Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 5

by Zoe Perdita

  Carefully, the lone wolf stepped into the clearing and Danny put his ears back, a low growl emanating from his throat as he barred his teeth. His coloring was similar to Holden’s, a grayish blond, although he stood almost a whole head shorter than the alpha. If he wasn’t going to give in Jake knew what to do.

  Just as he walked toward Danny, Alex flew out of the woods and tumbled into him- the beta’s muscular body almost as strong as Jake’s own. The lone wolf snapped at Alex, his claws slashing at the thick chocolate brown coat in swift strikes. Suddenly the sharp touch of fangs dug into Jake’s neck, Danny’s teeth just shy of breaking the skin.

  They’d tricked him, and he fell for it! Damn it! But he wasn’t giving up just yet. With a massive shake of his shoulders, he got Danny’s off his back and lounged at Alex. The beta swerved, but Jake caught his back foot and pulled him to the ground. Alex yelped as he hit the soft forest floor and struggled to get back on his feet while Jake leapt at Danny. The smaller wolf held his ground, whatever their plan had been obviously didn’t involve running away. The lone wolf toppled him in one jump, grabbing a mouthful of fur as he gripped Danny’s powerful neck in his sharp fangs.

  With the small wolf whimpering in in his hold, Jake led Danny over to Alex and tossed him onto the ground with the beta. He panted over their fallen forms and the rich scent of blood filled his nose, although he didn’t know if it all belonged to him or not. Looking up at the sky, he howled his victory. Now they had to accept his strength as their alpha or he would overpower them in the only way wolves knew. His fur pricked with the electric power of command, and he knew he’d overtake them if need be.

  Behind him, Jake heard the crunch of pine needles as Holden and Timothy entered the clearing. Without looking he felt his mate shift from his wolf form into that of a man.

  “Well boys? Do you give in or do you want the ultimate dominance?”

  Alex growled and slowly rose to his feet, and Danny’s form twisted into that of a human. “No. Neither of us are willing to give in,” he said, holding his chin up high.

  Jake let his own beastly form melt away and as soon as he changed Alex did too; the man’s leg bleeding from the bite Jake gave him earlier. Good. At least he wouldn’t be able to run far.

  “Did you bring it?” Jake asked and tried to keep his voice as neutral as possible. The tingling control of his alpha side flooded his veins, rushing to his groin as he looked at the weaker pack members standing before him. The thought of Holden and him ruling them together, providing for them like alpha wolves should, made all of this worthwhile. They had to respect him as they did the Captain or it wouldn’t work. And if they chose the hard way, in more ways than one, so be it.

  “You aren’t even going to run?” he asked as Holden handed him the bottle of lube.

  Alex shook the hair from his face, his hazel eyes burning into Jake’s. “Just because we’re not running away like a coward doesn’t mean we won’t fight.”

  Without a word, Danny nodded in agreement.

  Even in the cool evening air, the heat of lust filled the little clearing. The rich scent of wolf musk lingering in the air and teasing Jake’s nose as he approached the waiting pack members. He’d had a harder time dominating his own lover into submission- this seemed far too easy.

  Alex favored his good leg, although the bite mark didn’t seem particularly deep, and Danny looked up at Jake with the defiance of a five-year-old. The lone wolf almost laughed, the situation too strange to be real. Suddenly, Holden’s hands wrapped around his waist, the familiar length of his half hard cock pressing into Jake’s muscular ass cheek.

  Taking a deep breath, Jake relaxed in his lover’s grip. Holden’s lips burned down Jake’s neck, the cheek of his lover rough on his skin. Fingers gripped the solid muscle of his stomach and chest, burning trails of need over his already hot flesh. Maybe the Captain was trying to tell him it was okay- what he was about to do what was acceptable. Then the alpha stepped back, his feet crunching over pine needles as he settled on a fallen log next to the omega.

  Jake ran toward the two men, his hands balled into fists as he jumped into their midst. Danny swung first, and the clumsy punch caught the lone wolf in the side grazing his ribs. Jake ignored it and went after Alex; Danny he could take care of with his eyes closed, but the beta would be a challenge.

