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Alex Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Opening her door, her mind was made up.

  Chapter Six

  Alex sat waiting. He rubbed his hands together as the time ticked by. His cock was pressed against his zipper, and it was getting painful. Sunshine had already made it to her room. He’d heard her door open and close. Was she going to come to him or would her nerve fail her? Something was different now. From the moment they both entered the hospital, it had been different. When she’d visited him, telling him that she knew the truth, he’d been surprised. She hadn’t run, and from the way she’d been with him, she wasn’t going to run.

  He listened to her door opening. Standing up, Alex was already making his way toward the door when she started to knock. He opened the door, and Sunshine stared up at him.

  “I don’t want to have any regrets. I want this,” she said.

  “This is your last chance to back down. I won’t hold it against you, and I’ll let Tiny take you back to the clubhouse so you don’t feel awkward.”

  “You’re supposed to be a bad guy.”

  He smiled. “I am a bad guy. Don’t ever think I’m anything but.”

  “Then why are you always nice to me?”

  “You’re the only one I’m nice to.” Alex moved out of the way so that she could pass him. “Come in if you want to go there, Sunshine.”

  She took tentative steps into the room. It wasn’t a rush, and her steps were small. He saw she was nervous and was trying to hide it.

  She’s a virgin. She has a right to be nervous.

  The moment she cleared the door, he closed the door, locking out the world. No one was going to interrupt this moment. Sunshine turned to stare at him.

  “You’ve never fucked a man?”

  “You know I haven’t.”

  “You ever seen a man naked?”



  “I’ve watched movies.”


  “Maybe.” She pressed her hands together in front of her. He noticed her tits moved freely.

  “Are you wearing a bra?”


  He wondered if she was blushing. Her darker skin made it hard for him to see if she was.

  “Are you wearing any panties?”

  “Is this twenty questions?”

  Alex folded his arms, waiting for her to answer.

  “No, I’m not wearing any panties.”

  “Take your dress off. I want you naked.” He leaned against the door.

  “You just want me to take it off.”

  “Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes. I want to also see your cock,” she said.

  He smiled. “Oh, baby, don’t worry. You’re going to see my cock. You’re going to play with my cock, and I’m going to be balls deep inside your dark pussy.” He didn’t make a move to touch himself.

  She eased the straps down off her shoulders. The dress slid down her body, pooling in a heap on the floor.

  His mouth watered, and he didn’t know which part of her he wanted to taste more, her dark brown nipples that were pointing at him, or her creamy pussy.

  “Get on your knees,” he said.


  “I want you on your knees.” He moved away from the door, passing her without touching her. She slowly lowered down onto her knees on the floor. He took a seat on the bed. “Come a little closer to me.”

  “I don’t know what this is all about,” she said.

  “This is what I want.”

  “Are you some kind of Dominant?” she asked.

  Alex laughed. “You read too many books.”

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of man who is into this.”

  He reached out, pushing her hair off her shoulder. “Baby, I’m not into whips, chains, and leather. Not everyone needs a playroom, nor do they need to put a fucking label on it. I like what I like.”

  “And this is what you like?”

  “I like seeing my woman submit to me, yes.”

  “Am I your woman?”

  “I guess that will be up to you.”


  “You’re a virgin, and I’m going to go easy on you. I like my sex rough and dirty. You don’t know what you like.”

  “I guess I’ll find out.”

  Her skin looked so soft. Starting at her shoulder, he caressed over her pulse, finding it still pounded against his fingertips. He smiled. Sunshine was completely affected by his touch, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. He wondered if she was nervous about the effect he had on her body.

  Gliding his finger down her body, he stroked over her pointed nipple. She gasped out, arching up into his touch.

  “Do I need to use a safe word?”

  “No, I understand what the word no means. Tell me no and I’ll listen.” He cupped her heavy breast, and with his other hand, he wrapped her hair around his fist. Tilting her head back, he slammed his lips over hers, taking the kiss he wanted desperately. She opened up to him without fighting.

  Moving to her other breast, he stroked her tits. Pulling away he stared into her eyes, seeing the lust she had shining back at him.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  She did as he ordered without arguing.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her between his legs. Running his fingers up the back of her thighs, he gripped her naked ass. Her curves were full and ripe. No other woman in his past would ever live up to her. His cock was straining against his zipper, the tip leaking pre-cum. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her stomach. Her hand touched his hair, running her fingers through the length. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Stroking over her curves, he committed every part of her to memory. Her thick thighs and rounded hips and stomach were completely different from all the other women he’d fucked. Her size didn’t diminish his need for her. In fact, it made him hotter than ever before. Standing up, he turned her around, sitting her on the bed. He tipped her back to the bed so that she lay back. Alex knelt on the floor, opening her thighs.

  She didn’t fight, nor did she argue with him. Pressing her feet to the bed, he gripped her hips drawing her to the edge of the bed.

