Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1) Page 13

by Livvy Aarons

  “I only wanted to remind you about Aileen; her last class ends in twenty minutes. Want some company?”

  Before I could answer, the familiar rumble of a motorcycle grabbed my attention. “That’s my cue to leave. You think Aidan will give you a ride to my uncle’s place?”

  “Julie you don’t have to leave but yes I am sure I can get a ride—don’t worry I have not forgotten the money I owe your uncle.”

  “Trust me, I cannot bare to listen to your elicit fantasies today. I am liable to punch Aidan in his perfectly brooding little face.” Julie said teasingly then climb into her bug.

  I went back to watching Aidan as he dismounted his bike. He was still in his dirty jeans and t-shirt, which told me that he was either on break or he got off work early. “Hello beautiful,” The easy smile he gave me made my belly quiver. “I didn’t mean to scare Julie off.”

  “Who?” I mumbled still a little off balance. “Oh yeah, she’s just being…weird.”

  “Right—she just happens to run at the sight of me because she’s weird. Whatever you say darlin’.” Aidan dug something from his pocket then stared at the object for a moment. “McKenna there is something I want you to have; it was my mother’s.” Aidan grabbed my hand then placed a small gold pouch on my palm. “My father gave it to her during a trip to Ireland. She never took it off except…when we crashed.”

  My heart swelled knowing that Aidan was giving me something he truly treasured. I gingerly opened the pouch and pulled out a silver necklace. “It’s beautiful, “I whispered still studying the charm. “Thank you, I wish I had something to give to you.”

  Aidan grabbed my hands to pull me close, we were almost nose to nose. “You have given me something far better. I do however hope that you will keep this safe for me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. Aidan deepened the kiss, letting our tongues explore the caverns of our mouths. With a groan Aidan pulled away from our kiss. “Darlin’ I hate to do this but I got to go. Tristan wants to get some extra practice in before tonight. Are you still coming to Pete’s tonight?”

  Still a little buzzed from the kiss I didn’t answer. Then it clicked, Pete’s…tonight…promise. “Sorry—lack of oxygen. Yeah, I guess I am starting my wonderful career as a barmaid tonight.”

  “I wish you would let me pay for the damages; surely it can’t be that much. Besides, it was my fault that you were even fighting to begin with. If I had been any sort of a man I would have carried you out and ignored my conscience nagging me about your modesty. How in the hell did you talk your dad into letting you work at a bar anyway?”

  Sighing deeply I simply shrugged, “He said that I could have a job as long as it didn’t cause any trouble with my pro—I mean with my probability of getting in to a better school. He despises the fact that I got a job at a bar and gave me an hour-long lecture on my ‘irresponsible behavior that will stain my life forever.” I dipped my voice lower to mimic my father’s and used quote gestures for effect.

  “I think you just like to piss him off. But as long as I am included in that stain I am okay with your irresponsible behavior.”

  My lightheartedness vanished quickly as the weight of Aidan’s words hit my gut. He had no clue at how he was already a huge part of my stained life—I longed to tell him everything. The nightmares, the pain and the despair that I would fail him and everyone else who trusted me. Crap Aileen! I needed to meet with her before she left for the day. I shoved my feelings back into their box and plastered on weak smile. “So what time do you have to be at band practice? God knows I don’t want Tristan blaming me for you being late.”

  Aidan’s expression grew dark. “Screw Tristan—he’s always late. I really don’t give a damn what he thinks about me but if his opinion means something to you than I will honor that. He can be a powerful ally and a merciless enemy.” I swallowed heavily then gingerly gave Aidan a hug, relaxing only when I felt his lips kiss the top of my head. “Bye darlin’—call me if you need me.”

  I pulled away before I did something stupid like crying and halfheartedly nodded. He would think I was a basket case for blubbering like a baby and that was not something I could afford right now. Soon he would understand what a monster really looked like…me.

