Whispers From the Dead

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Whispers From the Dead Page 17

by B. L. Brunnemer

  He swallowed hard. “Alex, Alex Osburn. I need to get home. My wife…”

  “Alex,” I said gently, “you’re dead.”

  His eyes filled. “No, no, I’m just lost.”

  My heart ached for him. “Look at your chest.”

  He looked at me as if I was insane before looking down at his chest. “Holy Mother!” His hands started shaking as he reached up to touch one of his ribs. That was kinda gross. Tears ran down his face as he looked at me again. “My wife… she’s pregnant. She needs me…”

  Judging by his clothes, he had been dead for a while. “What’s her name?”

  “Meredith,” he breathed as tears continued to fall. My eyes filled as well.

  “You can’t stay here. If you go to the cemetery in the morning, there are others waiting to cross over. They can explain everything. If you do that, I’ll find out about your wife.”

  “You promise?” he pleaded.

  “I promise.”

  He nodded, tears still falling as if he didn’t notice it. “Okay, the cemetery. The one on Walnut?”

  “Yeah, just follow the driveway to the highway and head back to town,” I said gently. He nodded again as he turned and walked through the chain link fence then along the fence towards the driveway.

  “He’s gone,” I called to Zeke as I wiped my face. “His wife was pregnant.”

  “Shit,” he bit out. I nodded, that just about covered it. We headed back towards the house. “You okay?”

  Was I okay? I shrugged. I was tired. Tired of the dead and their tragic stories. Tired of crossing them, tired of being the only way into the Veil. Tired of Tara’s bullshit. I ran my hand down my face.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied. Zeke had his own problems to deal with. He didn’t need mine. His calloused hand wrapped around the back of my neck, comforting me. Making a part of me relax. “I have to find out what happened to his wife and baby.” I shook my head. “I’m just hoping they are both alive and doing okay.”

  “I’m sure they are,” he said gently.

  I scoffed, “Sure, they are.” I could feel his worried gaze on me. “Because everyone gets a happy ending.” I took a deep breath, wiped my face and gave him a strained smile. “I’m fine, just a little tired of sad endings.”

  I opened the back door and was greeted by the dogs. They were calmer and back to their normal selves. I put a leash on Hades.

  “No, not everyone gets a happy ending,” Zeke admitted as he walked me to the door. I turned and met his eyes. “But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

  I gave him a small smile. “Well, if you’re going to bring logic into my pity party,” I countered. He chuckled, the sound making me give him a real smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Lexie,” he said as I headed toward the Blazer.

  I waved without turning around. “No problem, it’s what I do,” I said tiredly. Hades jumped in and I followed. Zeke had his worried face on as I turned to go down his driveway.

  My thoughts just got darker as I drove away. I had to find Osburn’s family. What if they were dead? What if the baby didn’t make it? I pushed those thoughts away as I tried to focus on driving. He had a baby on the way. It wasn’t fair that he never got to meet his kid. Out of all the fucked-up stories I’ve heard over the years, this one was up there in the top five.

  I was still grousing when I pulled up to the house. The sun had set while I was at Zeke’s.

  Rory’s truck wasn’t in the driveway. Neither was Tara’s car. I took deep breaths as my chest tightened. The shadows in the yard seemed to grow. Snow flashed through my mind. Then the arm around my throat. I was taking heavy breaths as tears fell.

  Come on, Lexie. You can do this. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel as I cried. I didn’t want to fight this time. I just wanted to be able to go inside without a problem for once… I took deep gasping breaths as my chest tightened, my heart raced. I needed help tonight. I couldn’t… I was tired… I pulled out my phone and called the first person I could think of. He answered.

  “I need you,” I said immediately, my voice thick with tears. “I can’t… I can’t make myself walk into the house alone. Please?”

  The line went dead. He hung up on me.

  I kept crying, not knowing if he was coming or not. I could do this…. But I was tired of pushing it today. I just wanted my bed, my dog and sleep.

