.

  The entire room of children and adults stopped what they were doing and looked at Mr. Phillips.

  “I find myself low in spirit on this most wondrous of days...indeed, St. Valentine’s Day.”

  Girlish giggles came from the watching crowd, and Rory struggled to contain her own laughter.

  “And why am I low in spirit you might ask?” He faced the crowd as he asked the question, widening his eyes and pushing out his bottom lip. “For I find myself...lonesome. Indeed, all alone. But!” His face brightened and he held up a finger. “I believe I have a solution to this vexing predicament.” Taking Rory’s hand, he cradled it between his own. “Would you, dear lady. Dear, sweet, fair maiden, show mercy on one such as I? Would you lower yourself to spending time with this humble peasant? I might even find myself able to provide sustenance for such an adventure. Savory meats and sweet treats,” He stepped closer and looked at her lips. “For only the best should pass by those lips. Lips red as the rose and far more precious than rubies. I await your edict, m’lady. Please...let only a ‘yes’ pass by those—”

  Rory could take no more. The electric build up between them felt as if it would burn her to ashes if it continued. “Yes.” She whispered amidst a giggle.

  Steven paused. “What was that my lady? I’m afraid these ears are not quite—”

  “YES!” Rory shouted.

  The room erupted with whoops and hollers, as Steven bent over at the waist and kissed Rory’s hand. Facing the group once more, he threw a fist in the air. “VICTORY!”

  Rory closed her eyes and smiled, shaking her head at his antics. Looking up, she watched Steven approach the crowd. His eyes danced and his smile was as wide as the Mississippi.

  Rory had a small moment of panic, when she heard the door click closed behind her. But when she spun around no one was there. If Ms.Millicent had seen us, she would have said something. Brushing off the momentary scare, she turned and watched Steven again.

  As the teenage boys clapped him on the back, the girls grinned and giggled. It took several minutes for Steven to get the kids calmed down enough to begin what felt like the longest rehearsal in history.


  Steven looped Rory’s arm through his as they walked out to the parking lot. “Your chariot awaits, m’lady.”

  Rory smiled and allowed herself to be seated in his car. After Steven got in the other side, she asked, “Don’t you ever get tired of it?”

  Steven raised his eyebrows.

  “The act? At the whole shakespearean, acting...crazy...thing?” Rory waved her hands around to make her point. When Steven didn’t answer, she waved them around again, until he burst out laughing.

  “If I stay silent, will you keep waving your arms like that?”

  Rory slugged him in the shoulder. “I’m serious. It seems like it would be exhausting!”

  Steven let out a big breath. “Yeah...sometimes. But it’s fun too. I never get tired of seeing people smile and laugh. And when I act ridiculous, that’s exactly what I get.” He pulled into the parking lot of one of the nice restaurants in town.

  Rory raised her eyebrows. “There’s no way we’ll get in here tonight. I’m sure they’ve been booked for weeks.”

  “Watch and learn, m’lady.” Steven grinned and hopped out of the car, coming around to open her door and walk her inside.

  “We have a reservation under Phillips.” Steven said at the hostess station.

  “Yes, sir. Right this way please.”

  Steven grinned as Rory’s jaw dropped. He planned this all along!

  The hostess showed them to a private back room, with a table set up for two.

  The lighting was dim and a single rose, with candles on either side stood in the mid
dle of the table.

  Rory stopped in the doorway. Oh my heavens...

  Steven put his hand on her back and gently pushed her the rest of the way into the room. Directing her to a chair, he pulled it out and helped her get settled before sitting in his own seat across the table.

  “Your server will be with you momentarily.” The young hostess said before leaving and closing the door.

  Rory’s eyes were wide a she looked around the room. “Good grief.” She whispered. Looking at him she asked, “What is all this?”

  “Only the best for my lady.” He replied, before picking up his napkin and laying it in his lap.

  Rory scoffed. “I’m serious, Steven. This is amazing, but crazy. I didn’t even know they had a room like this back here. How did you manage to snag it?”

