Duet: Death's Recital

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Duet: Death's Recital Page 12

by Lizzie Vega

  It also didn’t take long for her to associate the closeness of the colors with the gentle intimacy she had seen between Ethan and Sara. It made her heart ache as she watched the colors dance up along the ceiling and round the hallway columns. Suddenly the music behind the door stopped but the sensual movement of the color streams continued for moments after.

  Gathering up her bag, Mikayla stood to leave just as Sara’s violin played the soft introduction to the Mozart piece that she had just played with Ethan. The lines of color that flowed through the door took her breath away.

  My God, she thought, I'll never play with such passion.

  Thankful for the empty hallway, she wiped her eyes and made her way, red-faced and crying, out of the music building.

  Chapter 20



  “Ever been in love?” Mikayla side glanced her, then put her chin on her hand, “I mean really in love?”

  “Hmm. You’re super quiet right now. You’re being serious, aren’t you?”

  Mikayla sighed, “Ethan called me to meet Sara. It’s pretty obvious he’s in love with her.”

  “Already?” Kelli’s jaw dropped, “How do you know this?”

  “I saw her. I can see her now.” She looked up at her friend with tears rolling down her cheeks, “I feel so stupid, I’m so embarrassed.”

  “We’ve got to tell Alvin and Edward. They’re gonna so flip out. This really ramps up the lounge concert idea. Unbelievable, I…” Kelli stopped as she watched Mikayla endure her enthusiasm.

  “Or not,” Kelli added as she saw Mikayla’s forlorn expression. “Embarrassed,” she repeated, “Why on earth would you…oh dear…Mik, the love thing, you just met him for real this week. You can’t be serious?”

  “Oh I’m a few weeks of obsessing ahead of you,” Mikayla just looked away for Kelli, “I know. I feel really stupid right now.”

  “Oh boy. And I thought him showing up at Alvin’s was like the best thing ever for you. Like a breaking of the ice moment. I see you’re a little past that.”

  “Right?” Mikayla answered with zero conviction, “Just wait ‘til you meet her for real. It’ll only make it worse.”

  “Um, Mik? News flash. She’s a ghost.”

  Mikayla was quick to disagree, “Oh, you just wait. I’ll have her do it to you like they did with me. It’ll take about three seconds for you to figure it out. I feel guilty as hell for what I’m thinking.”

  Kelli looked at her friend for a moment, her eyes began to squint, “Wingman is confused at the trainee’s reason for feeling guilty.”

  “Please stop with the third person, Kel. It’s like you’re piling on. Wait ‘til you hear them play together. Some of this actually begins to make sense.”

  “Play together,” Kelli repeated. She sat for a moment, “Okay, now you can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, yeah, wait ‘til you see how he looks at her. You’ll see it right away. I certainly did. She touched him on the shoulder a bunch of times and he didn’t get all skittish. Then she ran her fingertips down the side of his neck.” She looked away, “That’s when I left the practice room.”

  “Only because you don’t have any skin in the ga…oh God, I so didn’t mean to say that.”

  “I get it,” Mikayla said glaring at the reference, “I’ll be honest, you’re gonna take one look at her…her skin is like ivory. She’s so happy and kind, they just click.

  Kelli cocked an eyebrow, “Do you want me to hate her for you? I could do that.”

  “Just stop, please. I should be the only seventh grader in the group,” Mikayla shrugged, “Alvin and Edward are gonna fall like a ton of bricks.” She finally smiled a little, “You will too…and stop sounding like Amanda.”

  Kelli’s jaw dropped, “Wait, we get to meet her? You’re kidding, right?”

  Briefly, Mikayla’s lack of enthusiasm for the idea began to recede, “They are both completely into the idea. Sara’s good with us recording at the Union, but now I wonder now why we wouldn’t just set up in one of the larger practice rooms.”

  “Oh, this is nuts. I’m gonna see a ghost that’s not going to beat me up.” Her eyes went wide, “Has she seen other ghosts on campus or other related stuff?”

  “I didn’t think to ask since I was busy being a completely selfish ass.” Mikayla sighed heavily, “I feel stupid right now. Hope they didn’t notice.”

