Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE)

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Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE) Page 2

by Bella, Krista

  "C'mon." Hunter took one last drag on his cigarette, tossed it to the ground, and stomped it out before dismounting his ride. "I'll show you." He paused in his tracks two steps later. "Watch my bike, why don't you?" he said to Kathy's comrades.

  The girls' eyes lit up and they quickly swarmed around his vehicle, ooohing and ahhing about its immaculate design.

  Grinning, Hunter quickly led Kathy to the back room of the auto shop. Metal machinery and the smell of oil greeted them. It was not a romantic setting, but then again, Hunter was not a romantic animal.

  Kathy looked around curiously as they stopped by a table filled with all sorts of tools."The ice cream—"

  Without warning, Hunter grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close, and brought his lips to her neck. Instantly, she melted into his arms like the ice cream she claimed she had wanted, a heavy sigh escaping her lips.

  Hunter's hands roved over the length of her tight body until they found her ass. He squeezed and kneaded on them roughly as he devoured the soft flesh of her throat.

  "Take me," the girl moaned breathlessly in his ear after several hot kisses.

  "Oh I have every intention," Hunter growled, his breathe hot on her neck.

  When he had his fill of her ass, Hunter turned Kathy away from him and bent her over the tool table. Deftly, he pulled down her shorts, revealing a smooth bare ass covered by goose bumps. Admiring her taut backside, he dug into his back pocket and brought out protection, and in one smooth motion, he pulled down his jeans below his ass cheeks, opened it, and put it on.

  A smart wolf was always careful of where he deposited his seed.

  The smack of flesh quickly filled the back room. Removing his shirt, Hunter worked his ass muscles, his strong thighs slapping up against Kathy's tight rump as he worked himself up into a pounding rhythm. The fleshy smacks were soon replaced by Kathy's pleasured cries.

  Vaguely, Hunter heard a door opening as he tossed his shirt into the floor. "Hey Hunter, the gang is going to be here any minute..." Derek, the biker gang's vice president and Hunt's lead mechanic, was standing in the door way, his eyes wide at the hot sex going on before him.

  Don't stand there acting like you never seen me fuck jailbait back here before, Hunter thought.

  Picking up speed, Hunter grinned at his second hand man whose eyes were burning with envy.

  "Fuck me!" Kathy cried, her head bobbing forward over the tool table with each thrust of Hunter's powerful hips. She did not appear to be aware that they now had viewer that or she simply did not care. Hunter thought it was the latter. Judging by the slickness he felt along his length, she was probably turned on by it.

  Sweat kneading his brow, Hunter pounded away furiously while Derek watched. With each wild thrust, he felt a building fire beneath his rock-hard abs and Kathy's cries grew louder and louder until they were ear-shattering shrieks.

  When the explosion came, Hunter threw back his head and howled at the ceiling. Then it was all over and he felt...nothing.

  "That was amazing," Kathy breathed. She looked behind her at him, her limbs trembling like Jell-O.

  In the doorway, Derek still stood there, his envious eyes on Kathy's sweat-covered lower torso.

  Not giving the girl a second glance, Hunter disposed of the used protection in a waste basket that was next to the tool table and then casually pulled up his jeans.

  "Where are you going?" Kathy asked, her voice slightly panicked. Seeming to notice their company for the first time, her cheeks turned slightly rosy and she bashfully pulled up her shorts.

  Hunter went over, picked up his shirt off the floor and pulled it over his six-pack.

  "What about that ice cream?"

  Hunter chuckled mirthlessly. "Darlin, I just gave you all the cream I had."

  From the doorway, Derek laughed.

  Kathy's face turned completely red with embarrassment and shame. "Why you asshole!"

  Don't pretend like you didn't know, Hunter thought.

  "Your friends are still waiting for you outside," Hunter informed her coldly.

  Realizing she was being tossed aside like yesterday's news and no hissy fit would change that, Katy's eyes burned with anger and disappointment that she was not going to receive more out of the transaction.

