Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 32

by Zoe Perdita

  Dmitri, whose reddish hair is just as messy as mine at the moment, has a huge bite mark on his shoulder and three deep gashes in his perfectly muscled chest. Yuri and Alexei, the two oldest, both have smaller cuts and bruises on their equally shirtless forms.

  "What the hell happened to you guys?" I ask, although I'm afraid I already know the answer. A fact that's been staring me in the face for years, but I just never wanted to accept it.

  Yuri scowls at me and pushes his long black hair off of his pale lanky shoulders. He looks almost exactly like Nikolai, only slightly taller and slightly older, and his eyes are brighter blue than Nikolai's own deep cobalt. "We were protecting you, Sammy, like I said we would."

  All four brothers look at me. Dmitri tries to give me one of his wolfish grins, but it falls flat. Pasha's smile is equally pained, and Alexei and Yuri don't even try. "But the only thing attacking that wolf last night were other wolves," I say, unable to believe what's right in front of my face. Well, almost in front of my face. It's not like they're wolves right now.

  Yuri nods grimly. "Yes, we were out there last night, but even four of us couldn't defeat him."

  I look at each brother in turn. Yuri and his serious but beautiful face. Alexei's messy dirty blond hair, strong jaw and slightly crooked nose. Dmitri's stocky build and sharp green eyes. And finally, Pasha and his pale, almost white, blond hair and his wiry, small form – at least an inch or two shorter then me and his other brothers.

  "You're werewolves?" Just saying the words out loud makes me feel like an idiot. But what else am I supposed to ask?

  All four brothers nod in unison, and I pull out a kitchen chair and slump into it, like my body no longer has the ability to stand. The last time I felt like this was when I got the news about my parents and their accident- that they were both dead and I was alone in the world. But this news isn't quite as horrific, only strange- unbelievable- werewolves? How can such a thing exist while normal people know nothing about it?

  "I'm sorry," I mumble and stare at my hands. I know this is somehow my fault. If I'm wolf’s bait, and I attract the unwanted attention of werewolves, than that thing is chasing me. And they got hurt because they're trying to protect me, for whatever reason. That also explains their lusty advances, why all five brothers can't seem to keep their pants on in my presence. They can't resist me either. Shit. But why can't I resist them?

  Dmitri rubs my back. "It's not your fault, Sammy," he says and slides a plate across the table. "Eat up. Yuri cooked enough for everyone."

  Glumly, I fill my plate with food and start to eat, without really tasting it. A few minutes later Nikolai comes downstairs and slumps at the table next to me. They have a short conversation in Russian, but I don't bother asking what they're talking about. It might be me. It might be the white wolf. Who knows? We eat the rest of the meal in silence, and I gather up the plates and take them to the sink when we are done. Looking at the pile, I wonder who does dishes at their house if they eat like this for every meal.

  None of them bother to help, but I can't really blame them. They're trying to save my life, after all. Washing the dishes is the least I can do.

  Drying my hands on a dishtowel, I turn to find five sets of eyes on me. "So, what now?" I ask as my cheeks heat up and the prickling excitement of their flesh pressed against mine tingles over my body. God, I can't believe I fooled around with three of them already- four if I count that make-out session with Dmitri when we were eighteen. Poor Pasha is the only one I haven't so much as kissed. Dammit. I shouldn't be thinking about that at a time like this. I'm acting like a horny schoolboy for God sakes when there's a crazy werewolf out there that wants to kill.

  "You stay with us," Yuri says with his slight Russian accent.

  This again? But I can't really argue now that I know the truth- now that I know the real danger out there and how they plan to protect me from it. "Fine. But I still need to spend the days over here. I'm supposed to sort through my parents things and get the house ready for sale," I say, although it doesn't seem as important as it did when I first arrived.

  "Are you moving once it sells?" Alexei asks and crosses his finely muscled arms over his smooth chest. I remember that chest pressing against my body just the night before, his hands groping me with needy desire- a lust I only felt in the touch of his other brothers. I frown and try to wipe the thought from my mind. I don't need a hard-on right now!