  “Roll with it, Mik.”


  “I get it, you know. Ethan is way more normal than his reputation allows. Sure, he’s got issues, we all do. Just let things happen and see where this goes.”

  “Sort of uncharted territory in all directions now,” Mikayla said softly, “I can’t get out of my own way with stuff like this.”

  “Mmm,” Kelli nodded leaning across the table, lowering her voice, “Handsome talented loner genius meets talented loner gifted and, if I may be so bold to add, gorgeous you? I’m the one who should be having issues with it.”

  “You’re too nice to me, Kel. Thanks.”

  “How’d the rehearsal go with him?”

  Mikayla cringed, “My hands were so sweaty, I had to use the rosin bag twice. I was so nervous at the start, but it got a little better the second time through. Then I met her.”

  “Oh dear.”

  “No, it was fine until just before I left. She had her violin with her.” Her voice faded, “You should see how he looks at her. It’s like they’ve been together forever. I want that look.”

  “I’m sure you’re just projecting. Okay, back to my list,” Kelli said as she sat back in the booth, counting on her fingers, “What were you again, talented, loner, gifted? Let’s add hypersensitive and a gorgeous hopeless romantic. You gotta work through this cause I’m gonna run out of fingers.”

  “Thanks doc,” Mikayla finally smiled, “You’re pretty good at this.”

  “Two older brothers and two sisters for my learning curve,” she grinned back, “I’ve pretty much seen it all. I can read people pretty well. Everyone except myself, of course. I’m also the black sheep of my family.”

  Mikayla looked up, “That’s very inside voice of you. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say anything even close to that.”

  “Just keep talking to me about this, Mik. Don’t hold back if it gets weird.” She watched Mikayla’s expression change to dark right in front of her, “Oh boy. Here it comes.”

  “I said goodbye to them, and I left them in that tiny little practice room. You know how you can hear a little bit through the doors? Not me. Oh no, I got the whole show, Kel. I saw it come right through the door.” Her eyes welled up, “It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.”

  “Mik, don’t do this to yourself. It’s not gonna help.”

  “No,” she choked back, “Roll with it, you said. I think that’s what I have to do. The colors, the music was…it was flawless.” She clasped her fingers together, “The streams of colors that I saw were completely wrapped together. Woven together like they were…um, meant to be.”

  Kelli was silent long enough for Mikayla to try to backtrack, “Just ignore me. I’m just feeling down. There’s so much more we don’t know, right?”

  Kelli looked up and nodded, “Uncharted territory is right. Edward is really good at this sort of thing and I think Alvin is as well. We need to meet and have a long talk before anything gets out of hand. Then we talk with Ethan.”

  “What’s wrong, Kelli?”

  “Probably nothing, but between the outbreak of crazy stuff happening at the school and our little run in with,” she held up her wrist to show the quickly fading bruises, “my new friend…and now we know about a beautiful new ghost girlfriend for Ethan. No way it’s not all related.”

  “I’ve started to wonder too, given the timing.”

  “The weirdest part for me, Mik? Aside from the fact that this is all fun as hell for me? It’s the music connection. Have we done something? Has the school done something to pro
voke this?”

  Mikayla shook her head, “I can’t see how. What makes you say that?”

  “Studies are being done as to why people like certain styles of music. We talk about tribes and generational differences but underneath all that. We claim a style of music to be our own. We stake a claim. Think of all the egos that are loose at this place.”

  “More like pound a stake in the ground,” Mikayla countered. “The music I heard in the Union lounge cut through every defensive wall I have. I couldn’t help but cry to express myself. It’s who I am.” She laughed, “Egos…there’s Dr Evenson, I guess he fits,” she paused to consider her thought, “Maybe some of the time.”

  “Some?” Kelli nodded, “And that’s why I think we have to careful...to be aware of the consequences for each of us. Might be hardest for you,” she paused waiting, “cuz…?”

  “Cuz it’s not about me, right now. Ethan has been in contact with someone from an outside world.”

  “And how would any normal average person respond?”

