Torn Between Two Worlds (Guardians Series Book 1)

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Torn Between Two Worlds (Guardians Series Book 1) Page 10

by Lexi Ostrow

  His frustration was growing with each thought and this wasn't helping one bit. He needed sex. A nice fast fuck against the wall in his office. His mind was already picking which of the useless office women he would pick when he heard a voice in the shooting area with him.

  “Um, sir?” He swung around and saw his weaselly assistant standing there. Germaine was good for absolutely nothing in the field. But when it came to office work and research, the college co-ed was perfect. Plus he didn't know the real agenda of the organization and helped organize thousands of things that he most likely would have disapproved of. Ridiculously Christian, he'd believe this was about nothing more than weeding the demon spawn from the Earth.

  “What?” His growl pierced the air and Germaine blanched and backed up a step. Good. Fucking pathetic underling should know when and when not to be afraid.

  “There's a man waiting in your office. Told me to tell you that you only had a few minutes before he came to find you.”

  He nodded and Germaine turned to leave and then turned back.

  “Sir, if I may interject, something isn't right about him. May I advise backup to guard your door?”

  Cursing he realized Leather Jacket must have somehow known they'd failed again. How hard was it to kill one human? They killed demons all the damned time. Pinching the bridge of his nose he pulled the safety goggles off his face and threw them on the floor next to the last gun. “No, don't do that. You'll only anger the man and he's a business partner none of us can afford to piss off. Not now at least.”

  Walking to his office, he was contemplating all the questions he wanted answers for. As his father used to say, ‘Thing's aren't smelling so good in Dixie.' He'd hated the dumb expression, but it was fitting. Despite his telling Germaine to call off the guards it looked like the idiot had left a few standing. Fine, but the deaths weren't on his hands if the man was pissed about failing a second time in a row.

  Closing the door behind him he frowned. The office was empty save for his furniture. No sign of Leather Jacket anywhere. He was annoyed enough with everything, that this ass wipe playing with him wasn't going to work. Attempting not to betray his anger he went and sat at his desk, tapping his fingers on it. “Well?”

  A chuckle filled the room and Leather Jacket appeared sitting in the chair across from the desk. “I have a flare for the dramatic.”

  “You have a flare for fucking lying.” Leather Jacket scowled and stood at the insult, but Jonathan was past caring. People were dying because this guy wasn't open and honest. “Don't look at me like that. I'm not a fucking idiot, you can crush me like a bug, I know that. I also know you damn sure aren't working for or with the angels. They don't withhold shit. Twice now that I can identify, you've left out information. Information that has gotten Initiative operatives killed. That stops here and now. Either you answer the questions I have, or you go right ahead and kill me.” Though he hoped he was too valuable to kill as the person next above him in rank was so evil he'd ignore the idea just because it would annoy someone powerful.

  “Do not mistake your place, human. I'll answer three questions and only because three has power and if I don't answer something you'll wind up killing too many people and I frankly don't have time to mind control people to do what I want. I have more important things.”

  Mind control? He tucked that bit of information away for later. All in good time, the more information, the easier it would be to figure out how to take this guy down. He nodded and interlaced his hands, placing them on his desk. “First things first, I want a list of all the Word Speaker's abilities. I don't care if Ciara Miller has them or not, I want them. Go ahead and just dictate to me I'd rather not have some excuse you'll get it to me later.”

  “Very well. Though I can assure you there is no chance Ciara will possess even half of these as many come from the Guardian they are with. Asking me to list that would be ridiculous considering, as you very well know, Guardians all come from make believe.”

  He gave Jonathan an evil grin that showed his too perfect teeth and sickened him. A reminder he was a nobody.

  “The basic powers are quite simple and I assure you that Ciara has them all. Even if she doesn't know it yet. Catch and release- she can block out anyone she wants for some time and she can force people in and out of their books at will. She can walk through the doorway and exist in both planes- something she isn't aware of yet, and you'll do well to hope she doesn't realize it. You don't want her coming here and attacking you.”

  He paused again, almost as if letting it sink in would change Jonathan's mind. If he could go to a world unused to demon, with demon soldiers, he could control two whole worlds not one. No fucking way was he giving up that power.

  “As for the blasts at you earlier. Why she had that after the departure of her witch Guardian is beyond me. She's strong and therefore probably able to retain powers for a while, if not permanently. So my advice to you- watch out for energy blasts; water, fire, wind; anything of the sort. And you'd do well to figure out every power War's Second can command.”

  “Fuck. He can command War. Their DNA being the same he can summon him through blood.” He let out a whistle. “That explains his aggression earlier. We thought they couldn't do that shit at will.”

  “Time to pray Ciara doesn't get that handy dandy power or you're looking at two issues instead of one and I assure you, I will never bail you out. There will be plenty of books to be read by her before she's twenty-seven. Plenty of others who will want to kill her for a chance at her pure world.”

  “Threats won't work. In case you missed it earlier, I told you to kill me so clearly I'm loosey goosey with the idea of living.” He had been since his wife was taken actually. Power was his only love now and he had no problem with that. Losing his wife made him weak for too long. “Question two, just what do you get out of this?”