  Alex kicked, his foot high and precise- the kick of a man who knew what he was doing. Years of training took over and Jake blocked it, though the impact knocked him back. The smaller pack member crashed into him from the side, probably in an attempt to make him fall, but Jake used the momentum to his advantage. He turned his body, flinging Danny right into Alex, and they both tumbled to the ground in a pile of limbs.

  With no time to waste, Jake jumped on top of them, flipping Danny over so his ripe ass stuck in the air. Under the lone wolf’s masterful fingers the young man’s flesh tingled, goose bumps rising across his skin as the his heartbeat quickened. Every time he wiggled he rubbed his naked body against Alex’s, and both wolves turned crimson at the touch.

  “Oh, you like this, don’t you?” Jake growled as grabbed Alex by the hair and pulled him into a kiss with Danny sandwiched between them.

  The beta tried to bite, but his wet mouth didn’t hesitate as much as Jake thought. Pinning one of Danny’s hands behind his back and one of Alex’s hands above his head, Jake probed his tongue into the longhaired man’s mouth. The heat of his body engulfing the lone wolf and displaying a different kind of desire- the need to be controlled- the need to be dominated by a stronger wolf. Alex was waiting for this, his whole body primed for this moment.

  Suddenly, the beta grabbed the back of Jake’s head, the man’s fingers digging into his hair roughly and pulling.

  Behind them, Holden chuckled.

  Danny wriggled again. “Get the hell off me!” he cried.

  Jake let his mouth linger over the beta’s, nipping at the man’s full lips before releasing their hands. Then he turned his attention to Danny.

  “Do you really think that’s going to work?” he said as he groped between the smaller wolf’s legs.

  Danny tried to snap his thighs closed, but Jake was quicker, his hands tickling Danny’s balls and slipping over his hardened cock. The younger man whimpered, like a wounded dog, and buried his head into Alex’s strong neck. “Stop it,” he whispered, his voice little more than a breath of air.

  Jake stroked him harder, pushing the aching flesh into Alex’s own erection. “I’m your new alpha. You don’t tell me what to do, Danny.”

  The smaller wolf groaned, his body trembling under Jake’s strong hands. Slowly, the lone wolf let his fingers trail off Danny’s hardened shaft and eased open his rounded ass. The lone wolf’s fingers poked at the entrance, the puckered opening exposed to the night air.

  Underneath, Alex shifted, like he was trying to free himself of their weight.

  “Danny, grab Alex’s cock so he can’t get away,” Jake ordered.

  “Why would I- Ah,” he gasped and pushed his ass up into Jake’s waiting hands.

  Alex growled at the bottom of the pile. “This isn’t going to convince us of anything. Just because Danny’s weak doesn’t mean you’ll be our alpha!”

  “I’m not weak. Wait! What are you- Oh, that’s cold!” he cried as Jake squeezed a liberal amount of lube into the little pink hole. Danny’s whole body twitched as the smooth liquid eased inside- his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. Yes. He wanted this kind of control just as much as Alex did. Jake felt it.

  “Liking control doesn’t make you weak. It gives you a place to stand in the pack,” Jake said as he eased a long finger into Danny’s waiting ass.

  The smaller wolf whimpered as Jake tickled his prostate, the tight opening squeezing the lone wolf’s finger as it stroked the spongy mass. The cool night air wasn’t enough to hold off the heat of lust- the fiery dominance radiating from Jake and filling the clearing. Waves of it rushed over the other two- the budding alpha could almost
see his power overtaking them. When it did he’d be a true alpha. Before dominating his lover Jake had doubts about this moment, but now that it was here, the tingle of desire like electricity on his flesh, those doubts melted into nothing.

  Suddenly, Alex shoved Danny and scrambled out from under him, kicking his legs with a renewed force.

  Jake released his hold on the smaller wolf and grabbed Alex by the ankle, but his lubricated fingers slipped off. Growling, he got into a crouch and lunged at the beta- the hunger in his groin overtaking all other senses as the moon lent him strength.

  He caught Alex by the waist and pulled him down into the dry pine needles. The beta wrestled, trying to get the upper hand but his bleeding leg and bruised body didn’t hold as much fight as it had before. The lone wolf pressed his naked flesh into Alex, their skin slick streaked with sweat as they rubbed against each other. Jake’s rock hard cock ached, and staring into the fierce hazel eyes he saw not an enemy but a friend. A man who could easily be his equal- a man with as much drive and stubborn determination as his own.

