Delusions of Loyalty (The Braykith Series Book 2)

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Delusions of Loyalty (The Braykith Series Book 2) Page 35

by Jennifer R. Kenny

  It also made Evangeline ask herself a question she had never dared consider before this moment. Did Braykith know how to protect itself? She looked at the beautifully made clothes, the sharp glint of Baxter’s sword when it caught the sun as Kyleigh walked, and the persistent rumours of witchcraft backed up a fearsome King. Braykith was safe from the world because of those lies, but if anyone dared risk a confrontation, Evangeline was not sure Quintus could win. Swallowing hard, her heartbeat pounding in her chest and Evangeline was too afraid to let her own thoughts carry on in fear of what this might mean.

  Glais glanced down at her but when Evangeline continued to stare ahead, he had to assume the subtle change in her was nothing more than nerves. They were yet to address such big gatherings, and it must be intimidating for her. He kissed the top of her head in an effort to comfort her, but still Evangeline did nothing but stare ahead and struggle to calm her racing heart

  Quintus walked through the large doors first to the thunderous noise of applause. Evangeline looked up at Glais now, but it was too late for him to help her. He did squeeze her arm lightly, but that was all the encouragement she got as they came out into the faint light of the morning.

  Quintus stopped, knowing his family would fall into place behind him even though there had never been a rehearsal. He held his hand up as a hush silenced his people. Quintus looked at the crowd, and he knew they would remember the day their King rode for vengeance and righteousness. He also knew that there had to be individuals gathered right now that were working against him. Rebels were hard to identify when they abandoned their tattered clothes and yellow emblem. Quintus had the opportunity to instil fear into their hearts, a fear that will ring true to whoever their leader was.

  “Never did I imagine this day,” Quintus said, the last of the voices being silenced as his rose. “I never thought my son would be dead, and I never would have speculated our greatest ally would have been our enemy. Time makes fools of us all, but today I reject that label. Belief in promises and fair fights brought us here, and that all ends now.” A roar from the gathered crowd interrupted him, and Quintus let it play out as he took down the stairs to where his horse stood.

  The massive black stallion stood proudly, just like its rider. Evangeline also noticed the additional details that the animal wore just for this ceremony. Quintus had always prided himself in appearances above all else, and Evangeline was not surprised to see him pull out all the stops now. It was important for the spies to feel the fear of a man who felt satisfied and in control. Evangeline certainly believed it.

  Quintus easily swung himself over the horses back on his first attempt. “I will return victorious and with stories of peace for our realm.” People cried out for him, saying his name and stretched out hands grasped the air as they reached for him but many were too afraid to touch the horse. Quintus rode off, his selection of men following behind him in a formation that didn’t seem quite right.

  From where Glais stood, he knew this was not their best men being sent, or was it projection since he was aware that this was the truth? Glais closed his eyes and prayed to Notas, the patron God of Braykith and Holy Messenger of Xado that the rebels did not notice the same sloppiness that Glais was certain of.


  It was an odd thing when Evangeline needed to schedule time with her own brother. She had never realised until that moment that Darius’ time was no longer his own. Questioning her decision was not going to help, but Evangeline had to ask herself if she had been selfish when she named him as a squire. Had she underestimated her little brother? It was not a question that Evangeline could easily answer. She knew so little of Darius.

  She knew that their relationship was forever altered now, and she needed to make peace with their new reality. Darius was no longer just her brother, and Evangeline could no longer feel safe in proclaiming her heritage as political allies. Fate had forced her hand and ultimately he would be Glais’ squire, and Darius had done nothing to earn that honour. Evangeline could see for herself how many families were feeling quite put out now that the role had been taken.

  No one had outright said it, and as far as Evangeline could tell there had been no violence towards Darius by his new found peers, but there was an obvious tension and a general feeling of unease on how quickly Darius had been accepted into the kingdom. She felt that others were waiting for her to make it right but there was nothing Evangeline could do and still feel that his future was safe. She would never publically apologise for saving her brother’s life the way she had, but she did know that things were changed forever within the Kingdom of Braykith.

  After ensuring it did not take Darius away from his new found duties, Evangeline went to the stables to meet with him. She had often been coming to visit with Tempest. Evangeline was glad to see that her mare had made a full recovery from her Crimah escape, but there was something off about Tempest. They had always held a different relationship, a mutual respect that had evolved into enduring friendship. Although such a complex emotion seemed odd to develop between a human and a horse, it did not diminish how Evangeline felt rejected.

  However, Evangeline felt that Tempest was judging her since she had come back. Unable to communicate through traditional means meant Evangeline was left with making a guess regarding Tempest’s mood changes. Evangeline did not like to feel out of sorts with her beloved horse. Tempest had no political agenda to motivate her and had been her protector since Evangeline had first come to Braykith. She never wanted the distance that seemed strained between them both now.

  Evangeline paused, frowning as she looked around the stalls. She was sure that she had told Darius to meet with her but did not hold it against him. Losing track of time was easy. Deciding to wait, she came upon Tempest’s stall. She came up the gate, resting her hands on it as she looked in on her horse. She knew that Tempest had sensed her arrival but was ignoring her presence.

