Whispers From the Dead

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Whispers From the Dead Page 24

by B. L. Brunnemer

  I took deep slow breaths as I let go of Sophie. I was too afraid to let Ethan go from the connection.

  “Lexie, what…” Ethan trailed off as he saw Sophie. The little girl smiled the biggest smile. “Sophie?”

  She ran to him, laughing as she jumped into his arms. He held her tight as they both cried.

  “I’ve missed you, every damn day.” He pulled back and kissed his sister on her cheeks, then her forehead. He smelled her hair. Then hugged her tight again.

  “I’m sorry about your guitar,” she told him as he hugged her. “I’m sorry about scaring you and Izzy. I was just mad at you!”

  “I don’t care! It got our attention!” He held her close again. “I wish Isaac was here.”

  She shook her head. “He doesn’t need to say good-bye. He already did.” She took a breath and squirmed to be put down. He reluctantly set her back on her feet.

  “You need to help him,” she said. “Tell him that he’s wrong and that’s coming from me.”

  A ball of golden light came down from the Way. A door shimmered into existence and opened. It was a kitchen. And there was a woman waiting there.

  “Sophie,” I said, getting her attention. She turned and smiled.

  “Is that…? ¿Abuela?” Ethan asked, his voice full of disbelief.

  “Yeah.” Sophie turned back to us. “It’s time to go.” She hugged Ethan one more time.

  “Good-bye, Sophie,” he said. He had tears in his eyes but this time he also had a smile.

  “Love you both,” she said, before walking away towards the door.

  I held his hand tightly as she crossed over and was immediately hugged by her grandmother. The door closed then turned into two balls of light that shot up into the Way like comets.

  I looked around for Sophie’s flower and smiled. A tree had shimmered into existence. An apple tree.

  Ethan laughed. “She always loved apples.” I smiled as the tree grew taller.

  Then I turned back to Ethan. “Okay, bad news time,” I said. He raised an eyebrow. “I’ve never brought a living person here before. I don’t know if I can get you back. I might have just fucking killed you.” His brow furrowed. “I mean, I haven’t let go of your soul, so theoretically I should be able to just bring you back and you’ll go back into your body. If taking a living soul from their body won’t kill someone…” I was rambling.

  He turned me to face him. “Beautiful. I just got to see my sister and say good-bye. That was a miracle. You can bring me home,” he said with complete confidence.

  I took a deep breath while he watched me. “You’re insane,” I told him. “The Veil has fucked with your mind already.”

  He chuckled as he looked around. “This place is weird as hell.” He met my gaze again. “You got this, Beautiful.”

  When I was calm I said, “Okay, let’s do this.” I was about to pull us out when he stepped closer.

  “But just in case…” he said softly, his hands cradled my face as he moved in. He kissed me hard, and fast. He pulled me into his body as his teeth bit my lower lip lightly. Desire rose in me as I kissed him back, my hands buried in his shirt as he took over my mouth. One of his hands moved down my spine to my butt where he pulled me against his hard body. Sparks shot through me.

  When he lifted his head I was breathing hard, my entire body on fire. He smirked down at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for some time now.”

  “Ethan…” Stunned, I didn’t know what to say.

  He grinned at me. “Just take us home.” I nodded. That was probably best. I focused on pulling us both out.

  I opened my eyes and immediately examined Ethan. He was holding his head and wincing at the light, but he seemed okay. The ache in my chest eased.

  “Ethan? You’re okay, right?” I asked desperately, my body still aching from that kiss.

  “Yeah,” he groaned. “That place was strange as hell.” He finally blinked his eyes open.

  “What do you remember?” I asked carefully. He looked at me confused.

  “I remember my sister, seeing my grandma, her crossing and an apple tree,” he said, “why?” Shit. He didn’t remember kissing the hell out of me? And why the hell was I disappointed? AGH!

  I just shook my head not sure what to think or how to feel. “Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you remembered saying good-bye.”