  “Definitely not about me, right now. I just need to be the best friend I can for him. Keep him safe.”

  “There ya go,” Kelli said with a smile, “Not gonna lie though, I really want to meet her. You’ve got my curiosity in overdrive. Let’s set it up.”

  “Maybe you first, then Alvin and Edward? Just so we don’t overwhelm her?” Mikayla asked calmly.

  Kelli grinned as she finished her tea, “Perfect.”

  Chapter 21

  Kelli stood with Mikayla as they saw Ethan wave to them from the opposite end of the hallway. Wanting to have the busy passageway to themselves, Kelli’s frustration was beginning to show. “Why don’t they just walk out and come down here?”

  Mikayla shrugged, “Sara has this sensitivity to having us see her materialize. I don’t think it’s right for us to judge. Once she’s out here, it won’t matter.”

  “What if others can see her?” Kelli asked, her voice wavering with nerves, “I mean it would make sense to me that she gets more comfortable in the space around her with having her people around her. Let’s get into the practice room.”

  “Her people, that’s cute,” Mikayla smiled, as she watched two sophomores leave their practice rooms, “I’m gonna tell her you said that.”

  Kelli rolled her eyes, “First you’re in competition, now you’re gal pals. Jeez, please try to be consistent. Oh God, here he comes with-.”

  She stopped midsentence as Ethan began to walk slowly down the now deserted hall. His arm was at an odd angle until he dropped it to his side. Entering the vacant practice room, Kelli ducked her head out one last time to see if she could see anything unusual. The only thing odd was when Ethan smiled and chuckled at her. Mikayla pulled her back into the room.

  “Could you see her?”

  “No,” Kelli smiled, “But I can tell from the way he is walking that she might be right next to him. Did you catch the hand thing?”

  “I wondered. Then I-” She was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. After a second, Ethan poked his head through, “Ready for this?” he asked softly, making Mikayla snicker and point to Kelli, “She’s a little nervous.”

  “Am not,” Kelli said as she held her trembling hands out in front of her, “Oh, whatever.” She watched Ethan step to the side and put the palm of his hand low in the air, just about waist high. Her eyes instantly went to Mikayla, “Oh dear. Yeah I’m really ready.”

  “Slow your brain down if you can, Kel. Put your hand out like this.” Mikayla put her hand up, fingers spread wide, “That’s how they did it with me.” She pointed to Ethan’s hand as he held it flat in front of her.

  “That sounds suspect,” Kelli quipped, then settled her hand on top of Ethan’s. “Wingman’s brain is not slowing down,” she began, then turned bright red, “Sorry. Not my show. I’m so nervous.”

  “Raise your hand up a little,” Ethan said quietly, “Sara will slip in between us.” Kelli’s eyes went wide at Mikayla, but she kept her mouth shut. A second later, she gasped, “Oh my God,” her eyes filled with tears, but she held her hand still, “I can feel that.”

  “Now gently close your fingers.” he said with a smile, “It doesn’t take long.”

  “Hi Kelli,” a voice said that was instantly followed with Sara’s form taking shape in front of their eyes, “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you.”

  Breathless, Kelli just stared, then put her hand to her chest as she looked at the young woman standing in front of her. Sara had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and wore the current school years long sleeved t-shirt. Her brilliant smile blindsided Kelli, “I, uh, um…how is this even possible?” Her head turned to Mikayla tilting with an almost remorseful look, “You’re beautiful. Just as Mikayla described you.” She looked down at their clasped hands, “I don’t want to let go of you.”

  Mikayla chuckled, “She’s like this. She’ll probably keep staring at you until her manners kick in.”

  “Mik, not nice.” Kelli said as she begrudgingly released Sara’s hand. ‘Um, Sara?” she asked, “God it seems so strange to ask this, can I do that again?”

  Sara nodded happily, “Of course. I get this is a little different for both of us.” She offered her hand, but Kelli grasped both her hand and upper arm at the same time, squeezing gently.

  “You’re so warm,” she whispered, “I guess, I thought…”

  “That it would be different,” Sara said just as softly, “I thought it would be too.” She glanced at Ethan, and both Mikayla and Kelli watched her blush, “At first anyway.”

