Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 10

by Zoe Perdita

  At least the beta wolf didn't try to grab his arm and pull him into the car, although Timothy noticed Alex's hands shake as they walked toward the truck and climbed inside. The Eurasian wolves might've attacked had he done so. The omega figured he'd have to get his car, the little subcompact, later.

  He cast one last look at Christian and Gunner as they drove away. His heart ached, only this time it wasn't because he was going to break up with them but because his pack might chase them out of town. And they both wanted to claim him. The gorgeous half-brothers wanted him- a pathetic omega- as a mate. In that moment Timothy had never been happier. The thought of the three of them together made his heart soar, right before Alex ruined everything. No. That wasn't fair. Timothy's own lies, his own secrets, had really ruined everything. Now he'd have to deal with the consequences.

  Alex was quiet for so long the little wolf wondered if he would even speak before they got home. But it was a long drive, and after the first twenty minutes Alex finally loosened his deathlike grip on the steering wheel and glanced at the omega next to him. "How long have they been in town?" he growled.

  "Several weeks," Timothy said and bit his bottom lip, brushing his wavy red hair over his eye patch and the scarred blind eye underneath it.

  "Weeks! And you haven't bothered to tell anyone about them?"

  The little wolf sighed and gripped his hands in his lap. The memory of Gunner and his persistence welled up in Timothy's mind. "I meant to tell, but I couldn't."

  "I'm sure you tried really hard," Alex said and glared at the road.

  He had, but the words just never came out. If he told them Holden and Jake would have approached the Eurasian wolves. They'd have to since the brothers encroached on the pack's territory. If the Gunner and Christian hadn't cooperated with whatever demands the alpha wolves gave them, they'd have to leave and Timothy never would've known what it was like to be desired- however fleeting the moment was.

  "They’re not bad wolves. They don't want to hurt anybody, they just want to live here."

  "And fuck around with you, it seems,” Alex spat.

  Timothy's cheeks burned. Of course Alex would never understand. He probably wondered why Gunner and Christian would even want an omega. “You know how Holden is. If he tried to force them to join the pack, and they said no then they'd leave. Forever."

  "They’re encroaching on our territory! Did you forget where your loyalties lie? Or do you even want to be part of our pack anymore? You know what happens to omegas that leave."

  Timothy touched the scar on his face, the one that had blinded his eye all those years ago. The ugly puckered thing that ruined his otherwise boyish good looks. He didn't need anything else like that, and omegas that disobeyed their packs often got much worse punishments.

  "I never said I wanted to leave. I know you're my pack. But they're Eurasian wolves and they do things differently over there. Maybe they don't understand how we work. It's just a cultural difference.” The argument sounded hollow even in Timothy’s own ears. Alex didn’t care, and Holden and Jake probably wouldn't either. Especially since Timothy had known of their presence- known and not told anyone. It just kept getting worse and worse.

  "Is that how you're going to explain it to them? Jake might buy it, but I don't think Holden's that stupid."

  "Jake is our alpha now too," the omega reminded him, but Alex just sneered. Timothy thought back to that time several months ago when Jake claimed Alex, forcing him to submit to his will. The beta had seemed to like it at the time, but now he acted just as obstinate as he had before Jake secured his place in their pack.

  "I'm aware. And you're our omega, Timothy. You’re trying to work your way up, aren't you? I don't think Danny will take so kindly to be misplaced."

  Timothy thought of the wolf ranked above him- Danny the deputy of the Kellogg city police. He didn't have the disposition to be an omega, but he wasn't as forceful as a beta or alpha either. If Timothy left the pack for some reason Danny would fall back to that place no matter how much he refused. Every pack needed an omega.

  The little wolf frowned and looked out the window. In the distance he saw the lights in the lodge. It wasn't that late- just a little after ten at night, so everyone was probably still awake. Awake and ready for whatever confrontation awaited them. His heart dropped into his stomach like a stone and he wiped his sweat slick hands on his jeans. He reeked of Christian, the man's semen sticky on his thighs. Just an hour ago he'd been lost in the throes of glorious passion. Christian's long hair dangling over his shoulders and his stiff cock buried between the omega's tightly clenched thighs and ass cheeks. Now Timothy felt as if he were walking into an execution- his own execution.

