Whispers From the Dead

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Whispers From the Dead Page 11

by B. L. Brunnemer

  I smiled and shook my head at him.

  “I’ll go get them. Stay here.” Ethan headed towards the front of the museum.

  I turned back to the painting again. Trying to see it the way he had.

  The darkness around her eyes could be bags from not enough sleep. She could have just had her corset cinched and was sitting for a moment… I liked Ethan’s interpretation better than mine.

  I was deep in thought when someone stepped close to me. I instantly stepped to the side and moved into a better defensive position.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said. He was definitely a high school student. Dark blond hair and slate gray eyes smiled at me in a rather pleasant face.

  “It’s fine, you just kinda came out of nowhere,” I said.

  He winced. “I guess you’re right.” He met my eyes. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” I muttered before turning back to the painting. My shoulders growing tense. I didn’t like how close he was.

  “Are you dating Ethan Turner?” he asked.

  I shot him a look. “Why are you asking?” Who was this guy?

  He looked sheepish. “I just wanted to warn you about him. He’s a player.”

  I gaped at him for a full minute before I could say a word. “That is none of your business.”

  He looked away from me. “I know, I just wanted to warn you.” He gestured over his shoulder toward where Ethan had gone. “He’s dated a lot of girls, and not for very long.”

  I had enough. “First off. That’s one of my best friends you’re talking about. Second, I don’t know you, so why would I give a damn what you think?”

  “You okay, Beautiful?” Ethan’s strained voice had me turning. Ethan moved between me and blond boy.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him. Ethan met blond boy’s eyes.

  “Don’t you have something else to do, David?” Ethan asked pointedly before turning his back on the taller boy. He handed me one of the headsets. “Let’s go check out the rest of the museum.” His voice was still strained when he spoke to me. David must have really bothered him.

  I took his hand and tugged him with me further into the museum. David didn’t follow. For the rest of the visit Ethan was quiet. I missed my usual Snoopy.

  * * *

  We were having lunch in one of the city parks. Everyone from the field trip was scattered in groups here and there with their brown bagged lunches. Ethan and I sat off to the side in the shade of a pine tree.

  I was sitting next to Ethan, in the middle of eating my sandwich when I decided to ask him, “Ethan, who was that guy in the museum?”

  Ethan finished chewing before he answered, “That was David Harris.” He looked out over the lawn. “I dated his sister Olivia for a couple weeks during the summer.”

  “Wow, and he’s still pissy about it?” I asked as I opened my carrot sticks.

  Ethan put his half-eaten sandwich down. “It didn’t end well.”

  I bumped my shoulder into his. He lifted his head to meet my eyes. “What happened?”

  He sighed as he began twirling the silver rings on his fingers. “She wasn’t the most stable person.” He looked out at the large lawn.

  “What do you mean by stable?” I asked, before taking a bite of carrot.

  “Things got strange right off,” he said dryly. “She started talking about conversations we’d never had. Movies we’d never seen. She even said I climbed in her bedroom window to sleep with her.” He met my eyes. “I never slept with her and I still don’t even know where she lives.” My eyebrows went up. Wow. He continued, “She got weirder as time went on, so, I broke it off.”

  “Damn,” I said surprised. “So, why is big brother still pissy about it?”

  Ethan sighed as he looked down at his lunch. “She started hurting herself. Using lighters to burn her hair. Her parents found out and got her help. They eventually figured out what was wrong. She ended up going to a hospital for some kind of treatment. Now, they medicate her and home school her to control her schedule and keep her level.”

  “And he blames you?” I couldn’t believe that.

  He shrugged. “I don’t exactly have the best record with girls.”

  “Yeah, but she was mentally ill. Him blaming you for that is majorly fucked up,” I snapped. I began looking through the crowd to find David.

  Ethan turned and grinned at me. “Thanks, Lexie.”

  “For what?” I asked absently, still looking.

  “For wanting to find him and tell him off,” he said casually. Busted, I stopped looking to turn back to him.

