Tainted Love

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Tainted Love Page 7

by Lockhart, Cate

  Well, whatever. She’d had a long somewhat pleasant day and she wasn’t going to let this spoil it. She poured herself a large glass of wine and snuck quietly into the bedroom, grabbed her pyjamas then went to the bathroom and ran a bath. She dumped in some heavenly smelling lavender oil beads and lit some candles. Stripping naked she climbed into the bath and sat in the semi-darkness, drinking her wine and thinking about her day. The whole business with Uncle Bill had really upset her. She was praying to God that there was a simple explanation. This was probably the worst part, right now. The just not knowing. She knew that if Taylor figured it out before her parents came back, she should probably be the one to tell it to them. Then Taylor could explain it in further detail. But, first they should hear it from her and in private. Wow. This was going to be a mess.

  Closing her eyes, Abbi sunk deeper into the warm water and took another sip of wine. At least, she had got to meet Taylor out of this. She found herself wondering what he was doing right now. He’s probably at the gym or out running. The man was built like a machine. Definitely an action man in the making.

  Abbi felt a deep stirring of desire begin to burn in her as a vision of Taylor came to mind…

  It’s a full moon. A silvery glow fills the bathroom.

  I hear a soft knock on the door. ‘Come in,’ I whisper.

  Taylor pushes the door open, and his bulk fills the door way – muscled, tanned and completely naked. His legs are as sculpted as his six pack and broad chest. The soft moonlight bathes his body and I let my glance glide over his well-endowed member. Taylor grins at me and shuts the door quietly behind him. I offer him my glass of wine, and he smiles graciously as he takes it and sits on the edge of the bathtub, swirling his hand lazily in the water.

  ‘I’ve missed you.’

  ‘I’ve been waiting right here for you,’ I reply in a quivering voice.

  His hand skims the top of the water and makes its way to fondle my breasts. Rubbing and massaging them with sure, confident hands, he grips each of my nipples between his fingers, playfully teasing and twisting them one at a time. I close my eyes as I enjoy the sensation.

  My lust and need for him is growing and I reach down into the water to touch myself.

  ‘Look at me,’ he says softly.

  I look up at him and he bends over and kisses me warmly and deeply. Our tongues meet and circle around each other. He leans back and brushes the hair off my face.

  ‘You are so beautiful,’ he murmurs looking deep into my eyes.

  More! I want more. His hand moves down to where my hand is and he takes over. His thumb rubs my pleasure point back and forth, back and forth. I begin to moan in ecstasy. His touch is amazingly soft and sure. He knows just how I like to be touched. I start to writhe with pleasure, and I’m pleased to see the effect I’m having on him as I reach up and take hold of his throbbing manhood.

  ‘I want you inside of me,’ I say as I stand, getting in position to make myself available to him.

  My heart rate increases. In a matter of seconds I’m going to be…

  The door swung open and banged against the wall as Ben walked in causing Abbi to jerk forward. Water rolled over the bath’s edge dripping onto the tiled floor.

  ‘Holy shit, Ben!’ Abbi yelled. ‘You scared the crap out of me.’

  Ben rolled his eyes. ‘Grow up, Abbi, who else do you think is in the flat?’

  Yes, he definitely had more than a few before he went to bed. She could smell the stale beer on him as he walked to the toilet and raised the lid. Abbi looked mournfully at her empty wine glass on the side of the bath. The fantasy was definitely over. The wine was gone, the water was getting cold, and she was staring at the arse of her semi-drunk fiancé pissing into the toilet. The horny mood was definitely gone as well. She waited for Ben to finish, and after he left she got out of the bath. She towelled off and put on her pyjamas.

  Ben had gone back to bed without a word. So he is in a mood with me. It wouldn’t be the first time he had given her the silent treatment or the one word response. She supposed she should have been used to it by now.

  She knew trying to talk to him right now would not be productive. He obviously had a bee in his bonnet about earlier. Or maybe… It might not even be about me and Taylor and the whole lunch thing. Maybe something else had happened. She suddenly remembered what he did for a living. Maybe one of his patients had died. Technically, he didn’t have patients yet. He was still under Dr. Hertz, but he was still involved with patients on the wards. That thought made her feel a little better and less aggravated. Not that someone might have lost their child, but that his strange behaviour might have nothing to do with her. Whatever it was, nothing was going to be discussed or resolved tonight. She looked around for Buddy and couldn’t find him.