  The dapple grey mare stood with her back to Evangeline, looking completely at easy except for the way her ears would twitch. Evangeline smiled, tapping her hand on the wooden beam and seeing Tempest give the subtle movement of each ear to each tap. Evangeline was patent, and after some time the horse was slow to turn to her. Tempest was still ignoring her, making a point to not look at her at all and instead looked past Evangeline and to the door.

  “I am alone,” Evangeline told Tempest softly trying to get her attention, but the animal did not seem satisfied until she had checked for herself. Seeing it to be true, Tempest finally blew hot air from her nostrils at Evangeline but approached the gate casually. Evangeline reached out to ran her palm up the animals’ head, and it seemed that for now, Tempest would tolerate her.

  “You have missed so much,” Evangeline whispered to her horse. She did not know where to start, and could only imagine the things Tempest had seen. They stayed silent in their own personal thoughts.

  With no warning, Tempest pulled her head gently out of Evangeline’s hands and her attention was brought once more to the stable doors. Evangeline followed her gaze and waved when she was Thomas walking towards her. She expected Tempest to ignore her again, but she didn’t seem concerned when Thomas strode over to join them.

  “I knew she would forgive you.” Thomas interrupted, and Evangeline smiled to his voice but was sure to maintain contact with Tempest. Thomas had always been welcomed by her horse, but it seemed Tempest was wary of them all since her return.

  “I believe that may be a quickly made judgement. Whatever Tempest holds against me, it is not solved.” Evangeline cautioned him. Thomas approached Evangeline to greet her, and Tempest did not pull away. Seeming to be accepted by her horse, Evangeline allowed Thomas to kiss her cheek in greeting. Still, Evangeline did take a second look around the stable. Although the stables were one of her free spaces, it did not offer her the same seclusion of the trees, and she feared being spied on by gossips. “Since when did we display ourselves so openly?” she asked him, her attention scattered.

Thomas shrugged, only having his eyes on her. “I apologise, but you looked so beautiful standing there I simply couldn’t resist.” He grinned, and when Evangeline eventually smiled back, he knew there was no real trouble between them. “You said so yourself Eva that you have found a balance between love and duty. I am attempting such balance in my own life.”

  “I did say that, but that does not mean we stop being discreet.” She warned him and turned her attention back to her horse. Evangeline had noticed that Tempest would act differently when she had company, but for now, it seemed that Thomas was acceptable.

  Thomas chuckled, touched to see her concern. Coming up behind her and sliding his hands over her hips, Thomas pulled Evangeline easily back against him. He rested his chin on her shoulder briefly. “You forget who you are, and where we are.” He whispered.

  His breath tickled her ear, but Evangeline rolled her eyes at his antics. “I am promised to the future King of Braykith, and we are in the royal family’s stables.” She told him. “I have forgotten nothing.”

  “No, you are a member of the royal household which means people might gossip, but no one will comment to you directly about your antics, and there is no secret to hide from those who could be hurt the most.” Evangeline frowned, and Thomas shook his head at her before elaborating. “Glais has given us his blessing, or have you forgotten that?” When she failed to respond to him, Thomas turned her gently in his hands so her back was placed against the gate and he could see her better. It took very little pressure to have Evangeline facing him, and he felt better about his actions being welcomed since she did not fight him. Thomas kissed her, and Evangeline melted in his arms.

  Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Evangeline took everything he could offer her and more in her desperation to be close to the man she loved when her life meant she should avoid him. Their time together was so often limited that Evangeline had been forced to make more of the simplest things.

  Tempest shook her head back and forth, hitting the ground with a massive stomp of her hoof, but Evangeline and Thomas ignored her as the kiss continued.

  Finally, they had to break apart, and Evangeline was about to speak when she saw movement from the corner of her eyes. Darius stood in the doorway of the stable, his features still unfamiliar to her in the Braykith uniform that looked similar to the one Thomas wore now. She attempted to push Thomas away, but he had already taken a step away from her.

  “I was running behind, and someone said they saw you at the stables,” Darius explained his sudden existence, but his voice trembled as he was struggling with what he had walked into. Evangeline nodded, not sure how best to handle the situation. “Should I go?” he asked. His eyes flickered from Evangeline to Thomas and then back again. Darius’ mouth was slack, and his hands trembled in the shock. He still wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do and felt a deep sense of betrayal to the Gods on his sisters’ behalf. She apparently was not feeling it herself.

  “No, you should stay.” Thomas was the one who spoke, and after Evangeline caught his eyes and silently begged him to remain with her, he gave her a gentle smile. “You have things to discuss.” He told her her and was sure to take his leave quickly. On his exit, Thomas was sure to give Darius a wide berth when he passed him. He was not too familiar with his personality, and while Darius seemed stunned and embarrassed, Thomas wasn’t confident he might not attack him.

  Evangeline and Darius stood facing each other in the silence of the stables. No one moved, the horses silent and still as they witnessed the siblings facing each other and struggling. Evangeline cleared her throat and ran her sweaty palms down the front of her skirts, pretending to smooth out her dress and finding imagined creases in the fabric to fuss with.