  She should have known better. The leader of one of the most powerful gangs did not bow to pussy, no matter how tight and young it was.

  Ignoring her hurt look, Hunter turned and walked past Derek into the club room.

  "Shut the door," he commanded Derek as he strolled to the large oval council table in the middle of the room. When Derek had done as he demanded, Hunter sat down at his place at the head of the table with a contented sigh.

  Hunter did not feel bad about using Kathy for casual sex. Sleeping with him or one of the members of his gang is what she wanted after all...and she had gotten it.

  Besides, Hunter was already taken.

  "Was it good Hunter?" Derek asked, coming over to sit at his seat to Hunter's right.

  Hunter fingered the large gavel that he used for council votes and responded absently, "Barely."

  Right then, the door opened and Hunter's girlfriend, Tara, walked in, dressed very similar to the girl Hunter had just got done plowing, fresh from one her salon treatments.

  Hands resting on her hip, her long dark blonde hair done up into a side pony tail and her pink nails sparkling with little rhinestones, she stood there with a haughtiness and confidence that came with being the head bitch of the Silver Wolves biker gang.

  "You need anything babe?" she asked Hunter. Noticing the wolfish grin on Derek's face, her eyes flickered back and forth between the two club members suspiciously.

  Hunter wondered how much she suspected, how much she knew. She had never come to him and outright accused him of messing around, but that did not mean she did not suspect or that the other female side-kicks hadn't told her.

  It was an exhilarating game that Hunter liked to play. Seeing how much he could get away with right underneath Tara's nose. Doing bad things only made his sexual conquests that much more exciting.

  More than his need for excitement, he was not ready to settle down yet anyway. Though Tara was considered Hunter's girl, she was not yet his mate.

  There was still so much out there that Hunter had not tried yet and he could not commit to someone for the rest of his life until he was sure of what he wanted.

  Looking Tara straight in the eye, Hunter leaned back in his chair, propped his booted feet up on the table and grinned wolfishly. "Nah babe, I'm good."


  All twelve eyes of the were council were on Jackson when he walked into the council room thirty-minutes late, bruised and battered.

  "The fuck happened to you?" asked Anthony Lilly, a shifter around Jackson's age and the first council member to speak. Low on the totem pole, he sat at the opposite end of the council table, his blonde hair slicked back and his pale muscular arms that were lined with ominous tattoos proudly on display

  Unlike the rest of the gang, who were all wearing their black leather coats with a silver wolf emblazoned on the back, Anthony had his draped over his chair behind him.

  Jackson made his way over to his customary chair in the middle of the table between Jason and Randal Baker, two shifter wolves that were twins, ignoring all the curious stares. "I got into a little accident."

  Anthony snorted with disbelief. "A little accident? Looks like you got fucking shredded by one of those cats and then set on fire."

  "Mind your own fucking business, runt," Jackson growled threateningly. He was still pissed off that he had lost his prized Harley all because he had to get a look at the big girl's nice ass and was not in the mood to listen to an idiot wolf like Anthony trying to rub it in his face.

  Anthony jumped up from his seat and scrunched his ugly face into a glare. "You want a piece of me bitch boy? Just because your brother is pack leader, don't think I won't whip your fucking ass."

  Jackson paused at his chair and
held in a laugh at Anthony's usual bluster. The dude was shorter than him by almost a foot and not half as ripped. If Anthony wanted a go at him, he was more than welcome. He just probably wouldn't be leaving the council chamber alive.

  Jackson bared his teeth. "Just try it scrub."

  Anthony made a great show of acting like he was going to come bust Jackson's ass. "C'mon at me bitch boy."

  "Enough with the bullshit, Tony!" snapped Hunter from his place at the head of the table. His gold-specked blue eyes watched his brother like a hawk, burning with curiosity. He would no doubt be interrogating Jackson as soon as he got the chance."You're not gonna beat jack shit, and you know it. Jackson is still alive. That's all that matters."