  Steven opened his mouth to answer, but the door opened to reveal their waiter wheeling a cart into the room. “Good evening lady and gentleman. I’m Grant, I will be your server this evening.” He pushed the cart along the table. “I’ve brought you lemon water and proscuitto and fig flatbread to start your evening.” He set their glasses and dishes on the table. After standing, he laid a towel over his forearm. “Is there anything else you require before the next course?”

  Rory looked to Steven for an explanation.

  “I think we’re good for now.” Steven replied. “Thank you.”

  The waiter bowed before exiting the room with the cart.

  Ignoring the delicious smell coming from the flatbread, Rory folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. “This is crazy. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Steven shrugged, while taking a sip of his water. When he set it down, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well...”

  “I’m serious Steven. We’re both teachers, so I have a pretty good idea of your income, and this is wayyy beyond that.” She softened her tone. “Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture. This is hands down the most wonderful Valentine’s Day anyone has ever given me, but I’m happy with a burger and fries too, ya know?”

  Steven grinned. “What if I told you this isn’t going to cost me more than a burger and fries?”

  “How is that possible?”

  “It’s kind of a long story and this bread is going to get cold. Why don’t you eat while I talk, huh?”

  Rory nodded and helped herself to a piece of the bread. She held in a moan as she tasted it. Heaven in a bite...

  “My parents met on Valentine’s Day.” Steven started.

  Rory watched him as she chewed, studying his facial expressions.

  “For my father, he claims it was love at first sight.” He chuckled. “He chased mom for a couple of months before she finally agreed to go out with him. Mom always said she just loved being chased.” Steven winked at Rory.

  Rory smiled, imagining his parents teasing each other. That’s what a family should be like.

  “They got engaged the next Valentine’s Day, and then got married the next Valentine’s Day, a year later.” He smiled. “Dad would have married her the day after he proposed but mom insisted that it had become ‘their date’. Anyway, it obviously became tradition for them to celebrate big on Valentine’s Day. And when dad’s business started doing well, he saved up and took her to the fanciest restaurant in town.”

  “But what does this—”

  Steven held up his hand with a grin. “So impatient m’lady. I’m getting there.” He took another swallow of water. “My dad’s business continued to grow and soon he was buying up other car dealerships until he reached where he is today. When we moved here, dad looked up the fanciest restaurant in town and made a deal with them. He pays them to keep a standing reservation in this private room for him every Valentine’s Day.”

  “Wow.” Rory breathed. “That’s so sweet, and a little crazy.”

  Steven chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah.”

  “So why isn’t your father using it tonight then? Are they eating at home instead?”

  “Umm...no. Mom died a few years ago, but dad can’t bring himself to let go of the reservation. Said it reminds him of her and their memories.”

  Rory’s eyes filled with tears. “Steven I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks, it’s okay. It’s been awhile. I mean, we still miss her, but we’re okay.” His mouth twitched and his eyes started dancing. “When I told dad I had a special lady I wanted to ask out, he insisted we use this reservation. So...that’s why we’re here. He can’t wait to meet you.”

  Rory felt heat work its way up her cheeks. “He sounds like a great guy.”

  “He is.” Steven agreed.

  Just then the waiter came in with two dinner trays. After getting their meals settled, he once again left the couple alone.

  Dinner was quiet for the most part. Although few words were spoken, their eyes met often. Heat and longing bounced between the two of them and thickened the atmosphere of the room.

  As soon as they were finished with their food, Steven pushed back his chair. Coming around to Rory, he took her hand and guided her up.

  Rory scrunched her eyebrows together, but followed his lead.

  Steven’s intense stare never left her, as he walked backwards, leading her into the middle of the room. Reaching the center, he paused, pulling her closer, slipping his hand onto her waist and lifting the other into dance position. He paused a moment and waited.

  Rory gasped and laughed when a waltz began playing through speakers in the room, and Steven began leading her around in a circle.

  Pulling her in close, he leaned his chin against the side of her head. “I’ve never forgotten what it was like to hold you that night. You were so beautiful and so sad.”