  With Aiden gone, I hurried back into the main building, not slowing down until my retreat was complete. It was a shame to be such a coward, maybe one day I will put on my big girl panties and toss the diapers out for good. When I reached Aileen’s classroom I was startled to find her cleaning her desk out. “Find a seat McKenna.” Aileen did not look at me as she spoke. This was going to be ugly. Nervously I sat in the chair beside her desk, waiting for her wrath. Aileen finally looked at me when she sat down in her oversized executive chair then sighed deeply.

  The silence was too much for my nerves I made the first strike. “Listen, I know you’re mad but if you just let me explain then—“

  Aileen put her index finger over my lips, halting in attempts to vindicate myself. Instantly her face softened, “McKenna you fear that I am angry at you for some reason and it just is not so. Now this anger you think I have is more frustration towards myself and the fates. I saw my death coming long before I even had my first vision of you coming to Harper. Julie must have told you about my concerns with Tristan.”

  I bowed my head, “Yes ma’am.”

  “Girl don’t you even start that ‘ma’am’ crap and you know that Julie is only feeling the stress that her gift brings. She has a heavy burden to carry. Just think—Julie knows all of your secrets, your hopes, and your fears. I often hear people say that they wish that could hear what people where thinking and I just laugh at their stupidity; such a powerful gift to have but what a painful price to pay. You two need each other more than either one of you realize. I would have been worried if Julie had not told you about Tristan. The other thing…well, I just wished she hadn’t heard my thoughts during a moment of weakness. Even though I have been prepared for my death for a while, it is always hard to say goodbye to loved ones.”

  My heart clutched and I could not hold the tears at bay any longer. After a couple minutes of relieving my tear ducts Aileen handed me a box of tissues. “Well now that you have had good cry, do you mind if we move on?”

  I stopped mid wipe stunned by her casualness of the situation, “What?”

  “Look McKenna, I know that you and Julie want me to run away or hide but the truth is I have failed to complete my purpose so my time is up.” Aileen was eerily calm; I needed to rattle her bones. “What about your husband?”

  She lightly shrugged then said, “We believe we will be together again.”

  “But…but what about having children—or getting older!” I yelled frantically. “I cannot let you die! The only failure you have is putting your faith in me. Please don’t leave me…I need you.” My voice cracked softly then I felt the moisture hit my trembling lips.

  Aileen scooted her chair closer and yanked a few tissues from the box. “You should seriously consider waterproof mascara honey; you are a mess.” Between sniffles I heard her lightly chuckle. “We should take a picture of this before we clean you up.”

  “I am glad you find my grief so amusing. If it’s so damned funny than maybe I should put it up on YouTube.” I snapped.

  The snide remarks did not faze Aileen like I had hoped. “No sweetie I was not laughing at you; I just found it amazing at how dark you take things. You have enough sadness inside of you for at least ten people. I regret that I have to tell Aidan about you and that this whole crazy world is not what he thinks it is. Accepting the truth is going to be hard for him and even harder on you. I am sorry that I can’t tell you for certain what his reaction is going to be. That is one of the pitfalls of my gift—a person’s freewill. The choice will then determine which outcome I have seen come to pass. So I have arranged for Aidan to do some landscaping around my yard tomorrow and at least we will be far enough from the road if he screams like a girl. Take this as
a warning McKenna, in both of my visions Aidan does not react well and Tristan is going to make it worse. I was astonished to find out how deep Tristan’s feelings go—that demon is not going anywhere without you and he has went through a massive amount of hoops to get you this close to him. Did Aiden ever tell you about the plane crash that killed his family?”

  “He only told me a little bit. The topic of family is one that neither of us enjoys sharing. His family was coming back from a trip to Israel. They had missed their original flight from New York to Dallas due to a delay in their layover in Paris. The airline was able to arrange his family and a few other passengers to take a small jet to Dallas. Aidan said he didn’t remember the crash itself, only that when he woke up in the hospital the police told him they never could find his brother and sister.” My throat felt dry as I swallowed but I continued. “Julie told me what Tristan did to Scott; do you think he did something to Aidan’s plane?”