  Slowly, the little wolf climbed out of the truck after it came to a stop in front of their home. He took his time undoing his seatbelt, opening the door, and walking toward the lodge. His shoes crunched over the gravel driveway- each step taking him closer and closer to his unavoidable fate.

  Alex held the door for him and locked it once they were both inside. Glancing around the great room and kitchen- the open downstairs area- Timothy noticed it was empty. His other pack members were probably in their rooms since they weren't downstairs.

  Alex's hand gripped the omega's shoulder, the beta's fingers bruisingly tight. "Holden," he called.

  A moment or two later their alpha appeared at the top of the stairway. His handsome tan face, slightly weathered, looked worn and tired and his light brown hair was messy. He wore no shirt, his chest coated in light curls, and he raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "What’s going on?" he asked, his deep voice resonating through the room.

  "We need to call a pack council," Alex said.

  Holden looked back and forth between them, but he didn't ask for any further explanation. Instead, he simply nodded. "I'll get Jake and Danny."

  Timothy looked at his shoes, unable to stand up under the gaze of his alpha wolf, and slowly walked toward the couches. His heart hammered in his chest and his skin pickled with goose bumps. For a moment, his mind wandered to earlier that day when he'd visited Gunner and Christian in their café. They'd offered him a position as head cook. Something far above his rank as a mere omega- a dream job. And now he might never see them again. Might never feel their rough touches- the passion in their lips when they kissed him. Smell their light musky scents. Get lost in the rugged embrace of their strong arms. Be claimed by them. His heart cracked into at the thought.

  He glanced up at the sound of feet descending the stairs. Holden, Jake and Danny walked into the room and joined them. Both alphas looked questioningly at Alex and Timothy. Danny just looked annoyed.

  "How long is this going to take?" the deputy asked and brushed his sandy blond hair across his tan forehead.

  Alex ignored him. "Timothy has some interesting information he needs to share with us," he said, his full lips set in a grim line.

  The pack turned its attention on the little omega, and Timothy's mouth felt like a desert. He looked from Holden to Danny and finally at Jake. The former lone wolf's dark hair stood on end. His cheek was rough with dark stubble and he looked almost as worried as Timothy felt.

  "Do you have something to tell us?" he asked and put his hands on his hips.

  Timothy wished he could say no, but he knew that wasn't an option anymore. Slowly, he nodded and gripped his shaking hands in front of him. "There're two new wolves in Kellogg," he said, his voice hardly a whisper.

  Holden rubbed the bridge of his nose and glanced at the other alpha. "More wolves? Damn town's getting overrun. Who are they?"

  The omega sat on the couch, unable to stand up any longer. "A couple of Eurasians. Danish, actually. Their names are Gunner and Christian Asulf."

  Jake balled his hands into fists, and Holden simply nodded and sighed. "They get into town today or yesterday?" he asked.

  "Actually they got into town a couple of weeks ago, right Timothy?" Alex growled and the little of wolf flinched.

  Staring at his c
lenched hands, the omega nodded. "Yeah, about three or four weeks now.

  “If they've been in town that long how come we didn't know about it?" Danny asked.

  "I knew," Jake said before Timothy had the nerve to say anything.

  The omega stared at the alpha wolf and his mouth dropped open. Was Jake trying to help him? Or did he really know about Gunner and Christian?

  "What?" both Alex and Holden said at the same time, although Alex sounded more incredulous and Holden sounded more annoyed.

  "I saw them the first day they arrived. I kept an eye on them, but they weren't doing any harm so I didn't see a point bringing it up."

  Now all the pack members stared at Jake, and Timothy's heart pounded in his chest. Was the former lone wolf telling the truth? Had he known about them this whole time and hadn't said a word? That was the only thing that really made sense. But that meant he knew about Timothy's relationship with the Eurasian wolves and he either didn't care or was willing to keep it a secret- even from his very own lover. Not for the first time the omega's heart swelled with gratitude toward his new alpha. No one had ever been that kind to him before.