  “How long has this been going on?” Darius asked.

  “It is only recent.” Evangeline still struggled to make eye contact with her brother and was glad she had Tempest to use as a decoy. Her hands ran over her horse’s mane and neck, but Darius would not let go of the discussion.

  “Is that what you wished to discuss?” he asked, and the first of his anger showed as his voice came with sharp edges in her direction.

  “No, no I would never be so…” Evangeline could not finish her own sentence, and it trailed off uselessly between them. “We have many secrets between us Darius.” she reminded him.

  “I suppose I should just accept this is one more,” Darius grumbled, and Evangeline knew that if Darius could see Braykith as she did, perhaps he would not judge her so harshly. Evangeline could never tell him about the curse out of fear of whose death the curse would take as payment, and so instead she faced his disgust as best she could. “Does Glais know?” Darius asked her. “I will not keep this a secret from him should he ask.”

  “Glais knows. We have an arrangement.” It seemed the simplest way to explain to her brother the uniqueness of her relationship with Glais without exposing to him the full truth. She doubted Darius would ever understand how Glais would agree to this. “I didn’t plan for it to happen Darius.”

  Darius nodded. “I have a feeling that there is a lot that has happened recently that no one planned for.” He was solemn even in the attempt of humour, and Evangeline could not force herself to smile.

  “How much do you know about me Darius?” she asked. He shrugged, moving off but Evangeline would not allow him to escape. It had been quite a struggle within herself when Evangeline decided she needed to share some home truths with her brother. They could not repair a family bond that had never been, but perhaps they could make something new. That was her motivation as she forced Darius to stay and listen. “I have to admit I did not know much about myself before I came here. I had always wondered why such a powerful place as Braykith settled for me as their son’s match. There are greater alliances to be made. Crimah was nothing worthy in the grand scheme of things.” She paused, knowing she was close to mentioning the greatest secret Braykith held.

  “I am sure Quintus has his reasons,” Darius answered.

  “Yes. And it was power.” She shook her head at the naive belief she once had of fate and true love. All the small-minded ideas Evangeline had once projected onto Glais and Braykith were now only tattered lies that decorated the ground beneath her feet. “Crimah had something powerful enough for Braykith to be interested.”

  “You?” Darius asked, confused.

  “Me.” Evangeline paused but forced herself to speak. “I’m not normal Darius. I never have been, and I don’t want us to have secrets any longer. Someday this information might be valuable.” And Evangeline was never sure if she could survive Glais long enough to tell it to anyone else. “I am part Dryad.”

  Darius stared at her for a moment, and she wondered if he had fallen mute because of her news, but it seemed that it was taking him time to process the revelation. “Part what?” Darius asked, sure he had heard her wrong even though there was no disruption near them.

  “Dryad. Tree spirit.” She couldn’t help but smile because those words made the history seem less complicated. “Before I was born, Mother was struggling to conceive, and so she took to the trees to pray. It was not Xado who answered her but the Dryads. One of them approached her with a seed and instructed Mother to brew a tea with it. That was how I came to be.” Evangeline looked down at her hands. “And now I live here, another trophy to show Quintus’ power.”

  Darius nodded, although he felt light headed and even the simple act of moving his head made him less steady on his feet. “It makes a little sense,” Darius said.

  “How?” Evangeline could think of nothing that backed up her claims beyond Darius just taking her word. She had been expecting a fight, but instead, she had been greeted with a simple understanding. It surprised her, and she wondered what had Darius encountered in his lifetime that made him believe in such fantastical stories with no hesitation.

  “Father had always been distant with you,” Darius said, clearly not thinking before he spoke if he realised he was speaking out loud
at all. Each thought was translated straight to his mouth without censorship. “But as the years wore on, and after you had left he would increasing say you were not my sister and not his daughter.”

  Evangeline knew that was how Barret felt about her, but it hurt her still to think those words and condemnations he laid bare on her wedding day had been lingering for much longer in his core. She hugged herself, nodding at Darius to continue and not wanting to share with him her emotions at this moment. If Darius had known Barret’s hate for her, had it been a hidden truth to everyone in Crimah?

  “I thought Mother had an affair.” Darius shrugged, embarrassed by his own admission. “I never could work out who it was, but I imagined Father had been quick to dismiss him after her pregnancy became more obvious.”

  “It wasn’t an affair. I am just as much Barret’s child as you are.” Evangeline said the words that any person should say in these conversations. Although she no longer felt that it was true. Barret had raised their children so separately that it felt foreign at times to think of Darius as her brother, but his actions against her in the woods made it impossible for Evangeline to forgive Barret. “The tea did not create me wholly in the dryad’s image. I am still blood and bone.”

  Darius nodded, pressing his lips together in a gesture so like her own it made Evangeline smile. “However you came into this world Eva, it doesn’t change who you are to me,” Darius said.

  “I am glad to hear it.” Evangeline smiled, but it fell when she noticed that Darius was not smiling at her.


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