Downs, Jana - Cat and Mouse [Beast Games 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Downs, Jana - Cat and Mouse [Beast Games 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Jana Downs

  Cassisus knew logically that he was being unreasonable, but he didn’t give a damn. He had so little, and every object he possessed was precious to him. The mirror had been a gift from a little human boy who had been at one of their matches in Denver. Cassisus had carried it everywhere with him since he’d been given it.

  “I am not in the mood to play games,” Cassisus declared, sitting down on his mattress, which was only elevated off the floor by the box springs underneath. “Someone broke my mirror deliberately.”

  “It was probably one of the servants who came in to clean, and it was probably an accident. If you cleaned up yourself, then you wouldn’t have to worry about it. You’re the only cat I know who is a slob,” Faustus accused.

  Cassisus bristled. “I am not a slob. This is organized chaos, brother. I know where everything is.” He held up the mirror again. “Including my mirror. My mirror was in my desk last night. This morning it was on my floor and broken.”

  Faustus snorted. “Riiiight. So someone snuck into your room, broke your mirror without you either hearing or smelling them, and then left it on the floor where you would step on it.”

  “Exactly!” Cassisus snapped.

  “Oh for the love of God, Cassisus. You sound ridiculous!” Faustus rumbled, raking a hand through his white-blond hair.

  “Boys, what is the problem?” their lanista, Corbin, asked, coming around the corner. The massive bear shifter took up the whole damn hallway. “Why aren’t you two in the practice square?”

  “Cassisus has decided that he’s not practicing today because ‘someone’ broke his hand mirror.” Faustus growled, gripping the bars of Cassisus’s room and glaring.

  “Is that so, Cassisus?” Corbin asked, unlocking the cage with his massive set of master keys. As manager of the gladiatorial school, Corbin was the only one with a complete set of keys for the entire place.

  “It was the only one I have!” Cassisus shouted unreasonably. He had to share everything. His weapons, his food, his space, hell, even his belongings didn’t really belong to him but to his master. For once he wanted something that was his and only his. Was that so much to ask?

  “I will speak with Master Flavius today about getting you a new one delivered. If you behave, I’ll even let you pick out the one we order from Amazon. All right?” As usual, Corbin tried to placate Cassisus. He may have been a pain in the ass, but he was the best gladiator there, and he knew it. They didn’t call him Cassisus the Vain for nothing.

  Cassisus sighed. It wasn’t the point of his protest but whatever. At least he’d get something out of it. “Fine,” he said. “But I want expedited shipping.”

  Corbin chuckled and took his arm, dragging him from his cell. “Whatever you want, Cass. Just get your ass in the practice arena.”

  Cassisus huffed but did as he was told. He walked side by side with his brother down the simply decorated cream hallways that led to the main floor. This part of the gladiator school was the sleeping quarters and didn’t really deviate from the structure of a regular house except for the fact that the walls were reinforced with cement and brick behind the drywall and the doors weren’t wooden but instead were barred gates which ran floor to ceiling and could be locked.

  There were only two other parts of the house. The kitchen and attached eating area, where the gladiators took their meals unless they were on lockdown, and the indoor practice area, which was essentially a big sandbox that ran the length of a ballroom and provided an indoor area for them to spar when it was either too cold outside or raining. Since it was December, it was far too cold for some of his shape-shifting brethren. While he and Faustus would be all right out in subzero weather as Siberian tigers, some of the other cats, the lions in particular, would be freezing their asses off. Cold fighters equaled slow fighters, and Master Flavius had shown the forethought and caring to have the school erected with an indoor sparring area.

  Cassisus had been very familiar with his master’s father, Flavius the first, but the junior member of the family had had limited interaction with those fighters that Flavius the elder had raised since infancy. He did give them more amenities and more funding though, so Cassisus supposed that was a good enough reason as any to like the guy.

  They took a right into the sparring room. Their fellow gladiators were already on the sands, stretching their muscles and doing experimental swings with swords and other weaponry. The steel pieces were mainly for the human’s enjoyment. It was a well-known fact that shifters fought better either completely shifted or partially shifted. Their claws were more easily controlled than clunky swords or axes.

