Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé)

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Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé) Page 5

by Aoide, Arden

  “After you buzz me in, unlock your door and I’ll meet you in your room. Remember how I want you?” Alex dropped his tone a bit more.

  “Yes,” Dahlia said quietly. “Are you going to stay the night?”

  “Do you want me to?” Alex quickly followed.

  “I certainly don’t think I’d like it if you left, but I know you have work. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I don’t think we’ll be getting much sleep.” Dahlia didn’t care how tired she was, she knew tonight would be worth it.

  Alex smiled. “Well, I’m going to be presumptuous. I’m staying tonight and I’m staying tomorrow night. You’ll be coming home with me on Thursday night. I’ve got two nights to lull you into a false sense of security. Then I’m taking you to my dungeons hoping that you’ll be mouthy, so I can see which shade of pink I like best on your bottom.”

  “Jesus Christ, Alex,” Dahlia said breathlessly. “Is it only impertinence that I have to worry about?”

  “No, I’ve got other things. You’ll find out soon enough,” Alex said, with humor. He had all sorts of plans. He might tell her some later, when he’s inside her. Inside her. He was going to have to take care of business again or he was going to be quite embarrassed later. Not that he wouldn’t be able to go again, but no point in making a mess a minute in the door. That would just be bad manners. Then he remembered Nick. “Are you going to tell Nick?”

  “No one uses the elevator, so–” Dahlia began.

  “Tell him,” Alex said decidedly. “You’re mine.”

  “I’ll tell him then. I’ll make him a sandwich and chocolate milk and say mama has a new man friend. His eyes probably won’t leave the T.V.” Dahlia might have been joking. It wasn’t too far off.

  Alex didn’t feel so pathetic. “I can pick him up a kid’s meal from somewhere if you’d prefer.”

  Dahlia laughed. “It will be fine. I think he’s ordering pizza, so I’m going to go steal a slice and tell him.”

  “Okay. I’m going to eat with Miranda. I’ll be over about nine-ish. I’ll text you first.” Alex was still a little anxious. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “You’re not going to see me, silly. It’ll be too dark,” Dahlia teased.

  “I can’t wait to feel you and taste you. I can’t wait to be inside you,” Alex said seriously.

  “Christ. Alright. Why don’t we skip dinner?” This man was going to kill her.

  “You’re going to need your strength.” Alex suddenly remembered. “Do you–Are you on the pill? Or I might have some condoms somewhere.”

  Dahlia could hear Alex opening and closing drawers, then a breathless, “Aha! I knew I had some in here. Oh, wait. These are expired. That’s only a little bit embarrassing.”

  Dahlia muffled a laugh, a little relieved that he hadn’t been with anyone in a while. “I’m on the pill.” She said it quietly and the other side of the phone was silent for a few long seconds.

  “I can pick something up if it would make you more comfortable. I've always used condoms since Emily–my ex,” he said just as quietly. Then he remembered. “Oh, I did go in six or so months ago and I was diagnosed with Shingles. The pain was pretty horrible, but they tested me for everything because the rash was in an...inopportune place.”

  “I think it's fine, then.” For some reason talking about contraception made it a little more real.

  “Good. I'll see you soon.”

  “Soon,” Dahlia echoed. “Bye.”

  “Good-bye, darling.” Alex ended the call. He got up and pulled a backpack from his closet and packed a pair of jeans, two tees, two pairs of socks, and two pairs of underwear. He went to the bathroom and pulled out a small travel case with his essentials. He looked around a bit to see if he needed anything else, but figured he could always run home if he needed something.

  At the last minute, he opened the case that he’d left on his desk and pulled out the smaller flogger and packed it. He thought they could have a little fun with it tomorrow after dinner. He took his backpack and put it near his work bag. He looked inside to make sure he had his phone and computer chargers and seeing that they were there, he zipped it up.

  He wanted to keep himself busy until Miranda came home because he didn’t want to think too much. He didn’t want to think what would happen if Nick wasn’t agreeable. He knew that Dahlia wanted him, but Nick could potentially make things very difficult for them. He hoped Dahlia was right.

  Dahlia wanted to make the conversation with Nick go as quickly as possible because she wanted to do a little shopping for their date tomorrow. She walked over to his door, knocked twice, and opened it. He was sitting in his recliner, eating pizza, and eyes glued to the television.

  Dahlia grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza from the box and sat down on their old loveseat. They sat in companionable silence while they ate. Once she was done, she looked at him. “I’ve got important stuff I need to talk to you about.” She looked at his face and while his eyes flickered briefly over to hers, they went back to the T.V.

  “You’re seeing someone. You’re in love. You’re going to go have hot monkey sex with him tonight,” Nick said impassively.

  Dahlia had a sudden flash of ire and she started speaking before she could stop herself. “I saw an ad in the Chronicle for a BDSM club, so I emailed the owner some questions. I went to meet her and we talked for a good while. She gave her brother my number and we’ve been in constant contact the last forty-eight hours. He’s coming over tonight.”

  That certainly got Nick’s attention. He stared openly at her and put his pizza back down in the box. “Is he coming over to do–” he made a bull whip motion, “that kind of stuff to you?”

