Resistant, no. 1

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Resistant, no. 1 Page 13

by Ryan T. Petty

“Michael, I’ll be fine. I’ll go straight to my cell if you want me to. You can even escort me there if it makes you feel better.” He nodded, but I could tell he didn’t like it.

  “Just be safe,” he said softly, running a hand up to my face and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I kissed him back and we locked in a longer embrace than what he was expecting, only breaking apart when we heard a metal stand crash to the floor around the corner from us. When we investigated, we could tell that it had been pulled from the wall, with masks thrown everywhere in the process.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I felt restless that night. It might have been because a storm had moved in and the accompanying lightning flashes were keeping me awake. The rain came down in sheets against the thick glass, and I could only think of the poor men and women out guarding the fence as we all slept. Guilt crept over me. I should have been out there, but someone else had to take my place because Michael had ordered me to stay in. I could only hope they would understand. Regardless, I tossed and turned under my sheet. The thought of someone watching me was also on my mind. Michael wanted me to sleep in his office, away from all the others who’d heard I might hold the key to their survival, or cause an attack from unknown forces. They were afraid of the agents, of the helicopters, and me.

  Thunder clapped hard and I rose up, looking around my cell, but seeing nothing—nothing until the last second. A figure standing behind me grabbed me and shoved me down on my bedding, gripping one hand over my mouth. I fought hard, but other hands grabbed my wrists and held them down above my head.

  “The syringe,” said the female voice. I saw a third person pass the shadowy needle to the one on top of me. She pulled my hair hard and I immediately felt the sharp point enter the flesh of my neck.

  “Sweet dreams, Deracine,” was the last thing I heard.

  * * * *

  A horrible smell made me react and pull away. My head was spinning and when I tried to open my mouth, I could feel the large tape holding it closed tightly. Someone slapped my face and I tried to pull my arms down to protect myself, but they were tied above me. I was sitting on the moist ground, feeling the wet dirt and grass against my legs.

  “You awake?” I stared into a mask, but under it was a painted face, and I couldn’t tell who it was. Two others stood behind the figure, their flashlights pointed toward me. The person slammed my head back by my hair.

  “We’re going to find out once and for all what you are,” the female exclaimed before letting me go, “Bring it forward.” The girl stepped away and I immediately started to fight against the rope, trying to push myself up with my feet, but they too had been tied together. All I could do was wait.

  Flashlights moved in the distance.

  “Look out!” one yelled, but eventually, they started coming back toward me. The girl stepped forward again and grabbed my hair.

  “We got a friend for you to play with.” She held her flashlight up and shone it on a new figure. I didn’t immediately recognize him because of how much he had changed, but Alex snarled at me through a towel stuffed in his mouth. His eyes had sunk in his head. His skin was pale white and his face was skeletal. His arms were tied behind his back, but it still took the two other captors to control him, as they had him on long rigs placed around his neck.

  I tried to scream and fight with the ropes, but they only laughed at me.

  “We will know by morning whether you are resistant or not!” the girl said, “Bring him closer!” Alex was forced closer and the girl grabbed the cloth from his mouth as he bit at her, then he turned to look at me, moving forward on his own.

  I turned my head away from him, but the men forced him down and I could feel his breath against me as he growled. Tears streamed down my face as I waited for the inevitable.

  Pain ripped through my arm as I felt Alex’s teeth sink into me. I screamed, but the sound was muffled. The throbbing shot up my arm and I could practically feel myself getting sick, just as I’d watched Alex succumb to the virus. I was expecting more, but they immediately pulled him away.

  The flashlight hit me again, giving me enough light to see my arm and feel the warm stream of blood flowing from it.

  “We can leave her here and check on her tomorrow morning,” the girl said. “Nobody will miss her anyway.”

  “She’s as good as dead,” said a man. The woman began to walk away.

  “Kill that thing before you come back,” she snapped and disappeared into the shadows. It wasn’t a moment later when I heard a bullet being locked into the chamber. They forced Alex’s gaunt body down one last time. The gun was held out and a single shot found Alex, stopping his growling, ending his tortured existence.

  “And the exact same thing is going to happen to you in the morning,” the gunman said, his flashlight in my face.

  The light snapped away from me and was knocked to the ground by someone hiding in the darkness. Feet shuffled around in front of me, close enough to kick mine. I heard a grunt from a man as he fell down to the ground. The other two scuffled for a few more moments before a large crack splintered the night air.

  “My mask! My mask!” A final punch knocked the man to the ground as the other rose to his feet and ran into the darkness.

  The last man standing walked to me and pulled my wrists hard toward him. A knife cut the rope upward until it split in two and the man unwrapped my wrists. I could feel a mask being lowered upon my face, but I reached underneath it and pulled the tape away from my mouth.

  “They killed me! They killed me!” I screamed.

  “Shh. Shh,” the man said in a cool, calming voice. “You’re okay now.”

  “No. He bit me. It’s in me. I know it is.”

  “Jennifer, calm down and hold the light.” The flashlight bounced in my hands and hit the man for only a second.

  “Michael,” I whimpered, but he didn’t come to me. Instead, he tied the hands of one of the assailants, pushing him upright and binding him to the building just as I had been. He then knelt next to me and pulled me in his arms.

