Swim the River

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Swim the River Page 4

by Stephy Smith

  The enormity of the situation pierced his heart. He had to wait for Silver Hawk to verify Falcon Woman’s acceptance. He raised his eyes to the soft clouds dotting the sky. A long sigh escaped him. Keeping the news that was sure to come ate at his insides.

  A peculiar sensation slithered down his spine. He pushed a pebble and a few twigs around with his moccasin-covered toes. His shoulders tightened. The air seemed to thicken when he tried to breath. A quick pace pounded in his chest as he waited for Falcon Woman’s reply. There was no doubt in his mind as to the decision he made. Ever since he was a young boy, he vowed one day he would ask for her hand in marriage. He wouldn’t allow any other thought to hinder his secure and confident judgment now.

  For years he had observed her when her family visited the village. Rising Wolf had spoken to Woman With Small Voice to ask her advice for obtaining Falcon Woman’s hand in marriage. From the scene below, he guessed Woman With Small Voice had talked with her son. For neither Silver Hawk nor Bright eyes appeared to be surprised at his request. From the look in their eyes, they were more than willing to hand their daughter over to him. Was she as stubborn as Red Eagle had led him to believe?

  With his chest puffed out and his shoulders back he gained a little confidence Falcon Woman would say yes. She wouldn’t have come to him if she were thinking about refusing. After all, he was a mighty warrior among his tribe. Rising Wolf glanced at the cabin, hoping for another peek at Falcon Woman. His insides seemed to melt as if he were snow on a sunny day. A strange vibration ran down his spine as if her eyes were on him. Was he imagining her pulling his love toward the cabin? Falcon Woman’s medicine was strong and steady, never once faltering when she was in his presence.

  He kept his eyes trained on the cabin below. What could be taking them so long? He spat the grass blade out and reached for another. Kale “Silver Hawk” scurried to the barn and disappeared inside. Rising Wolf’s lungs filled with fresh air. The palms of his hands grew sweaty, and he wiped them on his leggings. When he looked back at the house, there she was.

  The graceful movements of Falcon Woman’s body as she strolled up the trail and lowered herself to the ground pitched his heart to a faster pace. Something seemed to be tormenting her mind, and he wondered if it was his proposal. There were many more horses in the horse valley he would gladly round up if she requested more. He closed his eyes and pulled the memory of her face into view.

  Many times, he read her soft brown eyes when she glanced his way. There were times he had to fight himself not to run and pull her into his arms. Were the stories written in her eyes all lies? What if she refused his hand in marriage? He would go back to camp a beaten warrior if she refused his request. No, he couldn’t let that happen. Silver Hawk was regarded with high esteem within the tribe. The elders approved of the union. Never in his life had he been reduced to doubts. Shaking his head, he wiped the thoughts from his mind.

  From this day forward he would fight for her until his death. He wouldn’t go back to his village without her promise of marriage. The thought crossed his mind that she may want to stay near her parents. His willingness to give up his life among the tribe to be with her was his way of life. The husband always left to live in the woman’s village. The air on the mountain changed with his emotions. He shivered.

  Woman With Small Voice had advised him it would be wiser if they stayed with the tribe rather than live close to Falcon Woman’s parents. His strength and wisdom was needed for the people. The final choice would be up to her. He turned back to the cabin below. He tried to still his mind. She hadn’t said if she was going to accept or decline his proposal. The seeds of doubt tormented him a while longer.

  To live without the love of his life would be more than he could bear. For years, he had watched Falcon Woman from afar. She changed from the happy, slender girl into a woman with pure beauty. Somewhere along the way, Falcon Woman became the sustenance nurturing his soul, his heart, his main existence.

  Nights of lying awake with visions of her being his one day haunted his heart.

  Kale’s horse thundered up the incline and pulled him away from his thoughts. Kale stopped before him. His face was unreadable, and Rising Wolf straightened to his full height. His heart plummeted as if it had been dislodged from the highest mountain to splatter on the boulders and trees in its descent.

  “Rising Wolf.” Kale slid from his horse.

  “Silver Hawk.” He nodded and extended his hand.

