The Legend: The Love of Ryan Sumpter

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The Legend: The Love of Ryan Sumpter Page 1

by Samuelson, Philip

  The Legend

  Copyright 2014 - Philip Samuelson

  Published - 1st October 2014

  Table of Contents

  The Beginning

  The Early Life

  The Three Shades of Experience

  The Pendulum of Life

  The Blood Runs Thin

  The Worst Year Ever

  The Year of Maddie

  The New Girl

  The Unexpected

  The Decision

  The Return

  The New Challenges

  The Future Together

  The Way It All Ends

  The Next Beginning

  Success changes nothing. Be forever gracious.

  - 1 -

  The Beginning

  Ryan “Blacker” Sumpter. He changed the world, and you had no idea. He wrote and rewrote history, and you had no idea. He lived loud, loved strongly, and made an impact on hundreds of thousands of lives... And you had no idea. He believed in you, in everyone, and you had no idea. Ryan Sumpter changed the way I see the world, the way many see the world, and you still had no idea.

  Blacker was, quite simply, a race car driver. But he was so much more than that. He was a son, a husband, a team owner, a friend, an adventure-seeker. The outside world saw Blacker's life as a contemplation of accomplishments on race tracks across the world. Truth be told, while his career was writ of legend, that's not what his life was about. Blacker's life was all about the people in it. While things on the race track went smoothly, his personal life tended to be off kilter. He, as a man, was an unstoppable force that nobody could adequately handle. That is, except for his wife.

  He married the strongest, most graceful young lady he'd ever met. Their journey was bumpy, no doubt, but it was as everything in Blacker's life was – Legendary. The love they shared and the path they took inspired others to believe. It gave people hope for a better life for themselves, a stronger love to experience. Nothing Ryan ever did was ordinary. And his wife was no exception.

  Despite his insane amount of success, unprecedented openness to the world, and his strict stance on the way he chose to live his life, he was hated by many. Of course, the people closest to him loved him. I loved him. He made my life more than I ever expected it to be. But most hated him, resented him. In my opinion, those people also feared him. He could be a ruthless businessman when necessary. Most often, he was kind hearted and gracious, but at times he could be selfish and downright nasty. It was what those of us who were part of his peer group loved about him, but it's what the rest of the world would never understand.

  Blacker's life was not without serious issue. No doubt about it, his life had been a disastrous mix of perfection, success, tragedy, hardship, happiness, and pain. People close to him died. Love was lost and found. There was murder, torment, and even several times he and those close to him had to get their hands bloody for the sake of those they loved most.

  What you are about to read, in my estimation, is the most incredible, nonstop, heart-wrenching ride you've ever experienced. Some may be underwhelmed by the perils of true life, love, and satisfaction gained through unadulterated passion. But if you let yourself become a part of Blacker's journey as I let myself, you'll find his life to be both gratifying to experience and terrifying to fathom. Sit back, hold on tight. You're in for the ride of your life.

  - 2 -

  The Early Life

  “Yes sir. I think... That sounds like a lot of zeroes.”

  Ayrton scowled at me. All I could do was shrug my shoulders.

  “That will work out just fine. Next week? That's awesome. – What? No, nothing's wrong. I'm just surprised. This has come together so fast, it's incredible. I can't thank you enough. Yeah, see you tomorrow.” I hung up the phone.

  “Dude seriously?” Ayrton made his discontentment well known.

  “What? It's a whole lotta zeroes.”

  “Like filling a truck up with gas kinda zeroes or Donald Trump's retirement fund?”

  “Halfway in between?”

  “You suck at this. How many zeroes?”

  “It sold for seven digits.” Ayrton's jaw hit the floor. “What? My last full length sold for six.”

  “Yeah, but this is a TV pilot right? Doesn't that mean you get paid per episode?”

  “Thirty-six thousand per script.”

