Born To Be A Queen

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by Ronnie

Born To Be A Queen

  By Ronnie

  Chapter 1: A Star Is Born


  In Harvey, one of the very urban neighborhoods of Chicago was a young girl named Delilah Jenkins, who had a boyfriend an soon to be husband, Roger, but 4 months ago he was shot in a drive by and at 20 she was single, pregnant and was ready to give birth to her son. At Ingalls Hospital not far from her house Delilah was about to go into a labor, with her aunt Bessie, Rogers mom Duranice and some friends

  "Oooooh ooooh this hurts!" Said Delilah in pain 

  "Don't worry it's just a contraction they pass, I'm goin to get some gloves miss Jenkins, hang in there!" Said the doctor 

  "So baby, we know we need to talk about how you gon care for this child...." Bessie said 

  "Auntie don't start, okay we talked about it and I'm keepin my baby, besides I don't want no white folks I don't know raisin my child!" 

  "Honey I see how you livin, and you only got 250 dollars in that cookie jar, Delilah baby this child needs a better life than this! The streets killed Roger, yo momma, and yo brother......and I'm sorry but we can't mess up this one!" Bessie stated 

  "Ok last time I checked I'm pushing this baby out okay, besides I have you, I have Duranice an Miss Mableton over in Roseland she can watch my baby while I work!" 

  "Bessie leave the girl alone, she gon have the odds stacked against her with or without this baby, just be glad she ain't laid out in the gutter or whoring around like these other girls!" Duranice shouted 

  "Look I know Delilah is gon be a wonderful mother but let's face facts, it'll be impossible for her to make it!" 

  "Auntie.......I'm willing to take that risk!" Delilah said 

  After that tense moment the doctor came back in and was ready to deliver the baby. Delilah was uncertain herself about the future but she was determined to give the baby the best she could do! 45 minutes later the baby was born, and Delilah held him in her arms, and just looked at him with so much happiness, 

  "So what you gon name him honey?" Bessie asked 

  "Ronnie, Ronnie Roger Jenkins!" 

  "Oh you used his late father’s name as his middle, if Roger were here he be so happy, imma pray for you guys and remember Delilah, it you need any help whatsoever you come right over ya hear!" Duranice said 

  "Yes Miss Duranice thank you!" 

  "Well the umbilical cord is cut, the baby is completely healthy, you can go home in a hour or so the nurse will bring the papers!" Said the doctor 

  "Thank you doctor!"

  "Oooh look at him he so cute, honey I just know you'll be a great mother!"

  "I bet he gon be a superstar when he grows up! 

  "Well with god all things are possible......."



  8 years have passed an Ronnie was an eccentric lil boy, he was growing up so fast and Delilah eventually told him about his father being dead, Ronnie didn't seem too phased about it, but there was something else going on......Ronnie had a vibrant personality, some thought a lil too vibrant. Ronnie never told his mom this but at school the other boys would pick on him and call him "faggot" and "fruity ass nigga" among other things for the way he acts, the way he walks, playing jump rope with the girls instead of sports with the boys, sometimes Ronnie would come home from school with tears in his eyes because of the bullying, and would lie to his mom that he hurt his arm or something. But one thing that made him feel better was music, he listen to Whitney Houston especially and as he lip sync to her song "ALL THE MAN I NEED" he was feelin so much better and decided he wanted to a be a singer!

  "Hey mommy, can I join the church choir?" Ronnie asked 

  "I don't see why not, besides ain't nothin better for you than Jesus!" Said Delilah 

  "Thank you, Hey mommy can I ask you another question?" Ronnie asked

  "Sure baby what is it?"

  "What’s a fruity ass nigga?" Ronnie asked 


  "The boys in school call me that, they think....well I don't know, I'm always playing double Dutch with the girls on the playground and I walk like Whitney Houston and I sing.....immmm everyyyy womaan!" 

  And that's when Delilah knew that Ronnie was "different", nobody in her family was ever gay, and although it was too early to tell she kinda had a feeling inside that Ronnie was different, but Delilah decided not to put so much on Ronnie's shoulders and hoping that it was a phase,

  "Honey listen, even if you are or not.....just remember momma always loves you, and don't let anybody call you somethin like that! You be yourself and you embrace that!" Said Delilah

  "Thanks mommy!" Ronnie said 

  That Sunday Ronnie joined the church choir and when it was time to sing, his voice wowed everybody, even tho he made a few mistakes, it was still clearer than most 8 year olds! After the choir he went outside to play with the other kids, and even the church Ronnie's personality began to show and some kids liked it, but elders including aunt Bessie were growing concern....

  "Delilah you need to do something about Ronnie he a lil too fruity!" 

  "Bessie he'll grow out of it okay!" 

  "You better nip that in the bud, I'm tellin you they have names for boys who act like Ronnie does!" 

  Look he'll be alright, at least he wants to join the choir," 

  "Yes baby get Ronnie into gods house, get him away from that homosexual spirit," 

  Ronnie loved Shiny and glittery things, and it wasn't until when the Sunday school teacher played a movie "Cinderella" with Ronnie's favorite idol....Whitney Houston! And when Ronnie saw the gowns Cinderella wore he was mesmerized an when he got home, Ronnie would go into the bathroom and turn his towel into like a gown, and put a rag over his head like he had hair! Ronnie felt the inner diva in him coming out, and as he go thru his teen years he would definitely find out who he really well as some other experiences.


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