  “Decided to join us, Cass?” Malcolm called out as Maxi tackled him to the ground and started wrestling with him. The two snow leopards were playful to the core, but they were also unpredictable as hell. Mal had been Cassisus’s friend since they were kits though, so he was pretty good at predicting Mal’s mood.

  “Someone has to show the plebs how it’s done,” he said, rolling his shoulders to get out the earlier tension. Faustus beelined for the armory and came back with two shields which were specially made for them. They attached to the wrist and had a strap that circled the chest and shoulder. The shields could even be used in shifted form, which was pretty cool in Cassisus’s mind. The new invention was certainly top-of-the-line.

  “Get the lead out, Cass. Let’s move,” Faustus said, padding barefoot out onto the tightly packed sand. His brother may have been runt of the litter, but Faustus had grown into a man of considerable size. He was almost as big as Cassisus, standing only an inch or two shorter than his six-six frame.

  “Who am I taking this morning?” Cassisus asked Corbin as the lanista shouted at two of the lion shifters to stop horsing around as they knocked over one of the tables which housed some of their equipment.

  The bear shifter made a noise of frustration as the two lions scrambled for purchase on the slate floor. “For Christ sake’s. Those two have four left feet.” They were the newest edition to the Ludus and were only eighteen and twenty respectively. Not that Cassisus was much older, he was only twenty-five, but they seemed so much younger than the rest of them for some reason. Corbin turned his attention to Cassisus. “I want you and Gregori paired up today. He’ll help you work on that armor of yours.”

  “He hits like a fucking hammer, Corbin,” Cassisus said, eyeing the Liger with disdain. Gregori’s mixed heritage was one of the many reasons that the big cat was scary as hell and mean to boot. Both sides of his family had apparently rejected him and his litter mates, so his old master had sold off the kits even before they were weaned. The experience had apparently given Gregori ample reason to hate everyone and everything and snarl like he was in his cat form even when he wasn’t. He was also the biggest son of a bitch in the bunch.

  “Yeah, well, next time you’ll get your ass to practice on time instead of pouting about your broken toys,” Corbin said with a cheerful grin on his face. Bastard. “All right, gents, let’s get this show on the road!”

  * * * *

  “As you can see, I have the entire house especially formulated for their needs. We have twelve gladiators in residence now with the three new additions I bought three months ago. There are more rooms upstairs for when I choose to expand the school. Hopefully after the Olympics this year,” Flavius said, motioning to the now-empty gladiators’ quarters.

  “You know, I hear that they’ll be starting some water-based Beast Games soon,” Justin was saying excitedly. “They’ll have sharks and all sorts of interesting shifter types paired off for the fights.”

  “I deal in cats only, Justin. You know that. My house specializes in that, and I don’t really have the urge to go in any other direction when I do expand.”

  Tobias tuned out the conversation as he looked around the gladiator school. As Flavius’s personal servant, he rarely saw the inside of the building adjacent to the house. It was much larger than the school had been at the old house, and he imagined it was far more luxurious. His master en
joyed taking care of his gladiators.

  Some of his cousins worked in the Ludus, but they rarely talked about the gladiators there. They were predators of the more obvious kind. Cats to their mice. So a certain amount of fear was pretty common among the household staff. Typically, smaller shifters or herbivores were used as household servants. It was rare that predators were allowed near human families. Tobias supposed it was because nonpredatory shifters were seen as gentler for some reason. Humans just didn’t understand that wild animals were still animals, no matter their small size. Over time the urge to fight their human masters had left most of them, though. Second-generation shifters like Tobias wouldn’t even dream of rebelling. This way of life was his way of life. Besides, Flavius was a kind keeper.

  “Tobias, go tell Corbin that we have a guest and that he’s to get the boys lined up and ready to be presented.” Flavius’s voice cut through his musings. “Tell Cassisus and Faustus to be out front and displayed properly. I don’t want them off in the back just because they want to be obstinate.”