  “Well hot damn. When you buyin' a Lambo?” Ayrton couldn't wait to start planning the future. He had been my best friend for many years, and he was never short of words or confidence.

  I was blown away by the offer. In 1993, I sold my first screenplay just two months after I turned eighteen. I sold six more screenplays over the next two years, at which point I decided to start my racing career. I had helped Ayrton get away from his psychotic family. I'd built a house on the Pacific coastline. We knew it as the SoCal Beach House. But I still wanted more. I had more than most people could ever dream of having at any point in their lives, and I was only 22 years old. In two racing seasons, I won two championships and gathered so many race victories that my trophy room needed to be renovated.

  I was lucky. Insanely lucky. By the end of 1997, I had surrounded myself with the most amazing friends a guy could ever have. Ayrton Cenecci was my best friend. Half Italian, half Native American, all arrogance. He had a reputation he earned and loved all of it. Ayrton and I both owned and ran Vector Motorsports, our racing team, and we also started The Vector Group, a venture capitalist firm that headed all of our crazy business ventures. Ayrton was also the master mechanic on the race team. And he was good. Really good.

  We had a world class crew that grew from a bunch of misfits to top level professionals. Ben McKlennan was my crew chief. He was a former Hollywood actor and vital part of the team. He was also someone I considered myself close to no matter how distant he was. And he was distant. Very distant. His wife, the love of his life, left him shortly after we started the racing team. He had buried himself in his job ever since and hadn't yet come up for air. We didn't know if he would ever be the same guy again. Chase Crawley was one of our testing drivers, a mechanic, and probably the closest to Ayrton and me when it came to our non-professional relationship. Our main drivers were Chaz Webb, Bryan Gatsberg, and Kieren Hutchins. The rest of the main crew was Randy, Brad, Ed, and Casey. We also had a full-time private investigator on retainer, Jimmy... He also was the guy that cleaned up any messes that we would make, so to say… But we don't need to talk about him.

  And then there was my mentor, Yusuf Afoxe. He was... Nuts. Completely insane. He did have an unspecified job with the race team, but more than anything, he was taking care of his own businesses most of the time.

  At the age of 22, indeed I had surrounded myself with the greatest people in the world, enough money and fame to coast on for the rest of my life, plenty of cars and a huge house. What else could I possibly need?

  “Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you today?”

  The most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. To that point, at least. She had a sort of English accent, but I didn't think she was actually English. I had no idea what her name was, but I stopped at that same coffee shop every day with my computer and a feeling that the visit just might be the highlight of my day.

  Every day it was clockwork. I would approach the counter, smile at the same girl. I would order, sit down, and most days I would be there as her shift ended and she headed out.

  Boring. Average and boring. This day was a tick different though. Ayrton never spoke with me when I was there. He knew what was going on. I was doing my work for the TV pilot and pining over yet another random girl I'd never spoken to. And Ayrton was sick of hearing about it.

're thinking about asking her out?" he once asked.

  "I'm thinking about asking her out."

  "Why are you thinking about asking her out?"

  "Because I have no idea if she'll say yes."

  "Dude, just drop your balls and ask her. Is she hot?"

  "She's beautiful."

  "I didn't ask you if she was beautiful, I asked if she was hot."

  "And I told you she's beautiful."

  "You're such a prick."

  "A gentlemanly prick."

  "Still a prick that needs to drop your balls and ask her out."

  Ayrton always has had a way with words.

  I normally drove my 300ZX. Today was different though. I wanted to drive my new NSX. I had just gotten it back from a tuner shop. I hated parking in lots where people could ding my cars. I drove it anyway.

  I checked out my new car from my chair in the shop. It was amazing to know it was mine. No matter how many successes came my way, I always wanted to remain grateful for what I had. I was jamming to tunes on my laptop and trying to storyboard for the next episode. Things weren't going well. I noticed a twinkle pacing by – It was her. The love of my life... Kind of. The barista, she was leaving. She gave me the sweetest little wave goodbye I'd ever seen.

