Tainted Love

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Tainted Love Page 3

by Lockhart, Cate

  ‘Good morning,’ he said warmly, looking up from his papers. ‘Taylor Worthington.’ He stood and extended his hand to Celia.

  ‘So nice to meet you, Ms. Worthington …’

  ‘Please, call me Taylor.’

  ‘Okay, thank you, Taylor. I’m Celia Parsons, and this is my daughter, Abbi.’ She looked back again at Abbi, who now seemed to have remembered how to walk and was moving forward.

  Taylor laughed. ‘Well, well. Small world, Abbi.’

  Celia frowned in complete confusion and looked from Taylor back to her daughter, with a perplexed expression on her face.

  ‘Do you two know each other?’

  ‘Not really. We just happened to bump into each other on the train earlier this morning,’ Taylor said, smiling at Abbi.

  ‘I’ll tell you later, Mum. It’s not a big deal.’ Abbi was glad that words were finally leaving her mouth.

  See, it’s like this, Mum. This is the man I was fantasising about this morning and ended up missing my stop for….

  ‘Nice to meet you again, Abbi,’ Taylor said extending his hand.

  His touch left Abbi flustered. ‘Likewise,’ she said and smiled back.

  Taylor’s hand enclosed hers, and with that smile and those eyes looking at her, Abbi felt that same jolt of electricity run through her that she had experienced when she’d fantasised about their tryst at the hotel. What was it about this man that gave her such a reaction?

  Abbi’s hand became clammy, and she instantly dropped it to her side. She wanted to wipe it on her jeans to dry it off but wasn’t sure that would give a good impression.

  ‘Please, take a seat,’ Taylor said.

  Abbi and Celia pulled out the two chairs in front of his desk and settled into them. Celia began to take papers out of the folder in her bag.

  ‘I really appreciate you taking a look at these for me,’ Celia began. ‘This is not my area of expertise, by any means, but after my accountant spotted some irregularities, Abbi here suggested I hire a forensic accountant to take a closer look. Like I told you on the phone, my own accountant thought that with the way the funds have been taken, trying to trace them is a little out of his depth.’

  ‘I totally understand your concerns, Mrs. Parsons,’ Taylor said.

  ‘Oh, Celia, please. I’ve highlighted where the anomalies are.’ Celia smiled warmly as she slid the paperwork across the desk.

  ‘Okay, let’s see what we’ve got here,’ Taylor stated quietly as he picked up the papers and started to flick through them.

  Abbi could see Taylor’s eyes reading rapidly, and his face took on a totally different expression of focus and concentration. She was trying her best not to stare, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by the man. Abbi was surprised to see there wasn’t a wedding ring on his finger, and as she quickly scanned his desk and the rest of his minimalist office, she saw no pictures of a wife or children either.

  Yes, well there’s an engagement ring on my finger, and a picture of Ben in my purse. She looked guiltily down at the beautiful engagement ring Ben had given her. That’s right, Ben –my fiancé. Whom I love and adore and can’t wait to marry. The last few words were thought without any amount of conviction. Who was she kidding? She wasn’t anxious to get married. If she were, surely she wouldn’t be having fantasies about other men, especially the man sat right in front of her.

  Taylor finally broke the silence and smiled. ‘Right, Mrs–I mean, Celia. Do you have the relevant invoices with you?’

  ‘Of course. Here you go.’ Celia handed over the invoices she had been holding and waited patiently and silently as Taylor scanned them.

  With her mother looking out of the window and Taylor engrossed in the paperwork, Abbi flopped happily back in her seat as she admired the way Taylor’s sun-kissed hands slowly caressed the sheets of paper. She found herself completely mesmerised by the thought of Taylor’s hands on her body. It wasn’t long before her mind drifted off to fantasyland again.

  She imagined herself sitting in her office, at her desk, restoring an old clock her mother had given her to work on…

  There’s a knock at the door. I look up, and it’s Taylor. His broad muscular chest strains against the tight fabric of his top.

  ‘Am I disturbing you?’ he asks, hovering in the doorway.

  ‘No, not at all. Please come in.’

  Taylor’s eyes fall to the clock, and he smiles. ‘It’s very beautiful,’ he says, nodding his head towards it.

