Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 11

by Jill Weatherholt

  She settled back into the driver’s seat and rested her head against the steering wheel. Her chest squeezed. What are you doing? She took a deep breath and exhaled before putting the car into Drive. As she pulled away she glanced at the rearview mirror. Jackson was at the window, looking as though he’d lost his best friend.

  Her stomach was queasy. Going behind Aunt Phoebe’s back to sell her house had been wrong. She knew it. Since losing her family, she’d felt threatened by her own fear of being alone. Rather than face it, she’d cowered like a dog during a thunderstorm. No more. She knew what she had to do.

  Chapter Nine

  Melanie headed to the rehab center, her eyelids heavy. Her conversation with Jackson whirled through her mind. Deceitful. He was right. She was doing whatever she had to in order to make herself feel better. When she caught a glimpse of Ackerman’s General Store, she hit the turn signal and pulled into the parking lot.

  In anticipation of a much-needed caffeine jolt, she raced through the door and straight to the glowing sign that read Pepsi. She snatched a bottle and twisted the lid, releasing the fizzing sound. She drew the bottle to her lips and took an extended pull from the bottle. After the fiasco at Aunt Phoebe’s house, her nerves were frazzled.

  She scurried toward the front of the store and grabbed a pack of Altoids along the way. As she neared the register, she stopped dead in her tracks. There, standing in front of the newsstand, reading a paper, was Richard. At first she wanted to turn and hide. Instead she swallowed the bulge in her throat and headed straight toward him.

  Richard turned at the sound of her heels clicking along the oak floor. “Melanie, what a surprise. Are you ready to list the house?”

  The cold soda warmed inside her sweaty palm. “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?”

  A dull ache throbbed between her eyes. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to sell Phoebe’s house.” Her shoulders relaxed at her words.

  A chuckle rumbled from his throat. “You’re kidding, right? You seemed so determined when we spoke while you were in DC.”

  “I’ve just changed my mind—that’s all.”

  He cast her a sullen look. “Well, it’s all for the best. It was obvious you’d upset that guy. But from what I could see, he probably won’t stay mad at you for too long.”

  Melanie could only hope Jackson would forgive her. She’d been so wrong. “I’m sorry I’ve had a change of plans.”

  A smile flickered at the corner of his lips. “It’s all part of business. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be looking for a house for you and that guy—Jackson, wasn’t it?” He winked and turned toward the door.

  Her breath quickened at the thought of a life with Jackson and Rebecca. Could that ever happen? She knew she’d first have to convince Jackson that she wasn’t truly selfish, just scared. But the thought of revealing the reason for her fears scared her even more.

  * * *

  Hearing a knock at Phoebe’s door, Jackson got up to answer and came face-to-face with Melanie. After he’d caught her with the real-estate agent, he’d been fuming. He’d finally cooled off, but seeing her again sent his pulse racing. It wasn’t just because of what happened at Phoebe’s house. It was the way she looked standing in the doorway, with the light from a nearby window putting her in the spotlight. Her hair was tousled from the stiff breeze that had picked up during the day. She looked beautiful, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stay mad at her.

  Phoebe stood up from the Kennedy rocking chair that sat in the corner of her room. “Hello, dear. I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I thought you had errands this afternoon.”

  Jackson leaned in, curious to hear how Melanie would answer. He watched while she twisted a strand of hair around her finger.

  “I really wanted to see you,” Melanie responded, squeezing Phoebe’s hand. “The errands can wait.” Her eyes darted toward Jackson.

  She looked cute when she was nervous, like a child who’d been put into time-out. She probably thought he’d told Phoebe about the incident at her house. He could never do that, especially since Phoebe was still recovering. Why upset her? He intended to nix Melanie’s plan to list the house on his own. Phoebe would never have to know.

  “How sweet. I was just speaking with Jackson about a favor I need from him. I hate to ask since you’ve already done so much.”