  “Sure is a nice day, isn’t it?” Kale glanced around. “I’ve always like looking off into the wilderness. From up here you can see for a long distance.”

  Rising Wolf looked out over the mountain range. He shifted from one foot to the other. His breath caught in his throat as he listened to Silver Hawk ramble about nothing in particular. Rising Wolf scuffled around a bit. The pounding in his chest grew louder. A voice in his head wanted to yell at the man to shut up and tell him what Falcon Woman had said.

  Then there was silence. Silver Hawk was looking across the mountain; his eyes held a faraway look. Rising Wolf thought he could see a tear glistening in the man’s eye. “When Emma Bright Eyes first came to me, I saw hatred in the white man who shot her. I swore if I ever had a daughter, nothing so horrid would happen to Falcon Woman. Now she is a grown woman.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to your daughter, Silver Hawk. She’s in my soul, and you know I’m a strong man and will protect her with my last dying breath.” Rising Wolf steadied his breathing.

  “She says she wants a love like her ma and I have.”

  “I have loved Falcon Woman for a long while.”

  “I know, Rising Wolf. You’ll make a good husband for my daughter. Go in peace and prepare for the day you take Falcon Woman as your wife. I place her in good hands; she’s yours.” Kale jumped up on his horse.

  Rising Wolf inhaled a deep gulp of mountain air. He glanced back at the cabin and raised his spear over his head. A war cry sung his success across the mountain. Kale’s words she’s yours echoed in his mind. He clasped arms with Kale, almost pulling him from his mount. Rising Wolf’s spirit rose as the reality of his proposal sank in. The will to remain calm soared to unreachable levels. Falcon Woman was forever his.

  Now he could go home with his head held high and his heart free from worry. Falcon Woman would be his for the rest of his time on earth. To love and hold, to share his thoughts and bear his children. The boulder lifted from his shoulders caused his mind to soar with the eagles overhead. He choked back another wild cry, touched his hand to his heart and sent his love to the woman inside the cabin. His horse turned beneath the pressure of his knees and galloped up the mountain.

  Crisp, clean air floated around him. The sun trickled down with warmth to match his heart. He held his shoulders straight, his muscles relaxed in his neck and back. Falcon Woman said yes and that was all he could think of as he rode the winding trail back to his people.

  Rising Wolf entered the village and scanned the area for Red Eagle. He issued up a small prayer wishing Red Eagle luck with Little Snowbird. She would be a good wife for Red Eagle. Her light skin matched his future brother, and she could pass as a white woman in D.C., with the teachings of Emma Bright Eyes. A loud call of success came from within the center of the camp. He headed in the direction of the cry.

  Before Red Eagle left for Washington D.C., Rising Wolf would marry Falcon Woman. That was the way she wanted it, and he would be happy as long as she was by his side. The air was still crisp as the sun began to sink below the tops of the trees. His heart stood at peace with nature. He smiled when he greeted the wide grin of Red Eagle.

  “Falcon Woman wants to marry soon. Your father said before you leave. She wants you here to share the day with her.” He clasped hands with Red Eagle. Rising Wolf sucked in a breath at the resemblance of Falcon Woman and Red Eagle. The twins had the same sparkling eyes and genuine smiles. His heart raced with the knowledge that in a few days’ time, he would wake up next to the beautiful s
ight of his wife.

  “Little Snowbird will be ready in two days. After the ceremony, we will leave. How would you like to have your joining the same day—with us? I have talked it over with Little Snowbird, and she thinks it’s a good idea.” Elation spread across Red Eagle’s face.

  “Would Falcon Woman like it?” Rising Wolf raised his brow. “It will be fine with me.”

  “I sent word back to Pa. I asked him to tell her of the plan and find out. Let Pa get yelled at if she doesn’t like the idea.” Red Eagle shrugged, his laughter filled the area as he clapped Rising Wolf on the back. “You’re one brave warrior to take on my sister.”

  “We’ll go to animal dance and then sleep. Sweet Medicine will pour down a large bounty for the hunt. Big day’s coming fast. Tomorrow we will hunt.” Rising Wolf rushed past Red Eagle toward his lodge where they would prepare for the dance.