  "After I figure out what I'm going to do," I say. "My parents are gone so I don't really have anything left here."

  Dmitri slams his hand into the counter with a loud bang. Then, without a word, he storms out of the room and out of the house, slamming the front door behind him. Pasha bites his pouty bottom lip and looks at his feet while Yuri, Alexei, and Nikolai all glare at me dangerously.

  "What?" I say. What the hell did I do to piss him off so much- to piss them all off so much?

  "Did I say you could leave, Sammy?" Yuri growls, and the hair stands up on the back of my neck.

  For a moment, it feels like my heart stands still in my chest. A sweat breaks out on my back and brow even though the windows let in a warm breeze. It could be caused from the heat or the prickling glare Yuri gives me. "Right. I forgot I belong to you since you're going to protect me from that animal," I say and cross my arms.

  In a few short steps Yuri looms over me and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at his gorgeous face. "Don't you want our protection? Or should we leave you to the white wolf?" he barks.

  A jolt of excitement travels through my flesh, my veins, as his slender fingers roughly grip my chin. I open my mouth to speak, but the words don't come out. "What does he want with me?" I ask, even though I know I'm avoiding his question.

  "We could leave you to find out," he says, but Pasha touches his hand.

  Yuri grumbles and yanks his fingers away from my face as if I burned him. "Pasha and Alexei will stay with you today," he says and storms out in almost the same fashion as Dmitri.

  "You should be more grateful for what we're doing, wolf’s bait," Nikolai says and follows his older brother out of the door.

  My cheeks scorch out of shame and embarrassment, but I don't know how to make it right. How do I know they don't want me for the same thing that white wolf does? Maybe I'm just some sex toy to them- they've always known what I am, and they can't resist me. Have we ever really been friends or was it my scent enticing them, drawing them near, making them want me? It's like ever since I moved here my life has been a lie, a façade, my best friends nothing but impostors seeking me out for something I can't control. Suddenly, tears prick at the corner of my eyes, and I set my jaw to hold them back. I've already cried enough for my parents; I'm not about to start crying for myself and my own stupid problems.

  Pasha and Alexei don't say a word, they just watch me as I walk out of the room and follow me up the stairs.

  "Do I need protection in the shower?" I ask and grab a towel before I head to the bathroom.

  The brothers look at each other, and Pasha follows me inside. I guess siblings can have telepathic conversations. I wouldn't know. Frowning, I pull off my boxers and turn on the water, stepping under the hot stream. At least the shower curtain is opaque- but I guess that doesn't really matter- not anymore. Who needs privacy when a giant white wolf wants to kill you or fuck you or something? Not me!

  The water works to clear my head, at least a little bit. By the time I step out of the shower I feel more like an idiot than I do truly angry. But I still don't understand Dmitri's sudden outburst. It's a pain in the ass for them to protect me, isn't it? It'll be better off for all of them if I was gone.

  As I grab my towel and dry off, Pasha stares at me, his clear ice blue eyes taking in the angles of my fit body and my smooth clean flesh. His look excites the familiar arousal across my skin and in my veins, the scorching heat of desire engorging my cock. Great. Now just a look can give me a boner?

  He pushes his pale blond hair from his forehead; his skin is almost as fair a
nd makes him look like an angel. The soft line of his jaw and the stubborn set of his chin is almost too pretty, at least prettier than Yuri and Nikolai.

  "Is it broken?" I ask him and point at his arm. "If it is you should probably go to the doctor."

  "It’s healing," he says and smiles shyly. "Wolves heal faster than humans. I'll be fine, Sammy."

  I nod and clear my throat, trying to think about anything to get my hard-on to go down. Baseball? My seventh grade math teacher? God dammit! It’s almost impossible standing in such close quarters with him. I sigh and look at Pasha. "I know I'm wolf’s bait but why do I feel attracted to you guys like this."

  "How attracted to us do you feel?" he asks and stares at me with wide innocent eyes. He got the same look when he was a kid and wanted something particularly badly. Shit. And I'm going to fall for it.