  “No, please, I’ll infect you too!” I begged, wanting him to put me down, but he held firm and pushed me through a door in the building. I didn’t look where we were going, but I heard another door open quickly and Michael laid me down on a large seat. Opening my eyes, I could see we were in the back of a vehicle.

  “Sorry for the cramped conditions,” he said, shutting the door behind him, “but we needed to get inside. No telling what might happen out there in the middle of the night.” I only watched as he leaned over the seat and grabbed a small plastic box. I held the flashlight as he pulled plastic gloves over his own hands and then grabbed a small moist cloth, wiping the blood from my arm.

  “Hold still,” he said, and although the cloth stung the wound in my forearm, I wasn’t about to pull it away. Once finished, Michael wrapped my arm in a white bandage.

  “That’s the best I can do here,” he lamented, “We’ll walk back to the compound in the morning and get you all fixed up there.”

  I shook my head. “No, you won’t. You know I’m infected,” I whined. We had been here before, when I was in isolation, and I told him to kill me rather than send me back outside of the compound. But here, now, infected, I wanted nothing else but to live.

  Tears formed in my eyes and small whimpers jerked my body until I wept uncontrollably. My body shook as Michael’s arm wrapped around me, his mask bumped up against mine, but he said nothing. I think he knew as much as I did that he would have to let me go. Only time would tell how long we had together.

  “Remember what you said. If I change you have to—”

  “Jennifer,” he said softly into my ear, “I’m going to see you in the morning. I’m going to walk you back to the compound, and I’m going to make sure no one ever harms you again.” His words were strong and reassuring, but I didn’t believe them.

  He pulled a blanket over us and soon we fell asleep.

  * * * *

  “Are you still with me?
” I heard Michael ask as I nuzzled up against his chest. There, I felt at peace, like nothing could hurt me, and I smiled to myself before my consciousness fully awoke. Finally, I raised my head to look at him.

  “Good morning, Jennifer,” he said. I could see the dimple in his cheek that told me he was smiling.

  “I’m still here,” I whispered. His mask rubbed against mine and all I wanted to do was kiss him, but it would have to wait until we were home. He hugged me close and I lost myself in his arms.

  “They will want you to stay in quarantine again since you were out without a mask, but after the twenty-four-hour period, we will be good to go.”


  “I’m staying with you. This isn’t going to happen again,” he declared. This time, I couldn’t argue, knowing if I would have let him guard me like before, I wouldn’t have been attacked and we wouldn’t be outside of the compound.

  We sat for another moment together before we heard a horrible knocking on the side of the building. Michael immediately grabbed the pistol and slowly opened the car door. He kept me behind him as we went slowly outside, the first morning orange glow blinded us temporarily, but then we saw the man tied against the building.

  “Get them off! Get them off! Please, someone, help me!” The man screamed in sheer terror and kicked wildly. He caught a glimpse of us out of the corner of his eye and pulled frantically at his ropes. “Please, they are eating me!”

  Michael approached cautiously, keeping me behind him and continually looked around to make sure no one else was with us. Eventually, we stood at the feet of the man, looking down at him as he scuttled back and forth in the mud.

  “What’s hurting you, Hector?” Michael asked.

  “Snakes! They’re biting me! Please, get them off.”

  “Are they eating you?”

  “Yes! God! Help me!”

  “Are they painful, Hector?”


  “Hector, I’ll help you if you tell me who helped you bring Jennifer out here. Can you do that for me?”

  “Michael, he’s hurting.”

  Michael grabbed my hand and held it tight. “Hector, who brought Jennifer out here? Who did it?”



  “It was your sister! The sergeant did it! Now, kill the snakes! I hate snakes!” Michael looked at me and back at Hector.

  “Are you sure, Hector, because I’ll leave you right there and watch those snakes eat your sorry carcass!”

  “Yes, I’m sure! She set it up to be gone during the meeting. She got us to work with her because we didn’t want her here either! This was all her doing! Now, please help me,” Hector sobbed.

  Michael’s other hand went up and the pistol fired faster than I could react. I turned and screamed as Hector’s head flung around, the back of it blown out, sprayed against the building.

  “Why did you do that?” I screamed as he wrapped me up in his arms, closing me in. “Why? Why?”

  “Jennifer, he was suffering,” he said. “AB positive. His nightmare had come to life and was attacking him. He would have stayed like that till he died. There was nothing we could do for him.”

  I pushed away from him.

  “And what about me? Would you have killed me last night if I would’ve turned into…into—”

  “Jennifer, stop!” He shook me slightly. “This is how life works now. Hector knew what was going to happen to him. He took the risk to do this to you and he paid the price for it.”

  “And what about your sister?”

  Michael shook his head before sighing. “I don’t know, but we need to find out.”

  * * * *

  Michael searched the building and the vehicles stored inside for any clothing I could wear over my T-shirt and undergarments I had worn when the kidnappers took me, but he only found a pair of oversized shoes and a long, yellow raincoat in the back of the SUV.

  “What is this place?” I asked as we stepped outside again.