  Before the sun peeked over the mountain, the two men called the hunting party together, mounted their horses and left camp.


  At first not all Cheyenne accepted Silver Hawk's wife. Woman With Small Voice persuaded most of the tribe to give her a chance. Bright Eyes was a smart woman and could educate their children in the way of the whites. The tribe would benefit from the transformation to secure their existence in the future. Rising Wolf himself was honored to have her teach him and welcome her children into the tribe. Especially the girl. Falcon Woman held some kind of mystical, magical power over him; he had trouble paying attention to the lessons Bright Eyes assigned.

  Falcon Woman’s auburn hair glistened in the sunlight while they sat under the shade trees for school. Her dark green eyes followed her mother’s movements as Bright Eyes passed from one student to the next. During the break in studies, the girl would go off by herself and sit near the edge of the woods.

  Rising Wolf would stand close, hidden in the shadows and watch as she drew pictures and brought them to life on her paper. At other times, she would join the rest of the children and play games. Falcon Woman’s agility and quickness brought goose bumps sprinkling across his skin. Her laughter soothed his soul as she romped with his friends on the grass.

  The children of the tribe adored her, and Rising Wolf thought back on his school days. His wife would bring more knowledge with her, and Red Eagle would talk to the white chiefs in Washington, fighting for the tribe. He glanced over to see Red Eagle sitting proud on the back of his horse. A silly grin stretched across his face, and Rising Wolf hoped in a small way he didn’t look as ridiculous as Red Eagle. Deep down he didn’t care how he looked, only what floated around inside his heart mattered.

  Five shots echoed across the mountain, bringing him back to full attention on the hunt. More shots fired, and he noticed more buffalo had slumped to the earth. The foot party ran in to do their jobs of skinning and cutting the meat to haul to the village. He and Red Eagle helped load the meat onto the travois to transport it. It was a good day to hunt. Rising Wolf’s chest filled with pride. Red Eagle had taken down the largest, and Rising Wolf ran a close second. He extended his hands to the heavens and praised the Great Spirit for the blessings he bestowed upon the tribe.

  Upon their return to the camp, Rising Wolf and Red Eagle were sent to the sacred springs to prepare for their wedding day. Tomorrow, the two men would become one with their women. Their spirits to entwine and cherish, love and protect, and strengthen the bonds of the children they would produce for the good of the people.

  “Do you feel the butterflies in your stomach?” Red Eagle cocked a brow.

  “No, I feel bees. They flutter around and then sting.” He tried to hide his joy. He thought how childish he sounded for a strong and mighty warrior.

  “Thanks. I was hoping I wasn’t turning into a woman.” Red Eagle said. Rising Wolf relaxed in the calm of the river. The quiet pool rippled, washing away all the worries from his soul. A gentle breeze carried the tunes of the peaceful existence in the small valley. His mind floated away with the lamentation of loneliness.

  “Do you think Falcon Woman would like a cabin here?” Rising Wolf glanced at the open area near the river. The leaves rustled in the tops of trees to allow the sun in when a breeze picked up.

  Red Eagle’s head jerked his way. “I know she would love it here. There are plenty of herbs; it’s close to the river and not too far from the village. But in your world, the women are the ones who set up the lodge. I don’t think I would want to live in a cabin my sister builds.”

  “I think I’ll be a busy man trying to build a white man's cabin for my woman then. Good thing I have you and your father to instruct the men in the process.” His words choked from his throat. He wouldn’t be chastised for living in a white man’s house since that was the custom of his future bride. It was his way to make her welcome to his way of life without destroying hers.

  My woman, he rolled the phrase in his mind. Elation conquered his heart and rendered all other emotions impotent. Tomorrow, Falcon Woman will be my woman. The sound of drums echoed in his ears. He spent a sleepless night.

  At first light, he was ready for his special day to become one with Falcon Woman. He stepped outside the tipi to the murmurs as the fire was being stoked. Women made their way to the river to collect water for the tribe. The men and boys made their way to the water to bathe. The higher the sun rose, the livelier the camp became. The women cooked the morning meal, and the boys brought in the horses from the nearby pasture.