  ‘Yes it is –very beautiful.’ The words seem to get stuck in my throat as my eyes remain glued on his. They are magnetic –pulling me in, daring me to lose myself in them.

  He moves around to the side of my desk and sits on the edge, then leans in towards me and whispers, ‘Its beauty reminds me of you. Timeless.’

  I move my chair back a little to make more room. ‘You can touch it if you want.’ My words stumble over one another, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  ‘Are you talking about the clock? Or you?’ He rolls his tongue over the contours of his perfectly formed lips.

  I can feel my heart start to beat faster, and I catch my breath. Taylor reaches down and takes my hands in his. Holding them gently, he begins a slow, calming massage starting on the back of each hand with his strong thumbs. With soft circles, he works in ever increasing circumferences toward the tips of my fingers. He smiles knowingly as he notices the goose-bumps exploding along my arms. My hands tremble, and he raises them to his mouth, sucking the tips of my fingers one by one. Molten shafts of desire burn its way through my veins. The sensation is both alien and exquisite.

  ‘Do you like this?’

  ‘Yes,’ I say breathlessly. His mouth is hot and moist, a mirror image of what’s between my thighs.

  ‘Stand up.’

  On weak legs, I stand, gripping his hands to steady me. They are warm, strong and confident. His arms encircle me, drawing me against him. Every part of my body is moulded against his. I can feel the ridged hardness of his manhood. His lips graze mine. I open my mouth waiting, yearning for his probing tongue to find mine –he’s unleashed my hunger, now I want him to satisfy it.

  I gasp when, without warning, his hand sears a path down my stomach and in between my thighs: feeling my nakedness, his fingers slip easily inside of me. With each deepening thrust, my nails dig deeper into his shoulders. His eyes penetrate mine as if he can see into my soul. He remains watching me as I throw my head back and let out a stifled scream as my body feels like it’s exploding into a million glowing stars. Every part of me is still throbbing as I bring my head forward to meet his gaze. I watch transfixed as he moves his hand towards his waist and unzips his trousers.

  ‘Now it’s time for the real thing.’

  ‘How long before I can see the rest of the paperwork?’

  ….What?? What was that??

  Abbi jerked back to reality. Celia was looking at her. ‘Abbi? Taylor just asked how long before he could see the rest of our financial records? Are you okay?’ Her mother looked at her with legitimate concern.

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ stammered Abbi, ‘I was up all night with Buddy. He’s our Yorkshire terrier,’ she said as an aside to Taylor as way of explanation. ‘He ate something bad, I guess. I’m just tired. Let me see. Tyler should be by around three thirty after school. He can probably get them to you by four, if that isn’t too late?’

  ‘No, not at all,’ said Taylor looking at her closely. ‘I’m sorry, Celia. But it does look to me like something is off. Hopefully, it is just a clerical error. Honestly, that’s what things like this usually turn out to be so I wouldn’t worry too much. Give me a day or two to look at it some more, and I will have better idea. Does that sound alright?’

  ‘Oh, that’s just fine, really. I really do appreciate it. I feel better already having someone on board who knows what they’re doing. Thank you so much. Do you want payment up front or a deposit of some kind?’

  ‘I don’t want anything yet. I consider this just a consu
ltation. He smiled and stood up.

  So he’s sculpted and nice. Now, he just has to get in his Lamborghini out back, and he’s the whole package. Abbi helped her mother gather up the invoices. She really needed to get herself together. Or she needed to not be around this man anymore.

  ‘Ken and I will be gone for a few days on business. We’re opening up a new shop in Lancaster. But Abbi will be managing the shop. If you could just liaison with her on this that would be great.’

  Oh my God! Abbi had completely forgotten that her parents were leaving the following day. That damn new grand opening. So that little plan of just not being around Taylor went out the window. That’s just great. Either Ben is going to have the time of his life, or if he isn’t home more, my vibrator is going to need new batteries. She couldn’t believe how sexual she felt right now. Ok, horny. I feel horny. Just be honest. Being around this man makes me want to rip his clothes off and get on top of him and let him…oh just let him do whatever he wants.

  ‘No problem at all. I would be happy to talk with Abbi about what I think.’ He nodded politely at Abbi.