  Dirt clung to their flesh. The only sound in Jake’s world the beating of his heart. Behind him, he felt the pull of his mate’s desire. Holden wanted him to succeed almost as much as Jake himself wanted to, and his lover’s heart urged him on so he could finally be a ruling alpha in their pack.

  Leaning forward he kissed Alex again, the beta’s full lips melting into his own like an ice cube on a hot day. Wasting time wasn’t an option, as he pushed his tongue into the man’s mouth, he reached down and took the throbbing length of Alex’s cock in his hands. Just as he started to pump the veiny shaft, Danny grabbed him from behind.

  The smaller wolf’s hands burned with want as they trailed up Jake’s muscular legs, the heat of his lips scorching the lone wolf’s skin. Shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  “Danny,” he breathed and moved his mouth to Alex’s pale neck. “What are you doing?”

  The beta moaned, his fingers tangling in Jake’s hair as his breath caught in his throat. “Fuck. I don’t like this,” the man said, although he arched his back up, pushing his body into Jake’s own.

  “I’m gonna claim you,” Danny said in a breathy growl, his fingers easing open the lone wolf’s rounded ass cheeks.

  Lust clouded Jake’s brain, his body aching for a release only Holden gave him. Damn it! He wasn’t supposed to like this as much as they did!

  Reaching behind him, he grabbed Danny’s hand in a vice like hold before the little wolf touched his eager hole. Then he pulled the man to the side with a soft oomph. “You want something fun to do? I have an idea. Keep Alex occupied for a moment and you’ll get your turn.”

  “Why should I?” he asked but crawled on his knees.

  While his voice sounded obstinate, Jake could smell his submission, could see the need for release across Danny’s boyish face as much as he felt the tremble of it from Alex’s lascivious body. He climbed off of Alex, and pulled the beta up with him then flipped the man around in one quick turn. Wrapping his muscular arm around Alex’s trim waist, he nudged his aching cock into the beta’s ass cheek.

  “Suck him off, Danny. I know you want to,” Jake ordered.

  The little wolf’s eyes shone in the darkness, and the corner of his lip turned up into a slight smile.

  “Him?” Alex gasped as Danny lowered his mouth over the sturdy length.

  With the younger wolf occupied, Jake went to work. His fingers grazed the beta’s smooth skin, the muscles under the flesh taut with need just like Jake’s own. Thankfully, Danny brought the bottle of lube with him and the lone wolf swept it from the forest floor, coating his fingers and cock as Alex moaned into the night.

  This was it- he was going to be a true alpha after this moment- a true member of their pack. Suddenly, the heat of Holden’s body joined him, the strong touch of his lover gripping his shoulders and kissing the back of his head.

  Jake smiled, although he knew the Captain couldn’t see him, and eased a finger into Alex’s waiting entrance.

  The beta flinched, his ass clasping the lone wolf’s finger like it was trying to eat it whole, but he groaned low and in the back of his throat all the same. Jake slipped in another finger, and Alex gripped onto Danny’s slender shoulders. Desire radiated from his body like waves of heat, his skin prickling with the electric need of release Jake recognized instantly.

  With Holden’s helping hands, Jake eased his throbbing cock into Alex, the torrid hole flooding his veins with hungry passion. The beta half moaned and half growled, but he didn’t try to fight Jake off. Instead he bent forward over Danny’s head, his ass further exposed for the lone wolf’s convenience.

  He thrust into Alex hilt deep and nipped at the man’s neck, his teeth leaving little marks on the pale flesh. With each ruthless plunge the rough hand of Jake’s dominance grew- his alpha side taking over. He dug his fingers into the beta’s smooth chest, tweaking the man’s nipples into submission and gripping onto the lean muscles.

  Alex twitched under his hands with the overwhelming essence of pleasure. His whole body stiffening as he came into Danny’s willing mouth.

  “Ah. Ah. Ah,” he panted as Jake slowly eased out, his own need still unfulfilled.