  Jackson sighed inwardly with relief. He was still weak from that nasty accident. Wolf regeneration required a lot of energy and always made Jackson feel fatigued. It would have sucked to have to fight Anthony in such a state, though Jackson was sure that even being worn out that he could still beat his ass and put him in his place.

  He was also relieved Hunter did not start bitching at him for being late like he usually did and was not inquiring to know what happened. But Jackson knew it was only temporary. As soon as the council meeting was over, Hunter would demand to know the truth of the matter.

  Jackson would have to think up some suitable lie. If anyone learned about the real reason he had crashed his Harley, he would never hear the end of it.

  When Jackson was seated, Hunter said, "We were discussing what we should do about our current 'cat' problem."

  "What's there to discuss?" Anthony snorted derisively, his eyes still on Jackson. He dropped into his seat and propped his booted feet onto the table. "Let's just kill the little pussies and be done with it."

  "And then what dumb ass?" asked Derek from Hunter's side. "Fighting with the cats could spill over into the streets and then the Humans could become involved."

  Anthony snorted, and tore his gaze from Jackson. "Who gives a wolf's balls? Then we could kill them too."

  "I'm with Anthony," Randal chipped in. "Screw what happens. Let's make those pussies pay!"

  The council table erupted with cheers and every one began talking excitedly all at once. The din got so loud, that Jackson began to develop a headache.

  "Enough, y'all!" Hunter yelled after the din had gone out of control. "Anthony is right. The cats have us by the balls with the outrageous meat prices and they're only going to squeeze harder."

  "Not to mention there is already a scarcity of game meat in this area," growled Randal. "And we have to compete with stupid human hunters over our food and also risk being shot by one of them when we are in wolf form."

  "So what exactly are we going to do about it?" Jackson demanded. He was tired and wanted the meeting to be over so he could go pass out on the couch in the lobby so that his regeneration could finish its work.

  If the wolves went to war with the cats and the humans learned of their existence because of it, so be it. Having just lost his prized bike due to his carelessness, Jackson was all for crushing some feline skull to vent his anger.

  Hunter looked at each one of his gang members, his eyes burning with anticipation. "We're going to hit them where it hurts."


  "What happened to your bike?" Hunter demanded.

  The two brothers stood just outside the garage while several club members sat on their gleaming motorcycles, showing off to the many female groupies that were always hanging about the area.

  It had only taken Hunter exactly two minutes after the club meeting had ended to approach Jackson and to demand to know what happen, denying Jackson the chance to get the much-needed rest his regeneration required.

  Jackson glared at his older brother with annoyance. Hunter just wanted to find out exactly what happened so he could scold and berate him. It was a habit that had begun when they were young whelps. Hunter had taken the role of older brother and teacher to the slightly younger Jackson. At first, Jackson accepted his position and followed his brother's lead.

  But now, Jackson was older and felt that he was more than Hunter's equal and could not be more annoyed by his patronizing.

  Jackson was not going to give Hunter the satisfaction of talking down to him. "I don't want to talk about it." Moving his gaze from his brother's face, Jackson's eyes fell on Hunter's girlfriend, Tara, who watched the brothers from doorway of the lobby, surrounded by the woman of Silver Wolves, dressed provocatively, in cut-off shorts, tank top.

  Playfully toying with her side-ponytail, Tara stared at Jackson intently, watching the exchange. Tara wanted him badly, Jackson knew. He found it ironic and funny, given the fact that Hunter screwed plenty of girls behind her back.

  Jackson decided Tara was either too stupid to know what was going on or too power-hungry to care.

  "Well you're going to," Hunter growled, taking a step forward and bringing Jackson's gaze back around. "You look banged up pretty bad so I know the bike must be totaled."

  Jackson set his jaw and checked the urge to deck his brother in his face. He was still pissed over the loss of his bike and being hounded about it only made him angrier.

  But he's not going to shut the fuck up about it until I tell him something, Jackson thought irritably.

  "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me," Hunter said stubbornly, proving Jackson's suspicions. "We put a lot of money, time and work into that thing."

  "I wrecked it," Jackson grated finally, hating to be reminded of the work the club's mechanics had put into his bike.