  Holden set his jaw. "Dammit Jake! I know you're new at this, but we have pack rules. Remember when you encroached on our territory? What did I do?"

  "I believe you chased me through the woods and then you claimed me," Jake said through gritted teeth. "Considering you already have a mate, I didn't think you'd need two more."

  Holden growled low in his throat. "Did I say anything about claiming them?"

  "No, darling, you didn't. You did ask what happened to me when I encroached on your territory though."

  Timothy trembled and glanced at Alex and Danny. The two seemed entranced by the argument in front of them- so much so that even Alex didn't have a biting remark. He'd never seen the alphas argue with each other, although he knew they had to in private. But he didn't want Holden being angry with Jake over something that was his fault. So the omega cleared his throat and stood up.

  "I knew about them too, Holden," he said louder than he imagined he could. "I met them the first day they got town, and I didn't tell anybody. And I know the rules. Jake didn't."

  Both Jake and Holden frowned at him, but Timothy took a deep breath and held his ground.

  "And why didn't you tell me about them?" the alpha asked and ran his fingers through his messy hair. His eyes looked even wearier than they had when he first descended the stairs only a few minutes before.

  "I told him not to," Jake said once again before Timothy could speak up. His green eyes bored into the omegas and begged him not to tell the truth. Why did Jake want to lie about this? Keep this important information from his pack and his mate? It didn't make any sense!

  Holden pinched the bridge of his nose and frowned heavily. "Is that true, Timothy?"

  The little wolf glanced back and forth between his alphas. Holden, asking for the truth and Jake, begging him to keep it silent. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Alex scrutinizing him the longer he brooded on his answer. It was true that if he lied the little wolf had everything to gain. If Gunner and Christian claimed him Holden would have no choice- he'd either have to allow the Eurasian wolves into their pack or kick Timothy out. And if he told the truth everything would most likely be ruined. His future and his pack mate’s ability to trust him would crumble into pieces. But it wasn't just his future he was gambling with- it was Jake's as well. Holden was Jake's mate, after all. All this lying couldn't be good on the future of their relationship. Plus, it was Timothy's fault Jake was willing to lie for him. He didn't understand pack politics, but this problem, when it all came down to it, was Timothy's own, and he'd have to face the consequences without the help of the former lone wolf.

  "No, it isn't. The other way around actually. Jake's trying to protect me because he found out, and I asked him not to tell anyone. I knew about Gunner and Christian, the new wolves, first and I didn't tell anyone."

  Alex smirked, and Danny threw his hands into the air. "What the hell is going on around here?" the deputy asked, and the little wolf couldn't blame him for being confused.

  "Timothy?" Holden said and set his blue gaze on the little omega.

  Taking a deep breath, the little wolf started his tale. He told them all about the first time he met Gunner and Christian when they came into the Full Moon Café for lattes. How Gunner came back the next day and demanded a private meeting at the park. Then how the wolf chased Timothy through the woods, caught him, and began their love affair. The words tumbled out of his mouth like a dam had been broken, and he couldn't hold them back any longer. The weeks he'd spent sneaking around with Gunner behind everyone's back. How they fooled around and finally what just recently happened between him and Christian. He stared at his hands and feet the whole time. While he could tell them the truth, he couldn't bear the look of disappointment and shame in his pack's eyes- the look he knew they gave him.

  "Is that all?" Holden asked after a long silence.

  "Not quite. Tell them the rest," Alex said in a gruff voice.

  Timothy shuddered at the thought, but he didn't have a choice. "They want to claim me- both of them."

  "Both?" Danny said. "Why do you need two mates?"

  Holden didn't address Danny's reaction. Instead, he growled and walked toward the front door.

  "Where are you going?" Jake called and followed his lover as he stormed away.