  “Yes, Master,” Tobias said, bowing. He turned on his heels and followed his nose down a side corridor. The cats were easy to smell, so he just followed his nose toward the objects of his task.

  He came out into a large room with a sand pit at its center. The sound of metal and the screams of cats had the fine hairs on his body standing on end. His stomach turned over as he watched the predatory grace of the cats as they clashed in the sands. The last thing he wanted to do was go down to the pit and approach any of them. He waffled, unsure who to approach. Corbin was the lanista, the manager of the gladiators, but he couldn’t remember what he was in addition to that. Nor could Tobias recall what exactly the man looked like. He never had to go down to the Ludus and never by himself.

  “What are you doing here, boy?” A great voice boomed from right behind him. Tobias turned and gave a little squeak of fear as he looked up into the yellow eyes of a massive cat in human form. He was handsome enough and certainly attractive, but the smirk on his face and the dead look in his eye made him absolutely terrifying.

  “I, um, I…” His tongue tripped over itself as those eyes regarded him with cool calculation. He swallowed. “II came with a message ffrom Master Flavius.”

  The shifter sneered. “Oh? What does Master Flavius want with us, eh?”

  “Gregori, what the hell are you doing?” Another voice cut into whatever stammered reply Tobias was attempting to formulate. Tobias felt relief for a second until he saw who had spoken. A huge man with white-blond hair and glacial-blue eyes who was nearly as big as the first giant stepped to Tobias’s other side. Tobias was sandwiched between the two, and it was the last place he wanted to be.

  “Having a little bit of fun with the help. Got a problem, Cassisus?” Gregori snarled.

  “Shut the fuck up. You’re scaring him.” Cassisus rumbled, taking Tobias’s arm and pulling him from between them before promptly putting Tobias behind him. Tobias blinked. Seriously? A cat was defending him? Gregori snorted before turning on his heel and stalking toward one of the weapon-clad tables a few feet away.

  The cat who’d saved him turned his attention back on Tobias. “Hi, little one. You okay?” Their eyes met, and Tobias felt his head spin. His mother had always warned him that the eyes of cats could entrance. He knew what she was talking about now. Aside from being a good guy, his savior was gorgeous, and his coloration was so exotic that he looked like something out of one of Tobias’s dreams.

  The cat tilted his head to the side, studying him. “You smell good, little one.” He seemed to have realized what he said, because he shook his head as if to clear it. “Um, back to that first question. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Tobias said breathlessly. Wow, the cat was pretty. Tobias just wanted to curl into him. Which was insane. He was a gladiator, a cat, something Tobias had been warned to stay away from his entire life.

  The gladiator’s nose twitched, and a low growl sounded. “Hmm, what’s your name, little one?”


  The human cat started purring, and the deep rumble made Tobias’s body tighten. Why was that so sexy? “Nice to meet you, Tobias. I’m Cassisus.” He smiled, revealing straight white teeth. “But everyone calls me Cass.”

  “Hi,” Tobias managed as his eyes fixated on the other man’s lips. He wondered what the cat tasted like. His hand found its way to pet Cassisus’s chest, feeling the vibrations of the purring as it stroked along the sweaty flesh. The cat didn’t seem to mind in the least, and in fact, he seemed to purr louder as the petting commenced.

  Cassisus leaned down, his lips separated from Tobias’s by less than an inch. The cat’s breath fanned Tobias’s face, and Tobias started panting at the unasked question. He’d never been kissed before, but suddenly he could think of nothing better than to have Cassisus’s lips on his. His body screamed for it, every nerve tingling in awareness that he’d never experienced before. The cat licked his lips, obviously as entranced as Tobias was.

  “What the hell is going on here?” The question brought them both out of the haze of enchantment. Tobias’s cheeks blazed as he looked up at the cat who had stolen his sanity for the past thirty seconds.

  He turned, ready to flee. A big hand grabbed his arm, and he whimpered at the touch. It hurt. It felt like a thousand stinging insects were biting his arm wherever the hand touched the skin of his arm. Cassisus snarled, a very feline hiss of displeasure sounding in the small space. The hand released him. He looked up into the brown eyes of the man who had grabbed him. He was even bigger than the other two men he’d met. What do they feed people down here?

