Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1) Page 9

by Livvy Aarons

  By the time, I got to the door my feet felt like lead and the butterflies in my stomach had turned into bloodthirsty June bugs. Thankfully, there was a breeze to help with my nervous sweating. Too bad there was nothing that could help with my shaky hands; I could barely push in the doorbell.

  To my surprise, an elf answered the door. Yeah a freaking elf. “You must be McKenna. We have been waiting for you.”

  As a rule, I try not to stare at people especially the supernatural variety. Most of them even the peaceful ones did not want human eyes to know of their existence. I could not help taking in the appearance of the elf that stood before me. He looked about three and a half feet tall with a round belly that was very apparent in his red vest. An elf’s facial features are what separate an elf into to the different subspecies of elves. When I lived in Georgia I saw all different types, I recognized the tiny creature to be a house elf or what some call a gnome.

  “My name is Rupert, I am Tristan’s steward.” The elf held out his hand for a handshake, which was extremely strange for such a malicious creature. Humans were normally the victims of their vicious pranks or thievery. I did not want to anger him so I complied then stepped inside. The foyer was just as impressive as the outside promised it would be. The ceiling was vaulted with tiny, intricate details that bordered the walls. In the middle of the round foyer there was a large fountain that ironically was of a cherub angel perched upon a waterfall.

  “You are very observant.” Rupert said quietly.

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “Tristan speaks of you often.” The smile Rupert gave me was intended to be friendly but his jagged teeth made it seem sinister.

  “I think you are confused. I am here to see Aidan, not Tristan.”

  Rupert chuckled, “Of course. Follow me into the lounge to rest a moment while I fetch your host.”

  The lounge was beautiful with a touch of old world that made me feel as if I had stepped back in time. The small bar in the corner of the room had wood trim that looked like it had cost thousands. Slowly I sat down on small couch facing the door; I did not want to disturb the beautiful layout of the pillows.

  Rupert cleared his throat. “You know now that I think about it, both Aidan and Tristan speak of you often. They always say how beautiful you are; yet they did not mention that you are talented as well.”

  I squirmed, wishing that I desperately had some rosemary leaves. Elves of Rupert’s species were disgusted by the smell.

  “Rupert!” Tristan’s voice echoed from the doorway. His eyes were searing in anger towards the tiny elf.

  Immediately the elf cowered in a deep bow. “Yes master?”

  “Why was I not informed of our guest arriving?”

  “My deepest apologies master. The girl said that she was here to see Aidan.” The elf never lifted from the floor.

  Tristan’s eyes flickered my direction, “Then be on your way. I will amuse her while she waits for Aidan.”

  Rupert rushed out of the lounge.

  “Thank you Tristan.” I mumbled.

  Tristan’s mood seemed to lift and gave me a big grin. “You could thank me properly.”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved out of the couch. Before I could get across the room, Tristan was already sitting in the chair I had intended to sit in. His brand of demon was apparently quick. I would have to remember that.

  “McKenna, I have to know what about me repulses you so much. Is that you are having a hard time resisting my charming nature with poor Aidan around? I could solve that problem if you like.”

  Wow, he had an ego the size of Texas. “This may be hard for you to hear Tristan but your ‘charming nature’ does not work on me. The repulsion that I have is because you’re a demon, a demon of lust to be exact. So forgive me for not wanting to be just another notch on your headboard. I am sure that you will find some other plaything to occupy yourself with.”

  Tristan seemed irritated by answer. “Little girl if I wanted you, nothing or no one would stand in my way. It is the freewill that I long for. You humans value the option so highly yet when given the choice you foolishly want someone to make it for you. The fact that you are repulsed by me being a demon is a contradiction. Here you are about to give your virginity to Aidan, hoping that it will keep him from hating you once he learns what he is and that you lied to him about it. So who is really the evil one here?”

  My face was burning bright. Tristan sure knew who to make a girl feel like a whore. “I am doing what I think is right. You have no idea what it feels like to fail someone. What does it matter to you?”

  “I know I could be so much more pleasing to you than Aidan. He has no experience with a virgin and does not realize just how fragile they can be. You should give your virginity to someone worth of it; not because you think it will save from being guilty if you fail. I do know what failure feels like.”

  Shocked, I had to blink a couple of times to make sure it was Tristan sitting in front of me. He genuinely seemed concerned about this topic. I was nowhere brave enough to pursue his reasoning so I did the only thing I could think of, call him a liar. “How do you know that I am a virgin? You obviously think of me as a person of low moral character. You cannot be certain that I am still holding on to my white gloves, or you would not say such vulgar things to me.”

  “Trust me baby doll, you are very innocent. Even if I wasn’t the demon of lust, I could smell your purity a mile away.” Tristan inhaled deeply. “So sweet—like a ripened peach. I can also tell that you are a virgin by the way your body responds to my very presence, hostile. Everyone is born with ‘the instinct’ or what you humans call your gut feelings and it tells you to run from me, fearing that I would steal your “white gloves” as you call them.” Tristan gave me a wink.