  He eyed me as if I was acting strange before he got to his feet. “I need to call Isaac and tell him to come home.”

  “I’m going to head out then, unless you need me,” I said. He gave me a small smile.

  “I’ll be okay. Isaac will be home soon and I just… need it to sink in,” he said.

  I nodded and put Hades back on his leash, then headed for the door.

  I was on the porch when he called my name. I turned, not knowing what to expect.

  “Lexie...” he said as he came out on the porch. “How do I not pull her back again?”

  I stepped closer and rested my hand on the middle of his chest, just over his heart. “You heal. You talk. And you let us be there for you.”

  “Thank you,” he said softly. “You’ve no idea what you’ve given me.” He pulled me into a hug that sent my pulse sky high. I hugged him back then pulled away. I needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. He smiled at me. “What are you going to do now?”

  I looked at the sun, it was going to set soon. “I’m going to go to the beach and watch the sunset,” I decided out loud.

  “Get some peace and quiet?” he asked. I nodded. I left him on the porch without a word.

  My mind was racing as I drove to the beach on the north side of the lake. I walked out on the sand and sat, watching the waves lap at the shore with Hades playing in the shallows.

  What the hell just happened? Okay, Ethan kissed me and I liked it. Really fucking liked it. I examined my feelings as I watched the small waves. Shit. I liked Ethan. Four, four guys now. Why was I crushing on four guys? Let alone my friends? I went around in circles as the sun sank further. Finally I said, fuck it.

  Too much had happened this week, I was done thinking for the day. I looked down at my phone and only hesitated a second.

  Alexis: Meet me at the north shore beach. We need to talk.

  While I waited I focused on watching the water and the pretty sunset. I had accomplished everything I had set out to do this week except for two things, and one of those I could solve now.

  Soon the jingle of keys came towards me. Zeke sat down next to me. We were quiet for several minutes.

  “I came clean yesterday,” I said quietly. “It’s your turn.”


  “Don’t ‘Lexie’ me.” I turned and looked up at him. “The other night you left. You said you had to work but you didn’t. Is this what you’re going to do now? Avoid me?” He ran his hand down his whiskered face.

  “You’re right, it is my turn to come clean.” He took a deep breath and let it out as he turned to look at the water. “Ever since you came home from the hospital and we learned you can’t hug me...” I looked down at the sand, feeling guilty again. He took a breath and tried again. “With what happened to you and with you not being able to hug me… it raised some issues for me.”

  “What kind of issues?” I watched as he clenched and unclenched his jaw.

  He turned back to me with those beautiful blue eyes. “I’ve been in therapy since we found out I could trigger you.”

  I sighed, feeling even worse. “It’s not your fault-”

  “I let you drive home alone that night. It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I should have been there.” His gravelly voice was rougher than usual. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “That’s the way it feels. My doc says it’s bullshit. That it’s not my fault. I guess he’s right but still…”

  I shook my head. “Zeke, it really isn’t your fault,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. “You’ve been blaming yourself this whole time?”

  He swallowed hard and lo
oked out at the water. “Yeah. It’s why Sylvie told me to get back into therapy.” He clenched his jaw. “The fact I remind you of him-”

  “But you don’t, Zeke.” I stopped him. “With you, I know I’m safe. That you’d tear into anyone who tried to hurt me.”

  “Then why can’t you look at me without that sad look in your eyes?” He asked gruffly.

  Tears fell down my face. “Because it’s been killing me that I’ve done nothing but hurt you since I came home from the hospital.” His gaze snapped to me. He reached into his pocket and handed me his handkerchief.

  I took it and wiped my face. Then took a breath and continued. “My shrink wants me to try to hug you again. But I’m scared that I’ll have a flashback and hurt you more.”

  “Lexie, don’t worry about hurting me,” he told me. I shot him a look. The corner of his lips twitched. “Maybe we can figure out what it is.”

  “How?” I grumbled.