  “Who are you?” the brown-eyed giant asked.

  “His name is Tobias,” Cassisus answered for him, stepping in front of the giant as if to protect him. Tobias didn’t understand the urge, but he grabbed ahold of the edge of Cassisus’s pants to let him know where he was. It seemed to settle the cat.

  “Flavius’s Tobias?” the giant asked.

  “No.” Cassisus growled. “Mine.”

  “II belong to Master Flavius. I’m his personal servant.” Tobias stammered through the sentence. “II’m supposed to be talking to CCorbin, the lanista.” Cassisus turned his head and met Tobias’s eyes over his shoulder, a look very near disappointment on his face.

  “Then you’ve met him.” The brown-eyed giant stepped around Cassisus, who seemed frozen to the spot. “I am Corbin. Did you have a message?”

  Tobias nodded and felt a moment’s panic as Cassisus pulled out of his touch. The acute sense of loss was painful. He rubbed his chest where his heart was hammering like a battle drum, and a dull ache that was settled there grew sharper. “Yes. He wants the gladiators lined up to be presented to a guest. He wants Cassisus and Faustus in front.”

  Corbin inclined his head to acknowledge Tobias’s words. “You heard him, gents. Get lined up for presentation.” He pointed a finger at Cassisus. “That means you, too, Cass.”

  Cassisus turned and took a step away from Tobias. “Wait!” Tobias cried out without thought. He wasn’t even sure why he did such a thing.

  The gladiator turned. “Yes?”

  “I, um, thank you,” Tobias managed, clenching his fists to keep from reaching out to the cat again. What is wrong with me?

  “You’re welcome, little one.” Cassisus took a step in his direction before stopping. “How old are you?”

  “Eighteen,” Tobias answered automatically, though he had no idea what sort of relevance that had in their conversation.

  Cassisus smiled. “Good enough.” He took the last two steps and drew Tobias into his arms. The mouse gasped at the full body-on-body contact with the cat. The firm hand on his chin tilted it up until he lifted it to where Cassisus wanted him. What is he doing? The dazed thought penetrated his awareness an instant before Cassisus’s lips settled on his own.

  The awareness that had warmed his blood the moment before went into a full boil. Tobias whimpered at his first taste of ma
n and Beast. God, what have I been missing?

  There were no servants in the house that he wasn’t related to in some way. He’d been fairly isolated. Of course he’d seen people kiss in movies and on television, but the reality of it was something else entirely. He felt swept away by the press of Cassisus’s lips on his own, and when the cat lapped at his mouth, seeking entrance, all he could do was sigh and open his lips for Cassisus’s sensual assault.

  He clung to the cat, draping his much smaller arms around his neck and opening his mouth wider to accept the slightly rough caress of Cassisus’s tongue. The cat’s hands wrapped around his waist and kneaded his ass through the black dress pants he’d worn. The touch was electrifying, and he gasped at the caress. Urges that Tobias was pretty sure he hadn’t had before boiled up from somewhere in the depths of his consciousness. He wanted to be naked in the worst way. He wanted to rub against Cassisus’s body until he came.

  Cassisus broke the kiss and began to nibble a trail down his neck and onto his shoulder, nuzzling his way beneath the collar of his shirt to get there. The motion drove Tobias crazy. He wanted something to happen. He just didn’t understand what.

  “Oh.” The word was a gasp of delight as Cassisus nipped the tendon of his neck harder. The sensation ran down his shoulder and nestled in his already-throbbing cock.

  “Drop him. Now, Cass.” The shouted command of the lanista sliced through Tobias’s desire like a knife. What the hell am I doing? He pulled back and tried to get out of the gladiator’s arms. Cassisus growled at him and gripped his arms more tightly.

  “Cassisus, why are you assaulting my personal servant?” The master’s voice made Tobias blush scarlet. Flavius had just caught him practically humping one of the gladiators! He closed his eyes tight and gave a little whimper of embarrassment. He’d never been in this sort of situation before.


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