  “I… wouldn’t do that,” I said innocently.

  He chuckled. “You would and you know it.”

  “Well, no one messes with my friends,” I mumbled as I went back to eating my lunch, my face warmed under his gaze. He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a squeeze.

  “Everyone pack up, it’s time to get on the road!” Mrs. Archer announced as she fluttered around the lawn. We both got to our feet and tossed our lunches before climbing into the bus.

  I sat on the inside this time. We went back to talking about music as we headed back to Spring Mountain.

  Chapter 8

  Monday Afternoon

  I woke up surrounded by spicy cologne. A heartbeat was under my ear when I realized there was a weight across my chest, holding me. Something breathing was buried in my hair.

  I opened my eyes slowly to find my knees against the side of the bus. I was somehow laying across Ethan’s lap and against his chest at the same time. I tried to move and found I couldn’t.

  “Ethan,” I mumbled. Whatever was in my hair disappeared.

  “Yeah?” he said, his voice sleepy.

  “How’d I get here?” I asked rubbing my cheek against his shirt.

  “You fell asleep and almost climbed in my lap to get a snuggle,” he told me, waking up a bit more. Yeah, that sounded like me.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said, rubbing my eyes.

  “I like snuggling you, Beautiful,” he reminded me. I smiled as he let go of me so I could sit up. We were back in town and pulling into the school parking lot.

  “Well, you’re very easy to snuggle,” I countered. He snorted. I stretched as we stopped.

  Everyone grabbed their bags and started to get off the bus. Several girls shot us curious looks as they walked by. I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

  We got off the bus last then began walking across the parking lot to our cars.

  “I’ll see you over at Miles’,” Ethan said.

  “I’m heading over after I pick up Hades,” I told him.

  Instead of going to the gym today Miles thought it would be better to workout at his house. But first, I needed to get Hades.

  I climbed into the Blazer then headed home. I wasn’t looking forward to today’s lesson.

  Isaac was going to teach me grappling today and Miles thought privacy would be better. I didn’t disagree with him.

  After picking up Hades, I drove over to Miles’ house and walked inside.

  “I’m here!” I shouted as I let Hades off his leash.

  “Family room!” voices shouted back. Moving into the long hall I ran into Isaac.

  “Did you bring your gym bag?” Isaac asked. My pulse picked up.

  “I have some clothes here,” I said quietly. “I’ll go change.” I walked down the hall and into my bedroom.

  I took my time getting ready, braided my hair twice and triple checked my shoes. I was stalling and I knew it.

  I took a deep breath and left my room then headed down to the basement with Hades at my side.

  Everyone was waiting outside the weight room. Most of them had changed into their gym clothes. But not Zeke.

  “Are you not coming in?” I asked. He shook his head, his face like stone. I looked to the others who took the hint and headed into the weight room. I waited until the door was closed before looking up to meet his eyes. “Why?”

  He clenched and uncle
nched his jaw. “Do you really think it’s a good idea for me to be in there when one of them is pinning you and acting like they’re choking you?” he growled softly, his voice thick. I reached out and took his hand in mine.

  “Good point,” I said quietly. Isaac was planning on teaching me how to get out of the holds Clay Ordin had used on me. It really wasn’t a good idea to have Zeke in there. He squeezed my hand, making me look up to meet his eyes again.

  “You’re probably going to have a flashback, or at the very least flashes of the cabin,” he reminded me. “Take breaks and take your time.” His eyes began to glow. “But if it gets to be too much, you stop.” I nodded but that wasn’t enough for him. “You hear me?”

  “I hear ya,” I whispered. He took a deep breath, gave my hand a final squeeze then let go.

  “I’ll be out here with Hades when you’re done,” he muttered as he walked by me. I took a deep breath and headed for the weight room door.

  I looked over my shoulder. Zeke was there, sitting on the stairs. His elbows braced on his legs, petting Hades as he watched me. I had the urge to walk over and hug him. I reined it in and just gave him a small smile before going inside.