  ‘That’s sorted then. Please feel free to call any time if you have any questions.’

  ‘Sounds good. I’m on it.’ He nodded like a soldier accepting his mission.

  He’s just so strong and manly. And he’s an accountant? He throws that stereotype right out the window.

  Taylor shook hands with Celia and Abbi, and showed them to the door. Abbi walked behind her mother, and when she passed by Taylor, he smiled and winked at her. What? That just happened. That really happened. She felt like a little schoolgirl again. He likes me!

  Once outside, Celia and Abbi started walking back towards the shop. ‘Boy, he’s a cutie, isn’t he?’ said her mother.

  ‘Mum! Really?’ exclaimed Abbi. Oh thank God. She wasn’t delusional. Even her mum had noticed.

  ‘Oh come on.’ Celia laughed, ‘There’s nothing wrong with noticing.’

  ‘I’m not having this conversation with you,’ Abbi said. She waited a minute. ‘Drop dead gorgeous.’ And they both burst out laughing together.

  Chapter Five

  Unable to keep thoughts of Taylor out of her mind for more than five minutes at a time, Abbidid the only thing she could–kept busy. She spent the day going through the backlog of invoices she’d been putting off for the past few weeks. As well as getting instructions from her mother on what needed to be finished and delivered while they were away. Whilst her mum had every confidence in her ability to handle the business by herself for a couple of days, her dad had his doubts.

  ‘Maybe I should just stay,’ Ken said after they had gone over the details of yet another job. It was a relatively easy restoration of an old nightstand someone had found in a storage unit. Probably worthless, but it still had some ornate style and charm.

  ‘Ken!’ Celia said. ‘It’s our grand opening. You have to be there.’

  ‘Dad. Seriously,’ Abbi chimed in. ‘I’ve got this. Worst-case scenario, I’ll tell some people they have to wait a few more days until you get back. Our customers will understand. Besides some of their stuff is decades old. What’s a couple of more days?’

  Ken dad considered this. ‘Okay, baby. I just feel bad since we are kind of busy, but I guess that can’t be helped. But I don’t want to keep you from being at home. I know you and Ben don’t have much time together right now as it is.’

  ‘Dad, it’s a few days. Stop being so dramatic.’ Abbi rolled her eyes. Celia smiled brightly at her daughter.

  ‘Okay, okay. Two women against one man. At least bring Buddy with you for another male to be around here when you guys decide to gang up on me.’

  ‘Sorry, he’s neutered, Dad. He won’t be much help I’m afraid.’

  They all laughed, and Abbi got up to close the door and call it a day. Tyler had come by and taken the boxes over to Taylor so all they could do is wait to see what he found. She hugged her parent’s goodbye, told them to be safe, and have a great time at the grand opening. Abbi needed to go to Tesco and pick up the ingredients she needed for the curry she was going to cook. Maybe I’ll try Thai tonight or maybe I’ll get a take-away instead. After the day she’d had the last thing she wanted was to be slaving over a cooker.

  Actually, picking up some Chinese food on the way home sounds like an excellent idea. I can always make the curry tomorrow.

  She took out her phone and checked for messages. She had not heard from Ben all day, which was definitely not unusual. He never knew what his schedule was going to be, and Abbi really did understand. She could not imagine having such an important job. She wasn’t sure she would want to even if she had the drive that Ben had. He was already working twelve hours a day almost seven days a week. Yes, he was still training, but how would that change once he was qualified? She could never imagine Ben saying to a loving parent. ‘Um, sorry, yes I know your child is dying, but I must go home and be with my neglected wife?’ and Abbi would never want him to. What had started to concern her of late though was how Ben’s lifestyle was going to affect her life as well. They had never really talked about it. Maybe he hadn’t thought about it either.

  She quickly typed a text to Ben and sent it.

  Hi, honey. Decided against cooking. Will get Chinese. If you’re busy, don’t worry about it. #4 and #16 will be in the fridge for you, xxoo.

  That made her smile. That was one thing about being in a relationship she liked. It was nice knowing someone well enough that you could order for them and get it right.

