Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2)

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Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2) Page 10

by Pamela Ann

  The bloke certainly uses that to full advantage.

  Pavane played by Pablo Segovia Gardel in Spanish guitar lulled me to sleep.



  Kyle handed me his phone. “Baby, Lucy is on the line.”

  I was in the kitchen getting an Arranciata San Pelligrino. I was thirsting for a drink other than alcohol.

  I took the phone. “Hello?”

  “Trying to get a hold of you is more difficult than requesting an audience with The Queen of bloody England. Where the hell are you, love? I’m coming over. I need girl time.” Lucy Connelly sounded distraught. I gave her the hotel name and told her to ask for the penthouse suite. For the entire time I’ve known her, a year and half to be exact, I’ve never seen or heard her totally upset.

  This was serious business. I’m actually looking forward to seeing Luce after partying with a bunch of strangers for the last thirty six hours or so, give or take.

  Last night was definitely rock and roll. I’ve never consumed that much alcohol in my life. I have never had that much entertainment and plain old fun in a very long while. Some danced and others partied harder. There were catfights and lovemaking. It was uncontrollable and wild. The smell of marijuana was thick and heavy last night. Drugs were available everywhere. I didn’t dare touch any of it—I’ve never used hard drugs—apart from the occasional hits of a joint—three times precisely. I was never that curious to go fly like a kite especially not after what happened to Chad. Will, TCC’s front man and lead, definitely scored a threesome with the busty twins. I was getting flirty with a random cute blonde Frenchman when Kyle unceremoniously plucked me out of the terrace and into his bedroom. He was drunk and I was beyond plastered so the confrontation was spectacularly—explosive.

  He took me by surprise when he flung me to the bed and captured my lips and devoured them. I responded with earnest longing. I knew it was twisted after Blake but Kyle was my Kyle. Another set of emotions washed over me when he kissed me like he can’t hold back his hunger any longer. I lusted after both men—it’s messed up.

  Although with Blake, it’s more. I always want more with Blake.

  Kyle was eager but knew his boundaries. We didn’t go past the dry humping and making out. I knew I lusted after both men—but I don’t want to be a whore about it either.

  But hell, kissing Kyle made me feel like I was in high school again. He made me feel safe and his scent reminded me of home. I remembered smelling him after he surfed in Malibu the entire afternoon and the scent of the beach he carried with him. I was hooked and nostalgic.

  His kisses were demanding but not like Blake’s....never like Blake’s. Blake’s were searing and obliterating. My mind turns into mush and my body takes over. With Kyle on the other hand, it was pleasantly familiar and packed with longing desire.

  He was famished and he kept me in bed the entire time. I loved having this with Kyle and at the same time I felt like I was betraying Blake even though we weren’t together.

  The party started to die down, the TCC boys unexpectedly announced they were going to Ibiza for the a few days before they start boxing themselves in the recording studio. So, that left me and Kyle alone in this enormous penthouse. I was dressed in one of his white dress shirts and a thread of underwear on. He only had his pull-string black linen pants and his tanned body looked wonderfully appealing. Damn those freaking tattoos!

  “Lucy’s coming over?” he asked as he took a sip from my Pelligrino.

  “Yeah…she needs girl time.” He purred as his took a whiff of my neck. He kissed me then—gently.

  We kissed for a very, very long time—until we heard Luce call out my name. The kiss was sweet and gentle. We were both looking sappy but we had to stop.

  I pulled us out of the kitchen to meet our guest.

  Luce looked shocked when she saw our undressed state. “Uh did I interrupt something? I did, didn’t I? Your lips are crimson red and bruised—and so are Kyle’s. Well, too bad—I can’t be kicked out. I need Sienna for a little while.”

  Kyle smiled and pulled me to him, his arms wrapped around my shoulders. “No, go ahead—I need to work for a little bit. Order in if you two want something to eat. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” He kissed my lips again.

  “I love you,” he said and left us in the living room. Both our eyes followed him as he exited.