  “Honestly McKenna I don’t know. Tristan is capable of doing plenty of damage. Yes, he is an evil, black hearted creature but there is no proof nor would he have a solid motive.”

  I pushed away from the window to turn back to Aileen, who was flipping through her files. “You mean being a demon isn’t proof enough?” She didn’t answer. “I should go before it gets too late.” When Aileen didn’t respond a second time I grabbed my bag from the floor and had almost made it to the door before she finally spoke.

  “McKenna, this isn’t goodbye—we will see each other again one day. Hopefully in fifty or sixty years but I swear this isn’t goodbye. Just promise me that you will take care yourself and Julie; you two have plenty of work ahead of you.”

  Despite the confidence in Aileen’s words, I knew this was a goodbye. My chest lightly ached in knowing that I would never see my friend ever again. The dam that held my tears back was about to burst and I didn’t want Aileen to see me have another melt down; I needed to get away from here.

  By the time I got outside, it was raining buckets and I was soaked to the bone in a matter of minutes. Immediately I began to jog towards home, wishing that Julie or my dad would miraculously drive by but they never did. I was halfway when I felt the soft glow of headlights hit my back. A car! Thank you God! Hopefully this person wouldn’t be an axe murder. The car came to a halt and the driver got out. So much for an axe murder, I thought wryly. Tristan rushed to open his umbrella; he didn’t look happy. “Are you crazy? Get in damn the car before you drown.”

  I rolled my eyes and went back to walking. “Thanks but I would rather take my chances considering you nearly killed me the last time I got into a car with you.”

  “Fine, I’ll walk with you—here take my jacket.” Tristan didn’t let me object before he wrapped his coat around me. It smelled wonderful; I couldn’t help taking heavy breaths of the exotic scent as it flooded my senses. “You can keep it if you’d like.”

  The sound of Tristan’s voice snapped me back to reality; I shook my head. “No, I was just thinking that I liked your cologne; maybe I could get Aidan some for his birthday.”

  Tristan chuckled, “Doubtful larisitá I wear no cologne and if you want him to smell like me than I have to choose him as my Queen—that of course is never happening. Now if you don’t mind, let’s get you home before you float away.”

  “What about your car?” I asked.

  “It’s just a rental; Rupert is picking up my new car from the airport. I will send him after this one once he is finished.” I should have known that Tristan would brush off a rental car; after all it wasn’t his problem. We began walking and the rain soon came down in sheets. It was a nice to have an umbrella and coat but I was even more thankful for the silence. Tristan did not make a single noise and it wasn’t long until I had forgotten that he was there. My mind raced through all the garbage that littered it as of late, only growing frustrated more and more at myself. It really is all my fault…my failure…so much blood on my hands.

  “Rolling around in your self-pity will not help you McKenna.” Tristan said softly. Instantly I stopped my brooding to look at him. His eyes looked only human, the demon was nowhere I could see and the man who stood before me was the Tristan I wanted. I did not stop him when he pulled me into his arm and crushed my breasts against his hard chest. “You have not failed larisitá; you haven’t even begun your journey. I know that you have nightmares about the past but you don’t have to have them about the future. Let me take you away from them, I would never let another bad thing ever happen to you.” Tristan slowly nuzzled my ear, then lightly nipped at the sensitive spot right below the lobe. I could not hold back my whimper when his lips trailed down my neck. The moment his lips made contact with my necklace, he hissed and drew back in pain. The demon was back, “What the hell, McKenna! Could you not warn a guy that you’re wearing silver?” Tristan yelled while dabbing his blooded lips with his sleeve.