  “How did it feel when you hugged me last time?” he asked. I closed my eyes and remembered.

  “Your frames are the same but different enough. It’s…” I struggled to explain. “It’s that you’re so much taller than me. It’s like you’re looming over me the way he did when he was monologuing.” I shrugged. “That’s the only way I can describe it. I’m sorry.”

  Zeke gave me a small smile. “Lexie.” His voice was gentle. He got to his feet then held his hands down to me. When I took them, he pulled me to my feet and let go.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Zeke,” I all but whispered.

  “You won’t,” he assured me as he stepped closer.

  My heart slammed in my chest as my lungs grew tight. But instead of hugging me, Zeke bent down and picked me up with his arm under my butt. I fell against him as an arm moved across my back. With my hands on his shoulders, I looked down at him surprised. He wasn’t standing over me, and he wasn’t triggering me!

  I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his neck as tears poured out of me. I took a big, deep breath of leather and engine grease and it was the best smell in the world. His face moved into my neck, he took a deep breath.

  “I missed you, Baby.”

  “I missed you, Tough Guy.”


  I looked up at the ceiling and watched shadows dance over the surface. Today had been a bitch. But I felt better. Like I’d been holding onto something so much that someone finally took the load away. With her, I didn’t feel so alone anymore. I looked over to my dresser. Photos of Lexie and the guys were taped to the wall.

  Lexie. Why did I lie? We give her a big speech about being honest and then I lied to her face. I remembered kissing her in the Veil. I remembered her lips, her taste, the feel of her… I remembered everything. I closed my eyes and cursed myself. You’re falling for her, you ass. I ran my hand down my face. What the hell was I going to do? She didn’t mention the kiss. Did that mean she didn’t feel the same way? Or was she just playing it cool because I said I didn’t remember? Fuck. I’d have to ask. That wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She wasn’t even close to ready to ask her out. I let out a deep breath. I just had to forget about it.

  Yeah, forget about the best kiss of my life? Not likely.

  At least Isaac was home. I sat up, giving up on sleep. Isaac refused to talk about Sophie once he came home. When I told him that I told Lexie about the crash, he’d stopped talking again. He just went into his room without a word. He hadn’t been out since.

  I got to my feet and walked out into the hall. His door was shut still. Maybe I should talk to him? Or at least sit with him? I didn’t want to be alone right now, I doubt he did either. I knocked on the door. No answer. I opened the door. Fuck! Isaac’s bed was empty, the window open to the night. Isaac was gone. Damn it!


  The loud music was barely enough to get me out of my head. I drank down a shot of tequila and poured another.

  Josh had texted me about the party around ten, he’d been willing to pick me up down the block from the house. There was no point in asking Ethan. He got closure today, the ass was probably sleeping like a baby.

  I drank straight from the bottle. It burned all the way down. I made my way through the crowd bumping into people here and there and not caring.

  He told her. Ethan fucking told her. My chest burned as I moved into the living room. She knew. I took another drink, enjoying the burn. She knew about it all. I staggered into a group of guys. I straightened.

  “Hey, take it easy man,” one of them said.

  “Fuck off,” I snapped before taking another drink and moving away.

  “Go fuck yourself,” he shot back. I turned and sized him up. It was one of that prick Jason’s friends. They looked like they could hold their own.

  “Nah, I’ll just go fuck your mom.” I countered. It didn’t matter. None of it fucking mattered.

  “What did you say?” he snapped. He shoved me.

  I stumbled back into the couch but I righted myself and raised my arms with a smile on my face. “I said I’ll just go fuck your mom,” I repeated only louder. Yeah, this was what I deserved. What I needed. They stepped towards me.

  “Back the fuck off,” a deep, gravelly voice growled. The dude stopped. Shit. I turned.

  Yep, it was the Giant of the North. Scowling at me like I was a bug under his shoe. I snorted. Might as well be.