  “What’s your secret? Why are all these hot men clamoring after you? I would gladly die if I was in your position. Goodness me—I don’t know if I’d choose the sexy perfection of the smoldering God that is Blake Knightly or the mysterious scruffy Kyle Matthews—who has a voice that made me weak in the knees.” She shook her head in amusement.

  “Shut up, Luce!” I smiled at her wistful face.

  She threw herself down on the couch and grinned at me. “Oh, do piss off my dear love. That’s quite a brilliant dilemma to be in, compared to my ghastly circumstances.” Luce made an aggravated growl and I sat across her. I was surprised that the French wing-back chair was comfortable. It sure didn’t look it. But surprise surprise—it cushioned my buxom ass, happily.

  “His horrid mum and Florence—his evil grandmother—cornered me last night at the bloody fucking party and demanded I break it off with Toby. They kept ranting about how he can look for a better, suitable wife if I wasn’t in the wretched picture. I fought them off—but they were adamant that Toby will let me go once he’s had his fun and the novelty wears off.”

  “You’re joking right? How can you not be suitable? You’re beautiful and smart Luce—and your family’s great! Not to mention that you guys are known for the profitable fortune that your father struck in the online business. But most of all, Toby worships the ground you walk on.”

  “That’s the thing—we’re new money. They frown upon those. Toby’s maternal side is quite connected. They have familial ties to the royal family. Even if they are in the outer sphere of these so-called ties—they are quite proud and want him to be with someone who is in the same social strata as he.” She cursed, “The Watson coffers are dwindling rapidly and his mum is in panic mode. Evelyn can’t possibly keep up with her lifestyle if poor bloody Rupert keeps bleeding them dry and Toby doesn’t want to work along with his father in their company. They believe that once Toby sets himself straight and marries for money—they’ll keep their lifestyle and not be shunned. But Toby’s really determined to make it on his own and he’s been fighting for me. He and his mum had a row. It didn’t end so well.” She puffed and bit her lips. She was fuming and her cheeks were a bright shade of red.

  “Of course Toby will fight for you, Luce. He loves you and I honestly don’t think he’ll survive without you at his side. You’re not planning to leave him and grant his mother’s wish, are you?”

  She started to tear up. I got up and hugged her. “I don’t know anymore, Sienna. I love him—I love him more than anything but I can’t stand being in the middle of him and his family. Even if they are horrible parents—they are family. I don’t want to be that woman who would drive a wedge between a son and his mother.”

  I feel her pain and it saddens me that she was even thinking of leaving Toby. She’s a determined woman and she already made a decision. The question is when will she tell him? Toby would be devastated.

  “Oh Luce—I’m so sorry. This is all wrong. His mother and grandmother need to take a hike and never come back.”

  She laughed through tears. “Don’t be daft—those two do not own trainers. I doubt they can hike in their Wellingtons.”

  She groaned and she did it in a cute way. Sniffing, “where is everyone? You mentioned a party over the phone,” she asked as she took in the penthouse.

  “It started last night but ended right around noon. This entire place was trashed with men and their groupies, Luce—it was a sight to see! It was a blast!”

  “Well good thing one of us is having a good time. Blake is in the apartment waiting for you. The man doesn’t look happy—consider yourself

  “I can’t face him right now Luce—or I will breakdown. I mean, why would he be angry? He took his ex fiancé out last night. From where I’m standing, he’s enjoying his bachelor status to the hilt.”

  “You both are mad! You two cannot be in the same room without setting it ablaze. The always polished man has got it bad for you. Give him another chance—you certainly look like you’re about to give it to Kyle, why can’t Blake have a fair shot as well? After all—it is all is fair in love and war.”

  “It isn’t that easy with Blake—he’s so complex—it scares the hell out of me. He hurt me more than Kyle ever did. That’s why it’s so hard but at the same time—when he touches me—I become undone. He has this power over me and it’s mystifying.”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely! That man certainly was made with sex and oodles of majestic male dominance. Don’t get me wrong—I love my Toby to bits but I can admire one fine specimen if I see one. When he came out of your bedroom the other morning with those clingy boxer briefs and his scrumptious chiseled chest—I squealed like a school girl. And from what I heard from you two—the sex is bombastic.” I threw a pillow at her. “Seriously love—ponder it through. Do what makes you happy. Don’t get me wrong—I think Kyle loves you just as much as my dear Blake does—but you lighten up and blossom when Blake is with you.”

