Duet: Death's Recital

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Duet: Death's Recital Page 21

by Lizzie Vega

  “Kelli, wait,” Mikayla gasped, catching her arm, pulling her back, “Let him do this.”

  Ethan began to pull the dark ghost down to him. “Stop this,” she thundered, “you have no idea what will happen.”

  “It was an accident,” he said over the surge of noise in Annex. “You weren’t pushed…let me show you…the answer is somewhere in the middle.” As he wrapped his long arms around her, dark shapes and tendrils shot out in all directions as the last fragments of her anger tried to fight against him. She squirmed and pushed back, hands on his chest, “No…stop this. You’re lying to me,” she wailed, sobbing and crying as he struggled to gather her in his embrace.

  Sara stood behind Ethan, then turned back to look at her friends clustered together in the hallway. For a moment, there was her characteristic smile, the happy tilt of her head then she turned and reached again for Ethan.

  A thin tendril of white light began to stream from her fingertips. It flowed slowly to him as he held her dark mirror image in his arms. She stepped towards the couple and more light began to flow, quickly and brightly as a dark hand reached out from beside Ethan.

  A burst of light and all they could see was Ethan boldly outlined in the middle of the foyer, his still body silhouetted in a wild chaotic battle of light and dark shards of energy. His hand rose and he touched the top of her head, tucking it lovingly under his chin as the light intensity surged. He rested his cheek against her hair as a final surge of pressure buffeted the expansive building with another window rattling pulse. With a sudden flare of light, it was quiet.

  Frightened and worried, the four ghost hunters saw Ethan sitting cross-legged on the floor, Sara quietly tucked up under him as he rocked her gently as she cried, gently stroking her hair. It was if nothing had changed and the dark and foreboding image of Sara had disappeared.

  As they slowly approached, they saw that Sara’s clothing had changed from her always current school sweatshirt to a torn and ragged version from years’ past. Covered with dirt and sand, she held on tight as she sobbed. Ethan looked up at his friends, smiling through his tears. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said as he hugged her, “Nobody is going to get hurt now.” He kissed her dirty forehead, “We’re gonna be okay.”

  Mikayla and Kelli each knelt beside the couple. Mikayla reached out carefully to brush some sand from Sara’s head. Sara looked up and reached for her hand, gently closing her dirty and scuffed hands around Mikayla’s wrist “Mik,” she choked out, “I’m so sorry I hurt you…I didn’t mean to.”

  “I know you didn’t. It going to be fine, you’re going to be fine.”

  Alvin loomed up behind the couple, “I don’t mean to rush you guys, but we need to get out of here as fast as we can. That light show lit up the whole quad. People will know something has happened.”

  Edward offered Ethan his hand, “Can you stand? We’ve got to get her out of here.”

  Ethan looked at Sara and she let go of him. As Kelli and Mikayla helped her to her feet, they saw her worn and ragged t-shirt and torn jeans. Alvin quickly pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around her almost bare shoulders, “Here, you can’t be seen like this.”

  “I’ll take her to my room and get her cleaned up,” Ethan said. He looked at Kelli, “Maybe you two can share some of your things to wear?”

  Mikayla tucked her arm under Sara’s, “We’ll get her all fixed up.” She leaned into whisper, “How do you feel right now?”

  Picking a clump of sand from her hair, she shook her head, “I feel like shit right now.” She turned to Ethan, “I am so sorry for everything I said to you. I didn’t mean it.” Her tears began to flow again, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Guys?” Alvin prodded.

  “It’s okay,” Ethan smiled, “let’s split up and all meet back at my dorm in what, an hour? I’ll get her cleaned up and then we can sort this out.”

  Chapter 40

  After a quick discussion between Kelli and Mikayla, they hurried to Mikayla's dorm room to gather up clothes and shampoo for Sara. Arriving back to Ethan’s room, he greeted them quickly then knocked on his bathroom door, “Sara,” he asked softly, the cleared his throat to be heard over the shower, “Kelli and Mik are here. Do you need any help?” It was quiet for a moment with only the sounds of the shower and Kelli rummaging through Mikayla’s gym bag, “We brought conditioner,” she called out hopefully.

  “And more clothes,” Mikayla added only to be drowned out by Sara’s bright laughter.

  “Don’t be shy,” she called to them, “c’mon in.”

