Taunt Her

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Taunt Her Page 15

by Caitlyn Dare

  We walk the short distance to the house in silence. He says he’s not bothered about them knowing, but with every step we take his walls inch down until my Ace is gone.

  “Uh oh, the princess and her frog are in trouble,” Conner teases as we walk into the kitchen.

  “Fuck off,” Ace grunts, releasing my hand and going to the refrigerator.

  “My mom,” I say, “is she—“

  “Right here,” she frowns. “You have some explaining to do, young lady.”

  James strides into the room, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Conner, you can leave. This doesn’t concern you for now.”

  “Damn, I had my popcorn ready and everything.”

  I scowl in his direction and he grins, mouthing, ‘good luck,’ before ducking around his uncle.

  Ace leans back against the counter, a bottle of juice in his hand. He takes a long swallow, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  “Nothing comes to mind,” he replies coolly.

  “I told you explicitly to stay away from Remi—“

  “You did?” I gasp, feeling betrayal coil around my heart. Ace never said a word.

  “What I think James is trying to say, sweetheart, is that we’re concerned about your new... friendship.”

  “We’ve been hanging out, so? It’s not a crime.”

  “And this weekend,” James adds. “Did you stay over in the pool house?”

  “I’m almost eighteen—“

  “Not the point, Remi.” Mom frowns. “We’re worried about you. Cutting class, stopping out all night and lying to me. It isn’t like you, baby.”

  “You told me to make new friends and to live a little.” It’s a futile argument, but I feel like I need to defend what Ace and I share.

  Because god only knows, he’s making zero effort to do it.

  “It’s one thing to sabotage your shot at something good,” James levels his nephew with a hard look, “but to drag Remi down to your level is inexcusable.”

  “Because of course it’s me corrupting the good little princess, right?” He stands straight, animosity rolling off him in waves. “She couldn’t possibly want to hang out with me, could she?”

  “Ace, that’s not what we’re saying.” Mom’s voice softens. “But Remi needs to focus on school. She needs to make some serious decisions about her future.”

  “I’ve already told you, I won’t take his money. If I don’t get offered a scholarship, I’m done.”

  “Remi,” she gasps, touching the side of her face. “You don’t mean that.” Her eyes flick between me and Ace as if she knows he’s to blame for the change in me.

  And maybe he is.

  But it isn’t that simple.

  Ace hasn’t changed me—he’s just unlocked something inside me.

  Something I’ve spent a long time trying to hide.

  “Sarah, you should take Remi home. I need to speak to my nephew alone.”

  “I won’t stop seeing him,” I blurt out, because it feels like we’re already hurtling toward the end of whatever this is, and I’m not ready for it to be over yet.

  “Yes, well, we’ll see about that.” James’ tone is scathing. “I refuse to let Ace taint your future, Remi.”

  I suck in a harsh breath, and Mom rushes to my side. “Come on, sweetheart. I’m sure James and Ace have lots to talk about.” She wraps her arm around me.

  Staring at Ace, I plead with him to look at me, but he’s fixed on his uncle.

  “I’ll speak to you later, okay?” My mom says to James as we pass him. She grabs his arm and leans on her tiptoes. “Don’t be too hard on him.”

  With one final glance at Ace, I let Mom lead me away, hoping I didn’t just land him in a whole heap of trouble.

  When we pull up to the house, Mom cuts the engine and turns to me. “Ready to talk about it?” I’d given her the silent treatment the entire ride home. “Remi, work with me here, please.”

  “What’s to say? You’ve both made up your minds.”

  “And just like that, you’re going to listen to your mother for once?” Her brow rises, and I press my lips together. “Hmm, thought not.”

  “So, I like him. Is it really that big a deal?”

  “James seems to think it is. He cares about you, sweetheart, and he knows those boys better than you or me.”

  “Does he?” I sneer. “Because something doesn’t add up, Mom.”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “He was so excited to bring them to the house, but it’s like they can’t stand each other. Ace talks about him like he’s to blame for something.”

  “Ace is angry at the world, baby.” She reaches over and squeezes my hand. “And he’s lashing out at the one parental figure he has left. James told me Ace harbors a lot of hatred toward him over what happened with his mom. But he tried to help. Unfortunately, Maria wouldn’t allow it.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” But I didn’t buy it. There was something else.

  There had to be.

  “Does it really bother you so much, the idea of me seeing him?”

  “Every parent wants the best for their child, Remi, and honestly, I’m not sure Ace is what you need. Bexley however—“

  “Are you kidding me right now? You just found out I like Ace and you’re going to sit here comparing him to Bexley?” I reach for the door handle. I need to get out of here.

  “Sweetheart, that’s not what I meant.”

  “You know, Mom, you of all people should know that good looks and a charming smile are only skin deep. It’s what on the inside that counts, and Bexley Danforth is nothing more than another devil in sheep’s clothing.”