  She stood up and stretched lazily. “I have to go. Thank you for seeing your muddled friend even if I called around midnight.”

  “Now, you’re being silly Luce. I didn’t care much about the time. Do you want something to eat? Drink, perhaps?”

  “I should go and get back to Toby. I want to enjoy my time with him before it ends. You’re coming back tomorrow right?” We got up and started to walk to where the elevator was located.

  “Yes, I’ll be back in the morning. I have to be in class for two hours then I’m going to see Chad. Think about Toby Luce—you’re going to break his heart.” Her face paled.

  “We shall see. Goodnight love,” she kissed both of my cheeks and hugged me fiercely. Letting me go, she gave me a little wave before stepping in the private lift.

  Exhaling noisily as I let myself in the kitchen, plucked the phone out of its receiver and ordered a late dinner. I haven’t really had a proper meal since I was trashed last night and slept most of the afternoon. I ordered for two.

  When the food arrived twenty minutes later, I set it up on the kitchen counter and took the liberty of opening a champagne bottle and chilled it in the iced silver bucket. I could’ve set this on the terrace but it is November and already chilly outside—especially when it’s almost two in the morning. The kitchen sufficed, it was cozy in here.

  I strode barefoot to get Kyle. “Are you hungry? I ordered food.” He smiled as he looked up from his laptop.

  “Yes, I am actually—go ahead and start—be there with you in a minute.”

  “It better be a minute or less. A second more will put you in a ‘no kissing zone’ for the rest of the night.” He immediately closed his laptop and went to grab my waist.

  “You sure know how to dictate to me. I love it when you get bossy, Sienna.”

  Once in the kitchen, we ate with relish. We both had a hearty appetite after last night. We nibbled bits and pieces throughout the day but never a full meal. We were quite hungry. We shared a bottle each of the famed fizzy bubbles. My mind and body were in full-on chill mode.

  “Things with Lucy turned out okay? She looked off for some reason.” No, she isn’t okay. The woman was about to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of Toby’s family. No, she definitely isn’t okay but she had her mind made up, sadly.

  “Not really—but I can’t talk about it. It’s complicated.” My heart broke for those two. What an atrocious and abominable parents to have. My face contorted thinking of Toby’s parents and grandmother. They should be ashamed meddling in Toby’s life. The man is entitled to have a happy life and choose who he wants to be with.

  “No worries. Oh, I spoke to Mom and Dad. They both said hi.” Pulling my barstool closer to him he kissed me mindless. After minute, I pulled away and drained my champagne flute.

  His eyes consumed me greedily. He looked rapacious and forbidding. I lifted an arched brow, “yes?” I inquired.

  He cocked his head and instantly had me on the island kitchen counter. His eyes turned molten. “You look really good in my shirt baby. I’m having a hard time resisting you.” He gushed as he took my lips. He planted himself in between my legs and pulled my hips against his own. The empty dishes were pushed aside. I moaned as he pinched my nipple through the shirt. “I want you so much,” he said in between kisses. I could feel his erection and I was tempted….so tempted to just say yes and forget about Blake.

  He rapidly pulled his shirt off me and lavished my breasts with undivided attention. Moaning and writhing on the cold marble kitchen counter I gripped his hair when he traced his hot tongue over my laced mound and nipped it. Holy shit! No, not yet.

  “Not yet,” I muttered through gasping breaths.

  He growled, “Fuck Sienna—I can’t wait anymore.” He picked me up and briskly found the bedroom and flung me to the sheets. Kyle looked like an ardent predator as he lingered over my naked body.