  The old crier circled the village on his horse. His loud voice announced to the people there would be the two weddings. He also told of other important news for the tribe. Rising Wolf watched the children scatter to different areas to swim, run, or mold clay pottery.

  Women divided into groups. Some set out to gather firewood, while others searched for herbs and berries for the feast. Men sat in groups telling stories, while a few younger boys listened. Several made bows, arrows, and pipes.

  His stomach lurched as he thought of the activities for the day. The assurance of building a life with Falcon Woman suddenly hit him. The day settled like a far-off dream. Time past quickly until he stood gazing at Falcon Woman. His limbs shook as her unwavering eyes held him in a trance obscured from the world around them.

  Falcon Woman, dressed in the white doeskin, rendered him speechless. Her long dark tresses glowed with sun streaks. He held his breath as he gazed upon her. She stood beside him, and he stared into her dark green eyes. She smiled up at him and sent shivers slithering to his inner core. Desire melted his fears.

  The depths of her eyes drew him in and set his heart racing. A sweet smell of spices radiated from her hair and sent ripples over his skin. Deep dimples appeared on her flawless cheeks, framing her full, luscious lips. He felt her hands quiver when he encased them in his. In an instant, he accepted her wisdom as she sucked the breath from his lungs then replaced it with a stronger, more intense strength than he had ever known. It was a good sign, for she was willing to give herself wholly to him.

  They stood by the high circle of stones that held the sacred fire. Her eyes fixed on him as the Rite of Seven Steps wedding ceremony began.

  Rising Wolf inhaled a deep breath and then took a step to his left, “Falcon Woman you show your devotion to me as we walk as one. Together we will share the responsibilities of our lodge, our meals, and our children. May the creator bless us with happiness.”

  She stepped next to him. Her voice calm as she cited her vow. “I commit to you my devotion to our home, our food, and our children.”

  Rising Wolf stepped once more and spoke, “May the creator bless you by taking the second step with me. I will fill your heart with love, courage, and strength.”

  Falcon woman followed him. “Your happiness shall rejoice in my heart. I promise to fill your heart with my love, courage, and strength. May we be blessed with an honorable lodge.”

  Once more Rising Wolf advanced to the left. “May wealth and prosperity grow throughout our lives. I will love you with all my heart for as lon
g as we both shall live.”

  She moved to stand beside him. “My love for you is pure. With this feather I present to you my promise of truth and loyalty to you alone.” She handed him the feather.

  “I am blessed you have taken four steps with me. You have brought favor and sacredness in my life.” He kept his eyes on her as he took another step before he spoke.

  Her eyes brightened as she neared him. She held out her hand to offer kernels of corn. “Like this corn, we will grow as one from this day forward. I will stand beside you with pride.”

  Rising Wolf took another step. “May the creator bless us with great joy and peace. You have filled my heart with happiness by joining me on the fifth step.”

  “I will share your joy and sorrow. Your love will be my sole existence.” She stepped toward him.

  He took another step. “You have filled my heart with happiness. You have brightened my love with your presence.”

  She advanced. “My beloved husband, the creator blesses you. I will always walk beside you as one.”

  Rising Wolf took the last step. He let out a sigh. “You have now walked seven steps with me. Our love and friendship have melted into one spirit. We are inseparable. You and I are now one. I offer myself to you. May our marriage last forever.”

  “By the law of the creator and the spirits of our honorable ancestors, I have become your wife. The promises I have made to you are forever binding and spoken pure of heart. I shall never deceive you. I will love you forever.” She closed the gap between them.

  Falcon Woman had never been away from her family, and he wondered if she agreed to the marriage to help Red Eagle or because she cared for him. It didn’t matter now, for she was his, and he would never let anything tear them apart. Her eyes held love; his heart faltered with the fear of breaking a promise to honor the woman he chose for his wife.

  His chest filled with pride; all day Falcon Woman clung to his side. She greeted his people with absolute poise.


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