  Dahlia was amused. “Not tonight. Not on our first meeting. We’re planning that for the weekend at his place.”

  “Shouldn’t y’all maybe go out on a date first?” Nick picked his pizza back up.

  “That was the initial plan. We’re having dinner tomorrow.” Dahlia checked her watch. Seven-thirty. She had an hour if she wanted to make it home by eight-thirty. “We just couldn’t wait another night.”

  Nick didn’t say anything for a few moments, but he smiled softly at her. “Have you been with anyone since–?”

  “No. I haven’t felt inclined to until Alex,” she said honestly.

  Nick looked at her, still smiling. “Can I meet him tomorrow?”

  Dahlia nodded, relieved that this took less time than she imagined.

  “Good. When’s he coming?” Nick asked, pizza at his mouth and eyes on the T.V. again.

  “Around nine,” Dahlia said. “I’m going to do a little shopping before then for our date. I haven’t bought a proper dress in years.”

  “Off with you, then.” Nick reached into the box and grabbed another piece. He handed it to her. “Eat another.”

  She grabbed it and made her way to the door.


  She looked back.

  “I’m glad you found someone.” He knew she wouldn't do this unless she felt it was serious. She'd had a few opportunities after they'd divorced, but she'd never brought any man home, even when Callie was out. He'd watched her today. Even he could tell that she was in love. He'd never made Dahlia look the way that she looked at breakfast today.

  Oh, but she was a crier. “Thanks.” She thought about saying that she wished he could find someone, but she knew that would irritate him. Besides, his eyes were back to the television once again.

  Nick put his pizza down when she left. He would always consider Dahlia the one that got away. Not because of some great love they shared, but because they were so good together. They were raising a well-adjusted and respectful child. Callie was truly the very best of both of them. He knew it wasn't fair considering he didn't love her the way she needed, but he needed her in his life. He did love her, as much as he knew how to love a person who wasn't his daughter. Sometimes he wished he would have faked it better.

  He felt that their situation was perfect and he didn'
t know what would change if a new person was introduced to their family dynamic. Nick smiled, not knowing that Alex and Dahlia had already had their first Nick related trial. He'd bring breakfast a little early tomorrow. Might as well let Alex know that Nick wasn't going anywhere and that he wasn't a threat. He needed Alex to see, for Dahlia's sake.

  He didn't know if he was capable of loving a woman properly. Even though the results of his medical testing proved Dahlia's theory, he still felt that it wasn't just a low testosterone issue. He wondered if because he'd been ill for so long, it would take some time to feel like other men felt. He was curious and even a little bit hopeful, but he was a realist and he knew that he had some deeply ingrained bad habits that would be hard for him to break. He knew that he'd be going head-to-head with his own obstinacy. He wasn't looking forward to it.

  Chapter 5

  Dahlia found The Dress at the first boutique she stopped at. This was a local designer’s store she hadn’t patronized before, but the window displays were all so beautiful. She'd always wanted to go, but really hadn't any reason to get anything to impress. Her discount store sundresses were her staples.

  The dress was the same color as the scarf, as well as being the same material. It was sleeveless with a high scoop neckline and fell mid-thigh. This wouldn’t show her promised cleavage, but the woman who was working claimed that the dress was intended to be worn without a bra. Dahlia balked at first, but the woman insisted she try it on. So, she did. And it was stunning. She did have the problem that large-breasted women have, so the nice woman gave her some weird tape that “all the celebrities use” and it kept her in place. So long as she didn’t start running. Dahlia intended to get some shoes that would prevent that anyway.

  She perused the lingerie and came away with a garter set and thigh high stockings in the same color as the dress. She also picked up a few beautiful bras and matching panties. She had a real thing for Victorian-style underthings and these were certainly a modern twist. She wasn't sure if Alex would find them sexy, but she had, so she bought them.

  Shoes were a little harder. She had pictured classic heels, but she wasn’t confident walking in them, so she was given a pair of black leather, thick heel ankle boots to try on. They were perfect. They were also on clearance. Considering she was spending more money in one place than she ever had, save for a piece of furniture, she was grateful for the discount.

  She made it back home at nearly nine and after putting her new purchases away, she rushed through her shower. As soon as she stepped out, her phone went off.

  On my way, darling. I can't fucking wait to be with you.

  Dahlia’s stomach dropped when she got the text. She dried off as quickly as possible. She hung the towel and stopped in front of the mirror and despaired. Her hair was a nightmare. She slipped on a pair of plain black panties and grabbed her phone and put it where she could see it. There was no way she could relax before he got here. She put in a little curling cream, not needing a lot. Her hair wasn’t thick, but she had a lot of rebellious curls. Curls that Alex liked, apparently. She figured she had time to diffuse for about five minutes and that would get most of the moisture out.

  She was able to get it dry enough in four minutes and luckily she was able to calm herself somewhat. Until she heard the buzzer. She walked to the door to let him in. She unlocked her door and tried to prevent herself from running to her bed, but just barely. All the lights were turned off except for the lights from the window in her living room. That should lead him to her room easily. Her bed was a queen, on a low platform, with the sheets and blankets pushed haphazardly around. She hated a made bed. She always enjoyed the decadent look of mussed bedding.