  Leaning back into Holden’s strong arms, he ran his hands over the beta’s back. He felt the man’s heart pounding in his chest, heard the labored pants for breath- but most of all Jake sensed the acceptance of him as the new alpha.

  “You little asshole,” Alex breathed and grabbed Danny’s hard on as he collapsed onto the ground.

  The little wolf didn’t argue with the touch. “Do I get my release now?” he asked as he looked up at Jake.

  The lone wolf nodded. “Turn around for me.”

  Danny did as he was told, bending over and presenting himself like some prize. In some ways, he was. Jake applied more lube and slipped a finger into the younger man’s tight hole. The little wolf’s body stiffened at the intrusion.

  “Relax,” Alex said and stroked Danny’s cock lazily.

  Jake pushed in a second finger, then a third, the wolf’s body as ripe as a summer peach when the lone wolf finally positioned himself. What seemed like an outdated ritual just a few days before made sense now. The primal need to belong- to show his new pack not only his dominance but also his ability to lead and to take care of them were all wrapped up in one.

  Gripping onto Danny’s slender hips he pressed himself inside as Holden’s lips burned a lusty trail across his neck and back.

  The younger man groaned, his whole body trembling with the same aching pleasure Jake knew well. With each slow thrust Danny gasped, and Jake leaned into the strong arms of his mate still holding him.

  The small wolf reached orgasm faster than Alex, his mess spurting out onto the pine needles and his loud moans filling the quiet wood. Smiling, Jake eased his engorged member from Danny’s hold and let the man join Alex on the forest floor.

  From behind a strong hand stroked his aching cock. “Is it my turn?” he asked Holden.

  A grumble in his mate’s throat was all the answer Jake got before the slick heat of the Captain’s dick slid into his ass. Moaning, the new alpha rocked his body with his lover’s, the thrusts deep and meaningful as they struck their desired target. Jake would have been embarrassed by the show of mating before, but now it seemed a natural part of the ritual.

  Each forceful plunge filled the growing pool of pleasure in his body, lifting him higher than he’d ever been before. Hot kisses and nips covered his neck, and Jake turned his head to meet his lover’s mouth. The heat of Holden’s tongue, his throbbing length and skillful hand all combined and Jake’s world exploded into impossible delight. They both moaned as one being, the waves of pleasure nearly drowning them both as they came. Holden’s heat filled Jake’s ass as he spurted his milky load over his lover’s hand. Standing naked and drenched in sex, the ritual was complete. He was now an alpha.

  Jake didn’t remember falling onto the floor, or his mat
e tumbling next to him. As he struggled to catch his breath he felt the soft touch of lips on his forehead. When he opened his eyes Timothy crouched next to them and the sun lit up the distant eastern mountains like fire behind the trees.

  “Welcome to the pack,” the little omega said with a smile.

  A full moon shone over the forest the next night, her kind silvery light cast over the pack of wolves. As Jake ran ahead, his sleek back fur blending in with the shadows of the trees, he stopped and let out a howl.

  A moment later, four lupine voices answered his call as they ran toward him.

  The lone wolf had a pack.

  Part II


  Chapter 4

  Rain pattered against the huge windows of the lodge, and Timothy smiled at the gray overcast sky. The cooling autumn rain always reminded him of October and everything that went with it. Cracking a few dozen eggs into the oversized skillet, he placed it on the stove and turned to tend to the bacon and sausage.

  A creak on the stairs caught his attention and the little omega looked up. Jake descended, his boxers hanging low on his slender hips and his sculpted chest bare. As he yawned, he ran a large hand through his messy, dark hair, and a twinge rose in the smaller wolf’s stomach. Holden, the pack’s other alpha, was a lucky man to have a mate like Jake. Not only was he gorgeous- sharp green eyes, a strong jaw and a perfectly muscular body- he was also kind (although he tried to keep that part of himself hidden). He hadn’t even hurt Alex or Danny when he’d claimed them a month before, although as a man vying for a position as alpha he had every right to maim them.

  “Morning,” Timothy said, scrambling the eggs with a spatula. “Coffee’s ready. You look like you could use it.”

  “You cook every single morning?” Jake asked and poured himself a cup. He may have been the pack’s new alpha for nearly a month, but he’d only moved in about a week ago.


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