Assignment: Learning to Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Assignment: Learning to Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 11

by Honor James

“A girl has to do what a girl has to do,” she said with a shrug. Reaching up, she started to tug at his shirt and said, “You have on far too many clothes. Why aren’t you naked yet? I want you naked.” She wanted to be naked, too, but he would see to that quickly. “As for them.” She pulled his shirt up and over his head. “They are easy to one-up because they let me. You know that they do.” She wasn’t blind or dumb, those boys let her have the last say and they all knew it.

  “That’s only because they know I’d kill them if they ever made you cry,” he said softly. He was watching her, smiling slightly, and not helping her in the least to get him undressed. Not that he was hindering her in any way, but he was definitely not being very helpful.

  She dropped her hands to his pants and began to undo his zipper and snaps. “Why is it that I’m the only one working on getting us naked?” she asked with a frown. “Come on big boy, naked. I want to get naked, too.” She was teasing him, and herself as well.

  “You look so damn determined to get me naked I thought it best to give you a head start. We both know that I can get you stripped down a lot faster than you can me,” he said. Which was true, he’d proven that on more than one occasion.

  “Only because you, well I don’t know why.” It was a mystery to her how quickly he could get her naked. She couldn’t even undress herself as quickly as he seemed to be able to do so for her. He amazed her. “All I know is I really love when you are all naked.” She put her hands to the muscles on his stomach, the one causing the vee leading down to his dick had her mouth watering. “Goodness.” She whispered. “I swear I lose IQ points every single time I see this muscle, and know I do when I’m able to feel it.”

  His deep laugh had her tingling in all the right places as he kicked his pants off so he stood before her naked. “You do seem to have a rather intense fascination with that part of me. Any particular reason for that?” he asked in a curious tone.

  “Don’t know. Maybe because I don’t have that?” she asked and looked up at him. “I’ve never seen it before on a man, well I guess I have but I’ve never before really looked at them. You are the only one that ever has mattered to me. That’s bad, wouldn’t you think?”

  “That I matter to you so you pay more attention?” he asked. “Hell no! The fact that I do matter so much, and that you pay such close attention is a good thing, Gigi. You should know me as intimately as I know you. It’s part of being in a relationship, of being with that special, and amazing someone who completes your life. If you didn’t notice these things, I’d likely have to wonder if you were interested at all.” Shaking his head, he began to strip her down, her shirt, and bra disappearing in one move. She really had to learn how he managed that maneuver.

  “Well I do know you as well as I know myself. I love the way that you look, the way that you feel. I love every single part of you. I’m happy to have you with me. I’m happy that you love me as much as I love you.” She had said the L-word more in that sentence than she had in the whole time they had been together. “And you have got to teach me how to strip myself in one swift move like that,” she muttered when her pants and panties were gone with just a smooth flick of his wrists.

  He lifted her up so she could kick free of her pants. “Those are trademarked moves, honey. I could show you, but then I’d have to tie you up and do dirty things to you so you couldn’t ever share them with another living soul.” Grinning when she moaned, Michael tossed her onto the bed, quickly following her down, and cover her with his body.

  Her hands moved up to clasp the headboard and she arched against him. She laughed. “Oh honey, you tell me that you would like to tie me up like it’s a bad thing. I would love it if you would do that sometime. I would love to have you doing your worst and most wicked of things that you could think of to me.”

  “Damn woman, can you get any more amazing?” he asked in awe. Grinning at her, he leaned in to kiss her, his cock rubbing over her inner thigh, hard and hot. “God I love you, Gigi. More and more each day. It should be impossible, and yet it only seems to get stronger.”

  “That’s a very good thing because we get to have the rest of our lives loving and living. Right?” She bit her lower lip and once more arched up. “Please.” She needed him, wanted him. Each brush of his cock to her pussy had her getting wetter and wetter. She was so close and they hadn’t done anything. She was always seemingly riding the edge of that desire though.