  Sliding his hands down her stomach, he cupped her pussy. Even with his hand over the lips of her sex, she was soaking wet. A small dusting of hair covered her lips. Spreading her pussy open, he stared at her swollen clit, and down to the entrance of her pussy.

  She’s a virgin. Take it easy.

  Leaning forward he inhaled her musky scent. His mouth was watering, and the need to taste her was driving him insane.


  “I’m going to lick this pussy, baby. Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” He’d hurt so many people in his life. With Sunshine he was determined to never hurt her. She was different and always had been.


  He waited until her hands moved away from her body. Alex stared at the beauty before him. Her untouched pussy waited for him. Inhaling her musky scent, he leaned forward sliding his tongue over her virgin clit. No other man had tasted this pussy or known the taste of her. She was all his to train, to teach how to fuck, and he looked forward to every second he got with her.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he held her lips open so that he wouldn’t be hindered by her lips.

  She cried out. Her hands sinking into his hair as he licked and sucked at her.

  “Please, Alex, what are you doing?”

  Releasing her clit, he tongued the nub, glancing up to see her head thrashing from side to side. Licking down to her entrance, he circled her unused hole. He was going to take her virginity with his cock, not his tongue. Alex wanted to know the feel of her silken warmth surround him as he claimed her virginity.

  Moving up, he circled her clit, flicking over her until she came apart in his arms. She jerked up on the bed, and he released her. Gripping her head, he dragged her lips down for a kiss, refusing to give up.

  “Taste your cum, baby. You’re so fucking sweet. I’m going to be
licking you out a hell of a lot more. You’re too damned tasty to deny.” He licked his lips, relishing the taste. “So fucking tasty.”

  “I need you,” she said, mumbling the words against his lips.

  Stepping away from the bed, Alex tugged off the shirt, revealing his ink-covered arms. He didn’t like ink on his chest, but his arms displayed his devotion to the club. Unbuckling his belt, he stared at her dark brown eyes. She looked damned good in his bed.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “You know that I do.”

  “Then get used to it, baby. You’re going to be seeing a hell of a lot more of me.” Alex shoved the jeans off his body, kicking them away. Her gaze moved down, landing on his cock. Wrapping his fingers around the length, he worked from the root up to the tip then down again. Her gaze jerked back up to him. “Do you want this inside you?”

  She nodded. The simple movement shouldn’t have turned him on, but it did.

  Moving to the edge of the bed, he took hold of her hand and replaced his with hers. “Touch me, Sunshine. Show me what you want.” Her hands were smaller than his, and she shook a little as she touched him.


  This was the first cock Sunshine had touched. Alex’s shaft felt … weird. It was soft yet completely hard. The tip was slick, and running her thumb over the tiny slit, she saw more liquid came out. It didn’t matter how much she stroked over him, more was ready to take its place.

  “That’s my pre-cum, baby. I’m aroused, and you’re not going to wipe it away.”

  Sliding her hand up and down his cock, she was amazed at the heat coming off him. It was unlike anything she’d ever touched.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “You’re making me hard as fucking rock. I want inside your sweet pussy, Sunshine. Will you let me inside you?”


  He urged her up the bed. She let go of his cock as he placed her against his pillows. Alex stroked her hair out, moving it over his pillows.

  “You’ve got no idea how many times I’ve imagined you here, spread open like this.”

  His hand moved to her breasts, stroking over them before going down to cup her hip. He leaned on his other hand to keep him over her. She stared at him where he lay beside her.

  “I need you to wear a condom,” she said.


  “I’m not on anything, and I don’t want to risk pregnancy.”

  Alex cupped her face, stroking his thumb over her bottom lip. “Do you trust me?”

  She did. “Yes.” Sunshine didn’t have a clue why she trusted him, only that she did. He’d never done anything to hurt her. Even though he had that agreement with her father, he’d not acted on it. Alex could have at any moment demanded she give into him. He hadn’t done that.

  “Then trust me on this.”

  “What if I get pregnant?”

  “I’ll deal with it. I’ve used a condom before, and it split, Sunshine. There’s no guarantee with any contraception. Please, let me have this with you.” He pressed a kiss to her nipple.

  Caving in to his demand, she nodded her head.

  Alex moved between her thighs, and she opened her legs wider for him to get more comfortable. His lips landed on the side of her breast, licking around her nipple. Alex sucked her inside, and she arched up as his bite became a little too painful to handle. She was about to say his name when he stopped, licking over the hard bud.

  He went to the next one. All the time of his licking and sucking at her breasts, she grew even more aware of him against her pussy. He wasn’t in a rush, and she got the sense he was going to make her beg for it.

  “Alex?” she asked, seconds later.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Are you going to, erm, to …” She couldn’t finish the words. It was impossible to even think with his lips on her like that.

  “Am I going to what?” He smiled down at her. “You’re going to have to tell me what you want. I’m an old man.”

