Green Rising (The Druids of Arden Book 1)

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Green Rising (The Druids of Arden Book 1) Page 25

by AZ Kelvin

Quinlan, Grove Seven, and a group of others looked out over the bay from the walls of Teivas Keihas.

  “The ships’re nearly done, laddie,” Bertrynn said as he wiggled a bit to adjust the wooden prosthetic of his right leg and tighten a strap.

  “It astounds me how fast the Gwylari work,” Quinlan replied.

  “And de way dey build deir ships,” Jua Kali said. “I have never seen such a ship. Dey are constructed of living timbers dat grow food during de journey. I am envious of druid magic.”

  “The Gwylari’re nae druids—technically,” Kian replied.

  “Dey are de druid’s druids.”

  “Aye, that sounds about right.” Swela nodded.

  “Joseah would have loved the ships,” Ticca said. “They look like giant log rafts with sides and masts and branches with fan leaves for sails and tievines for ropes.”

  “Thrice the size of any of ours,” said Travell Tavish, newly crowned King of Shaan.

  “Are the stories true?” Ticari asked. “They are said to be stormproof.”

  Therin had a gleam of a dream in his eye. “We’re goin’ ta find out.”

  “Thyne ears hath heard truth, Ticari,” Chyne answered. “Only a third doth show above the waves. Great ballast below wilst keep the vessels upright.”

  Cassae sighed dreamily. “Ta ride the wind with not a thin’ on your mind but where it takes ya. Sailin’ like a great bird across the sea.”

  “Och.” Sovia wrinkled her nose. “Bounced back and forth and up and down like you be no more than the last tater in the sack. Where be the fun in that, I ask?”

  “Aye, this highland girl dinnae belon’ on the sea,” Ronni said, “but ta lay ma eyes on the southern continent, fer that I’d gladly set sail.”

  “I am just the opposite,” Lanry replied. “Land feels strange to my feet and I yearn for the open water.”

  “As do I,” said Riklan. “It has been two moons since the battle and the siren’s song calls to me louder with every passing day.”

  “My people are ready to return to deir home,” Jua Kali said.

  “The ship’s near completion and then we set sail with you,” replied Quinlan. “Your homeland shall soon be free of the dreyg, Jua.”

  “Dat will be a day of great rejoice, my friend.”

  “How long will we bob about on this fleet of flotsam ’til we get there?” asked Sovia.

  “Seventy days, there about, to reach the Onomala River Basin on the southern continent,” Riklan answered.

  Her eyes grew wide. “Seventy days?”

  Riklan nodded. “About half of that will be pure open water. Then we’ll be able to make landfall and resupply.”

  “The Gwylari ships can grow food,” Ticca said.

  “Indeed they can, but our ships cannot,” Lanry replied. “Anyway, every ship on the sea should carry enough food and water for their crews.”

  “Dere is anodder fortnight of rough seas beyond my homeland to reach de shores of Kajkara.” Jua Kali extended his arm to the horizon.

  “How much farther inland does this druid, Azuria Norr, live?” Bertrynn asked.

  “Dree moons will go by during de journey,” Jua Kali replied. “De Maharamatswi is an ancient jungle where it is said danger hides in every shadow. In Onomali, ‘Maharamatswi’ means ‘place of angry spirits.’”

  Bertrynn grimaced. “Three moons of angry spirits? Sorry I asked.”

  “The Misted Gorge lies beyond Maharamatswi?” Cassae asked.

  Jua Kali shook his head. “In de heart of de jungle.”

  A footman approached Travell and bowed. “Dinner will be served shortly, Your Majesty.”

  “Very good, gratitude,” Travell replied. “My friends, Trossachsmuir stands whole again. Let us have food, drink, and tales to fill the night!”

  The announcement met with happy enthusiasm from all and Travell led the way to the newly rebuilt dining hall of Teivas Keihas.

  Quinlan and Cassae walked side by side, hanging back a ways behind the others.

  “So, the Order of Arden journeys ta the southern continent?” Cassae asked.

  “Only part of it,” Quinlan said. “Silari and Lissa remain to rebuild the Order on the northern continent.”

  “Isn’t that the job of Primerey Quinlan?”

  “Teasing me?”

  “Yeah.” She snickered a little. “I know ya need ta try and find Na’veyja. I feel the same. We’ll find her.”

  “Joseah said Azuria Norr will guide us to Na’veyja,” he said. “I have never read or heard of Azuria Norr in my time at the conclave.”

  “And what of Acimasiz?”

  “That is a question of which I dread the answer.”

  “Have ya seen the mural the young artist did?”

  Quinlan nodded. “He has remarkable talent.”

  Cassae cuddled up to his side. “All the liberatin’ forces gathered together in triumph under the esbat. I love how he put the fallen as spirits in the night sky above.”

  “Yes and the memorials spared no effort in recognizing them either. Joseah, Kenri, Wylla, Freyn, and all who gave or lost their lives were remembered.”

  They watched the assembled group as they laughed, swapped tales, and laughed even more. Flit and Singer had collected a permanent entourage of other birds that constantly cavorted around the group like crazy moons circling their home world.

  “Do ya think we have it in us ta succeed?” she asked.