  “Everything. You see, I have a brother. And if I win, he loses. That is all the information you need to know.”

  Not that it answered anything, but he knew better than to ask again.

  “Why kill Ciara? If she can do these things, why not just bring her somewhere and use her for her abilities?”

  “You wasted another question with a ridiculous one. This isn't about you and your struggles. I merely offered you something you want, in exchange for getting something I want. Ciara has to die because if she lives my brother will win. Plain and simple. There is nothing that would motivate her to do what I want. I've seen others like her before and it never works letting them live. So skip the step and the dramatics it brings. Kill her outright and my brother has one less ace up his sleeve.”

  The answer didn't unsettle him. He understood killing for killing's sake. A good kill sent a rush through him that normally sent him on a hunt for more demons. What did unnerve him was the guy’s tone. It was decidedly darker than normal when he talked about his brother and he was afraid that not knowing whatever this competition was, could spell danger for them all.

  “Now if we are done playing twenty-one questions, I have far more important things to do than chit chat with you. Like passing along this warning. Fail again and you'll find yourself down quite a few men and women. No sense going after the combatants, but the pathetic office workers scurrying around? Well it would sure throw a wrench into your plans if suddenly you all had to book your own coffee dates.” With a final smirk he vanished.

  Letting out a breath of air he sighed. That had and hadn't helped. All they knew now was that his section of the Initiative may not be big enough to do this alone. Picking up his cell he called the office in Germany. “Andres, prepare for a war.” Without waiting for response from his partner he ended the call and gently tossed the phone to the desk.

  This was tricky. He really didn't care about the office workers, but without them and the scientists the organization couldn't function. He had to make sure they didn't underestimate the pair again.

  Chapter 13

  Her eyes opened and she felt warmth beh
ind her. Yawning, she stretched her arms up in the air and pushed herself backwards into the warmth. A low moan from behind her as she did it made her smile. Rolling to face him she pushed him so his back was flush on the bed.

  “You know you can continue to be asleep or you can open those beautiful eyes of yours and show me just how randy you really are according to Demarcus's book.” To further her point she let her hand trail down his chest and clasp around his hot erection.

  “Sweetheart, if you do that, we're going to be in bed all day because there are things I plan to do to you that will have you boneless.” His own hand brushed over her clit and she groaned, pushing her hips toward him.

  He was splendid in the morning and she couldn't think of anything better. Everything from before last night felt so far away. She wanted that connection again. But that didn't mean she was going to let him tease her like that and not deliver. Straddling over his body she continued to thrust her hand along his shaft.

  “Promises, promises, War.”

  For a split second his eyes flashed black and she worried. But the curve to his lips as he took his cock from her hands was sexy.

  He rolled her beneath him, thrust himself deep inside her, her hips pushed upwards to join in the motion. His own grunts coming with every pump. His speed increased and the veins in his neck tightened as he dug his hands into the bed and frantically pumped into her. Her nails scratched down his back as his cock continued to pound into her. He increased his pace to reach his own orgasm and sent her over the edge with him. He lowered his upper body on top of her, kissing her softly before pulling out and rolling next to her. Panting a little he grinned over at her.

  “Do not tease a demon, sweetheart. We don't like it. But we have to talk about the attack. About what we are going to do.” He pulled her into his arms and she almost let him off the hook.

  “You just threatened me with a day of mind numbing sex. You sir, man or demon, are not allowed to tease me ever again.” Not finished playing on her end, she trailed kisses down his chest, the destination obvious to them both. She didn't want to talk about the attack. Because she would have to think about what she had done- murder and cheap sex. While she was sick to her stomach about the former she couldn't bring herself to worry about the sex and that alone sickened her. She knew it was part of the Guardian package, but sex with someone who was essentially a figment of her imagination bothered her. She shook her head forcing the thoughts away. Not today, Ciara, just ignore it one more blessed day and then figure it out. Her hand sliding between them to stroke his cock for when they were done talking, if not to distract him from the idea of talking. He groaned again and she smirked.

  “Ciara, sweetheart, not now. We really need to discuss this. I'm not going to have them attacking what's mine again.”

  He called her his again and she felt her heart skip a beat. But she wasn't going to go there. All this was about, was the Guardian bond. She was going to hit it and quit it as her friend always says. Ok, maybe hit it a few times. Ciara would be damned if she was going to talk before she was ready.

  As her mouth shifted to a wicked grin her hand continued to work him - up and down, the friction causing him to fist his hands and his hips already pumping into her hands. “Ciara...” Reaching down he grabbed her wrists to stop her steady strokes. “Sweetheart, stop.” He grinned at her and she bit her lower lip. “For a moment of course. I don't want you to stop completely.” His eyes sparkled and she couldn't stop the small laugh she gave him. “You need to take care of yourself. I saw your face last night and I can promise you if they come at you again, you might have to defend yourself again.”