  Heaven. I was in heaven.

  “Keep dreamin', cream pants. She's outta your league.” Damn, it sucks when assholes have bad timing. This dumb ass was no exception. He looked like a tool. He walked like a tool. He spoke like a tool. He was a damn tool. And he welcomed himself to sit down next to me. Asshat.

  “Yeah that's right. What're you doin' here?” The tool grabbed my computer, took a look at the screen. “You think you're a screenwriter, huh? You're dreamin', kid. I'm the next big thing. I'm gonna make it. Freaks like you are gonna get eaten alive around here. Did Mommy ship you out here to chase a dream you ain't never gonna get?”

  I yanked my computer back, closed it and put it away. “I hear a hint of desperation.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Well, you apparently have no idea who I am, and you're trying to get in my head. I'm guessing you do this to everyone you see writing.” My snide nature didn't make this tool any happier than he already wasn't.

  “Listen here, asshole. I'm the big shit around here, okay? I'm gonna make it, and I will crush you when I do.”

  I picked up my briefcase, took out my keys, nodded at the tool. “It's been a pleasure.”

  I left the coffee shop, the tool close behind.

  “Yeah what, are you gonna walk up to the most expensive car in the lot hoping that I'll walk away and buy your bull shit? Huh?” I approached my NSX, very happy I chose to drive it. “Oh yeah, there it is! Maybe I'll go back in and ask the real owner to let you sit in it, just so you'll get a taste of the good life.”

  My car beeped at me as I unlocked it. I opened the passenger door, set my briefcase on the seat.

  “That's seriously your car?” All of a sudden, the tool's soapbox was falling apart. So sad.

  “It is my car,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. I approached the tool, firmly whacked him on the shoulder. “Hang in there buddy. With the kinda drive you've got, you'll make it.”

  As I left, I noticed the car he was getting into – An old, beat up Buick. Sweet victory.

  The next day, same story. I walked in, ordered my coffee from the beautiful barista, sat and wrote. That day, just as the day before, was slightly different. I drove my NSX again. The skies were painted with more clouds than usual. The barista's hair was just as perfectly curled and her skirt as pressed as always.

  I couldn't write. My TV pilot was based on my time with Ayrton at our old favorite restaurant, Skyline Chili. This was the first episode I needed to write that wasn't already largely based on truth with some seriously crazy comedic scenes thrown in.

  I spent some time observing. I watched the patrons, eavesdropped on their conversations. But my attention continually returned to the perfection of that barista I didn't even know. Her hair glimmered in the sun that was peeking through the clouds and streaming through the skylights in the building. It was like she was in a spot shadow, the only person in the room.

  Before I could finish my daydream, I was wakened by an angelic voice I knew I'd heard before.

  “Excuse me? Hello? Are you okay?” It was her. What the hell was I supposed to say?

  “Good morning. Did I forget to pay?” Dumb ass!

  I got a giggle out of her, though. It was the first time I'd ever heard her laugh. The sweetest sound in the world. I immediately knew I wanted to make her laugh every day for the rest of our lives.

  “No, absolutely not. Would you mind if I sit?” she asked.

  “No, I mean, yeah. Sit, please. I apologize for not offering.”

  “It's no problem. So, what are you doing?” She had the sexiest voice I think I'd ever heard.

  “I'm writing. Just a little story about my friend and me.”

  “That's interesting. What's your name? I'm sorry for being so forward, I just – I realized today I've never gotten your name.”

  “Ryan Sumpter.” I apprehensively extended my hand over the table, all the while eager to feel the pure contours of her hand. “It's the highest pleasure.”

  “Natalie Hillshire,” she responded.

  “That's a good name, strong. Maybe there's a Natalie Hillshire in the area that might want to go out tonight?”

  “Let me know if you find one.” She laughed.

  SHE LAUGHED! And she played along, and she was mischievous, and interesting, and and and... She laughed! And I melted. A dude... Melting. Thank God Ayrton wasn't around to see it.