  I was contemplating just staying in the car until someone got home when my door opened. Isaac’s eyes ran over me before he reached in and pulled me out of the Blazer. Hades hopped out after me. He took my hand and led me up to the house. He used his own key to open the door then switched on the light.

  I stepped inside, the pressure in my chest easing. I quickly turned off the alarm. When I turned to Isaac he was looking out the door.

  “I’m sorry. Thanks for coming.” I sniffed, feeling ridiculous. He met my eyes and nodded. Those amber eyes were haunted as he stepped closer, kissed my forehead, then walked out the door.

  He hadn’t said a word to me. My heart took a big kick. Damn it.

  Chapter 13

  Thursday Morning

  Shit! My alarm hadn’t gone off this morning so I had to skip the cemetery and rush to school. I hadn’t even had time to brush my teeth. I hurried into second period in the last ten minutes of class.

  Mrs. Hayes sent me a censoring look. I shrugged apologetically as I sat down. While everyone else talked our teacher came over to me.

  “Lexie, what happened?” she asked.

  “Power went out last night and my alarm didn’t go off,” I lied. The truth was I used my phone for an alarm and I had such a hard time sleeping last night that when I meant to hit snooze I turned it off.

  She sighed. “We’ve had a lot of issues with the power going out lately.” She pointed at me. “I’ll let you off this time, I suggest using your phone for an alarm.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said instantly. She gave me the assignment for the day then headed back to her desk. I leaned back and sighed. That was close. I pulled out my phone and used the group text.

  Alexis: I was majorly late today.

  It wasn’t long before I got an answer.

  Zeke: No shit.

  Asher: I’ll take you to Math. Miles, can you take her to Chemistry?

  Miles: Of course.

  Alexis: Thanks guys.

  The bell rang and I picked my bag back up then went to wait in the hall.

  Eric started down the hall then turned back.

  “I could walk you to class if you want,” he offered.

  I eyed him. That was new. “No thanks, Asher’s coming to get me.” He turned and walked away. Why wouldn’t he leave me alone? It was starting to get creepy. Then again, I was more sensitive to the creep factors lately.

  Asher stepped out of the crowd with a grin. “What happened this morning?”

  I pushed away from the wall and started walking with him towards my Math class. “Hit off instead of snooze on my alarm.”

  He chuckled as he shifted his bag around to his front and pulled out a couple pieces of gum. “Here.”

  I took them gratefully. “Is it that bad?” I teased. I popped them in my mouth and enjoyed the minty freshness.

  “No, but I know you,” he said with a grin. I shrugged. “Did you sleep alright?”

  No, but that wasn’t anything new. “The same as usual,” I muttered as I stepped around a couple in the hallway who seemed to think they owned the whole thing. We reached my classroom. “Thanks, Ash.”

  “No problem, Ally girl.” He waited until I was inside before taking off.

  I took my seat next to Laura and took a deep breath. Laura’s eyes ran over me. “Are you alright, Lexie?”

  “Yeah, just… too many balls in the air and I’m running out of hands.” I muttered as I pulled out my text book.

  “Sounds exhausting,” she said as she pulled out her own book. “Maybe you should let something drop?”

  I s
hrugged. “Maybe.” Class started while I thought about what she said. What could I drop? I couldn’t drop the dead, I couldn’t drop the Veil, I wouldn’t drop the guys, I couldn’t drop homework and school. All that was left was MMA training, rock climbing, and the job I wanted to get. But that was the only stuff I wanted to do, besides hanging out with the guys.

  I rubbed my eyes wearily. There was nothing I could drop. Maybe I shouldn’t try to get a job… I was stretching myself too far already, and I couldn’t stop.

  I decided to focus on class instead. One day at a time, that’s all I can do.

  * * *

  The class was half over when the overhead lights grew bright.

  “What in the world…” Mr. Hatter said. The lights went out, plunging the room into dim light. I stayed still as that chill ran down my throat like a hot poker. Shit. I slid my bracelets on quickly and tried to look like every other girl in the room. Only they couldn’t see the ghosts walking through the walls and into the room. I cursed under my breath as Mr. Hatter got on his cell to the office.