  Jackson shook his head. “Phoebe, I told you, it’s not a problem.” When his cell phone chirped, he pulled it from his shirt pocket, but the caller had already hung up. The display indicated another unknown call. This was getting old. He jammed the phone back into his pocket.

  Melanie glanced at Phoebe. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s no big deal. She has some old furniture she’s donating, and it’s scheduled to be picked up at her house today,” Jackson explained.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Melanie asked.

  “You can stay here and visit with Phoebe.” Jackson glanced at Phoebe and checked his watch. “What time are they coming?”

  Phoebe opened the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out her day planner. “Oh, I’ve made a mistake.”

  “What’s wrong, Phoebe?”

  “I thought I had it scheduled for five, but it’s actually three thirty. You have to pick up Rebecca.”

  Jackson scratched his head. That wasn’t good, but he didn’t want to disappoint Phoebe. “I’ll call the Whitesides’ house and see if Rebecca can go home with Mary.” He reached for his phone.

  “Can’t I meet the driver, Aunt Phoebe?” Melanie suggested.

  She shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, but there’s some heavy furniture. It will take two men to get it out of the basement and onto the truck.”

  Melanie turned to Jackson. “I could pick up Rebecca for you, if you’re comfortable with her riding in the car with me.”

  Phoebe clapped her hands together. “I think it’s a terrific idea. Don’t you think so, Jackson? You know Rebecca is crazy about Melanie.”

  He was well aware of the growing attachment between Melanie and his daughter. After Melanie’s secret meeting with a real-estate agent, Jackson was even more determined to prevent the move. He knew if he allowed Melanie to pack up Phoebe and head back to DC, Rebecca would be heartbroken. For now, he wanted to keep his commitment to Phoebe. Against his better judgment, he answered Melanie. “Why would picking up Rebecca make me uncomfortable?”

  Melanie pulled a notepad from her purse and handed it to Jackson. “Write down the school’s address. I’d be happy to pick her up.”

  He scribbled the address into the notepad. “I really appreciate this, Mel.” He smiled. “Sometimes it’s hard being a single dad.” Rarely did he admit it to others. He prayed for guidance, but it was a struggle he usually shared only with God.

  He handed the notepad to her. Their fingertips brushed, and something stirred inside him.

  “I’m sure it is, Jackson.”

  A warmth coursed through his body, catching him off guard. Even more unsettling was the fact that it hadn’t been the first time. He couldn’t fall for her. She would eventually go back to her life, leaving Rebecca longing for a mother figure and Jackson wondering what could have been.

  He had to drop these crazy fantasies of him and Melanie together as a couple. “Okay, so you’ll pick up Rebecca and bring her back to Phoebe’s house. It shouldn’t take us more than a half hour to load the truck.”

  Jackson took out his cell to call the school. When a nonfamily member picked up a child, they required notification before the pickup. He stepped toward the door to make the call.

  “I’m sorry we won’t be able to visit for long today.” Melanie reached for Phoebe’s hand.

  “It’s alright, dear. I have physical therapy scheduled at three thirty.”

�s it going? Can you tell if you’re regaining your strength?”

  “She’ll be back at The Bean, bossing everyone, before we know it.” Jackson stepped back into the room. “Nothing keeps her down.”

  Phoebe laughed. “Not if I can help it. I’m already making progress. The therapist said if I continue to show improvement, I could be released within the next week. I’ll be happy to get home, although I will have to continue treatments there for at least a couple of weeks.”

  Jackson smiled. Perhaps he’d have more time to change Melanie’s mind. “Well, you’ll be in your own space. That’s what counts.” He eyed Melanie. “It’s terrific to live in a small town where everyone cares about you. You’ll have the entire population waiting on you.”

  Phoebe smiled. “You’re right, Jackson. I’m blessed to live in a place with such caring people.” She looked at Melanie. “You see, dear, I could never leave the valley.”