  Time to wave my white flag; I was way over my head with Tristan. He was so much better at this. Maybe I could use his knowledge for my advantage rather than make an enemy that I could not defeat. “Fine, Tristan. I will consider what you have said and not do anything drastic until I can justify my actions. But can you please call a truce?”

  “You want to be friends with me then.” Tristan eyed me suspiciously.


  “Consider it done peaches; you have my loyalty and friendship. I am no savage nor do I consider myself a gentleman. This is purely a business deal, I would like something in return.”

  “That is how a truce works. Name your price and it is yours.” Immediately Tristan’s eyes flickered and I was flooded with regret. “NO! Not that.”

  “No worries there princess. I was not going to ask for your white gloves. However, I do find it fascinating that you thought that’s what I want from our little agreement. I told you I want you to offer yourself to me willingly and this would not be willingly.” Tristan’s smile seemed to vanish and his demure was shadowed once again. “She is in here Aidan.”

  Relieved to see Aidan’s beautiful face, I rushed to his side. Giving into his powerful kiss, my fears vanished for the moment.

  “Aidan you could take McKenna out to the guest house if you want to be alone. I am sure she would not object.” The sound of Tristan’s voice broke my harmonious thoughts. This seemed to please the arrogant demon. Behind Aidan’s back I gave Tristan the finger.

  Tristan silently mouthed, Anytime.

  “What’s up with you two?” Aidan pulled away suspiciously.

  “I am just telling McKenna to relax; she is a little worked up over meeting everyone.”

  Asshole. “Yeah—I am just nervous that’s all.”

  Aidan lightly touched my face with the back of his hand. “Ah, baby doll they are going to love you; they love what I love.”

  I relished in the moment, leaning into his hand.

  “Let’s go before Tristan tells them we went to the guest house.”

  The demon must have vanished while I was caught up in the moment.

  “No worries.” I said then placed my hand in his, awaiting Aidan to lead me into to the
lion’s den. I was in for a very long night; one that would be filled with nightmares and fairy tales.

  Chapter 7:

  Truth or Dare

  Knock, knock. “McKenna, are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

  My heart was racing, “No—I’m fine. I just needed to fix my…hair.” I lied, gritting my teeth. Hopefully Aidan would buy it.

  “Um, okay. Well I will be right outside the door if you need me.”

  I turned on the water to pacify Aidan. Shortly I heard footsteps leaving the doorway. I desperately needed a minute to gather myself before I had to “play pretty” for my enemies; which outnumbered me four to one. Rupert was an elf but he was a mere puppet of Tristan’s; he was more of a nuisance than a real threat. After shaking Aidan’s adoptive father’s hand that little snake has followed my every move. In fact I would not be surprised if Rupert was in the duct work spying on me this very second. My second enemy would be a bigger challenge, for she was of the Fae breed. When Aidan first introduced me to his and Tristan’s former nanny, Tabby; I thought my eyes may have betrayed me. Immediately I saw the pointed ears and chin along with her eerily emerald tinted skin that clearly told me that Tabby was a meadow fairy. I was not an expert in the Fae Mythology but I did know that most fairies despite their classification were often found attractive to humans. Tabby was far from being remotely attractive, she looked old and had horrid dark circles under her eyes. I’ve been told that fae people are immortal; they can only be killed when someone cuts off their wings and makes them mortal. Strange I did not see Tabby’s wings but there again I did not linger too long in conversation with her after she spit on me. The temperamental bitch is why I am in this bathroom wiping off her nasty fairy saliva. My other two enemies could kill me in a matter of moments that were my greatest threat. Tristan would probably not kill me right away…he had other plans. Paul on the other hand terrified me. I could not tell what he was exactly, perhaps a breed of demon or banshee. When he innocently shook my hand, he gave me chills and when I asked about the strange looking brand he had on his wrist; Paul bushed it off as an old biker gang he belong to in his youth. That man looked like he wore Armani suits not leather cuts. I held back my laughter as I could tell Aidan seemed to be a devout believer in this man’s lies. Paul was a liar and the way he stared at Aidan made me sick. I did find a little pleasure in the fact that Tristan intimidated Paul.

  Taking a deep breath, I quickly washed my hands then silently prayed. Please God give me the courage to get through this. I will be dining with Satan’s helpers and the earth’s rejects.

  As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom Aidan was by my side. “Are you okay? I am so sorry that Tabby spit on you. She has never acted that way, I swear. Paul told her to stay away from us for the rest of the night.” Aidan’s apology was sweet painfully naïve. I gave him a quick smile and let him led the way to the dining room. A few minutes later I knew we were being followed. I could tell that it was Rupert; he was extremely clumsy for an elf.

  “At least Rupert likes you.” Aidan said playfully.

  I rolled my eyes, “Yeah like a stalker.”

  “He is just curious about you. I never bring girls home and Tristan—well, Tristan always brings home girls home in pairs.” Aidan started to laugh at Tristan’s expense; I joined in. Hearing Aidan’s laughter made me wonder if he would ever laugh at Tristan’s behavior once he found out what he really was. Doubtful. I loathed the fact that I probably would never get to hear Aidan’s laughter after Aileen talked with him. My chest ached at the promise of such a loss. I pushed away the pain as we entered the gaudy dining room. The ceilings were high and the massive fireplace emphasized the size of the room. I was thankful that the table was large enough to accommodate a small army so I would be far from Tristan or Paul. Aidan helped me in a chair closest to the door then sat across from me.