  As glances were shared between Kelli and Mikayla, Ethan leaned towards them, “It’s already a little different,” he smiled apprehensively, “easily as happy, but a bit more direct. I know how much she wants to talk with both of you.”

  “But, like now?” Mikayla questioned uneasily, “She could wait till she’s dressed.”

  Even Kelli was hesitant, “Not like we’re gonna climb in with her.” Tipping the conditioner bottle in her hand, she poked her head through the door, “How’s your hair, hun? We brought the good stuff.”

  After a quick second and the sound of the shower curtain quickly pulling back, there were two quick shrieks from the bathroom. With a startled look on her face, Kelli leaned her now soaking head out of the door, “Or, maybe we are.” She grabbed Mikayla by the sweatshirt, “Get in here. Maybe you get a hug too.”

  “But…” Kelli pulled hard and suddenly the three of them were in the little bathroom. Sara stood there, naked with the water beating on her slumped shoulders holding out the bottle of shampoo, “Would you guys help me. I know this is weird but I’m so…dog-tired.”

  As Sara put her head back under the water, Kelli and Mikayla had an awkward exchange. First Mikayla gingerly took the shampoo bottle from Sara and handed it to Kelli with a go-ahead nod. “More your thing, maybe?”

  “Not like this,” Kelli whispered hoarsely just as Sara looked back to them. She looked so tired, so vulnerable but she winked at Kelli.

  “I’ll do the shampoo,” she half-grinned. She turned to Mikayla, “Mik’s on conditioner. We’ll get you all fixed up for a good night’s sleep.” Suddenly transfixed by the tiles on the ceiling, Mikayla missed a second wink to Kelli.

  “Sure,” Kelli responded. “Earth to Mik. Grab a seat,” she said pointing to the toilet. Leaning into the alcove to push the shower head toward the wall, she directed Sara to sit down in the tub. Sara sat down, gathering her knees to her chest and closed her eyes, “It’s so warm and steamy in here.”

  Kelli cleared her throat, “So true.” Pouring a healthy dollop of shampoo into her hand, she looked at Sara’s hair, only to double the amount. “Let’s get you all lathered up.”

  Massaging her fingers slowly across Sara’s scalp, Kelli then worked through her long hair and watched Sara’s shoulders heave in a deep sigh. “This feels so good.”

  “Yeah,” Kelli acknowledged softly, “Your hair is pretty beat up. I can help with that too.”

  Sara turned, looking up at her. Though her face was wet from the water, her eyes were brimming with tears, “I’m sorry I hurt you, Kel,” she sniffled, “I…I really didn’t mean to.” She put her hand to her face, “I’m so sorry for all the dreadful things I did.” She turned to Mikayla, “Mik?”

  “It’s okay, Sara,” Mikayla said leaning closer, “We know you didn’t mean to. It’s alright now. Just relax and enjoy yourself. It smells good, doesn’t it?”

  Happy for the distraction, she closed her eyes and nodded, “Better than boy stuff, for sure.” They shared a little chuckle and Kelli had Sara stand to rinse off. By the time she had finished, Kelli and Mikayla had traded places and Kelli sat on the toilet to watch.

  “I go through this stuff like water,” Mikayla said easily as she poured a healthy amount into her hands. “The shampoo is nice, but this stuff is heaven. Trim some of these split ends and you’re back to your gorgeous self.”

  “So true,” Kelli repeated then rolled her eyes at her

  Sara sighed comfortably again as Mikayla finished, “That was heavenly.” As she stood to face them, now it was Kelli staring at the ceiling and Mikayla was staring. “I’ll rinse myself off and be out in a minute or two. Thank you so much for indulging me. I…I just love both of you so much.”

  She turned back to the shower to let the water wash down over her as Mikayla turned toward the door to leave. A second later she grabbed Kelli’s arm, yanking her still staring friend out of the bathroom. “Hey,” she yelped, “I wa…I was moving…ow.”

  They were startled as Ethan walked back into his room. “Sorry. I used the facilities at the end of the hall. I didn’t want to interrupt.” His eyes narrowed, “So, what did you think?”

  Still wiping tears from her eyes, Mikayla was first to respond. “She’s worn out,” she said without hesitation, “but considering what you’ve both been through. She was more worried about you.”