  She saw Ben had left the door to the bedroom open a crack. She tip-toed in and felt the little lump under the covers on her side of the bed. Buddy always did that, and she could not figure it out. He would get so hot that he would come out and pant for a few minutes and then crawl right back down in there. Abbi playfully poked him a couple of times and she heard his soft growl.

  ‘Okay, tough guy, I guess I’m on my own for tonight.’ She left the bedroom and stopped by the kitchen before going to the living room. Settling onto the sofa with cold pizza slices, and a fresh glass of wine, Abbi flipped on the Lifetime Movie Network and spent the rest of the evening living vicariously through the ridiculous drama of other people’s lives.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ben always snored when he drank, and after many attempts to roll him over, Abbi finally gave up and returned to the living room to sleep on the sofa. She pulled a disgruntled Buddy out of the covers, and took him with her. He soon settled in happily under the blanket on the couch. Abbi flipped through the channels, wanting the TV on for background noise more than anything else. Maybe she should have drunk herself to sleep. She probably would have except she had a shop to open in the morning. Plus Taylor was coming over too, she remembered. How could I forget? Probably smelling like booze was not going to be a big turn on. Wait. Do I want to turn him on? That thought had just come out of nowhere. Yes. I do. I want to feel like a woman. Taylor made her feel like that. She wanted to look and feel as sexy as possible around him. She couldn’t even begin to think how her parents would react if they knew how she felt about Taylor. ‘Hi, Mum, Dad. Welcome back. Basically nothing new. Oh, Uncle Bill has stolen about half a million from you and I have got the serious hots for the accountant you hired. Other than that. Business as usual.’

  Yeah, right. That should cause two heart attacks on the spot. Could I be charged with something? Like involuntary manslaughter? Abbi started laughing at just the idea. Buddy growled. ‘Okay, okay, I’m sorry.’ Apparently she was fidgeting too much and making too much noise. She felt a little sigh, and he went back to sleep

  She was just dozing off when she smelt the coffee. Soon after the shower started. Her life really was predictable, from the minute she woke up until she went to bed, she knew exactly what was going to happen and in what order. Well, it had been until she met Taylor. She pulled the blanket over her head and tried to convince herself that if she ignored Ben’s morning routine, she could get some sleep. In about ten minutes, she was getting poked.

  ‘Hey…Abbi. Why are you on the sofa?’ Ben asked.

  ‘Stop it,’ she snarled back.

  ‘Holy shit! What’s wrong with you?’

  Now she was over it. She was exhausted and pissed off, and happy-go-lucky Ben had slept like a baby all night.

  ‘I’m tired, okay? You were passed out and snoring like a freight train all night. That’s why I’m on the sofa.’

  ‘Well, excuse me,’ said Ben visibly irritated at being snapped at. ‘You could have just rolled me over or woken me up.’

  ‘I tried Ben. But waking a moody drunk isn’t the easiest of jobs.’

  ‘Moody? What the hell are you talking about?’

  ‘Oh come on. I know you were ag
gravated that I wasn’t available for lunch when you suddenly had time to spend with me.’

  ‘Oh, I see. So I’m just supposed to be the man who waits in line while his fiancée has lunch with another man. Yeah, Okay, got it.’ He turned and started walking down the hall.

  ‘Where are you going? Are you kidding?’ Why do men always do that? Just walk away right in the middle of an argument. Like that resolves anything?

  He ignored her and kept walking towards the bedroom. She ripped the blanket off herself and got up and went after him.

  ‘Seriously? You’re just going to walk away?’ She stormed into the bedroom after him.

  ‘I don’t have time for this, Abbi. I have to get ready for work.’

  ‘So when are we going to talk about this?’

  ‘I don’t know. Let me see when I can schedule in a fight with you. That’s always fun.’

  ‘Why are you being such an arsehole?’

  ‘Why? Because I finally get some free time, and I wanted to spend it with you. But, I couldn’t because you were spending it with another man!’