  The ghosts, led by Mr. Davis, started yelling. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The room started to get chilly. People started talking. Girls started pulling on their hoodies. I opened my eyes to meet Mr. Davis’. My will was a pressure in my chest that kept building. I mouthed ‘get out’ and let it fly. A silent blast of gold light shot out from me in a wave knocking every soul back through the wall. Every bulb in the ceiling shattered. Girls screamed. I sagged over my desk, taking deep breaths as my head exploded and stomach lurched.

  I closed my eyes, fighting to stay put. When my stomach cramps eased a little I realized my nose was bleeding. I reached into my pocket and cleaned up my face. I raised a trembling hand.

  Mr. Hatter spotted me. “Lexie?”

  “I’m not feeling so well, I think I need to hit the nurse’s office.” I managed as my stomach tried to decide if I would be sick or not.

  He eyed me. “Go ahead.” He turned to the rest of the class. “In fact, everyone, it’s a half day. A transformer blew, and it looks like the back-up generator is fried. School is out until Monday.”

  Everyone cheered. I just grabbed my bag then hurried out of class, still holding tissues to my nose.

  I didn’t go to the nurse’s office, I went to the girl’s bathroom and the first empty stall. I sat down with my back against the tile, hoping I wasn’t going to be sick. What the hell did I do in there? I’d never done that before, not out of the Veil at least. What the fuck was going on?

  The pain in my head increased, my stomach lurched. I moved to my knees just in time to be sick into the toilet. I dry heaved again and again. I had nothing in me to start with. When it finally stopped, I noticed my tissues were soaked. I dropped them into the toilet and grabbed more.

  The cold tile against my back helped. I sat there in misery.


  I hurried away from Lexie’s Math class and put my phone to my ear.

  “What?” Zeke answered.

  “I can’t find Lexie,” I said immediately. “Her teacher said she got a bloody nose and went to the nurse’s office.” I headed for the hallways.

  “Fuck.” Zeke snapped. “At least we know she’s not at the office.”

  I moved through the crowd quickly. “If she was at a two then she’d hit a bathroom.”

  “Shit, we need a girl,” he growled.

  “Get Tara,” I ordered.


  “Asher probably knows where she is. We’ll send her into the bathrooms to look for Lexie,” I explained, moving to the side of the hallway so I could stop. “Unless you want to wait until enough people clear out so we can go into the girls’ bathrooms?”

  “I’ll call Asher,” Zeke growled before hanging up. I looked down at my phone. Hurry.

  Something had happened here and I had a good idea that Lexie was at the center of it. What the hell was going on?


  Eventually, the door to the bathroom opened. Light footsteps echoed off the tile.

  “Lexie?” Tara’s voice echoed off the tile.

  “Here.” I croaked. Why was she looking for me?

  “She’s in here and it’s empty,” Tara called, the sound grating on my ears. Heavy footsteps moved over the tile.

  “Lexie?” Miles’ soothing voice eased my stomach a bit.

  I opened my eyes. “I’m fine, just…” What was I going to tell them?

  “Thank you, Tara, we can take care of her from here.” Miles announced.

  “Fine, don’t tell me what’s going on.” Tara bit out before walking out the door.

  I opened my eyes. Miles was kneeling beside me. Zeke was just outside the stall with Asher. All of their eyes were full of questions. Shit. “I’m okay…”

  “Did you use your kit?” Zeke demanded. Fuck…

  “I forgot,” I admitted. My barriers had been stronger than ever, I hadn’t had to use them for weeks. Miles began to dig into his bag then pulled out a kit.

  “What happened?” Asher asked. I sighed. What was I going to tell them?

  “Some ghosts showed up in class,” I said, my voice raspy. Where was my water bottle? Oh, I don’t care. “I made them leave and here I am.” There, that wasn’t a lie…

  “How?” Miles asked gently as he handed me two nausea tablets.

  “I… I’m too tired to explain it right now.” I hedged before popping them into my mouth. They seemed to take that at face value.

  “Come on,” Asher said. “You can get some sleep at my house. Jess won’t be home till nine tonight.”