  He grabbed the back of my shirt and started pulling me through the crowd. “Come on, shit head, you’re going home.” I took another swig from the bottle. I didn’t care, as long as I got to keep-

  Zeke knocked the bottle from my hand, it hit the floor as he kept pulling me. The air grew cooler as he dragged me outside.

  “You killed my drink. Big party foul.” I told him.

  “Shut up.” Zeke snapped. Oh, he must be mad. Who cares? The world was spinning as he dragged me through the parked cars. “You owe me, you were about to get your ass kicked.”

  “Nothing I don’t deserve,” I grumbled. I deserved so much worse. So, so much worse. I hung my head as I fell into that pit again. She knows…

  “It wasn’t your fault, you ass,” Zeke snapped as he opened the door to the back of his Jeep and threw me in. I laid across the back seat. It was really comfy.

  “She knows,” I grumbled. The door closed. Another opened. The Jeep moved. It made my stomach churn.

  “She knows what?” Zeke growled.

  I closed my eyes as tears fell. “That I let her die. That I killed Sophie.”

  Zeke cursed and started talking, but I was too deep to listen. She knew. And now I’d never have a chance with her.

  She knew… Darkness pulled me under.


  “So, how are things?” Dr. Smith asked.

  I bit the corner of my lip. How are things? I sighed. Isaac was pretending that Sophie had never been here and if you brought it up he’d walk away. We’re all watching him carefully, but all we’re seeing is the funny guy again. Ethan told me Isaac has been training harder than ever to get back into the octagon this summer. I’m not looking forward to it. But of course, I couldn’t talk to her about that.

  “I’ve managed to leave the house a couple times without Hades or the guys,” I replied. It had been just down to the store but it counted in my book.

  She smiled. “That’s good, Lexie.” She wrote down a note then looked back up to me. “What else?”

  “My voice therapy with Ethan is still twice a week,” I answered. I kept going because it was alone time with Ethan, and I seemed to be craving it lately. I didn’t want to look too closely at that. He still doesn’t remember our kiss. I don’t know if I’m happy about that or not…

  “Okay, anything else?” she asked. “Did you hug Zeke?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, we figured out that it was his height that triggered me. So, he picks me up for a hug now.”

  She smiled. “Good, how is he doing?”

  “We’re still working on our issues. He’s seeing his own shri
nk and he sometimes has homework that involves talking to me.” I shrugged. “We’ll get back to where we were, it’ll just take time.”

  “How is school?” Dr. Smith asked.

  I smiled. “Jessica, Asher’s sister, spread rumors that I’m sleeping with her brother. So, every time we pass her in the hallway I make a point to hold his hand.”

  Her eyes narrowed at me. “And how does Asher feel about that?

  “He doesn’t mind. He thinks she deserves it,” I explained. She also still hasn’t received a dime from the house accounts.

  She tilted her head. “What about the job at the tattoo shop?”

  I sighed. “I decided that I have too much on my plate right now. I’m rushing around already and to add something else to that would just be a disaster.” Not to mention the ghosts are still being pushy, but after me not crossing them for a week, they showed up at the house. That’s when I learned the guys and Rory had planted Betony around the house. The protective plant and the wards had held. When the ghosts realized they couldn’t get in, it occurred to them that pissing me off was a bad move. They are starting to settle down… I think.

  As for Mr. Davis, if I see that shit again I’m going to force his ass into the Veil so fast he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get shoved into the abyss.

  Dr. Smith smiled. “I’m glad you recognized that. You have a tendency to push yourself until you drop.”

  I nodded. “Right now, I’m just enjoying my time with my friends and trying to find my new normal. And I’m looking forward to summer.” School breaks were supposed to be restful. I could do with a good, event free summer. That could happen, right?

  Sneak Peek At Book Four


  It was the end of the last day of school when I started pulling the old books from my locker.

  Normally I wouldn’t have any books left, but these were the books Serena had given me along with a few of my own. And since Tara found out about my ability to see the dead, she’s been snooping around. I had even caught her in my bedroom a couple times.


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