  She snorted. “You’re not that old.”


  Shaking her head, she reached up to press her palm against his cheek. She’d always been nervous about touching him. From the shock on his face, Alex wasn’t used to being touched all that much.

  Sunshine went to move her hand away, but he stopped her. “No, I want you to touch me.” He covered her hand with his own, and she held onto him. Alex closed his eyes, and she was sure she saw something vulnerable in his gaze. “What are you doing to me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” Her heart pounded, and something turned within her. Alex wasn’t a simple man. She’d always known there was something far deeper about him.

  “Tell me what you want, Sunshine.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  The words spilled from her lips with ease. She wasn’t embarrassed, nor was she scared about it. He claimed a kiss. His tongue tracing around her lips, demanding entrance, and she gave it to him without even fighting.

  Alex pulled away, and she watched one of his hands disappearing between them. Biting her lip, she tensed up, knowing his cock was going to be inside her within seconds.

  “I need you to relax for me, baby. I can’t do this, as otherwise it’s going to hurt you.”

  “Isn’t it supposed to hurt?”

  “I’m not into pain. I’ve never been into pain.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath.

  You want this. Stop overreacting.

  “Look at me, Sunshine.”

  Gazing into his eyes, Sunshine was lost in his depths. He was such a handsome man, scary and funny. She got the sense that he never let anyone see too deep inside him. Alex was hiding a lot of himself from everyone around him.

  Slowly, she relaxed, and when the tip of his cock pressed to her pussy, she didn’t tense up. She wanted this and was ready for it.

  “The first time it’s going to hurt you, but I’m going to take care of you.”

  She nodded.

  Alex tensed up, and in the next instant, Sunshine screamed out as he slammed deep inside her. The pain was instant as he slammed through the thin hymen of her virginity. She fought him. It was a natural instinct within her to get him to stop. He grabbed her hands, pressing them to the bed. His lips landed on hers, silencing off any whimpers.

  “I know it hurts,” he said, whispering against her ear. “I’m not going to move until you tell me to.”

  “It hurts.” She said the same words that he’d spoken seconds before.

  “I know, baby. Sh.” He kissed her neck, her lips, over her pulse. Alex held her captive, refusing to let her go. The burning between her thighs slowly started to change into something more. Losing her virginity was always going to hurt, but she didn’t have a clue it would be that bad.

  “I want you to move,” she said, licking her lips.

  Alex pulled away to look at her. “Are you sure?”


  He kept hold of her hands, keeping her in place as he started to ease out of her body. She gasped, but not in pain. The pain was long gone. No, something else was happening. Her stomach tightened, and goosebumps erupted all over her body. Thrusting up against him, she cried out at the exquisite pressure his cock gave.

  “You’re so tight, Sunshine. You feel so damned good wrapped around my dick. I know you like that. Your cum is soaking my dick.”

  “Please, Alex, harder,” she said.

  He let go of her hands, and she grabbed his ass, trying to pull him in deeper.

  Alex took hold of her hands once again, shaking his head. “I don’t think so. I’m the one in control here, not you.” He pressed her hands above her head, keeping them secure with one of his. “You want me to fuck you harder?”


  With one hand holding her wrists, with his other he gripped her hip. He pulled out of her pussy, and she whimpered, missing the feel of him inside her. She didn
’t want him to stop. Crying out, she wasn’t prepared for the force of his cock slamming inside her.

  “I can give you everything you want.” Over and over he rammed his cock inside her. The pleasure was out of this world. She grew wetter at the force of his thrusts. The hand on her hip moved between her thighs. He started to tease her clit, holding himself within her. “You have no idea what you’ve done, Sunshine. There’s no way I’m giving you up. This has nothing to do with the arrangement I’ve got with your dad. This is between us. No other man has felt how wet your pussy is. I’m the only man to fuck this sweet pussy, and I like owning a pussy that is exclusively mine.”

  She cried out as he brought her to orgasm with his fingers. He didn’t give her the chance to come down from her high. Alex fucked her hard, taking possession of her lips at the same time. His shaft hit deep inside her setting off little flutters of arousal at the depth of his cock.

  “Fuck,” he said, growling the word out, and it echoed off the walls.

  His cock jerked inside her, filling her with his cum. Alex didn’t collapse over her. He held his weight off her, giving her the chance to breathe.

  I’m no longer a virgin.

  Staring into Alex’s eyes, she didn’t care. All she cared about was the man inside her. His words that he’d spoken only moments ago echoed around her head. She didn’t want to belong to anyone, never had before. There was always something about Alex that made it hard for her to deny him.

  She had a horrible feeling that she’d never be able to walk away from him. He’d broken into her heart, and now there was no turning back.


  “Are you fucking insane? I went and picked up a murdering bastard, and you did that.”

  Tabitha held the door open listening to her mother shout at her dad. Grandpa was there shouting right back.


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