Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)

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Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) Page 10

by Jordan, Maryann

  “Babe, you got me?” he asked gently, holding her chin up so that she had to focus on his face.

  Emma took a shaky breath and nodded again. “I got you,” she replied softly.

  They heard the sirens in the background and started walking back towards the house. The fire truck pulled into her driveway, Mac and Rob jumping out first, running up to Jake and Emma.

  “We’re fine, we’re fine,” Jake assured them, knowing that was first on his friends’ minds. Pointing towards the woods, Jake said, “My guess is that the old hunting hut is burning.”

  After several more trucks pulled up, the men start gathering equipment they could haul and plotted the closest way to get to the fire. The hut, while a walkable distance from Emma’s house was unable to be accessed directly with a vehicle. There was an old tractor path that followed the western edge of her property, leading around towards the back. Having made their decision, the firemen moved out.

  “Babe, stay here. I’m going with them,” Jake said, leaning in to kiss Emma’s forehead.

  The men headed off as Laurie pulled up in her yellow Volkswagen. She hopped out, running up to give Emma a hug. “Oh my gosh, I couldn’t believe it when Rob called to say there was a fire here!” The two women walked into the house, heading towards the kitchen.

  “We can make coffee for the men when they come back,” Emma said as she went over to the kitchen cabinets to pull the coffee down. Her cell phone rang, and she saw Tom’s number coming up. “Boy, news travels fast around here,” she said as she answered the phone.

  “Emma, is Jake there?” Tom asked.

  Emma explained that Jake had gone with Rob to take the fire trucks to the old hut. “Do you need him?” she asked.

  “We got a call that some kids may have been hanging around in the state park, near the back of your property. I just wanted to let Jake know in case they are still around. I’ll keep trying to get him on his cell, and I am heading there now. Mike’s already heading out that way.”

  Hanging up the phone, Emma looked over at Laurie. Explaining what Tom said, she exclaimed, “Laurie, what if the kids are still there? What if they were in the old hut?” Pausing only for a second, Emma grabbed her sneakers near the door, some shorts from the laundry room and started out the back door.

  Laurie caught up with her. Looking over at her aunt as they ran through the woods, she yelled, “I can’t let you go alone!”

  Following a direct path through the woods, the two women ran towards the fire. They could see the fire trucks off to the left as they were making their way towards the hut on an old cart path that ran along Emma’s property line. They ran into the clearing seeing the small hut engulfed in flames. Emma ran as close as she could, yelling to see if anyone could hear her.

  Laurie grabbed the back of her shirt, shouting “Emma, if anyone was in there, it is too late.”

  Right then the fire trucks pulled into the clearing from the path and the two women looked over as men began hauling equipment out of the trucks. Emma and Laurie stared into the furious faces of Rob and Jake stalking over to them. Mac, quickly looking over to see that the women were all right, began shouting orders to the other fire fighters.

  Emma had never seen Jake so angry. The enraged visage in front of her was nowhere near the gentle lover she come to know. As towering as she knew he was, he seemed to grow larger as he came closer. Feeling intimidated, she began to back up.

  “Fuck, woman! What the hell are you doing here?” he cursed. Fury and fear poured off of Jake rivaling the blazing hut.

  “Jake I had to come. Tom called and said that some kids were sighted out this way in the state park. I just had to make sure no one was here,” Emma pleaded for him to understand. By this time, Jake had reached her. He grabbed her by her upper arms, careful not to hurt her, hauling her backwards, farther away from the fire.

  “Jake, please,” she said quietly. Jake immediately let her go, took a step back and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Emma,” he said, walking back a few steps. She could feel the anger pouring off of him, but she was not afraid. She stood quietly, knowing that Jake needed to work through his anger, and he needed some space. She took the chance to look over to see Rob yelling at Laurie and Laurie yelling back.

  “Emma,” Jake said again, bringing her attention back to his face. “Goddamn it, Em. We drove up, and I swear to God my heart stopped beating when I saw you tearing through the woods toward that fire.”