  "Like this,” I say and motion at my stiff dick. “ Does it bother you guys? I mean, you're brothers yet you all want to fuck me because I'm wolf’s bait, right? And you can't help wanting me. Is that why I feel the same way?" God! Why can't I formulate a proper question?

  Pasha bites his bottom lip and shakes his head. "Sorry, but I don't know. We've never met someone like you before. I guess there aren't many humans with your power left."

  "Power? The power to get crazy wolves to try to kill me? Feels more like a curse!"

  He frowns and narrows his eyes. Great. I said something stupid again. Go Sam. "Is that really how you feel? It's a curse for us to surround you?"

  "No. But it is a curse when I can't seem to control myself around any of you!"

  He growls low and in his chest- a sound I thought I'd never hear from the youngest Lowell brother. "Then maybe it's a curse for us too," he says and pushes me against the bathroom counter. His eyes burn with little dots of flame and his good arm grips my bicep, fingers searing the flesh with want.

  I never thought about Pasha like this before. He was always the little one, the youngest brother. But ever since I came back my body doesn't seem to mind as long as a Lowell brother is around. My heart slams in my chest and the heat of his body radiates and mingles with mine.

  His lips are so close I can feel his breath on my mouth, and my body trembles at his proximity. Without a word he kisses me- lightly and with a gentleness his older brothers don't possess. The hand on my bicep travels up to the back of my neck, and he stands on his tiptoes and presses his chest into mine. Slowly, his tongue probes inside my mouth, and I open up and let it in. Dropping my towel, I wrap my arms around his back, rubbing the smooth skin and recent scratches, trying to be gentle with his bruises.

  The rough fabric of his jeans grinds against the sensitive flesh on my member, and I gasp at the contact, rubbing harder. Wanting more. His lips smile on mine, and he pulls back and studies my face, lifting a hand to my unshaven cheek and rubbing the stubble with his slender fingers.

  I'm so fucking horny I feel like I'm going to explode. But I let him take his time; I let him be slow and gentle. Leaning forward, his lips brush the marks left by Alexei and Nikolai- the nips and bruises that scatter my neck and chest- evidence of the night before. His tongue flicks over my nipples, just barely wetting the surface of my clean body and exciting it with each tickle of moisture. How could I go from being annoyed to being turned on such a short amount of time? Fuck. Doesn't matter.

  Reaching down, I undo his pants and pull out his already hardened cock. He moans as my fingers caress the sensitive head and trail over the thick shaft. I grab his length in my fist and pump slowly, rubbing my finger over the tip in gentle circles. Smiling, he does the same to me, and we press the tips of our aching pricks against each other as we jerk them off. His hand, smaller than mine with longer fingers and calluses, feels gruffer and different than what I’m used to.

  Unable to stand it, I lean forward and kiss his neck, jerking his cock faster. With my other hand I reach around and grab his ass, running my finger over his tight rosebud entrance and his sensitive taint. Each tickle makes his body tremble under my touch in a satisfying way. It's always me receiving pleasure- it's nice to dish some out now and again.

  His lips scorch my neck, inviting me, and he pumps faster, the tips of our dicks circling each other in a mad race to the finish line. I don't care that I just took shower, I want his hot come all over my body. The familiar tingle builds in my balls. The pressure mounting to unbearable levels and my groin aches for release. Leaning up, he kisses me and we come at the same time. I melt into his lips and keep pumping his cock until it’s slack in my hand. The hot release stains my stomach and pubes, and I smile against his lips. Shit. I'm becoming some kind of a sex addict.

  He leans his forehead against mine as we struggle to catch our breath, and a loud bang sounds at the bathroom door. "You guys finished fucking around in there?" Alexei asks and my cheeks flush.

  Pasha wipes my come off his stomach, and I get back into the shower to clean off.

  As I reach for the door, the younger man grabs my arm. “You’re more to us than just wolf’s bait.”

  I nod and force myself to smile. Maybe that’s true for Pasha, but I’m not sure about the rest of his brothers.

  Alexei stares at us as we step out of the bathroom, and I head to my room to get dressed. I can't believe I fooled around with all five Lowell brothers. This is seriously fucked up. But I guess we can't help it with my power and all.