  ‘Oh my God! Stop it. He’s my mother’s accountant…’

  ‘Uh huh, how many lunches has she had with him?’

  ‘Ben, seriously. She literally just hired him. He was trying to do his job, which means he has to tell me what is going on. You know my parents are away at the moment. Who do you want him to talk to? The bloody dog!’

  ‘Whatever, Abbi. I’m tired, and I’m getting in the shower now.’

  ‘I don’t know why you’re so tired. You certainly slept all night. Oh, your dinner is in the fridge by the way.’ She stomped out of the bedroom and down the hall to the coffee pot.

  She’d had enough of this discord, and she was in desperate need of a cup of coffee. In the kitchen, she poured a cup and was nursing her fury when she saw little Buddy sitting patiently by the door. Abbi groaned. Well, it wasn’t fair. The first thing she did when she got up was pee, that was when she wasn’t arguing with Ben, so sure Buddy needed to go too.

  ‘Hang on, baby. I’m coming.’ She went into the bedroom and pulled her hair up in a ponytail, and grabbed her jacket off the clothes hook by the door. She was still in her flannel jammies, but she didn’t care. That’s how it was in the London. People in their jammies and slippers out with their dogs early in the morning. She picked him up and he licked the side of her face.

  ‘Thanks, sweetie. At least you still love me.’ She went outside and down the steps. The brisk air hit her like walking into a freezer, and she thought again about how she could train Buddy to use the toilet. Every time she thought about that though she just pictured him jumping up and falling right in. That would be worse than having to take him out first thing, or at least just as bad. The wind was blowing hard, and it looked like it might start to rain or sleet at any moment.

  ‘Hurry up, Buddy. It’s freezing.’ She watched him walk and circle and sniff until he found the spot that smelt right to pee in, and did his thing. A few steps and circles later, he got the rest of his business done, and Abbi bagged it and tossed it in the dog bin. She jogged back to her building, and was headed in the door when she ran into Ben trotting down the steps.

  ‘Ben,’ she started.

  ‘I’m running late. I haven’t got time for this,’ he said brushing past her.

  She didn’t say anything else because he didn’t even stop moving. She watched him until he disappeared around the corner. Abbi clenched her jaw, and started up the stairs. She had never known Ben to act like this. Sure, they had their little spats, but he had never really just been an arsehole. Now, he was being a major one. What was worse he didn’t even want to talk about it. If she had a problem or was upset about something, she also had the right to have him shut up for one minute and listen.

  Abbi climbed up the stairs with Buddy, and back into the warmth of their little apartment. What she really wanted to do was climb into bed and get some sleep. She checked the time, and saw that it was almost 7am. Weighing out her options, she opted for thirty minutes in the bed and then she would get up and bolt to the shop. That should work. If she could get just a few minutes of good sleep, she probably would not tell a prattling on old customer to just ‘shut up and get to the point’ which would probably be a good thing.

  The bedroom smelt musty like sweat and beer, so she opened the window a little and crawled into bed. ‘Ahhhh,’ she sighed as her head hit the pillow. One minute after that her phone was going off. Are you fricking kidding me? She got up and went out down the hall to where her mobile phone was bouncing around on the table.


  ‘Hi, Abbi? It’s Taylor.’ His voice sounded like a caress.

  ‘Yes, good morning.’

  ‘Hey, I just wanted to make sure it was still okay for me to meet with you this morning? I have some more information for you.’

  Abbi ran her fingers through her hair. ‘Yes, of course. Why don’t you come by about nine-thirty? That way, I’ll have had a chance to open and get organised for the day.’

  She shook her head. Maybe Ben should have been there to see how people spoke to one another. Talk, listen, and respond. She was so angry at Ben, she almost felt like sending him a text saying, In case you wanted to surprise me for breakfast, I’ll be meeting with Taylor again about Mum and Dad’s business. Just to save you the temper tantrum. Xxoo

  As much as she would love to, she wouldn’t dare but it would be funny. And fitting. Now she felt better though. She was going to start off her day again with Taylor instead of a grumpy fiancé. I’ll take Mr. GQ over the Grouch any time!