  Emma stepped towards Jake, placing her hand gently over his heart. Looking up into his face, she realized that this huge man, used to protecting everyone, cared for her. And she knew at that moment that she loved him.

  I love him. I love him.

  “Jake, I am so sorry to have scared you. I just heard that there may have been kids here, and I had to check.” She slowly rubbed her hand over his chest where his heart was. “I never meant to frighten you.”

  Reaching up with his hand, Jake grasped her small hand in his much larger one and held it tight. With his other hand placed behind her head, he pulled her in and lowered his face to hers. His lips met hers in a passionate, smoldering kiss filled with longing, fear, and love.

  Emma pulled back looking into his handsome face. Putting both hands on either side of his face, she whispered, “I love you Jake.”

  Jake closed his eyes, leaning his face into her hands. Reaching down to lift her up, he held her close as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Emma girl, I love you too,” Jake said peering deeply into her eyes.

  Emma smiled, at the same time her eyes were tearing up. As she blinked, the tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Why are you crying, sweetheart?” Jake asked, continuing to hold her close.

  “I’ve been handling things on my own for so long,” she replied.

  Jake held her close. “No more, baby. No more. You are mine, and I take care of what is mine.”

  Walking over to them, Mike called out, “You about ready to get to work or do you two need to get a room?” Emma blushed as Jake set her down. Jake told her to head over to where Laurie was standing.

  “And Em,” Jake said as she started to walk away. “We will be discussing this stunt you pulled tonight.” Emma looked over her shoulder and wisely kept quiet. She knew not to “poke the bear”. Smiling at Jake, she turned and walked over to Laurie, who did not look happy.

  “Did you just get chewed out?” Emma asked Laurie. Laurie turned and glared at Emma.

  “Do you want to know what he said?” Laurie asked, then kept right on ranting. “He told me he couldn’t believe that we ran over here. He wanted to know what the hell I thought I was going to do – rush into a burning building? Act like a hero when they were on their way here? Take a chance with my own life needlessly?” Laurie tossed her long brown hair over her shoulders, and barely took a breath before plunging on. “Well, I told him I did not need him telling me what to do! I am an adult, and I can make up my mind on what I will do and not do! Then he told me that he couldn’t believe I was so stupid. Stupid? Stupid? He called me stupid.”

  Emma attempted to interrupt, hoping to calm Laurie down, but Laurie was on a roll.

  “So I told him that if I was so stupid, then I was obviously not smart enough for him to bother with and then he stomped off like a little boy!”

  Emma reached over and wrapped her arm around Laurie’s shoulders.

  “Oh Emma, I think we just broke up!” Laurie cried. She turned to Emma, hugging her closely, sobbing.

  Emma stroked Laurie’s back and said soothing words. Emma was reminded of how many times she had done this very thing; when Laurie was a child and Emma was babysitting her; when their parents died, and Emma comforted her; when Laurie’s first boyfriend in high school broke up with her; in college, when Laurie felt stress from all the work. She had always been the person that Laurie turned to and Emma was so glad that she had moved to Fairfield.

  “Laurie, you and Rob did not just break up. Rob was just scared ho
ney. Even big, tough Jake told me that his heart almost stopped when they came into the clearing, and he saw me running towards the fire.”

  Laurie’s sobs had turned to sniffles. “Yeah, well I bet Jake didn’t call you stupid.”

  “Well,” Emma said. “He didn’t say stupid, but you can believe that he was furious.”

  Laurie looked into Emma’s face. “Are you two okay?” she asked.

  Emma smiled. “Jake told me he loved me.”

  Laurie gasped, grabbing her aunt in a huge hug. “Oh God, Emma, I am so happy for you!” she exclaimed.

  “Laurie, I promise you and Rob will be okay also. Just look.”

  The two women looked at the charred wood and ashes that used to be the hut, as the men finished putting out the flames and securing the area. Mac and the others were starting to put away the equipment, and Mike was looking over the sight for evidence.

  Jake walked over to Rob and began talking to him. Rob appeared to be arguing back with Jake, but Jake kept talking to him. Both men looked over at the women who were standing there with their arms around each other. The men started walking towards them.