  “Very aware of her situation,” Kelli added. “She seems stronger somehow. More balanced, maybe?”

  Ethan nodded, “Makes sense. She was so concerned about what her bad version had been up to. I’ll see what else she wants to share…”

  Just then the bathroom door opened, and Sara walked out, still running a brush through her hair. “I feel amazing,” she beamed as she turned, but then laughed as her robe parted to reveal a scooped t-shirt and boy shorts. “Whoa, sorry,” she chuckled.

  Kelli couldn’t let it go, “No biggie since we’ve all seen you naked now.”

  Sara laughed out loud. It wasn’t a nervous chuckle or the gentle snicker they had come to expect. It was loud and full of snarky attitude. “I guess, right?” she grinned, then she looked at Ethan, her eyebrow went up so slightly.

  Kelli put her hand gently on Mikayla’s shoulder. “Mik, wingman says it’s time to go.”

  “Yeah, we should. It’s been quite a night. I’m sure Alvin and Edward will want to talk to you, like late tomorrow or something.”

  Sara stepped forward, “That’d be great. I need big hugs before you leave.” Embracing them both, she again apologized and changed gears, “We keep him practicing,” she whispered, “We’ll get him through this. Thank you so much.”

  With a broad smile, she escorted them to the door. Ethan joined her as they said their goodbyes, putting his arm around her.

  The first block was quiet as Mikayla and Kelli left Ethan’s dorm. Kelli spoke first, “Did you notice her eyes are a little darker. Prettier, if even that was possible…”

  “Earth to Kelli.”

  “Sorry. My God, Mik, she thanked us for helping him,” Kelli sighed, “Glad you started to cry first so I could lose it.”

  “But you got really quiet in there.”

  “Yeah, I guess. It’s nothing.”

  Mikayla stopped walking, holding out her hand, “I’ll hold your hand if you want,” she shrugged, “Just did conditioner on a naked girl...also new for me. What does that even mean?”

  “I can’t believe we just went through that.” She took Mikayla’s hand and gathered it to her shoulder, “Doesn’t mean anything other than you are like, the coolest best friend ever.”

  They walked for a minute without speaking, then Kelli squeezed her hand, “So…now it’s about his recital.” She felt Mikayla grasp her hand tightly, physically shuddering next to her. “Sorry,” she apologized, “let’s not talk about that, okay?”

  Mikayla was barely listening. Instead she was looking cross the campus toward the old auditorium, her free hand up, running her thumbnail softly over her fingertips. “Yeah,” she answered finally, “what time is it anyway? It doesn’t seem that late.”

  Sara stood with Ethan, their arms around each other. He reached up and stroked her still damp hair. “You smell really nice,” he smiled, “better than my cheap stuff.”

  She looked up with a sly grin, “We discussed your boy stuff.”

  He straightened up, “You…you did what?”

  “Oh, Ethan, no,” she grinned, then chuckled, “not that. I don’t kiss and tell. I sorta teased Kelli a little.” She leaned into him, “She likes boys and girls.”

  Ethan just blinked, shocked at the suggestion. “She actually told you that. How do you know this stuff?”

  “Just a feeling,” Sara smiled, then reached up and put her finger to his lips, “Don’t ever say anything, though. It’s her thing and that’s her private choice.”

  Ethan didn’t answer, but his furrowed brow betrayed his thoughts.

  “Yes, Mikayla and she are best friends but,” she tipped up and kissed him on the nose, “Mik likes boys. Absolutely sure of that. She doesn’t have a lot of experience, but I’m sure that is the case.”

  “How do you know this stuff?” Ethan questioned again, “you’ve been here for a long time. I guess you’ve seen a lot of things. Hallways and such.”

  Sara kissed him lightly on the lips, “and such,” she repeated, “Yes I have.” She kissed him again, this time longer and more forcefully, “So. Three girls in your bathroom. Me naked and they’re touching me.” She reached out and nibbled on his lower lip, “What’s that do for you? Is that a hot thought?”

  “Well, uh, I missed all that cuz I was down the hall. I um…yeah, maybe.”

  Sara stepped back from him and her robe drifted open, “So if my robe falls open and you see me half naked. I think this is Mik’s t shirt.” She snapped the waist band of her shorts, “Definitely Kelli’s underwear. Does that work for you?”

  “That’s disturbing.”