  That sounded like a great idea. I didn’t want to be alone right now. “I just need a couple hours.” I said as I checked my tissues and found my nose had stopped bleeding. I tossed them into the toilet and flushed. Miles helped me up. When I caught sight of my reflection, I winced.

  My face was white as paper and covered in blood. I quickly washed my face before leaving the bathroom with the guys.

  When we reached the parking lot, Zeke held his hand out. “Keys.”

  I didn’t even argue, I just handed them to him. Asher guided me to his truck, then made sure I was buckled in before closing the door. They were talking about something out there, but I couldn’t care right now. I leaned my head back and slipped under.

  Chapter 14

  Thursday Evening

  I woke up to the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Opening my eyes, I recognized Asher’s room in the dim light coming through the blinds.

  I rubbed my face, trying to remember how I got here. I remembered the bathroom, getting into the truck, then nothing. Asher probably had to carry me upstairs. Debating whether to get up or not, I rolled over. There was a post-it on the nightstand. I reached out and picked it up.

  ‘I’m sorry I had to leave. But when you wake up, you better head straight home. Rory wants to know what happened. - Asher’

  I was going to head home, but I had something to take care of first.

  When I sat up Hades moved from the end of the bed to my side. I smiled. They even remembered Hades. I searched Asher’s room until I found my shoes by the door. I slipped them on. Hades’ leash and my keys were on his desk. They really thought of everything. I put Hades’ on his leash and left Asher’s, making sure to lock the door behind me.

  By the time I reached the cemetery I was fuming. I skidded the Blazer to a stop in the gravel. Holding on to my temper by my nails, I climbed out of the truck and strode towards them.

  “Those of you who came to the high school today,” I took a breath and let my temper fly, “what the fuck did you think you were doing?” I shouted. Several spirits flinched but others glared back. Including Mr. Davis.

  “You didn’t show up!” Davis shouted.

  “I slept in, you fucker,” I snapped. “I was going to come by after school.”

  “As if we’re supposed to know that!” Davis shot back.

  “For the last few months I’ve shown up six days a week,” I growle
d. “I show up when I’m sick, I show up when I’m tired. If I don’t show in the morning, you can damn well bet that I’ll be here in the evening.”

  “You need to take more of us at once. We need to cross,” Davis snapped.

  That’s it. I’ve had it.

  “Enough!” I shouted. “Here’s the way things are going to go now. First, stop running around town in groups. You’re killing the transformers and being seen. Second, you will not go looking for me. The rest of my life is off limits! If you can’t follow those rules, go find another way into the Veil!”

  “Your job is to-”

  “This isn’t a job, this is my fucking life!” I shouted back. “And because of the shit you just pulled, no one’s crossing for the next couple of days. You guys can just deal with it.” I turned to walk away.

  “You can’t do that!” Mr. Davis shouted.

  I turned back. “Oh, yes, I can. You see, I’m not dead. I have options.” My eyes ran over the group, I wanted them to understand exactly whose fault this was. “And no one is crossing for one reason.” I met his hate filled gaze. “You. And your actions.” I turned away and ignored the souls yelling at Mr. Davis.

  I climbed into the Blazer and drove out of the cemetery. That had felt good. Really good. Hell, a reality check had been overdue. I looked down at my portfolio and resume that I had put together for the tattoo shop. I had been carrying it around hoping to have time to go and apply. That’s when it sunk in. I didn’t have the time to have a weekend job. Especially if I didn’t even have the time to go apply. I shook my head as I started for home.

  My heart was heavy as I pulled onto my street and noticed the guys’ cars were there. What the…? I pulled in front of the house to see them in the driveway, leaning on Rory’s truck. But that’s not what caught my eye. I shut off the truck and slowly climbed out.

  The front of the house had changed. Instead of sage, the house was white. Instead of the normal white door there was a brand-new blue one in its place. With four small windows in a line across the top. But the biggest change…. The bushes where Clay Ordin had hidden had been torn out. Instead, the bed was just dark dirt with the start of some plants here and there.


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