  He didn’t give her what she wanted, not right away. Instead Michael began to press open-mouthed kisses over her chest, breasts, belly, and lower. He spread her legs wide, and once he’d settled in he put his mouth on her pussy. Licking and sucking, he teased her mercilessly, never once letting her go over the edge. He never did, at least not until he was good, and ready for her to fly. His tongue swirled around her clit, his teeth gently nipping at that tight bundle as he teased her.

  Her hands moved from the headboard to his head. She held him in place while he tortured and teased her. She loved every second of the teasing but was getting close to that scream she had warned of. “Michael. Please. Now!” She was pulling at him with her heels, trying to tug him closer, her heels digging into his back and pulling him in closer. She could feel his fingers brushing over her pussy, a finger dipping into her cunt and then pulling out while his tongue danced across her clit.

  But his mouth left her pussy, leaving her wanting, and so damn needy. A moment later though he was covering her body with his, his thick cock sliding through her pulsating folds to fill her. He started to thrust as soon as he’d entered her, slamming into her hard and fast, pushing her toward her orgasm quickly.

  “Hells yes.” She moaned and shifted under him. “Perfect. Right there. Perfect.” She moaned and moved right along with him. This was what she need, what she wanted. “So glad no condoms.” She could feel every single vein in his cock, the heat of his dick filling her weeping pussy just like she had always dreamed of. She had never been more thankful for her decisions than she was every time that they came together. “Oh God, right there.” Damn the man, he lifted her leg and shifted them both slightly so that he was hitting deeper, at the perfect angle to have her practically lifting off in sheer delight.

  He gave a low grunt as he changed the angle a little more, lifting her hips a bit higher, and practically driving straight down into her by that point. “So fucking tight,” he said. A drop of sweat slid off his chin and hit her between her breasts. “Come, honey, for the love of God, come for me.”

  Gigi couldn’t deny him anything, even if she had wanted to try to deny him. Her back arched and her neck bowed. She screamed, her orgasm causing her to clench his cock tightly. Her pussy holding his cock deep inside of her body.

  A couple more grunts from him before he shuddered, her name a choked off bellow from his mouth. His face twisted in pleasure mixed with pain, and then he collapsed over her body. With their slick skin pressing together, he slid an arm around her, holding her even closer to him.

  Gigi just held onto Michael. Her eyes were closed and she sighed. “I love you.” She whispered against the side of his neck and relaxed against him. She was happy there in the circle of his arms, there she was safe and knew that there was nothing that could touch her. Ever.

  “Damn I love hearing you say that,” he said. With a kiss to her neck, he rolled them over so she was draped on top. “Catch a nap, honey. We’ll get up in a little bit, and find some other way to entertain ourselves before we need to feed the masses again.”

  “I’m glad that you do because I’m getting more used to saying it.” She didn’t open her eyes, just relaxed and settled there with him. “Naps are good.” She agreed and before another moment was sound asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  A shrill whistle jolted her awake, but what really woke her up was the sudden flurry of movement as she was practically thrown from the bed. Okay, maybe not that bad, but that’s what it felt like when Michael rolled them onto the floor. He took the brunt of the fall before tu
cking her under his larger body.

  When she could finally focus she noticed he had his phone to his ear, and his .45 in hand. “Where?” he was asking. “Copy that, going tactical in two.” He hung up and jumped to his feet, pulling her up a moment later. “I need you dressed in comfortable, but durable clothing in one minute. No questions now, later,” he said. A hard kiss to her lips, and he spun away to begin pulling on his fatigues.

  Thank god she had the father she had. She easily took the order and grabbed the clothes that she would be most comfortable in, jeans and a cable knit sweater over a camisole shirt. Pulling on thick socks, she shoved her feet into her boots and moved to his side. Pulling her hair back into a ponytail, she then wrapped it into a bun and secured it with a clip. “Ready,” she whispered to him.

  Nodding, he grabbed up his bag, and tossed her a knife to strap to her leg. While she did that he dug through, and came up with the same gun he’d given her on the island all those long months ago. This time though it had a shoulder holster that he helped her get into. Once she was set, he finished gearing up, finishing off his ensemble with a Heckler & Koch MP5.