  “Alvin is going to lose his mind,” Kelli said, still quietly, “Edward too.” She let go of Sara’s arm, “And so very different than my last encounter.”

  “No doubt,” Mikayla said but watched Sara’s almost constant smile fade as she didn’t acknowledge Kelli’s comparison. She leaned forward suddenly, “Will the two of you play for us?”

  Sara’s face blossomed back into a warm smile, “I’d love to,” she said then looked at Ethan, taking his hand and squeezing his fingers “Okay?”

  “I have a request,” Mikayla asked as she and Kelli crammed themselves into the corner of the small room, “Can you play the piece that you play in the union? I want Kelli to hear it for real.”

  Kelli grinned “Oh yes, that would be wonderful. Mik has played parts of it for me as she hears it. It’s lovely.”

  Sara froze for a moment then looked at Ethan who nodded his agreement. She turned to Mikayla, “You’re playing it too?” she beamed, “That is so perfect.”

  Kelli watched the exchange as well as Sara’s expression, “Sara, does manifesting into this form hurt you or drain you in any way? We’re not making this hard for you, are we?”

  She looked at Kelli, “What a sweet thing to ask,” then held Mikayla’s gaze for a long moment, “No. Not at all. I don’t really pretend to understand why I can do this all of a sudden, but…that you’re playing this too? I’m honored.”

  Chapter 22

  Alvin held the temperature monitor a few inches from Sara’s arm, “I’m sorry if this makes you feel like a lab rat,” he apologized as he moved the gauge over the top of her head, “I just can’t think of any other way to do it.”

  “I really don’t mind, Alvin,” she grinned, “I’m happy to help with your research.”

  “Lab rat, jeez, Al.” Edward said under his breath, as he watched the reading on the screen, “how ‘bout earthshattering scientific paranormal breakthrough.”

  Sara shrugged, “I try not to think about that. I’m just happy to help.”

  There was a moment of quiet as Alvin picked up the infrared camera and snapped several photos. Kelli watched over Edward’s shoulder as he made notes on what he was seeing. “Sorry we crammed everybody into this little room,” he said absently, “I just thought it would be best if Sara were in a place where she’s most comfortable. Didn’t realize it would be an oversize broom closet.”

  “Not a problem,” Ethan said from t
he piano bench. He pointed to the ever-bubbly Sara, “As you can see, she doesn’t mind. When you’re done, Alvin,” he added, “She wants to play for you guys.”

  Alvin looked at Edward, “You have all the stuff you need?”

  “Oh yeah. This is going to be incredible. Is it okay if Alvin takes a few pictures while you play?”

  Ethan and Sara nodded together, “Of course,” he said, “And it all stays under wraps, right?”

  “Absolutely,” Alvin answered definitively.

  Satisfied with his readings, Alvin put his measuring equipment away and picked up the digital camera, “I’m ready when you are.”

  Mikayla and Kelli moved closer together in the far corner as Sara picked up her violin and moved to stand next to Ethan. After a couple of awkward minutes, they seemed as comfortable as the small room would allow. Alvin stood between Edward and the performers.

  “You’ve always had the violin with you?” he asked, “Like never left it somewhere while you move around the school?”

  “Only lately,” Sara said as set the instrument snugly under her chin, “I’ve left it in Ethan’s room a few times. Weird though cuz I felt really uncomfortable without it.”

  “And you have access to the whole school?” he continued, “Not just the dorms and the music building, that’s interesting.”

  Kelli cleared her throat, “Save it for later, Al. Now turn your brain off and just listen.” She winked at Sara, “You guys do your thing.”

  “From what you’ve heard on the recording,” Ethan began as he played a few warm-up chords on the piano, “And what amazing Mikayla has actually heard, we’ll fill in the blanks.” He nodded to Edward, then turned and caught Sara’s eye. With a soft intimate smile, she brought the bow up, concert ready. Together, they nodded as Sara began to play the gentle introduction. Ethan played the beginning chord structure and for the next few minutes, the only other sound was Alvin quietly taking pictures.


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