This Regret

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This Regret Page 4

by Victoria Ashley

  Kade’s white t-shirt clings to his firm chest as he shoves both of his hands into his back pocket. I let it distract me for a moment before I manage to pull myself together.

  I shake it off and laugh under my breath. These people are really underestimating Dale, but his patience is running thin these days. “You guys are not getting it. He’s serious this time. Trust me, this is not a game.”

  A worried look crosses Jen’s face as she grabs her bottle of beer and presses it to her lips, taking a gulp. She sighs in frustration before setting it down in front of her and pressing her hand to her forehead. “You guys need to stop messing things up. I work my butt off to take care of my family and I will not lose my job because you two keep messing up the schedule. I have a son to take care of. I can’t . . .”

  Jen’s words trial off and we all look over to see a sassy looking black-haired woman, with killer legs, wearing a small lacy red dress. She brushes her long, wavy hair out of her face, exposing her big green eyes, while looking around the table. “Everyone sure looks motivated.”

  Jen sits with her hand still pressed to her forehead, looking as if she’s ready to explode. Saline is twirling one finger in her hair, bending her straw with the other hand, and Kade is texting on his phone.

  I’m not sure any one of them know what the word even means.

  “Um . . . who the hell is this?” Saline’s mouth curves up into a grimace, as she looks the intruder up and down, her eyes stopping on her black stilettos. “This is a meeting, dear. The strippers are in the next town over. So-

  I hold my hand up stopping her blabbermouth before she can manage to run the new girl off.

  The new girl just raises an eyebrow and smirks, obviously not letting Saline get to her.

  “This here is Luna.” I pause as everyone gives me confused looks. “I hired her this morning.”

  If they weren’t taking me serious before, from the look on their shocked faces, they are now.

  Saline shoves her drink across the table before jumping to her feet and giving me a death glare that would probably cause most girls to run away screaming. “Are you kidding me? We don’t need any more bartenders, its slow enough as it is.” She turns to face Luna again. “You can leave. We won’t be needing you.”

  Sometimes I wish I had a muzzle for this girl. She never knows when to shut up and take her place. Now, I have to put her in it. “You only have yourselves to blame.” My eyes meet Saline’s as she places her hands on her hips. She looks extremely pissed, but I don’t care at the moment. “You’ve called in nine times this month and today is only the twenty fifth. You screw up again, Saline, and you’re gone. You have one more chance.” I look beside me and point my thumb at Luna. “Plus, Luna has some great ideas to get more business in. She’s staying.”

  A snicker comes from Saline’s mouth as she leans in close to Jen. “I’m sure,” she mumbles. “What, those huge tits?”

  Luna takes a step so she’s standing at my side. She looks down at her boobs, proudly, before looking back up and shrugging her shoulders. “I’ve already rounded up about fifty people to come in tonight for sex toy bingo.” She gives Saline a menacing look before turning to me with confidence. “The party starts in less than an hour. I brought all of the game cards and equipment needed for the game.”

  One mention of the word sex and suddenly everyone figure’s out what motivation means. If I would’ve known that, then I would’ve brought up sex ages ago. Even Saline looks a little curious, now that her she-devil face is gone.

  Jen sits up straight and looks up from peeling the label from her bottle. “What is sex toy bingo? I’ve never heard of it.”

  Luna raises an eyebrow before pulling a vibrator out from behind her back. “You get a bingo and you win one of these bad boys. Every woman needs a best friend. Trust me, I have plenty.”

  Everyone, including Kade, seems to look satisfied with this answer. Even I have to admit it sounds interesting and it never hurts to try new things.

  “That’s a crazy idea . . . but I like it,” I say unsure. “I’m sure this will be the most excitement this bar has had in years.”

  For the first time in a long time, everyone seems to look a bit enthusiastic about being at work and I can’t help but to feel a twinge of excitement.