  Hunter frowned. "How exactly? And were there any witnesses when it happened?"

  Jackson did not want to think about having to leave his burned bike at the scene of the incident. He had been forced to leave when the two girls had dragged him out of the blazing building and called the paramedics over who would have discovered shortly that Jackson was not exactly human when they witnessed his wounds healing themselves. And there was no way Jackson was going to stick around and let all the onlookers witness his shifter regeneration at work.

  Damn her.

  It was all that big girls fault. Her alluring curve, sexy ass and big breasts had distracted him. Jackson did not know what made him angrier. That he had wrecked his bike or the fact that he had over a moment of surprising weakness.

  And damn Hunter for just not letting the matter drop.

  "Does it fucking matter?" Jackson snapped angrily. "It's over and done with already, and quite frankly, it's not a club matter so it's none of you God damn business what happened!"

  "Watch your fucking tone with me boy!" rumbled Hunter, his jaw clenching as he took another threatening step towards the defiant Jackson.

  Jackson snorted, not backing down from his brother's fury. "Or what? You going to fight me?" He wanted to push Hunter, to test him. If they came to blows and Jackson prevailed, it would make Hunter look weak in front of the club.

  Hunter's eyes darted over to their club members who were now watching the heated exchanged with more than mild interest.

  "Do it!" Jackson urged, readying himself for a showdown of epic proportions. "I fucking dare you!"

  Though Jackson was still tired from his ordeal, he felt the adrenaline rushing through his body, pushing his exhaustion away. It would give him great pleasure to deliver solid punch to Hunter's cocky mug.

  Before Hunter could reply, Derek walked up. "Hey Hunter, Randal just got a call from one of the cubs that says he knows a few prime places we can hit up for meat when we make our moves against the cats. I say we go check it out."

  Hunter glanced at Derek and then back at his brother with uncertainty. "Right now?"

  Having seen the commotion with the rest of the gang, Derek was eying the two intently. "Yeah, why not?"

  Hunter stared at Jackson for a long time before replying. "Alright. I'll be right along."

  Still watching the brothers, Derek nodded slowly and then turned and walked off towards his bike.

  "This ain't over," Hunter growled to hi
s brother when Derek was out of ear shot. "And the only reason why I am not pummeling your face into the gravel right now is because I'm going to need you later."

  "Talk is cheap and for scared pussies," Jackson snarled, still ready to scrap. "Action is much better."

  For a moment, Jackson thought his provocation would send Hunter into a rage. "I don't have time to pound you back in your place," said Hunter calmly. With one last glare, he turned and began making his way towards his bike that sat next to Derek's. The latter was already mounted and currently strapping on his helmet.

  Halfway there, Hunter stopped and said loudly to Jackson so that everyone within earshot could hear, "In the meantime, you can use my old busted up dirt bike because you ruined yours for being such a shitty biker."

  Grinning at having the last word, Hunter swaggered confidently over to his bike and mounted it. Before he could put on his helmet, he was approached by Tara. The two exchanged words for a minute before Tara leaned in for a long, deep kiss. Eying his brother all the while, Hunter fondled Tara's ass.

  When they were done with their PDA, Hunter grinned again, put on his helmet and roared his engine to life. After a moment of showboating at how loud he could jack the motor, Hunter nodded at Derek and slowly, making a big show of it every second of the way, pulled out of the garage parking lot.


  "Fucking prick."

  Brimming with anger, Jackson watched as his brother turned the corner at the end of the block with Derek and disappeared from view, the sound of their motors fading in the distance.

  Now Hunter would be sure to show off his bike in front of Jackson every chance he got just to annoy the crap out of him and remind him of his loss.

  "What happened Jackson?" asked a soft voice, accompanied by the smell of a woodsy-smelling perfume.

  Jackson turned and was surprised to see Tara standing right next to him. Given the fact that shifters prided themselves on their strong sense of smell and hearing, it irritated him that he had been so lost in thought because of Hunter's antics that he hadn't heard or smelled her coming his way.


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