  “How about six thirty?” I was salivating at the idea of escorting her out on the town.

  “Meet me here.”

  The rest of the day, I struggled to remember what time I was supposed to meet her. I pondered which car to drive. Should I drive my 300ZX? Would she think I was being an overprotective jerk not driving a nicer car? Why not drive the NSX? Maybe she would think I was trying to show off. How was I supposed to dress? Nice, laid back, button-up untucked?

  I'm sure Natalie had very similar questions running through her head. Maybe she had some nice jeans and a tank top she liked, but maybe she wanted to go for a more classy, reserved look. I had only ever seen her in a nice skirt and button-up. Maybe she thought I liked her that way. I was taller than her, would she wear high heels? Or maybe she wondered if I preferred being taller than my date? Was I over-thinking this?

  Yes, I was over-thinking this.

  I settled on the NSX and a classic look. Dark blue shirt, showing my calming nature, or so I hoped it would show that. Black slacks, nicely pressed, not too starchy. Natalie settled on a similar look – She wore a beautiful cocktail dress, knee length, and she kept her hair down. She had a black diamond necklace that was woven with bright white gold. It went along nicely with her shiny gray dress.

  I'm sure we both mercilessly scrutinized ourselves in front of our mirrors. I know I sure did. It was a huge night, I'd never felt like this before. I didn't know what to do. Was Natalie one to give it up on the first date? Did she think I wanted that? I wondered if she even wanted me to hold her hand. I'd been too busy during my teen years to figure this stuff out.

  As I was on my way to the coffee shop, something Yusuf once told me popped into my head. We were talking about love and finding the right girl, and I was having one of my down days where it felt like my perfect girl didn't exist. My dream, to enjoy the ups and downs of everyday life with a beautiful and perfect girl, wasn't going to come true.

  “Most commonly in life, those who are destined and determined to do the right thing will never find their dreams coming true. They will live their lives for the welfare of others and be happy doing so. But doing the right thing, the honorable thing, it's not sexy. It's not alluring. I've come to accept my fate. My life is for you, my life is for everyone. My dreams, my personal dreams simply aren't meant to come true,” I told him.r />
  Yusuf’s response was perfect. “She's out there, the girl for you. And she's thinking of you even though she doesn't know you. You're her knight in shining armor, her Prince Charming, the one who will protect and fight for her, tell her she's beautiful and not mean it to placate her. The one who will give everything for her but won't spoil her or give her things to make her happy. The one she dreams of growing old with and sitting on the porch in rocking chairs sipping iced tea and watching the lightning bugs come out. The one she'll dream of forever with and know that you'll never leave her or break her heart. The one she knows will never lie to her or keep secrets no matter how much it hurts to speak the truth. The one who will fill a hole in her soul she didn't know was there until she finds you. She's out there, Godson. I promise you.”

  Moment of truth – I pulled up to the coffee shop. I could see Natalie. She was playing with her necklace while she waited inside. She looked simply fantastic. I was a terrified. I hadn't a clue how mutual the feelings were. Natalie gave a very swift wave to her coworkers and bolted out the door. As soon as she emerged, I was closing my car door, preparing to enter the coffee shop to get her.

  A very sudden meeting of the eyes. Both of us cracked a smile, realizing neither could wait for the fateful moment we were having right then. I was blown away with how great Natalie looked.

  “Sorry, I know I'm late,” I said.

  Natalie snickered at me. “You weren't late. I was early, very early actually.”

  I lead her to the passenger side door, opened it for her. “You're too sweet.” Natalie smiled at me as she sat in the car. She flattened her dress and checked her necklace. I made my way around the car, sat in the driver's seat and made the NSX roar to life.

  “This is a pretty nice car for someone your age,” Natalie said as she checked out the inside of the car.

  “Thank you. I'm very lucky to be where I am in my life,” I responded.


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