  With that, I stumble out of the car and take off toward the beach.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Our stare holds as Sarah and Remi’s footsteps get quieter before the front door opens and closes, signaling that we’re alone. The vein in James’ neck pulsates to the point that I wonder if it’s about to burst. He waits another five seconds to compose his words before laying into me.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? I have given you everything you could possibly want or need and yet, you still fuck it up. You still go against the one thing I warned you about.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure you warned me about parties and drugs in the house. I ignored them too, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  His face turns beet red at my words. “That’s it. I forbid you from seeing her again,” he bellows.

  His eyebrows almost hit his hairline when I just start laughing. “You forbid me? Come off it, you jumped up prick. I’m a fucking adult, she’s almost eighteen. We can do what the fuck we like, and you can do fuck all about it.”

  He opens his mouth as if he wants to argue, but I don’t give him the chance. “I don’t need a father,” I grit out. “I’ve managed my entire life without one, and without you. It’s too little too late for you to act concerned about my welfare and my future.”

  “I’m not trying to replace him, Ace. I’m just trying to give you what you missed out on.”

  “Too fucking late. And replace him?” I sneer. “I can barely fucking remember him. He’s been gone almost all my life, but you’re fully aware of how long it’s been, aren’t you?” I narrow my eyes at him, willing him to say more, but all he does is straighten his back and smooth down his fucking tie.

  “You’re right,” he says, sounding much calmer all of a sudden. Funny what happens when you get close to exposing someone’s indiscretions.

  “I am?”

  “I’m just trying to make life easier for you. I know how hard you’ve had it.”

  “Yet you left us there in the middle of it. You could have made our lives easier years ago, but you didn’t so much as show your face after Dad died.”

  “You don’t think I tried?” he shouts, losing his cool once again.

  “Well, did you?”

  “That’s not the point.

  “Well, what is the fucking point then?” I roar. “Because as far as I see it, you’re suddenly trying to control my life, and trust me when I tell you that it’s the last thing I fucking want. I don’t want or need you in my life. I’m only putting up with my bullshit for them,” I point above my head to where I assume my brothers are. “They are what’s important. It’s not too late for them. Me, however, I know I’m a lost cause. And yes, I’m also aware that Remi is too good for me, but so fucking what. Don’t you think it’s about time I had something good in my life? Something that your money can’t suddenly buy?”

  He releases a breath and stares at the ceiling for a beat. “If you so much as hurt a hair on her head, I’m warning you, Ace...”

  “Why do you care? She’s not your fucking daughter. She’s only in your life because you’re fucking her mother.”

  “That’s enough.” His face is bright red now. “I care deeply for both of them, and I will do right by them both.”

  “And that doesn’t include me.”

  He raises an eyebrow, but I don’t hang around long enough to hear what he might have to say.

  I can’t leave it there, though. My anger won’t let me. Stopping when I get to the kitchen, I turn back to him. “Let’s get a few things straight. If it weren’t for them, then I wouldn’t be here. You’re a lying, deceitful cunt, and I want nothing to do with you, even less your guilt money. So from here on out, you stay out of my life and I’ll stay out of yours. I’ll move into the pool house so we don’t even need to see each other.” I walk away with his mouth hanging open in shock.

  I’m done with this conversation and the bullshit about him caring about us that keeps falling from his lips. If he cared, then he wouldn’t have left us. Hell, he wouldn’t have put us in that position in the first place. This is all about guilt, all of it, and I want nothing to do with it other than to hurt him just like he did us.

  He thinks he’s a pro at manipulation, but he’s clearly not met the master, because dear old Uncle James is about to get a taste of his own medicine.

  I storm up the stairs with such force that both Cole and Conner poke their heads out of their rooms.

  “Are you ever going to give him a break?” Conner asks. I get why they’re confused—they don’t know any of it, and like fuck am I going to tell them now so the truth can fester inside of them like it has me since I discovered it.

  “Un-fucking-likely. He’s a cunt.”

  “Really?” Conner asks, gesturing to the house around us.

  “His money means fuck all. He’s had it all these years and never done shit to help us before now.”

  “I’m sure there was a reason. He clearly cares enough to do all this. He didn’t have to.”

  “Whatever.” I turn my back on them both and continue to my room. “I’m moving into the pool house if you need me.”

  “You’re what? Why?”

  “Because I am. All right?”

  Conner holds his hands up in surrender. “Okay, fine. Do your thing. Hey, did you see that photo of Bexley that’s doing the rounds? That shit is funny as fuck. Any idea who did it?” Cole catches my eye over Conner’s shoulder. His sparkle with delight and accomplishment.

  “It’s the least he deserves.”

  “Agreed. He’s going to get the shit beaten out of him one day.”

  “Yeah, and hopefully it’ll be my fists teaching him a fucking lesson.”

  “How about you just focus on taking your tension out on your girl, save you getting kicked out of school before Thanksgiving, eh?”

  I grab the minimal amount of belongings I have and shove them all into a couple of bags. I avoid the kitchen on the way out to the back yard. The last face I want to look at is his.

  It takes me less than ten minutes to find places for everything before I fall down on the couch and stare at my new home.