  Kade looks at me and lifts his eyebrows. “I think it’s a great fucking idea.” He pushes away from the table he’s been leaning on and walks over to Luna. “Do you need me to grab the crap for this sex bingo?”

  Nodding, Luna starts talking while walking toward the backdoor with Kade following closely at her heel.

  “Alrighty then.” Saline snatches her glass from the table and brushes past me, but not without stopping to growl at me. Something she does very well. “I can see you know how to pick them. I’ll be setting up the bar.”

  It’s an hour later and as Luna promised, the bar is full of customers. I’m guessing none of them are from town because I barely recognize any of the faces.

  Luna stands at the front of the bar with a microphone and a box of vibrators sitting next to her feet, while Kade and Saline are working the bar.

  The crowd seems to be crawling with hyperactive women that are eager to get the game started, none of them seeming to want to sit still.

  “Are you, horny women ready?” Luna asks into the microphone, while running her hand over a vibrator and licking her lips.

  A few people scream, but lack the expected enthusiasm.

  Luna holds the huge pink love machine above her head and waves it back and forth. “I’m going to ask you again. Are you, horny women ready? These vibrators need some homes and from the looks of it, some of you might just have a good room for one of these bad boys.”

  Kade is looking calm, taking care of a group of women that are trying to hurry to get drinks before the game begins. He jumps back, almost dropping a glass, when one of the women in front of him screams and throws her arm up.

  “Hell yeah, baby!” She waves one arm in the air while sipping on her drink with the other.

  This seems to get a little more attention and I can feel the excitement around me. A room full of crazy, sex deprived women that can’t wait to get their hands on a toy of their own. This has to be about the best game ever. How could it not be?

  Luna screams back and starts naming off letters and numbers, but in my attempt to talk to Jen and keep my eye on things, I can barely keep up. “Wait. What did she just say?” I scream loud enough, being sure, Jen can hear me.

  Jen leans over my board and points at the last spot called out. “B 25.” She laughs as a girl with a stick figure, bumps into her spilling her drink. “Man, it’s crazy in here tonight.” She places a chip on her card and speaks again without looking back up. “Nathan’s been acting strange lately.”

  That isn’t surprising. He’s been acting strange for the whole two years they have been together. Then after Jen gave birth to Jax, he started acting even stranger, if that’s even possible. He claims his job keeps him traveling and that’s why he’s never home and is stressed out a lot, but I think it’s bullshit.

  “What now, Jen?” I bring my eyes over to meet hers. I’m so tired of her always being hurt and stressed and I wish I could just drag her away from Nathan and toss her into the arms of a good guy. One that doesn’t make me want to punch him in the face. “What’s he doing?”

  She places another chip on her board as Luna continues screaming out one after another, barely stopping to breathe. “Well, he didn’t come home until two thirty in the morning and he had bruises on his chest.” She pauses and lets out a deep breath. “When I asked him about it, he freaked out and got pissed.”

  I place my hand to my forehead and try to choose my words wisely. “He’s an ass, Jen.”

  Okay, so not so wisely, but I can’t help it anymore. She deserves so much better.


  “What! He doesn’t deserve you. He’s never treated you right. He lies all of the time and is hardly ever

  Jen looks up, her nostrils flared, as she runs a hand through her short blond bob. “We have a baby together, Phoenix. I have to make things work for Jax. He’s my life now.”

  No matter what I say, it’s never enough to convince her otherwise. Maybe it’s not my place to be telling her, but I know a dick when I see one. Trust me, not all dicks are useful.

  “I understand that. That’s the reason why you should leave. Jax shouldn’t have to grow up watching his parents unhappy. It’s better to leave while he is still young enough to not understand what is going on.” I grab Jen’s hand and look her in the eye and it only takes one look into those baby blues to see all of her pain. I know, because they resemble what mine used to look like before I decided to not look back anymore and only think for the future. “You and I are going to take a day away soon and hang out. Just the two of us. You need to get away for a bit. If you won’t leave him for good, then just leave him for a day and breathe a little. Don’t even think about telling me no.”