  “Oi!” one of the cooks yelled from somewhere out of sight. “Come back here with that, you!”

  Pie Thief raced from the serving room with a small tart tucked in the crook of her arm. She was of great amusement to all but the cook.

  “No question,” Quinlan answered her. They shared a smile at the antics and went, arm in arm, to join their friends.


  Watch for the continuing adventures of Grove Seven in book two of The Druids of Arden series – Southern Winds.

  May your trails be clean and your forests be green!



  The writing of a story, for the most part, is a solitary work for the author alone. The development of a novel, on the other hand, might require a small crowd to achieve. I am both lucky and grateful to have such a wonderful crowd of supporters not only for the Green Rising project, but the works of AZ Kelvin in general.

  My deepest gratitude to you all for your support!

  The AZ Kelvin All-Stars

  Sunny Lee

  CJ Lee

  Evelyn & Bill Lee

  Matt Metzler

  Amy Stahl

  Brandy Lowrey

  The story and the book containing it, both require that several different aspects come together in order to produce a well-designed and well-written novel. Green Rising exists today because of the skills and creativity of the people involved with the project. My thanks to everyone!

  Nikki Busch Editing

  Nikki Busch Editing took on the task of editing Green Rising, which represents the fourth time we have worked together. A top-quality editor does not work for the writer, they work with the writer. Nikki does her job with excellence.

  Thank you, Nikki!

  Find her at

  Lee Companies, LLC.

  Lee Companies, LLC did a terrific job with publishing Green Rising. The Lee team checked the storyline for consistency and designed both the interior content and the cover illustrations.

  CJ Lee – Interior and exterior design, cover illustrator.

  Sunny Lee – Story wrangler and creative consultant.

  Beta Readers

  Green Rising had a fantastic group of beta readers give the book its pre-release reading. Beta reading is a very important part of the publishing process and I am very glad to have had such a great group to work with. My thanks to every one of you for a job well done!

  Louann Dresden

  Laura Whitcomb

  Gabriel Strump

  Steve Gannon

nbsp; Rod Kroes

  Randy Healy

  And, Thank You!

  Thank you, reader, for your support as well, through your purchase of this book. I hope you enjoyed the story and if you did, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and is much appreciated!

  Cheers! – AZ Kelvin

  Look for more on the Druids of Arden, along with other stories like The Altered Moon Series and Here We Ghost, at:


  The following glossary lists a majority of both common and uncommon pronunciations found in Green Rising and throughout the Druids of Arden story line.

  Format: word/name, (phonetic), [emphasis/syllable], {note from author}

  Na’veyja (nah-vay-zha) [na/vey/ja]

  Acimasiz (ah-kim-ah-seez) [a/cim/a/siz] {Aztec flavor}

  Quinlan (coo-in-lah-n) [quin/lan]

  Cassae (cass-ay) [cassae]

  Chyne (ch-eye-n) [chyne]

  Swela (sway-lah) [swela]

  Kian (kee-ahn) [kian]

  Ticca (tee-kah) [ti/cca]

  Ticari (tee-kar-ee) [ti/cari]

  Sovia (sew-vee-ah) [sovia]

  Therin (th-air-in) [therin]

  Joseah (jo-say-ah) [jo/seah]

  Nemilos (nem-ill-os) [nem/il/os]

  Flaura (flaw-rah) [flaura] {think “flower aura”}

  Gwylar (gu-eye-lar) [gwy/lar]

  Gwylari (gu-eye-lar-ee) [gwy/lari]

  Raskan (raz-kan) [raskan]

  Raskanish (raz-kan-ish) [raskan/ish]

  Shaan (sh-on) [shaan]

  Shaanlander (sh-on-lan-der) [shaan/lan/der]

  Vakere (va-care) [vakere]

  Vakerian (va-care-ee-in) [va/kerian]

  Kalnu (cal-new) [kal/nu]

  Kalnuvian (cal-new-vee-in) [kal/nu/vian]

  Sairyn (sair-eye-n) [Sair/yn]

  Aibreann (eh-bri-anne) [ai/bre/ann]

  Kwyett (coo-eye-et) [kwyett] {Just say “quiet”}

  Edwynn (ed-win) [edwynn]


  Ilywodre Dronjida (Ill-ee-woe-dray) (der-on-zhee-da) [il/y/wo/dre] [dr/on/ji/da]

  {helps to sing-song this one a little bit, kind of like a fancy royal announcement}


  Druidic circles of rank:

  10th (highest)Primerey (pry-mur-ay) [pri/mer/ey]

  9th Segoney (say-gon-ay) [se/gon/ey]

  8th Tretjey (tret-zhay) [tret/jey]

  7th Cetrey (set-ray) [cet/rey]

  6th Siestrey (see-ess-tray) [si/es/trey]

  5th Cinquey (seen-coo-ay) [cin/qu/ey]

  4th Settey (set-tay) [settey]

  3rd Osmey (oz-may) [osmey]

  2nd Novey (no-vay) [novey]

  1st (lowest)Tiatey (tee-ah-tay) [tiatey]

  I hope this glossary helps out. If you have any questions and/or comments on Green Rising or any AZ Kelvin story, please contact me through my website, I am more than happy to talk with my readers.

  AZ Kelvin




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