  I was astounded and didn’t have a second to think or articulate a word when he executed his feral needs on my aching breasts. I was thrashing and gasping when I felt his hand hastily take my lacy underwear off. His finger found my wet folds. “No,” I muttered in between gasps. Fuck, I can’t think!

  He groaned and stuck a finger inside me. Holy guacamole! I have to stop this craziness.

  “You sure don’t feel like you want me to stop, baby. You still feel like nirvana….my fucking nirvana.” He growled possessively.

  I was going to say “Kyle—we have to stop” but I ended up moaning his named when he started to grind his finger at the ridged spot inside me. Kyle had the magic fingers, hands down. He knew it too.

  Damn, those happy bubbles are making me delirious. My body broke out in sweat and I am at the very tip of surrender.

  “You don’t want this, Sienna? Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop touching you?” His finger was relentless and I whimpered in frustration. “You have to try harder baby—because I sure wouldn’t stop. Fuck no—not when I have you all to myself, spread-eagled and readily fuckable.” He propped on one elbow and captured my nipple with his other finger still stuck inside me.

  Oh, shit cakes.

  He kissed my neck and squeezed my breast with his soaked finger. “I love you—so damn much.”

  “Kyle—maybe—” he silenced me with a kiss. I felt him shift and his finger found my pussy again. I was writhing in pure tormented physical and mental agony.

  He took out his finger and took hold of my hips and plunged inside me with one quick thrust. My eyes widened when I felt him thrust deeper. Oh hell, when did he take off his pants?

  “Shit—baby!” he groaned as he slid in and out of me. “I love you,” muttering through closed eyes as he found momentum and drove harder inside me.

  There was no going back…I felt wretched when my body responded to him.

  So much for resistance.

  He screamed my name as he came and my body rode along with him in harmonious orgasm.

  When Kyle gathered me in his arms and finally fell asleep, I felt a hot tear slide down the side of my face.




  It was already ten in the morning and still I haven’t heard from Sienna. Toby left for the office around seven thirty. I should be at work too but I was set in waiting for Sienna.

  Lucy was somewhere in her room. She looked pained for reasons I do not know. When I asked, she simply shrugged and pretended everything was okay.

  I was in the kitchen working through emails. I got up when I noticed my cup was empty and needed a refill. I strode to the coffee machine. I poured coffee and added two teaspoons of sugar. When I heard t
he rustle of the key grating in the lock, my body tensed in anticipation.

  Heavy thud of high-heeled shoes and a happy masculine voice echoed in the quiet atmosphere, it’s the pathetic prick—with Sienna.

  I strode over to them without much ado. Sienna’s face lost all its blood when she saw me. The tosser didn’t even see it coming. I threw a heavy upper-cut punch that landed perfectly underneath his jaw.

  Sienna screamed but I didn’t hear her. I was blinded by rage. I was blinded by jealousy. I was blinded by pain. I was blinded by Sienna.

  Kyle found his balance and attempted to punch me but I caught him and threw a fist and connected beautifully with the side of his face. He thrashed and lunged for me. His fist landed squarely on my jaw—but I didn’t feel pain. I was about to take him down on the floor and kill the bloody bastard when Luce threw herself in the middle of the blasted fight.

  “You—you need to go home, this very instant.” She pointed at Kyle who grunted and Sienna came to his rescue—fucking twit that he is.

  He flinched when she tried to touch his bleeding face. He muttered “I’ll call you later” before leaving the flat. He looked like nutty and livid.

  “You need to leave the flat too—” Luce glared furiously at me.

  I stared at Sienna for another second and strode back to the kitchen and gathered my belongings. I do not want to stay here either.

  It took her two hellish minutes to follow me. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Her voice shook as she asked. I ignored her questions.

  I don’t trust myself this instant. I might just choke the life out of her.

  My woman is wearing a man’s dress shirt. She wore his dress shirt. She wore his bloody fucking dress shirt!!!

  It took every ounce in me not to turn around and wrench that blasted shirt into smithereens. But what’s decapitating my wretched heart and mind—is the very question I’m stupefied to ask is “Did you fuck him?”


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