  A small smile crosses Jen’s face before she turns away and grabs for another chip and twirls it around in her fingers. “Okay, I could use a day out.” She pokes me in the arm before placing her next chip. “But, it’s not to get away from Nathan. It’s for my own pleasure.”

  I throw a chip on my board and look across the room at Kade wondering how he’s holding up with all of these crazy women. He glances my way and smiles, giving me goose bumps “Sure, I’ll take that. As long as your ass in mine for the day.”

  One very happy, overly excited woman screams bingo and starts bouncing up and down. Luna calls her up to claim her prize before continuing with the game.

  The woman looks at her vibrator excitedly, holding it out for the other women to see and from the look on her face, you would think she just won the lottery.

  “Now I have one less reason to need my husband,” she shouts, making most of the women shout back in agreement.

  It only takes a few more minutes before I hear bingo again and when I do, it’s coming from right next to me. “Bingo!” Jen shouts. She grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet, almost causing me to trip. “This one right here has a bingo.”

  My eyes widen as I look down at my card to see she’s right. I have been so busy daydreaming for the last twenty minutes that I haven’t even been paying attention. Lucky me, I guess.

  All eyes are on me as I make my way up to Luna and she hands me a package with a purple vibrator, similar to the pink one that she held up earlier.

  “Enjoy. I have that same model at home. It works wonders, trust me,” she whispers before grabbing another one from out of the box while pushing her lips out into a pout. "Okay, ladies. This is the last one so you better step up your game. These batteries are super charged and ready to do their job."

  A few boos come from the audience as I make my way through the herd of people, everyone eyeing me as if they're about to jump me and steal my prize. I hurry through them and back over to mine and Jen’s table. Now, getting beat up over a vibrator would be quite the story to tell to my grandkids someday. If I were to have any.

  “I hate you.” I nudge her in the side before placing my gift on the table. “Did you see their eyes? They were about to take down over this.” I hold the vibrator up and laugh. “I have to pee. Do you need to go?”

  Jen picks up the package and scans it with curious eyes. “Wow! This looks complicated.” She shakes her head. “No. I’m fine and I’m sure you’ll be safe to go alone.”

  I push my way through the crowd and shut myself inside the quietness of the bathroom and into one of the stalls.

  Afterwards, I am leaning over the sink with my hands still in the water when I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me away from the sink.

  I fall into Kade’s chest with my hand twisted in between our bodies. “Do you really think you’ll be needing that toy?” he questions, raising an eyebrow. “Then again, I can always use it on you.”

  I can feel my cheeks turning red as I push away from his chest and lean against the sink. “You’re pretty confident that I want you, aren’t you?”

  He runs his tongue over his lips before bringing his lips down to meet the sensitive spot below my ear. He trails kisses down my neck and then, with slight force his lips come crashing into mine as I squeeze his hard chest in my hand.

  When he pulls away, I can feel his hands caressing my ass before he presses his body against mine, poking me with his erection. It feels thick and warm against my stomach, making me want to do very naughty things. “Yeah,” he breathes, “I guess you could say that.”

  We both pull away and try to look as if we weren’t just about to rip each other’s clothes off when someone pushes their way through the door. Not, that I would’ve let that happen, but you know . . .

  An extra thick woman sporting way too much makeup and clothes that should fit a woman three times smaller than her walks in and throws her hand to her hip. “Hey guy, this is the women’s restroom.”

  Kade bites his bottom lip and gives me that ‘I’ll be back for more look’ before turning on his heels to face the woman.

  The look on the woman’s face changes from annoyance to lust in a split second. “Never mind, handsome; you can stay.” She smiles, revealing her half-blackened teeth. “It can be our secret.”

  Someone has their eye on a different kind of toy and lucky for Kade, he’s pretty much the only man here.

  “I can’t.” He frowns and heads for the door. “So much work to do.” His eyes meet mine before he walks out, closing the door behind him.