  We spend the rest of the day doing mundane chores around the house. Fixing broken shutters, repairing that leaky pipe, and cleaning up six months worth of dust. It’d be a lot easier if I was alone instead of having two gorgeous Russian wolves to distract me. But at least they're not coming on to me at the moment. Well, maybe I should want them to come onto me. Shit. I don't really know anymore. It'd make this whole thing hell of a lot easier if they wouldn't. I could leave and not feel like I'm abandoning something – but what would I be abandoning? Wolves who are attracted to wolf’s bait? Am I supposed to spend my whole life here under Yuri's oppressive protection? Or go out to the world and maybe get killed by some other werewolf who can't keep his hands off me?

  Come evening, Alexei and Pasha usher me next door. Guess I'm going to have to face the other three brothers, and a knot of annoyance forms in my stomach at the thought. What am I supposed to say to them? I'm not even sure if we're friends or if this is all for their own selfish gain. Protect the wolf’s bait so we can fuck him. Sounds like a great idea to me!

  The house smells like cooked meat and potatoes when we step in the front door and all the windows are open to let in a cross breeze of the hot summer air. Too bad these old farmhouses aren't fitted for modern air conditioning. Sweat drips down my back under my T-shirt and a scratch at the scar on my side. I bite back a comment about their healthy meal. I guess all the meat and potatoes make sense now that I know what they really are.

  We've known each other for years and they never told me? Never even hinted at their true nature? I would've believed it when we were kids- when I was ten and first met the Lowell brothers. But after all this time their omission feels purposeful, hurtful almost. Is that why I'm annoyed? Is that why no matter how much my body aches for their embrace my mind still want to flee? To run away and escape their seduction? Or maybe I'm just a stubborn asshole.

  Dmitri sets the table, a gloomy look on his usually cheerful face. Shit. I really don't know what to say to him since he's the one who got so pissed to begin with. I'm sorry doesn't seem to cut it, plus I don't even know what I'm sorry for.

  I slump in a chair and the five brothers join me around the table. Once again the conversation is strictly in Russian, but this time it's more heated than it was this morning. Great. Arguing about me again? Did they decide to toss me out to that white wolf and leave me to my own devices? A pang of guilt suddenly rises in my chest and I frown, but there's really nothing I can do about it. It's not that I'm ungrateful, I just don't understand. This whole new world just opened up to me and it's weird and kind of scary. If Yuri would be a little mor
e forthcoming- hell if all of them would be more forthcoming maybe this would be easier to accept.

  Just as I'm finishing my dinner, Dmitri stands up suddenly. "He's not even going to stay," he shouts at Yuri across the table. "What's the point of claiming him if he doesn't want it?"

  The oldest brother growls, his black hair dangling over his pale chest. "And whose fault is all of this, little brother. Who started this whole mess?"

  Dmitri grumbles and the other three brothers glance at each other- a look that tells me this is an old argument.

  "You were trying to claim him that night without his consent as well. Or did you ask kindly and he accepted?" Yuri says, his hands gripping the wooden table so tightly his knuckles are bright white.

  Dmitri curses in Russian and kicks his chair backwards. I jump- I've never seen him so angry and we were friends for years before I left. "I had to do something because you were going to let him leave."

  A satisfied smirk settles on Yuri's full lips. "Claiming him would have made him stay? He's no wolf- he doesn't follow our rules."

  Dmitri glares daggers at his brother, and I frown at both of them- at all of them. "Okay. What the fuck are you guys talking about? If you're going to argue in English you better tell me what's going on!"

  Pushing his rusty red hair out of his eyes, Dmitri turns on me and sneers. "It doesn't matter, Sammy. You want to leave anyway."

  The words are meant to cut, and they do. I look into his eyes- the same color as a forest after the rain- and sigh. "What else am I supposed to do? Stay with a pack of wolves that wants to protect me because I'm wolf’s bait? I don't have a job here. My parents are dead. And now you guys are arguing about I don't even know what. Why do you want me to stay? Because of my weird power? Because I'm super fuckable or whatever? No thanks!"


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