  Rory felt tears prick her eyes at his words. “You made my night.” She whispered hoarsely. “For the first time ever I felt like someone was paying attention to me. That someone saw me.”

  “Oh I saw you alright. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” His deep chuckle rumbled through his chest and penetrated Rory’s core, setting off her heart like a galloping stallion. “I was so nervous when I approached you. I was sweating bullets and praying that I had remembered deodorant that morning.”

  Rory threw back her head and laughed. She kept her head tilted and looked Steven in the eye. “You cannot be serious. You were so suave and smooth. I would never have guessed you were the least bit nervous.”

  “All part of the act, my dear.” He smiled down at her. Slowly, their movements came to a stop as they maintained their eye contact. His hand flexed on her back before slowly pulling her flush with him. Letting go of her hand,he reached up and cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her bottom lip.

  “Aurora...” He whispered, before he dropped his head down and met her waiting lips. His kiss was firm and confident.

  Rory felt herself trembling from head to toe. She grasped his shoulders for support, but soon found she wanted more. This! This is exactly what I have been waiting for. With a sigh, she slid her arms around his neck and wiggled further into his embrace, needing to be as close as possible.

  Steven wrapped both arms around her, securing her in his arms and tilted his head, to deepen the kiss.

  After a few heated moments, Steven worked his way to her cheek, the kiss turning playful as he nipped and kissed his way down her neck. “I’ll always be here, Aurora.” He whispered in between kisses. “You know that, don’t you? I’m not going anywhere.”

  Rory tilted her head, giving permission and access to her skin. “Mmm...” was all she could say, as she revelled in the warmth and electricity his lips were creating.

  He brought his hands up and framed her face, forcing her to look him in the eye again. “I mean it Aurora. I’ve tried to prove it to you, but I need to hear you say it. I need to know that you understand I’m in this for the long haul.”

  Rory searched his eyes, their emerald intensity seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. It was difficult to understand all the emotions fighting for dominance inside of her, but she he
ld onto one with both hands. Love. I’m completely in love with this man. He’s kind, charming and has the same drive to help kids that I do. “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “I believe you...I know you’re not going anywhere...and neither am I.”

  Steven’s answering smile lit up the room, before he closed the distance between them once more, creating a truly memorable Valentine’s Day.


  “Where is he?” Rory muttered. Come on, come on! Her mind whirled with all the possible reasons that Steven could be late, but none of them made any sense.

  The last couple of weeks had been pure bliss, as she and Steven had dated in earnest. They had tried hard to stay professional at The Center, but more than once they had snuck in a little together time. Rory’s mouth twitched as she thought of him pulling her behind a curtain yesterday for a little ‘sip of her nectar’. She couldn’t decide whether to groan or giggle at his cheesy, old fashioned lines. Definitely both.

  After a moment she frowned, coming back to her immediate problem. “He’s never been late before...why now, on opening night?” He wouldn’t just leave would he? He wouldn’t do that to the kids...or me. She turned worried eyes to Flora, who was fixing a zipper on one of the student’s costume.

  “I don’t know dear, this isn’t like him at all.” Flora’s eyebrows were furrowed, her lips pulled down in the corners.

  Fauna came rushing backstage in a flurry of lace and tulle. “Rory! Come quickly!”

  Rory rushed over and tried to help take the clothing, but Fauna held tight.

  “No, no dear. I don’t need help with the clothes. I just found out something horrible. Steven isn’t here.”

  “Yeah, he’s obviously running late.”

  Fauna shook her head. “Ms. Millicent just told me to tell you that you were to be in charge. Apparently she kicked him out.”

  A loud gasp ricocheted through the backstage area, and all the kids started talking and shouting at once.

  “QUIET!” Rory yelled and waved her arms over her head. The group quieted down and turned their attention to her. “Fauna, would you please explain what you just said. I don’t understand how he could have been kicked out. This is opening night!” Rory’s heartbeat had skyrocketed. I’m sure my blood pressure just went through the roof. Good grief, I’m too young to have a heart attack!


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