  She positioned herself in the middle of her bed, on her stomach as instructed. Her breasts didn’t allow for her to be completely horizontal, but placing a pillow under her head and upper chest allowed her some comfort. She heard the door open, then close, and the locks clicking into place. She tried to get her breathing under control.

  She didn’t hear him at the doorway to her room until several minutes later and it had felt like a lifetime. He didn't move for a long moment, then she heard her door close. The first thing she felt was his hand skimming her calf. She jerked in surprise, and tried to relax immediately. She had never been this nervous in her life.

  His hand trailed over the back of her thigh and she was startled to feel his lips as well. She felt him crawl on the bed and suddenly her whole backside was being touched and kissed and she felt as if she might cry. She felt completely revered and she hoped that she didn't disappoint.

  Alex tried not to speed on his way over. He was aroused again even after he efficiently took care of himself in the shower. No matter. He felt confident that he could please her, not out of arrogance, but of pure desire. He was experienced, but this was the first time he'd truly wanted to impress. He wanted Dahlia to be so satisfied that she'd never want anyone again. He hadn't lied when he texted her that the night before.

  He parked in the alley as she instructed, gathered his things, and walked up to the side door. He pressed the buzzer. He heard the lock give and immediately opened the door, then walked briskly to the elevator. He didn’t know elevators could be this slow, but it was a small building without the need of something more efficient. Or maybe his patience was wearing thin.

  Once he got to her floor, he saw her door first even though it was the farthest. He walked quietly and slowly down the hall, catching his breath, and stood outside her door for a minute before he opened it. He wasn't sure if his heart would slow anyway. He stepped inside and was taken in by the lights of the street. He locked the door.

  He supposed she left those open for him. There were four large, not quite floor length windows and a high ceiling. Not quite lofty, but still impressive. He placed his backpack and work bag on a bar chair near the kitchen. He removed his shoes and placed them neatly out of the way. He pulled his shirt over his head and draped it on the sofa along with his jeans and underwear.

  He looked down the hallway and saw a choice of doors, all open. Alex realized that Dahlia never told him which room was hers. He was tempted to call out, but he didn't want to interrupt the quiet tension. As he peered into the first room, there was a little light shining through the window. He could easily see by all the Broadway posters that it must be Callie’s room. He checked her bed to be sure. Neatly made with an endless supply of throw pillows, and no Dahlia.

  As he walked, he knew the bathroom instantly because of the reflective tile floor. Hers would be the last door again. As he took another step forward, he could see a sliver of skin cut by the light, reflecting a glimpse of her pale skin. It served as a beacon to him, an invitation to touch something that would only belong to him. Could only be his. He opened the door and looked at her naked back and bottom framed by black panties. He couldn't wait to take them off.

  He walked into the room and felt the welcome addition of carpet against his feet. The rest of her home, with the exception of Callie’s room and the bathrooms, were the same cold concrete that he had at his place. He closed the door softly. God, how he wanted.

  It was pitch black in her room. He reached out and found her leg and tickled his fingers across it. He traced up the back of her knee and touched her thigh with his mouth. It wasn’t a kiss, but an involuntary taste of her flesh. He crawled in close to her and ran his hands along her pantie lines while moving his mouth and tongue over whatever he could reach–her upper thighs, lower back, and over the bare skin of her bottom that wasn’t covered by her panties. He wanted to unwrap her now.

  Dahlia was silent except for surprised gasps and sighs. As he slowly tugged the material down, he pressed his lips to all the newly bared skin. He didn't want to leave any part of her untouched. He climbed up her body slowly, his mouth and hands getting a little more persistent as he moved. He continued onto her shoulder and neck, and pressed his erection into her bottom. Then she moaned.

  He continued to touch her a little more,
taking into his memory the feel and taste of her. She was soft and lush, and he couldn’t get enough of running his hands up and down her rounded hips. She was a feast for his senses and he couldn’t fathom how he would survive with a lamp in the room.

  But he would certainly try.

  Dahlia was trying her best not to move her hips. She felt as if she was going to break apart at any moment. He’d left no skin untouched and now he was pressed along her bottom. She felt the length of him and he felt so thick, so full; her body was trying its best to pull him in.

  Alex pushed Dahlia’s right thigh up while bending her knee. He began kissing her face and when he moved his hand to her pussy, he found that she was completely ready for him.

  Dahlia moaned as he moved a finger inside her. When he pressed two in, she started to move her hips in earnest. He was very pleased with her responsiveness. “Need to be inside you,” he breathed in her ear and she flexed her hips up. He was inside her in one swift motion. He moved very slowly, almost all the way out, then as deeply as he could go. He kissed near her mouth and she tried impossibly to turn her face towards him and made a small frustrated noise when that didn’t work. She lifted up just slightly to move her left arm inward and to twist just a bit.

  His mouth met hers. It was fast and fiery and without any real effort, Dahlia had been maneuvered onto her back, with him still buried inside her, thrusting at a languid pace. He was grasping both sides of her face now, consuming her mouth, and sucking the soul straight out of her.


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