  He slid his bag under the bed and out of sight. “Stay on my six, no matter what,” he told her. At her nod, he slipped his earpiece into place, and touched base with the team. “Burner’s up, and moving. Ladybug is with me, repeat, Ladybug is with me.”

  If it wasn’t such a shitty time, she would give him hell for calling her Ladybug. So she had a small, okay massive, hate-on for the stinky little red bugs. But that was her. Her hands were loose at her sides, one hovering near the blade to her thigh and the other ready at a moment to grab the gun if she needed it. She just prayed she didn’t. She was a military brat, but deep down she was a girly girl who didn’t keep up with her training since leaving home.

  They moved through the house. For the first time she realized it was completely dark. She looked up, down, and then to the sides. The power was out. There wasn’t even an LED light from the electronics shining in the darkness. Damn. Not good.

  He stopped near a door, his head tipped to one side. “We’re going out the door, and up against the side of the cabin. Cutter has the cabin in his scope so he’ll be looking for anyone that tries to sneak up on us. The other lads are spread out in a net around us. Once outside you mirror me in every way, clear?” he asked her softly.

  “Got it.” She understood how this worked. God only knew she had been in enough of her father’s War Games that he put his men through where she was the package as a kid to know what she was doing. Thank God for her father! “Has the signal gone out for assistance?” she asked in a very low and soft tone.

  “As soon as the alarm sounded, your father was notified. Won’t matter,” he said. “This will be over long before he gets anyone out here, no matter where he’s got them staged.” Reaching out, he pulled her in close, and kissed her hard. “I love you, Gigi Fletcher. Stay close, stay down, and stay alive.”

  “Same goes for you, Michael Burnett,” she said and nodded. “We got this. Don’t worry, we got this.” She was positive that they would all walk out of this alive. The ones attacking, however, not so much and she was fine with that.

  Shooting her a grin, Michael gave her one more kiss before he pulled back. Right before her eyes she watched the laughing man she loved slip away under the ice-cold mask of the Marine who would shoot first, and take names later. He moved to the door, and a moment later they were outside with their backs pressed to the rough exterior of the cabin. She knew he was getting information from the team, but Michael stayed silent as they moved to the corner of the building. At his signal they bent over, and ran full out for the bushes off to the side of the house, and then stopped dead in their tracks.

  She didn’t hesitate. Not once did she falter, not even when she had to pull her knife and toss it into the chest of the man that seemed to melt from the shadows behind them. She nodded to Michael and put her hand on his back once more. “Go, I’m on your six.” she assured him once more as they began to move.

  He didn’t question her, just kept on moving. He did pass her another blade as they got moving again. Slowly, and smoothly, they went deeper into the brush and trees. Every now and again he’d make minor course corrections, or randomly stop. But she knew he was getting instructions from the team that was spread out all around the place.

  When they were in the depth of the forest, Gigi put her back to a tree and pulled her weapon quickly when she saw the brush shift and move. She didn’t shoot, thankfully, and Cutter walked out. “I could have killed you,” she grumbled to the overly large man. “Seriously, bells. Next time I’m putting bells on you.”

  “You wouldn’t have shot me,” he said with a smirk. “Even if you had, I’d have made you so damn guilty for the next forty years of your life, you’d pretty much be my slave.”

  Michael wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her body back against his. “Situation,” he said in a near growl.

  “We’ve taken out six, including the one Ladybug nailed.” Cutter pulled out a blade, flipped it, and passed it to Michael. “There are at least three more, including the primary out there. I only got one look at the primary before he disappeared, best guess though is he’s heading for the cabin. Harker has it in his sights currently, and Connor’s moving in to cover him. The others are all out playing hide-and-seek with the enemy.” He looked at his watch then for a moment. “We have twenty minutes before the reinforcements arrive.”

  “Good, let’s finish this so we can have coffee and snacks ready for them when they get here.”

  “Copy that,” Cutter said. He threw her a wink before disappearing back into the brush without so much as a flutter of a leaf.