  “Glad to see that you found your way back to us dear.” Paul was sitting to my left at the very end of the table.

  I nodded politely then quickly looked away.

  Aidan thankfully was the next person who spoke. “I was not sure about what kind of foods you liked so Paul kept the chef here so you could tell him directly.”

  Tristan quickly came in the room and found his seat at the opposite end of the table that Paul was on. He was on his cell, chatting away on his Bluetooth headset. Those things always made a person look as if they were talking to themselves except Tristan did not seem as awkward about it as the others did. I peeled my eyes away from Tristan to notice a large balding man enter the dining room from a side door.

  Paul cleared his throat, “Order anything you like dear; Francis is a master chef.”

  Francis seemed unaffected by Paul comments. I felt uncomfortable simply naming a food so I asked, “What do you recommend or do you have a specialty?”

  “I have prepared flamed grilled salmon for Paul and Aidan. Tristan has already requested a leg of lamb and a filet.” Francis answered flatly.

  “Okay—how about a cobb salad without bacon or eggs?” Francis silently left through the door he entered with. I guess that is my answer.

  “Are you a vegetarian McKenna?” Tristan eyed me suspiciously.

  “It’s a personal choice; one that is not for everyone.” I mumbled.

  Aidan relaxed in his chair. “You are probably healthier than all of us especially Tristan here. He eats everything almost raw; it’s disgusting.”

  After twenty minutes of small talk about the weather and news, Paul finally broke the ice. “Tell me about your family McKenna. Aidan told me that you moved from Georgia.”

  I nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Yes, I moved from Savannah to be exact. My father was relocated from the power plant in Savannah to the one outside of town.”

  “What is your father’s name my dear? I am the owner of the power plant and would like to introduce myself to him.”

  Shit. Now my father would wonder how Paul met me. “Bill Cole; he is the operational manager.”

  Paul seemed surprise by my answer, “I was not aware that Scott had been fired. That man was one of a kind, so dedicated.”

  Tristan spoke up, “Scott died three months ago. I believe they said it was a heart attack.”

  “This cannot be true; Scott was an avid jogger. He even participated in the marathon they have in Richmond every year.” Paul explained.

  Tristan began to stare at me. “I guess when your number is called nothing can prevent death from taking you.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “Maybe we should talk about something else.” Aidan mumbled.

  The subject of death was a touchy subject with Aidan. He told me that death terrified him because he did not want to die alone. When he told me his biggest fear this morning, I nearly fell in the floor laughing at the irony; a future death angel was fearful of the loneliness in death. Sometimes I wish that people could see what I see and know that they are never truly alone…especially in death.

  The sound of Francis barreling through the dining room’s side door shattered my wandering mind.

  “Finally, I am starving” snapped Tristan. Francis served everyone their dishes in silence and when Paul waved him out of the room, he left without question.

  “McKenna why don’t you tell us about your mother; is she adjusting well?” asked Paul.

  The lump in my throat swelled once again. I could not answer as I the tears were already building up in my eyes.

  Piercing the silence Aidan cursed. “Paul that is not a good idea.”

  I had to be strong in front of the enemy; any weaknesses could be used against me. Despite the tears that were flowing down my face, I held my chin up. “My mother died when I was young—she killed herself.”

  Paul appeared unsympathetic to my tears. Aidan however was deeply affected, “McKenna I am so sorry we brought up your mom. I forgot to tell Paul not to ask about her.”

  Embarrassed that simply mentioning my mother made me cry, I shrugged silen
tly then went back to my mountain of salad. Several minutes passed before I took my eyes off my plate. I looked around to see if anyone was as anxious as I was to have this dinner massacre over. Aidan was on his last of salmon. Paul was halfway finished but had stopped to check with his blackberry. Tristan seemed to be relishing in the tension that had engulfed the room. He had cut his steak into to infantile pieces, savoring every bite before moving onto the next. A wave of nausea suddenly rolled through my gut. Tristan’s plate was covered in the blood of the raw meat. How terrifying is it to think that this may be one of the ways that Tristan killed his victims. I pushed my plate away, not sure if it was from the queasiness or fright.

  Shortly Rupert came in to collect the plates on a small cart. Surprisingly Tristan did not hesitate giving his plate over to the little elf. I was glad to see the mutilated carcass removed from my sight and absolutely elated when Paul’s phone began to ring. He looked at the caller id then answered in a foreign language. It sounded like Italian but I couldn’t be certain.

  Paul could feel my eyes upon him and put his hand over the phone. “McKenna it has been entertaining evening but I have some business to attend to; so please excuse my rudeness.”

  I smiled politely then said, “Thank you.” There was something awful about this man; I could feel it in my bones. Despite his politness and I did not want to piss him off enough to remember me or my father. Before rushing out of the room, he nodded at Aidan and Tristan. “You two behave.”

  Whew-- I could finally breathe again.

  Tristan gave a military salute as Paul left the dining room.


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