  Rob approached Laurie. His face was sooty, and he was pulling off his jacket. His t-shirt was sweaty, plastered to his muscular chest, and Laurie could not help but admire this gorgeous man’s physique. Laurie looked up into the eyes of this amazing man who she loved, suddenly realizing that their argument was because he loved her. She did not even wait for him to speak; she jumped into his arms kissing his face.

  “Oh Rob, I am so sorry!” she cried. Rob clung to her and began to carry her off towards the truck.

  Jake walked over to Emma, who was smiling at Rob and Laurie. She looked up at the man she was giving her heart to and her smile lit up her face.

  “What did you say to Rob?” she asked. Jake smiled a slow smile, pulling her close.

  “I just reminded him that love makes us crazy when we are afraid for the one we love.”

  Hugging him tight, she smiled as he was once again acknowledging that he loved her. Emma looked over at the area where the little shack was now a pile of rubble and ash. Mike and Mac were still over there raking through the ashes.

  “Do you need to stay for a while?” she asked. “I can catch a ride with Rob and Laurie back to my house.”

  Right on cue, Mike yelled over to Jake, telling him to go ahead and take Emma home. “Not much here,” he said. “I’ll stay with Mac a bit and you can go ahead and get your beautiful girl home.”

  Jake nodded at Mike, “Thanks man. I owe you.”

  Emma and Jake walked over to one of the trucks where Rob and Laurie were kissing. Rob looked over, giving Jake a head nod, which Emma assumed was man talk for “thank you for keeping me from doing something dumb like walking away from this amazing girl”! They all climbed into the truck, and Rob dropped Emma and Jake off at her house. Laurie said she would pick up her car the next day and headed down the road with Rob.

  Emma and Jake walked into the house, locking the door behind them. She began walking down the hall, looking over her shoulder. “Coming to bed Jake?” she asked.

  He looked at her, raised his eyebrow, and said in a low voice, “Woman, are you forgetting that we need to deal with your irresponsible actions tonight?”

  Emma slowly turned around. “Well, instead of a punishment, I thought you would rather enjoy a celebration. After all, we did declare our love tonight,” she said softly with a smile.

  Jake, totally enraptured with this beautiful woman he was in love with, couldn’t help but grin back. “What kind of celebration did you have in mind?” he asked.

  “Catch me and find out!” Emma called out, as she turned and ran down the hall towards the bedroom. With Jake on her heels, Emma squealed as he captured her around the waist, lifted her up and tossed her on the bed.

  Jake pulled his t-shirt over his head, and Emma looked up as his arm muscles flexed, wanting those huge arms wrapped around her. Her eyes lowered to his pecs and abs, following the muscular trail down towards his pants. He toed off his shoes and stepped out of his pants. Emma’s eye grew large as she realized he was not wearing any boxers.

  “Commando?” she asked.

  “Well if you recall, when you were running out of here screaming ‘fire’, I didn’t have a lot of time to get dressed.”

  Emma blushed and raised her eyes from his impressive cock to his eyes. “I am sorry, baby,” she said.

  “Hey, this is a celebration, remember?” he said.

  Emma smiled and looked back down at his gorgeous body. How did I ever get such a handsome, wonderful man?

  Jake leaned over and pulled her to the side of the bed. He easily slid her shorts down her legs, noticing that she also was not wearing underwear. Cocking his head to one side, he asked, “Commando, baby?”

  “Quick exit, remember?” she answered with a smirk.

  Jake lowered himself between her legs, his large hands rubbing circles on her thighs. Emma felt the fire of passion begin to burn with each stroke of his talented hands until…his hands stilled. Raising her head up, she could see Jake staring off to the side of the bed.

  “Babe, what did I say about this cat? He’s staring at me right now.”

  Moaning, Emma flopped her head back to the bed. “Jake, stop looking at the cat and take care of me. Mister doesn’t know what the hell we’re doing.”

  Feeling the bed shift, she raised her head back up just in time to see Jake plop the cat outside of the bedroom door, shutting it firmly. Turning back around, he resumed his position between her legs, stating, “Not sharin’ Emma girl. Not even with Mister.”