  The room was filled with tension as I closed the door behind me. I moved to the corner with the mat where the others were waiting. I clapped my hands loudly.

  “So, let's get to it,” I said cheerfully. The guys gave nervous laughs. I walked onto the mat. “Okay, who’s choking me?” I smiled at them.

  “I thought we’d start with Asher, he’s bigger than you. But not Ordin’s size.” Miles suggested. I nodded, licked my lips nervously and swung my arms.

  Asher stepped onto the mat and moved around me.

  “Isaac is going to give you instructions, Ally,” Asher said before touching my shoulder. I nodded. “Okay, I’m going to grab you,” he warned. Asher’s arms moved around me and put me in a choke hold gently. Immediately my pulse picked up, my stomach lurched. Sweat rolled down my spine as I took a deep shaking breath. Asher dropped his arms from me instantly and touched my arms.

  “Ally, breathe,” Asher told me as he stepped around me. “I don’t think I’m going to work.”

  Miles nodded.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. “Sorry, Ash.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about, Ally girl,” Asher reassured me. “We’ll just try someone else. The technique will transfer, we just wanted you to have practice with someone a lot bigger than you.”

  “Isaac?” Miles suggested. “With you giving instructions from behind her it might work better.”

  Isaac nodded, his eyes running over me. He came onto the mat and walked around me.

  “Okay, Red,” he began. “I’m going to put you in a choke hold, but not really.” Isaac’s voice was soothing as he stepped up behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  When I was ready, I nodded. Isaac slowly moved his arms around me, placing his forearm against my throat. I took a deep breath, his lime scent calmed my racing heart. This was Isaac, he’d never hurt me. I focused on what he was saying.

  “Now Lexie, the first thing you need to do is breathe. You’re going to grab my forearm, pull it down as you bend forward and turn a little into me.” I reached up and pulled on his forearm, bending over and turned into his body. “Good, that’ll give you air. Now, you’re going to go ape shit.” My nerves started to ease. “You’re going to stomp my foot, hit the groin, elbow to the gut, just wail on me.”

  I pretended to stomp on his foot, hit his groin and gently tapped his stomach with my elbow.

  “Now that I’m hurting, you’re going to grab my forearm at your neck with both hands and move under my arm and back, twisting my arm as you slip my grip.”

  I did as he said. In the end, Isaac was bent over and I held him in an armlock.

  “In this position, you can break my arm but I’d rather you kick the attacker, then push him away and run.”

  I did as he said. When I reached the other side of the mat I wasn’t as shaky as before. This actually helped. I could get out of a choke hold now.

  Isaac stood up and eyed me.

  “How are you feeling?” Miles asked.

  “Better. Less jumpy,” I admitted, my voice going raspy. I walked over to the side of the mat and took a drink of my water bottle.

  “Good, then let’s stay with Isaac,” Miles decided. No one argued. “If you’re feeling alright, I’d like to get it into your muscle memory.” I nodded and went to stand in front of Isaac again.

  For over half an hour, Isaac worked slowly with me to make sure I got it down without triggering me.

  When it was time for our next exercise, Miles sent Ethan and Asher a look. The two left the weight room without a word.

  “Red, how are you feeling?” Isaac asked. I took stock. I actually felt better than I had at the beginning of the lesson.

  “Good actually,” I told them. Miles came to join us on the mat.

  “Lexie, do you remember what position you were in when we broke into the cabin?” Miles asked gently, in his silky-smooth timbre. I thought about it, ran through my memories then shook my head.

  “I remember the groin hit then trying to curl up but I couldn’t. I remember how heavy he was. Then just…” I didn’t have to finish.

  “He was in an extremely dominant position.” Isaac took a breath then told me. “He was between your legs with most of his weight on top of you while he had his hands around your neck.” I looked away and nodded. Yeah, that sounded right. Isaac continued. “So, in order to teach you how to get out of that, I’m going to need-”

  “To put me in that position,” I finished for him. He nodded. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could do this. It was Isaac. He’d pinned me before and I was okay. He’d make sure I knew it was him.