  An hour later, Abbi carried her shopping bags and Chinese food up the five flights of stairs to their little apartment. Someday the lift would be fixed. And someday I’ll have a Jaguar, too. Actually, seeing as Ben was going to be a doctor…Okay, yeah, she was probably a lot closer to having a Jaguar than a working lift.

  Dropping the bags at the door she started checking her pockets for her keys. ‘Hush, Buddy,’ she said through the door.

  The fierce little guard dog had heard her outside the door and was letting the whole building know that he was on the job. She found her keys in the bottom of her bag, just as she heard her phone buzz over Buddy’s frantic barking. Sure that it was Ben, she ignored the phone and hurriedly unlocked the door. Apparently, Buddy had to see to Abbi to believe it was her because her telling him through the door to be quiet was not working. The last thing she needed was old Mrs. Bailey that lived downstairs to start complaining again. When Ben and Abbi had first got Buddy, he was only nine weeks old and he had cried a lot when he was left alone whilst they slept. Mrs. Bailey had cats, of course, and while the smell of kitty litter was a little over powering in the hallway, it was true that her cats did not keep anyone up at night.

  ‘Hi, Buddy.’ She scooped Buddy into her arms.

  He was so excited to see her that it was like he had just about given up hope, and there she was. And, yes, there it was. Abbi felt the little squirt of nervous pee hit her shirt and run down her stomach. Great and thank you. The vet had told Abbi, Buddy would outgrow this problem. He had said that it was common and as long as Buddy was house trained, it was just uncontrollable nervous pee. Apparently, that explanation was supposed to make it better when he peed on them or on visitors’ shoes. Ben took it much more good-naturedly than Abbi. ‘Oh come on,’ he’d said, ‘Can you imagine being so excited to see someone that you can’t help it and pee on yourself? It’s sweet.’ Okay, that had made Abbi laugh.

  She started laughing again thinking about that conversation as she walked down the hall to the kitchen. She set the bags up on the counter, out of Buddy-reach, and then started taking her shirt off as she walked back down the hall to the bedroom. Imagine being so excited to see someone that you peed on yourself. That would never work for people, she thought. That would never be flattering or a great girl talk story. ‘Oh it was amazing. He came to the door and saw me and then he just peed on himself, right there…’

  Abbi stripped down, stepped into the shower and was just getting out
when she heard her phone buzzed again. She had completely forgotten about it. With one bath towel wrapped around her head and another around her body, she padded back to the kitchen. Buddy was sitting at the door. ‘I know, Buddy. Just hang on a minute.’ She grabbed her phone out of her bag.

  Hi! Your mum gave me your number. Hope that’s OK. Just wanted to let you know I have everything I need now to get started. Looking forward to working with you. It must have been fate this morning on the train. Taylor.

  Now Abbi almost peed herself. She felt her heart flutter. It’s a text. A text stupid. It doesn’t mean anything. Then why did she feel kind of guilty? Maybe because her heart had only fluttered when she realised who it was? Maybe because she had not gone more than two hours all day since running into him, literally, without fantasising about making an XXX-Rated movie with him. Should she reply? She checked the clock. It was 6:30pm. Definitely after business hours. So she should reply in the morning. Or would it be rude not to answer now? Why could she not think straight?

  Buddy’s sudden whine of urgency broke her train of thought. ‘Okay, I know, sweetheart. I’m coming.’

  She put the phone down, rushed to throw on some clothes and take him out before he exploded. She took her phone outside with her, and walked Buddy to the small park nearby. While she waited by a tree for him to finish sniffing, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and re-read the message, for the fourth time. Ok. I’m going to do it. It would be rude not to reply, she decided. Be professional and casual.

  ‘Hi. That sounds good. If you have any questions, please let me know.’ SEND. Okay. There she did it. She read her message. It was fine. If Ben happened to read her phone, there was nothing inappropriate for him to see. Now, if he happened to read her mind that would be something else. Thank God she hadn’t married a psychic. Now she felt guilty again.

  Buddy was finished, so they walked back to the steps of their building. Abbi scooped him up, and about the third flight up; her phone buzzed in her pocket. She hesitated. Her heart thumped again. Reacting like his can’t be right. She bounded up the last two flights and set Buddy down who ran off to grab his bone. Taking out her phone, she noticed that her hands were trembling. She hit the unlock screen and saw;


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