  Taylor spoke so quietly Abbi had to strain to hear. ‘I can’t wait to see you.’

  Abbi tilted her head and stared up at the ceiling. How on earth do I respond to that? She was glad that Ben wasn’t here to hear the conversation after all. He surely would have blown his top.

  ‘Um, okay, I’ll see you then. I’ve got to go, Buddy needs his morning walk. Bye.’ Before Taylor could respond she ended the call.

  She rested her head against the wall and inhaled deeply. ‘Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, what am I going to do about you!?’

  Chapter Thirteen

  Abbi started back down the hall to the shower, the nap was out of the question now, when she realised she didn’t see Buddy. He was always around.

  ‘Buddy,’ she called. Nothing. ‘Buddy.’ Hmmm, now she was a little concerned. She walked into the living room, and found him. He was laying down with his head on the ground. He looked up at her, but didn’t pick up his head.

  ‘Whatcha doing, Buddy?’ she said and bent down. He picked up his head a little, but then laid it back down. He definitely wasn’t acting right. His little nose felt really warm to her. In fact, his whole body did. On a hunch, she went into the kitchen and got one of his favourite treats.

  ‘Look what I got for you. Want a yummy bone?’ She set it down beside him. He turned his head and sniffed it, and then laid his head back down. Okay, now she was calling the vet. They kept the number on the side of the fridge. She told Becky, the receptionist, Buddy’s symptoms and made an appointment for him at 10am. If he started to act worse, then she could bring him in right away.

  ‘Ok, thanks, Becky. I’ll see you then.’

  Abbi texted Ben.

  Buddy seems sick. I’m taking him to the vet at 10am.

  She had just finished texting when she remembered Taylor was coming over at 9.30, and the shop needed opening. Damn it. Well, she was just going to have to get to the point with Taylor and lock the shop up for an hour or so. She couldn’t be everywhere at once.

  Abbi showered and got dressed. By the time that she had got ready, Buddy still had not moved from his spot. She was really concerned about her him now. She grabbed his favourite blanket and scooped him up. His tail didn’t even wag.

  ‘What’s the matter, Buddy?’ She burrowed her head in the back of his neck. He felt hot now. Forget this. She was going straight to the vet. He must have licked or eaten s
omething during their walk. She texted Taylor and cancelled their meeting.

  I have to take Buddy to the vet. I’ll call and reschedule.

  She was out the door and halfway down the steps when her phone chirped in her pocket.

  Oh no! Do you need a ride? I’m in my car now. Are you at the shop?

  Hmmmm. She thought about that for a minute. If she got to the shop, the vet clinic was not far away from there. No, it would probably just be faster to take a cab straight from home. She hailed a passing cab, and got in and told the cab driver the address.

  ‘Aww little fella looks like he doesn’t feel too good,’ the cab driver said eyeing Abbi through the rearview mirror.

  ‘No, he’s not. He came over sickly suddenly.’

  ‘Don’t worry too much, miss. Probably just caught a bug. Dogs get ‘em too ya know.’

  ‘I hope so, thank you.’

  He nodded, and pulled out into traffic. She texted Taylor.

  No thanks. I was still at home, so I’m just taking a cab.

  He replied straight away

  Hope he’s ok. Where are you going? I’ll pick you up if like, and take you back to the shop from there.

  Wow. That was a nice offer. And she did need to talk to him. And she did want to see him. Ben had not texted her back, and she was getting beside herself minute by minute, and a friendly person to talk to would be nice.

  Ok. Yes. That would be great, thanks!

  She sent him the details for the vet’s address.

  Sure. I know it. I’ll see you there.

  Abbi settled back with Buddy curled up in her lap. He looked up at her with big sad eyes, but he did thump his tail when she petted him. Then he went to sleep. The morning traffic was driving her crazy. To her they should be in an ambulance going lights and sirens to the hospital. Tears started to well up, as she looked at him. This day was already a big fat do over. She wished Ben would text or call her. It hurt her that he hadn’t. Buddy was their baby. Of course, he was busy. He was being a doctor and saving lives. This was how it was going to be. She was going to need him, and he would be busy. Someone else and their family was always going to come first. The realisation hit her like a thunderbolt. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a doctor’s wife.


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