  Feeling the sting of regret, I rubbed my neck where Tristan had kissed. “I’m sorry—I didn’t….I need to go. This was a horrible mistake.” Quickly I shrugged out of the jacket then threw it at Tristan. I did not wait to see if he would try to stop me, instead I pushed my legs harder until I was in full-blown sprint mode. The rain seemed to come down even harder as I ran; the sting against my skin felt painfully honest. This pain was nothing compared to the torture I was putting Aileen, her family or even Julie through. I could not fathom how much I was going to hurt Aidan. This small stinging ache was all that I had to appease my guilt heart. To my distraction I had slowed down, feeling my side pinch and my lungs burned. Relishing in my body’s distress, I plastered on a smile and forced my legs to quicken my pace. I ran the rest of the way home.

  * * * * *

  It was hard watching his little pet run away but Tristan knew that he had to let her go. McKenna was a dramatic creature, one that was not even a fraction of his ripe old age and she struggled to understand the theatrics of life. He himself didn’t understand everything that fate could throw at you—he was a perfect example of just how complicated one wrong decision could make things. Pushing aside the past, Tristan sighed heavily and touched his lips. It was definitely worth the pain, he said to himself. After seeing her willingly accept her hunger for him this would give him hope…the hope that this man had found his true love and the hope that this demon had found his Queen.

  Bad things happen and when they smack you in the face…bend over because they are going to spank your ass.

  Chapter 10

  There’s no such thing as a free lunch

  It was five o’clock, time to work off the debt to Pete that I had been blowing off for the last couple of weeks but I could not stall him any longer. I knew that if I continued to be difficult that Pete would go back on his word about telling my father so here I sat in Pete’s office waiting for details on my new job. Julie was lounging quietly on a couch behind me; it shouldn’t have surprised me that she would be waiting with me. It bugged me that she wasn’t rambling on; I hoped that our friendship would recover.

  “If you really want to mend our friendship, you can start by stop thinking about Aileen.” The tone of her voice was bitter.

  Before I was able to apologize Pete came into the office in a hurry. He was carrying a handful of clothes that he tossed at me then sat down at his desk; the laugh lines that normally crowed his face were gone. “McKenna I am only going to say this once so you better listen carefully. I have three rules that my employees must follow, that I under no circumstances will be flexible with, go it?” I gave Pete a stern nod and he continued. “Number one—the uniform is mandatory and yes they only come in one size; so you will have to tell your father, significant other, boyfriend or whatever to get over it. However, I do not condone any of my girls to let a customer harass her in anyway. If you feel threatened than you come to me. I will deal with that person swiftly. Number two—no fighting whatsoever and that means on or off the clock while you are on my property. That means if you have the urge to take out your aggression in that fashion
than do it somewhere else. Number three—if you see a cop coming into the bar tell me immediately. The law says that we are prohibited to sell alcohol to minors and I expect you to not sell alcohol to minors.” Pete gave me a quick wink and smiled. “I should tell you to lighten up as well. This business is all about entertaining the customers and your tips will suffer if you don’t have fun or appear to be having fun. Just remember that a third of your tips go towards the cost of the damage so the longer it takes you to adjust, the longer you work here. Now unless you have any questions I’ll let you change in the bathroom. If you need somewhere to store your clothes, you can put them in here if you’d like. When you’re dressed go find Cheri; she’ll show you the ropes and help you set up your tables. Questions?”

  “No sir.”

  Pete frowned, “I promise you McKenna that I am not a hard ass and I would prefer you to not call me ‘sir’. Please just call me ‘Pete’.”

  When I didn’t answer he simply waved and dismissing me from the room.

  I got dressed in the bathroom as I was instructed and soon understood what he meant by being small, but that may have been an understatement. Why didn’t I notice what the waitresses were wearing before I agreed to this arrangement. WHY? Thank God I shaved my legs today; I should have gotten a Brazilian wax with the amount of skin the shorts were showing. The shirt was not any better; it was skintight and barely grazed my belly button. In this light, I could see the shiny steel from my belly button ring and it slightly protruded through the thin cotton. After putting on my sneakers, I went back to Pete's office. Julie was still lounging on the couch but her mood seemed have to lighten. She whistled as I put my bag down, “Aidan isn’t going to like those shorts.”


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