  "Out. It seems like I have two strangers to deal with on my own," he said and glared daggers at his mate. Timothy would have buckled under such a gaze, but Jake stood up under it well enough.

  "Or you could come to bed," the former lone wolf barked. "I'm alpha of this pack too, and I don't think we should do anything about those strangers. Damn your fucking pack law!"

  The two alphas seemed to stare at each other for an eternity, and Timothy didn't know what to do. It wasn't his place to butt into a fight like this even if he'd caused it. On the other hand, he couldn’t just sit still and let them argue like this, could he?

  Before he came up with a plan of action a loud bang sounded at the front door. Timothy jumped and caught the familiar scent of his lovers. No. They'd come out there? Why? This was all going very, very wrong!

  Holden sniffed the air and grimaced. "Looks like I don't have to find them. They found us."

  Jake growled, although Timothy didn't know if it was directed at Holden or the wolves waiting outside.

  The alpha moved to answer it and the omega jumped to his feet, surprising himself. "No!" he yelled and ran, positioning himself between the door and Holden. "Don't hurt them!"

  All four pack members stared at him. He'd never spoken up like that before- never made a fuss out of anything- but now he didn't have a choice. If he stood by and let them all act on their own he'd lose Gunner and Christian for good. And now he knew he couldn't have that, he really couldn't.

  "Step aside, omega," Holden said and stocked toward him with a dangerous glint in his blue eyes.

  Timothy wanted to buckle and turn away- hide his room until everything was over. But instead he stared back at Holden, the look in the man's eyes angrier than anything he'd ever seen. "No," he whispered. "I won't."

  Another bang. He felt the vibrations of the fist through the door and frowned at his lover's insistence. They'd come for him. Yes. And that made his heart lighter, but it also made this whole situation worse. How was he supposed to hold off a fight between Holden and the Eurasian wolves? He was just a little, pathetic omega- not worth anything.

  "You would choose them over your own pack?" Holden growled.

  Timothy shook his head. “I never said that! But they're not hurting anyone so you should let them stay."

  Jake approached Holden from behind and put a strong hand on the man's shoulder, squeezing it under his long fingers. "They're his mates. You should know what that's like."

  "But they're in our territory!" Alex shouted and slammed his fist into the wall.

  Holden shrugged
off his lovers grip and ran his fingers through his hair. "We have pack rules for a reason, and I can’t just go around breaking them on someone else's word," he said and shoved Timothy out of the way.

  The little omega fell to the side, scrambling to his feet as quickly as he could.

  "Holden!" Jake yelled, but the other alpha took no notice and pulled open the front door.

  Timothy’s heart dropped as he took in Gunner and Christian- both in their human forms- their eyes glowing in the darkness of the autumn night. A chilly breeze blew in, and they both growled at Holden.

  "We want the omega," Gunner said.

  The alpha looked the Eurasian wolves over, and Timothy wondered what he was thinking. His weathered face, handsome at the worst of times, gave away nothing at that moment. "What do you want with him?" he asked.

  "We’re claiming him," Christian said, and Gunner nodded.

  The little wolf bit his lip and felt a pickling behind his eyes. No. He hadn't cried since he was a child, and he wasn't about to start at a time like this.

  "But he's my pack's omega," Holden growled. "If you want to claim him you have to join my pack or steal him away from it."

  The brothers looked at each other, and Timothy's heart jumped into his throat. Would Holden really let them join the pack? If so, all his problems were solved. But what if they chose the other option?

  "In Europe our packs are only family members and their mates," Gunner said, his voice low and dangerous.

  "Well, we are bit more accepting in America. The choice is yours, but you better make it fast or get off our territory," the alpha wolf barked.

  The omega stared at them from the doorway, hoping they'd make a decision he could live with, but both brothers looked at him.

  "What do you want us to do, little one?" Gunner asked and the corner of his mouth turned up into an almost smile.

  Timothy took in the ruggedly handsome jaw of his lover, the slight crook in his nose and the messy golden blonde hair that brushed the edge of his jacket. He knew what he wanted, but would they like it? "It’s your choice to make."


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