  “Insurance,” he said coolly, walking forward quickly toward the woods.

  The morning dew stuck to our shoes but was of little concern. Both of us had slept in our wet clothes, which were still damp. Michael told me the rains were always welcome and that they help provide for nearly half the drinking water for the compound. With Mr. Allan’s engineering capabilities, they were only dependent on one water well and they were able to create all of their own power within the compound by the solar panels that had been stolen over the last six years.

  “That’s those flat things on the roof, aren’t they?”

  “Yes. We were able to get most of them early on, but as the city was destroyed from the fighting and looting, we weren’t able to find them nearly as easily. He keeps a close eye on our usage though, making sure we don’t waste anything.

  “And what about food?” I asked.

  “Why? Are you starving?” he joked. “No, we have plenty of food for the five hundred people. A lot of them have farmer backgrounds from the area. We were able to build fences and actually bring in some cattle that helped us survive the first few months, but eventually we had to start farming. We’ve done pretty well at it I must say. Nobody starves.”

  “Are plants or animals not affected by the virus?”

  Michael shook his head. “Somehow, no. Doc doesn’t know. When I ask he just says he’s not a biology professor, whatever that means. Still, we butcher all the animals on the inside, just to make sure.”

  We walked a while more, Michael leading the way through the thick forest. He smiled back at me, but mostly concentrated on the path, and when we heard voices, he dropped us both to the ground.

  Just ahead, we heard people laughing and yelping. We moved forward cautiously, hiding behind an inclined terrain, but paused when we saw four men standing around a large tree. They all were looking up at it and smiling as they waved their gun around. Their slovenly clothing and tattoos made chills run through my spine.

  “Déracinés—I’ve never seen them this far north,” Michael whispered, but continued to take in the scene in front of him. “Oh no.”

  I stuck my head up and saw another man tied to the tree. He still had his mask on, but they had obviously beaten him up.

  “Michael, look.” I pointed up into the tree where they stood. There, Clarissa clung to the branches high above the men. “What do we do?”

  He flung around and pulled out his pistol.

  “I have seven shots for four men, then a knife.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know what to bring while saving your life.”

  “They have rifles,” I said, like he hadn’t seen them. He continued to look around, trying to find some sort of an advantage to the situation before him.

  “What can I do?” I said, interrupting his train of thought.

  “Stay here and stay down.” He pulled a dagger from his boot and jabbed it into the soft ground next to me. “If this goes bad, keep on going south. Don’t get lost in these woods. If you hit the interstate, you’ve gone way too far.”

  “Michael,” I said, but he was already going forward, hiding behind the first large tree as he snuck up to the group. He continued to do so until he was only about thirty feet away. Lifting his hands, he pulled the trigger and the largest of the men went down as his head twisted and blood sprayed from his neck.

  The men immediately started firing in our direction, and I ducked my head as bullets bounced off the trees around me. The percussion of shots cut through the silence of the woods. When the noise stopped, I heard myself screaming for the first time.

  “Did you hear that?” one said and looked in my direction. When I looked over the terrain, even at the distance, I could see the thin, black eyes of the Deracine men.

  “There she is!” one pointed. “You stay here. We’ll get this one.”

  Two of them started toward me and I pulled the knife from the ground as my only defense. When they passed Michael, he shot the
closest one in the side of the head. The man was dead before he hit the ground. Michael swung out and grabbed the other one around the neck, quickly turning him to face his counterpart’s bullets, which riddled him. Continuing to use the man as a shield, Michael raised his pistol and fired at the last Deracine, who collapsed where he stood. He dropped the last one to the ground and looked back at me.

  “Jennifer, are you okay?” When he finally turned, his green jacket was covered with blood. My mouth dropped open and I ran toward him.

  “Michael!” I screamed, but he held his hands up as I approached.

  “It’s not my blood.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” he breathed heavily, “I’m fine.”

  We both looked at the tree, seeing the man pinned to it. When we got closer, we could see he had been tied to the tree with white rope, the same type I had been tied with. The Déracinés also wrapped him tightly with barbed wire, and there were bullet wounds in his shoulder.

  “Did you know him?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Michael mumbled, but was concentrating on bringing his sister down from the tree. “Clarissa, come down!” he yelled. “Clarissa!”

  It took a few moments, but Clarissa finally climbed down. When she hit the ground, Michael already had his pistol pointed at her.

  “Get on the ground,” he said coolly. She looked at him and then at me. “Sergeant, get on the ground!” he commanded.

  Slowly, she lowered herself, all the while staring at me. Michael passed me the pistol.

  “If she moves, kill her.”

  I tried to speak, but nothing came from my mouth. I held the gun pointed at her and our eyes locked. Michael walked to the tree and cut some of the rope from the dead man. He tied Clarissa’s hands behind her back and hoisted her to her feet.

  “I don’t want to hear one word out of you,” he whispered, but I could still hear him, “Hector, Brady, they’re both dead because of you, and I’ll make sure you are punished for this.” But his words meant nothing to her, as she continued her vicious glare at me, an unrelenting stare that left me cold and warned me to never let down my guard. Why she didn’t kill me when she had the chance, I will never know.


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