  “Okay, right,” Sara snorted, “shifting direction slightly.” She reached up pulling the t-shirt over her head, “Oops. It just fell off. Now what do I do?” She pouted her lips with a soft smile.

  “Better, but…aren’t you exhausted?” She caught him looking down at her underwear and stepped back to him undoing the buttons of his shirt. She put her hands on his bare chest, “You’re so warm. I so adore you.”

  He had yet to reach for her and Sara was quick to realize it. “I was drained at the Annex, but I feel so much better now. I feel wonderful.” Her eyes began to brim, “You were so brave…I had no idea.” She looked up to him, “I hope you understand, in your heart, how important that is to me.”

  She took his hand and placed it in the center of her chest, “I want you to make love to me.”

  Still he hesitated, “I’m just surprised is all. I thought you’d want to rest.” She ran her fingers down his chest, over his belt to settle over his obvious arousal. “Mmmm. I see I have awakened your interest.”

  “How could you not?” he groaned as she kneaded him through his jeans, “If you’re near, I’m interested.” He sighed, “You seem a little more aggressive than before. I’m…a little nervous to be honest.”

  “Maybe a little different,” Sara agreed softly, “Maybe more like the real me.” She quickly undid his belt and slowly pulled the zipper down, “Ethan, believe me, you are well equipped for this situation.”

  His breath caught as she knelt and pulled his boxers down. “Oh yes.” She looked up at him slyly, her eyes fixed on his. “I’m not gonna to talk for a few minutes,” she said hoarsely, “you just stand right here and keep demonstrating your new-found confidence.”

  Listening as his breathing began to quicken, she pulled back and stood to face him. “I don’t think I can wait.” She pointed to the bed, “Lie back.” Quickly stripping off her shorts, Sara climbed onto the bed and swung her leg over Ethan. Grinding herself down on him for a minute, she sat up and grasped him firmly and he groaned, “Are you ready?”

  She chuckled and rolled her hips back to capture him. A long sigh escaped her lips as he slid into her, “I’ve been ready since the day I met you.” Raising back up, she lowered herself down, pushing against his hips, “You feel different,” she gasped, “…even better now. I’m… I’m right on the edge.”

  Putting her hands on his chest, she began to quickly thrust against him. Ethan was caught by her surprising speed but began to move s
moothly with her. After a minute, Sara took one of his hands and pushed it roughly against her breast. She cried out and her body began to tremble. Her once tightly shut eyes opened and she looked at down to see Ethan staring up at her. Not so much frightened but fascinated and fully engaged.

  She slowed and leaned down to him intertwining her fingers in his, “Good…” she whispered roughly then her breath caught as the first wave of pleasure coursed through her body, “…God.” She shuddered against him and began to move her hips again. Slow at first as her upper body rocked, out of synch with her hips. After another orgasm, she collapsed on his chest. They lay together in a panting silence until Sara sat up with tears in her eyes, “I’m…sorry,” she gasped between breaths, “I was a little…selfish.” Her eyes opened wide, “Did… did you?”

  “Shhh,” he said putting his finger to her lips, then wiped a tear from her cheek, “I’m all good for sure. You need to promise me something, okay?”

  Her face fell, “What…I was too…” she looked away from him, “Wild?” She sighed haltingly and once again, Ethan touched her lips gently, “I get it. It was new…er, renewed for you. I understand. But promise you’ll stop apologizing. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s all fresh and new, Sara. Starting right now.”

  She leaned down and kissed him sweetly on the lips, “You are such a sweetheart,” She sat up sniffling and wiped her eyes. Leaning forward, she straightened one leg and laid back down on him. She tipped her head to the side and snickered as they rolled over, still locked together.

  “Oh perfect,” she sighed, “I want to go to sleep like this.” She kissed the tip of his nose, “then wake up like this or…start all over when the sun comes up. You know how you are in the morning.” His brow furrowed and she sighed, “Oh, I’m sor…” And stopped herself with a grin. “I like sex in the morning…with you.”

  “Thank you,” he smiled, kissing her back, “Nice catch.” She grinned and snuggled under his chin as he put his arms around her. It was several comfortable minutes before she resurfaced when she pulled back, her tears were gone. “Thank you, Ethan,” she whispered, “For everything. You’re so brave. I really mean that and…you’ve made me so happy.”


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