  Starting to giggle, Emma’s mirth was quickly replaced with desire as Jake’s hands landed back on her body.

  His fingers continued upwards on their path, finally reaching their destination. He lowered his head and his lips replaced his fingers as he began slowly licking her wet folds. Emma moaned and pushed her hips forward. Jake placed his hand firmly on her stomach holding her in place. He continued his ministrations adding a finger in her wetness. She writhed as she felt the flames grow higher and higher. He reached up his other hand under her shirt, filling his hand with her breast. He tweaked and pulled on her nipple.

  “Jake,” Emma called out. “I need you now!”

  Jake just chuckled. Emma felt herself give over to the blazing feelings of her orgasm as it sent sparks throughout her core. Emma lay still, breasts rising and falling being the only movement she could manage.

  Jake rose up, pushing her t-shirt over her head as he went. Standing, he looked down at Emma. She turned her brilliant smile towards him.

  How did I ever get such a dynamic, perfect woman?

  Crawling over her body, he made his way onto the bed. Laying down beside her, he stroked her gently, kneading her breasts as he kissed her senseless. Jake felt as though he could not get enough of her.

  Suddenly Emma pushed on his shoulders, rolling him on his back as she quickly climbed on top. She leaned down, continuing to kiss him. Their tongues plundered each other’s mouths as their hands explored. Emma took his massive cock in her hands and placed the tip at the entrance to her pussy. Slowly she lowered herself down on him. Jake moaned and raised his hips upwards to continue the contact. Emma began to rock up and down on his cock, loving the fullness of it filling her up. She began to feel the tension building again and knew she was close to coming. Jake instinctively took over, rocking his hips forcefully into hers. The pressure built and then intensified as Jake reached up and began to pull on her nipples. Emma screamed out as her orgasm rocked her and Jake followed immediately afterwards. He pulsated into her, continuing to push deep inside of her as he felt his release. With her head on his shoulder, their limbs entwined, their bodies flushed and satisfied for a long time.

  Jake loved the feeling of flesh against flesh, no condom. He had never felt so close to anyone in his life.

  I don’t want this to end. I want this woman with me for always.

p; Jake pulled out, and Emma curled up next to him. Jake looked at the clock. It was almost three in the morning.

  “Go to sleep, baby, it’s been a long night,” he said. Emma murmured something, but sleep had already started to claim her. Jake held her tight, remembering the horrifying feeling of seeing her run toward the burning shack. Kissing the top of her head as she slept he knew he never wanted to be without this woman as he followed her in sleep.

  Chapter 10

  A couple of days later Emma sat at in her office talking to Suzy. Tears fell from Suzy’s pale blue eyes, so Emma leaned over to hand her a tissue. “I thought he loved me,” Suzy said through her sobs. Emma listened patiently, as Suzy described her relationship with Brad. Suzy was tall, willowy and with the same dark hair as her brother, Rob. Emma always thought that she and Brad made a very handsome couple.

  “He wouldn’t even tell me why he was breaking up with me. He just kept saying that he wasn’t good enough for me, and he didn’t want to drag me down.” Suzy continued to sniffle and hiccup softly, and Emma gave her the chance to cry in peace. But Emma’s thoughts were far from peaceful.

  Why would Brad say that to Suzy? Was he wanting to find an easy way to let her down? Or does he really think he isn’t good enough for her? Brad always had such self-confidence, goals, energy, friendliness. Something is going on, and I’m going to find out what it is.

  These thoughts continued to swirl through Emma’s head. Keeping Suzy in her office until she was calmer, they talked for a while longer. After Suzy left her office, Emma decided she needed to talk to Brad so she called him down to her office. Brad came in, immediately looking nervous. He slumped down in her chair, and she observed him carefully. His hair was unkempt; he had dark circles under his eyes, and continually shifted in his seat.

  Emma was silent, giving Brad a chance to speak first. He finally looked up into her eyes but then quickly lowered his eyes back down.


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