  The woman looks me up and down before placing her hand against one of the stall doors. “Is that all yours?” she questions, with a hungry look in her eyes that says she will jump at the chance to sink her teeth into him.

  I grab for a paper towel, dry my hands off and toss in into the trash. “Nope and I’m pretty sure he’s looking for a date this weekend for his dad’s company picnic.”

  She runs her hand along the stall door and plays with her hair, trying to be cute. “Really? Thanks for the tip.”

  “No problem,” I say and open the door.

  When I walk back out to meet Jen, Kade is busy behind the bar again. I flash him a playful smile while helping Jen clean up the bingo mess.

  The crowd of people has died down some, now that the game is finally over, and a group of women are filing out the door at this instant.

  “Did you have fun with my gift while I was gone?” I give Jen a questioning look.

  The look on Jen’s face says it all. “I really need to get me one of these. As much as Nathan and I have sex, hell, I should have two.”

  A vibrator comes flying at our heads and I quickly reach out to grab it before it can smack Jen in the back of the head.

  “I always bring extras.” She smiles and gives me a playful wink.

  “Sweet,” I say eyeing it.

  Luna takes a seat next to us and places her drink on the table. “I would say the night was successful.”

  I hand the vibrator to Jen and she grabs it with both hands before handing it back. “You know I can’t really take one of these home. Nathan would have a fit.”

  Looks like her purse is about to gain a gift, because I’m not letting her leave without it. I shove it into her purse and snap it closed. “Just leave it in your trunk.” I smile. “Nathan will never have to know.”

  It’s silent for a moment before Jen finally says, “Okay fine, you talked me into it. It’s your ass if I get caught though.”

  I glance around the room and stop on the woman from earlier. She’s leaning over the bar with her shirt riding up her back exposing a majority of it, as she reaches for Kade’s hand and pulls him closer to her. A laugh escapes my lips as Kade looks over at me with eyes desperate for me to save him. You want to hang out in the women’s bathroom, then you get the baggage that comes along with it.

  Tossing an armful of empty bottles into the trash beside me, I shake my head, smiling, and turn
behind me to thank Luna. “Yes, sex toy bingo was a brilliant idea. Kade and Saline should have no reason to complain about tip money tonight and I will be sure to pay you cash for the night, thank you again.”

  Luna stands up and walks over to different table to help with the trash. Waving her hand she says, “No rush, just pay me tomorrow.”

  After the bar is cleared out, I’m leaning over the register counting money, when I feel someone breathing on my neck. Instantaneously, I know it must be Kade.

  I turn around to say, “You just never give . . .”

  My words trail off when I see Saline giving me a confused look. “Am I free to go now? I have crap to do.”

  Looking back down at the register, I dismiss her for the night and continue counting. “Yeah that’s fine, see you on Friday.”

  After counting the money three times, I come to the conclusion that someone had to have messed up somewhere. There’s no way the drawer can be off by almost fifty dollars, but since everyone is already gone for the night, I’ll have to talk to them later and figure it out.

  I stash the money into the safe, grab my jacket and head out for the night.

  I lock up the bar and am taken by surprise when I turn around to see Kade leaning against his truck.

  He’s looking down at the ground, his blond curls hanging over his face.

  “What are you still doing here? I thought you had to meet Jack?”

  His head shoots up as I walk over to stand in front of him. Without speaking, he grabs my waist and pulls me against him.

  “I was wanting to do this one more time.” He runs his hand over my cheek before slowly leaning in and pressing his lips against mine.

  I find myself falling into him, my hands exploring his tight stomach, making it hard for my mind to work right. I know there was something important on my mind a few minutes ago, but not so much now. Just Kade’s lips caressing mine as if it’s perfectly natural.

  Finally, his lips leave mine and a smile stretches across my face as I open my eyes. “You need to stop acting as if I like it when you kiss me. Also, stop molesting me at work before someone thinks something is going on. I’m the manager and your father owns it. Not a good look.”


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