  “Someday I’m going to attach freaking bells to that man.” She grumbled and looked up at Michael. “Do we have any idea at all what the hell these guys want and why they want me? I mean, seriously, what did I do to them?”

  “I don’t know, love,” he said softly. Pressing a kiss to her neck, he held her close for a moment more. “Let’s go see if we can’t find this asshole, and then you can ask him directly. Personally I’d also like to find out why he keeps trying to grab or kill you.”

  “So would I,” she muttered with a frown. “Because whoever it is is seriously on my shitty side. No questions at all about it.” She shifted slightly so that she could be closer to Michael yet still allow him easy access to his weapon. “Okay, where to now? I might know how to be the package and how to move with you. Also might know the basics of protecting myself, but I sucked at strategy.”

  “That’s why you have me, sweetheart. And, may I say for the record, you are one adorably sexy little package?” He grinned at her, and she could actually hear the hooting and hollering coming from his earpiece from the other men.

  She just grinned at that and all but melted against him. “Only you could get away with saying that to me. No one else.” She whispered and put her hand to his cheek. “I think you are pretty sexy yourself by the way.” For a protector he was the best of the best. She was his and he was hers, that was how it should be as well. Always.

  He gave a soft laugh and kissed her lips. “We’re going to join up with Yoshi, and then we’ll sweep back around toward the cabin. Hopefully by then the other three guys will have been attended to, and our pain in the ass will be at the cabin. You ready?”

  “As ready as I am going to get. Lead the way, Michael.” She would follow him, anywhere. Once more they were silent as they moved through the darkness and into the forest, carefully picking their way through so as not to cause a disturbance in the brush or sound from the dry limbs on the forest floor.

  Michael seemed to be wandering aimlessly through the forest, enough so she had no clue where the hell they were. Suddenly he held up a hand, and clicked his mic twice. A moment later, Yoshi stepped out from behind a tree with a grin her direction. Neither man spoke though as Yoshi used a series of signals to pass information to Michael. With a nod, Michael got t
hem moving again, with Yoshi in the trailing position and her sandwiched firmly between the two men.

  She could feel the intensity from both men. She knew that whoever it was that wanted her dead or kidnapped was close otherwise they wouldn’t be so close to her. Yoshi at least wouldn’t. She paused, her hand going to Michael’s back and Yoshi’s to hers. When he looked over his shoulder at her, she pointed to the left of her and then touched her ear. She had heard something. She then pointed to her nose, and had smelled something, too. She hoped he understood what she was saying.

  His lips twitched slightly, but he nodded. He clicked his mic again a few times, Morse code if she wasn’t mistaken, and then waited. She felt Yoshi tense behind her as Michael turned his head to the left. More clicking, more tension, which all equaled a lot of bad. Michael took off running, but Yoshi held her back, shaking his head. He directed her in a different direction before they began to move in the same general direction as Michael had taken off in.

  Then came the explosion. The shock wave smacked into her and Yoshi as the night lit up brighter than it would have at a football stadium. Yoshi had her on her back, his larger body covering hers as a secondary explosion rocked the night.

  She had to push Yoshi off of her. She was screaming because Michael had taken off in the direction of the explosion. She felt Yoshi wrap his arm around her middle and she battled to be let go. She needed to get to Michael. Who the hell would blow up a freaking cabin? “I swear to god if you don’t let me go, I will shoot you,” she told Yoshi as she struggled against his too-firm hold.

  “Not fucking happening,” he told her in a firm tone. “Michael would fucking gut me if you got yourself mixed up in that, and hurt to boot. His orders were clear, you stay put, and I stay stuck to you.”

  “Hell no. I need to get to him.” She was pushing at his hands and then, she knew it was dirty but did it all the same, leaned forward and then snapped her head back quickly, hitting Yoshi in the face with the back of her head. For a moment she felt guilt at the sickening crunch she heard, but it did what she wanted. She was dropped quickly and she started to run, screaming Michael’s name as she did so.


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