  She registered his every word. And shelved them into the back of her mind. She wasn't going to think about that. Not for another little while. Then afterwards, when she was ready, she would talk to him. She knew as her Guardian he would be adamant about her protection. Alcott always was. Only no sex there.

  For a moment tears filled her eyes. She just kept on thinking about sleeping with Stryder instead of the attack which could prove to be just as dangerous. Why was she doing that so damn quick? What had happened to her? Is it just because she was alone for the first time and didn't want to be? Perhaps she was kidding herself if she didn't think of him as more. But this was what they did, she'd always assumed Guardians and Word Speakers had sexual relationships from the bond thrust upon them. Blinking rapidly, she pursed her lips into a thin line.

  “Fine we can talk. I'll do any stupid thing you want from me to prepare. But not right now. Can't you just shut up for right now and sleep with me?” She hated the desperation in her voice. Hated that she was likely using the sex to avoid everything she really did need to think about.

  Cupping his balls with one hand she slowly massaged them as she ran the other up his shaft. Feeling it grow harder again beneath her hand she released his balls and guided his hand to her, crying out as his fingers danced across her core. When he moved them on his own she knew she'd won this round and released the tense breath she'd been holding.

  With how he'd been pursuing her when she'd been forced to coercion just now she'd worried he'd had his fill of her and was going to move on. Again he rolled her onto her back and she wondered if they were going to have to have a discussion about creativity. She released his cock as he withdrew his finger from her wet core, already wanting more of him. Their groans almost melded together as she watched him stroke himself before rubbing the head of his shaft against her folds and slipping in.

  Her legs wrapped easily around him, like they had done this for years and not just a few hours. Shutting her thoughts off she lost herself to the sensation of him inside of her. Or did she? Her orgasm built, but all she could think about was her actions.

  Crying out his name as her orgasm swept through her she was breathless, head spinning from the pleasure as he continued to thrust in and out until his own release passed. When he slid himself from her body, she was still breathing heavy, but didn't stop him as he grabbed her to him and kissed her. Their tongues dancing together as if it was all that was left. When he pulled back she swore she would let him take her again if tried.

  “Sweetheart, we need to stop this for right now.” The hurt on her face must have been evident because he kissed her, a gentle peck this time and chuckled. “Guess you're over your aversion to me then, hmm?”

  She scowled at him and shoved him over a bit, climbing over him to get out of bed. What had she done? She'd completely given herself to him and just a second ago had been contemplating doing it again. She really was messed up. Even if other people didn't share her views on when it was ok to have sex, in her eyes hopping into bed with a stranger, and something of a different species wasn't ok. No she'd fucked up. She needed to put a barrier back up between them. She would blame the sex on the attack, anything but acknowledging the desire she felt every time she looked at him.

  Biting down on her lower lip so hard she tasted the metallic tang of blood she put her hands on her hips. Hoping it gave some air of sincerity or anger. “This was not a multi-time thing, Stryder. Consider it battle induced and we won't discuss it again. I'm going to shower and then we can talk about whatever you want strategy wise.” She didn't wait for an answer, but rather dashed into the bathroom and closed the door. Turning on the water she let the tears fall. She didn't want to feel so attached to Stryder, she wanted to hate him and continue to search for a way to get Alcott back. But she hadn't done that in days. She no longer wanted to, and there was no denying it anymore.

  She was falling in love.

  * * *

  He couldn't quite hide his smirk of satisfaction. Which was fine since she'd stalked off and couldn't see it. Chuckling, he climbed out of bed and gave his cock a little smile as he put his pants on. “And we have done it again.”

  Stryder was pretty damn shocked at how she'd responded last night. But what really got him was her behavior toward his admission. She didn't say a damned thing. Annoyed as that made him, he was wondering mo
re if it was because she didn't realize what it meant or because she didn't have any plans on being his.

  “Way to ruin a perfectly good night of sex, dude.” Grabbing his shirt off the floor he pulled it over his head he knocked on the bathroom door. “Going to walk around the area and make sure it's safe. If I see something I don't like, your ass is out of that shower and we are leaving.” When she didn't respond he growled and hit the wall before going to do his check.

  What had happened between them was so damn intoxicating he had almost let her be hurt. He'd been distracted, enjoying laying and talking with her that he'd very nearly messed up. May have even actually messed up considering she had obviously never harmed anyone before. He clenched his fist and shook his head at his carelessness. Never again. They were going to sit down and have a good long discussion about a safety plan. One he'd had plenty of time thinking about that while waiting for the date that turned disastrous. He sure as shit didn't care if she didn't like it either. Her life was more important now for so many reasons. No one had mentioned super powers and he was pretty damn certain he'd seen her shoot fire from her hand. Who knew what else she could do.

  Well he had a pretty good feeling that smug asshole who set this all up knew. But figured he could count that guy out as a source. Fucker hadn't bothered to disclose it and it seemed to shock her, so obviously it wasn't a part of the package type of thing. Didn't matter. He wasn't letting her get that close to the danger again. If they were in her world they could go to his and vice versa. That had been mentioned- the traveling back and forth, so they were going to use it.


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