  Why does it feel so cold and empty without her in it?

  Pulling my cell from my pocket, I shoot her a message. When I snuck back inside last night, her phone was lighting up like a fucking Christmas tree on the nightstand with news about Bexley’s little accident, so I seized the opportunity to take her number.

  Ace: You okay?

  The little dots start bouncing almost immediately, and a bolt of excitement races through me. Jesus, I need to go back to the Heights and re-grow my fucking balls.

  Remi: Mom thinks I should forget you and give Bexley the time of day instead. I walked away and am sitting on the beach.

  Ace: Shall I come to you?

  She waits a little longer to reply this time. It’s almost enough to have me putting my sneakers back on and heading her way.

  Remi: I’m okay. Just enjoying the peace before I go back. How did things go with James?

  Ace: As expected. I’ve moved into the pool house.

  Remi: How come?

  Ace: Because he can’t hear you screaming my name from out here.

  I can picture her cheeks heating as she reads my message. I don’t wait for her to reply this time.

  Ace: Can I see you tonight?

  Remi: I don’t think it’s a good idea.

  Fuck that.

  I’m not giving shit up because of her mom and my uncle.

  I wait until the sun has gone down before I set off. I don’t take my bike, deciding the run will do me good. I haven’t found the time to work out as much since I got here, too consumed with thoughts of a certain brunette to really worry about it, but I need to do something to stay in shape.

  It takes me less than thirty minutes to get to her place, and, exactly as I hoped, all the lights are out. Silently, I make my way around to the backyard and look up.

  I can’t help but smile the second I see her window is once again cracked open. Was she expecting me? Surely it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’d show up. I’ve done it before, and if it means getting another taste of her then I’ll do it again.

  In seconds, I’m throwing my leg inside and dropping to my feet into her dark and silent room. I slip my sneakers off, quickly followed by my sweaty tank and make my way to her bed. She’s fast asleep, and with just the light from the moon shining in through the window, she looks like an angel.

  I allow myself a second to take her in before pulling the covers back gently. Her tank has risen up her stomach and is thin enough that I can make out the outlines of her nipples. Her tiny panties are just begging to be ruined.

  Dropping down on one knee, I straddle her petite body and press my hands down on the pillow, either side of her head. I breathe her in before brushing my lips over hers. Her entire body tenses beneath me. Her eyes fly open and she lets out a shriek. I move quickly, covering her mouth before she alerts Sarah to my presence.

  The fear in her eyes takes me back to what she started telling me about earlier, and the dread that was sitting heavy in my stomach as she confessed about her mom’s boyfriend returned. She said she’s a virgin… although there are plenty of other things…

  Shaking the thoughts from my head, I focus on her. “It’s okay,” I whisper. “It’s only me. I wanted to make sure you really were all right?”

  “So you sneaked in and scared me half to fucking death?”

  “Sorry, I thought it would be hot to wake you with my tongue.”

  “Yeah, if you think getting raped or murdered in your sleep is hot.”

  I wince. Neither of those were part of my plan. “Let me make it up to you.” I trail my fingertip from her neck and down to her already puckered nipple. She might be giving me all the sass, but her body is so on board with my surprise appearance.

  “I wouldn’t want to stop you.” She arches her back and fills my palm with her breast.

  “Can you be quiet?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Just how good do you think you are?”

  Without giving her an answer, I kiss down her body before ripping her panties away.

  “You need to stop doing that,” she whisper-shouts.

  “Why? I like it. A
nd I think you do too, if how wet you are is anything to go by.” I run my finger through her folds, and just like I expected, she’s soaked for me.

  “I’m going to run out. Mom will start asking questions if I suddenly need to buy all new panties.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I think they’re well aware of what I’m doing to you.”

  She groans. “Less talk, more action, Ace.”

  I’m not one to follow orders, but when she’s the one dishing them out and her pussy is right in front of my face, I’m powerless but to be a good boy and do as I’m told.

  Her moans fill the room as I lick at her until she ends up covering her face with her pillow.

  Yeah, baby. I’m just that good.

  “You can go back to sleep now. I got what I came for.”

  She reaches out, rubbing my length through my sweats. “I beg to differ. It seems you might need more.”

  “I didn’t come for me. I came for you. I can wait.” I can, it’s true. Although I don’t fucking want to.

  “Shut up.” Sitting up, she pulls me so I’m standing between her knees and shoves my sweats and boxers down my thighs.

  “Sure, you can play with that,” I say with a laugh.

  “Oh, I wasn’t aware that I needed permission to do… this,” she mumbles the last word around my tip, and it vibrates all the way up my spine.

  Shit. She’s good at this.

  It’s going to really fucking suck when all of this comes to an end and I’m left with the likes of Michaela and Lylah to get what I need.

  I hate to do it, but once she’s finished, I tuck her back into bed and kiss her goodnight. “I’ll see you tomorrow. You want a lift tomorrow with Cole and Conner?”

  “Why not with you?”


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