  “That’s why you sent the others out,” I guessed.

  Miles nodded. “I thought it would be easier without them watching.”

  I nodded as I bit the bottom corner of my lip. “Good call.”

  “So, when you’re ready, Lexie,” Isaac told me softly. I looked down at the mat and took several deep breaths.

  When I was ready, I went to the center of the mat and laid down. Isaac cursed under his breath as he moved to my feet and knelt down.

  “Lexie, we need you not to close your eyes and focus that this is Isaac,” Miles began. “Focus on where you are and what’s going on.”

  I took several deep breaths before I looked to Isaac. He was pale and looked vaguely like he was going to be sick. I sent him a reassuring smile.

  “Let’s do it,” I said in a funny voice trying to make him feel better. Isaac gave me a half smile.

  “Okay, we’re doing this one part at a time,” Isaac announced. “I’m going to scoot up until my knees are behind your calves.” He waited until I nodded. Isaac knee walked closer, then shifted my legs so he was practically pressed against me. He stayed leaning back on his legs. I had the insane urge to giggle. Isaac’s eyes met mine. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good.” I barely managed to keep the giggle out of my voice.

  “Alright, now, I’m going to put some of my weight on you. I’ll hold myself off you so we can judge how you’re doing.”

  I bit back a smile and nodded. I don’t know why I found this so funny. Isaac leaned over me, bracing his arms by my shoulders while slowly lowering his weight against my lower body.

  “What, no foreplay?” I asked, I couldn’t help it. Isaac snorted. Miles didn’t even crack a smile. “Oh, come on. That was funny!” Miles shook his head.

  I looked back up to Isaac, who was fighting a smile. “Lexie, now, I’m going to rest my hands on your shoulders on both sides of your neck. You’ll have my full weight then. I don’t want to put my hands on your neck until we’re going through the move.” I nodded.

  Isaac moved his hands like he said he would. His weight doubled, pressing me into the mat. I had a small
flash; the memory of being pressed into the floorboards washed through me. I took several deep breaths focusing on Isaac’s hair. That blue Cookie Monster hair. I bit back another giggle.

  “Lexie, how are you feeling?” Miles asked.

  “Like Isaac here owes me dinner and a movie,” I threw out. Miles sighed as Isaac started laughing and I snickered. When I calmed down, I answered. “I had a flash but he weighs a lot less and so… not so bad,” I explained in a surprised voice.

  Isaac smiled. “Good. Now, I’m going to put my hands on your throat. What you’re going to do is grab my wrists hard. Then bring your legs up over my shoulders, locking your ankles behind me. You want my head locked between your knees. This is going to put me in a hold. Okay?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Is this legit? Because now, I’m starting to question this whole move.”

  “Yes, it’s legitimate,” Miles assured me as Isaac chuckled. When Isaac was calm again, I nodded that I was ready.

  “One, two, three.” Isaac put his hands on my neck, fear and the urge to swing filled me but I kept my eyes open and focused on that blue hair. I wrapped my hands around his wrists with a hard grip, then raised my legs until they were over his shoulders with his head between my knees. I locked my ankles tight and squeezed his head with my knees. “Good. Now thrust your hips to keep me down.” I lifted my hips gently, noticing how he was forced down.

  “Now you’re in control,” Isaac said. Isaac shifted, moving me over the mat in different directions to prove he couldn’t get out. I focused on his voice.

  “Now, don’t do this hard. But you’d thrust your hips then you would yank my wrists to the sides as hard as you can. This can break my arms.” I barely tugged at his wrists. “Good, now my arms are probably broken, brace one foot on the floor and shift to your side under me.” I did as he said. “Now, brace your foot on my hip and shove me.” I followed his instructions and got him away from me. “Now, if you need to, kick your way free, get to your feet and run.”

  I made the motions he said, scrambled to my feet and moved off.

  I stood for a second with my back to them as I took deep breaths. Flashes of the cabin kept coming to me, but I kept my eyes open and focused on my breathing.


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