  “I think Melanie has to spend a little more time here. She’ll realize that once you come to the valley and meet its people, you never want to leave.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. “I’d better get going.” He turned and swallowed hard as he gazed at Melanie. “Thanks for picking up Rebecca, Mel.” He pulled the door closed before she responded.

  * * *

  He’d called her Mel. Would he have called her that if he’d still been angry? The sooner they could have some alone time and she could talk to him, the better.

  “That young man is crazy about you.” Aunt Phoebe closed the drawer and took a seat in her rocking chair.

  Melanie ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “I don’t think so.” She paused. “He’s actually upset with me right now.”

  “That’s impossible. I can see it in his eyes. He cares about you so.”

  She walked toward her aunt’s bed and took a seat. “Something happened this afternoon, but I don’t want to go into the details—not now.” She stared at the ground. “What I do want to tell you is that I’ve changed my mind.”

  Aunt Phoebe gave her a questioning eye. “About what?”

  Melanie lifted her head and nodded. “I’m not going to move you back to DC with me.”

  “I’m happy you’ve finally realized this is where I belong.”

  Melanie folded her arms across her chest. “Where do I belong?”

  Her aunt pushed herself out of the chair and walked toward her. She reached out and took hold of her niece’s hands. “Perhaps you should ask God that question, dear.”

  Melanie’s entire body tensed. “I don’t think God is listening—at least, not anymore.”

  “Believe me, He’ll listen if you have faith. He’ll answer your question, but I think you already know the answer. You must pray for discernment.” Aunt Phoebe gave a nod, and a slow smile spread across her lips.

  Melanie stood and embraced her only living family member. The tears began to flow, releasing all of the pain she’d held on to the past year. The fears that had kept her in bondage were slowly losing their grip. “As much as I want you with me, it was all for selfish reasons. I know this is where you belong.” She didn’t want to let go. In her aunt’s arms, she felt safe. When a ray of sun crept through the lace curtains and kissed the side of her face, she knew it was time to choose faith over fear.

  Chapter Ten

  Twenty minutes later, Melanie cruised into the carpool lane at Rebecca’s school. She was early, but still several cars back in the line. As she waited for Rebecca, she felt at peace in ways she’d never imagined. She’d lived the past year numb, experiencing the first everything since the accident—birthdays, holidays and anniversaries. In the end, life had continued.

  She knew now she’d have to make the accident a part of her life. She could move on and take steps to rebuild her life. It would take time, but she was hopeful.

  Her heart raced at the sound of the bell. She smiled when she saw all the children buzzing out the door like a swarm of honeybees. Their tiny legs barely kept up with the rest of their bodies.

  Smiling, she continued to watch the children. Her smile faded when she saw twin girls with the same coloring as her girls. She couldn’t breathe. What happened to her air? And the calm she felt only moments earlier? Frantic, she pounded on the button to roll down her window, but it failed to open. She grabbed the door handle and sprang from the car. She bent over, her head down and her hands on her knees. Her world spun out of control.

  “Miss Melanie, Miss Melanie.”

  The spinning stopped at the sound of Rebecca’s sweet voice. As she felt the warmth of the tiny hand on her cheek, the panic eased.

  High heels tapped along the sidewalk. “Miss, are you okay?” Holding a portfolio in her arms, a young, petite redhead placed her hand on Melanie’s back. “I’m Rebecca’s teacher, Susan Murray. Do you need me to call someone?”

  Melanie reached for Rebecca’s hand. This was all she needed. Since the accident, no one touched her in the way this child had. “Oh no, I’m fine.” She looked down at Rebecca. “I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  The little girl pushed her curls off her face. “It’s okay, Miss Melanie.” She giggled. “I thought I’d have to call my daddy to rescue you again.”

  Melanie wasn’t surprised by the calming effect Rebecca had on her. Over time the child had gone from being the cause of her panic to being the cure. And it wasn’t just her. Despite their dispute over Phoebe, Jackson was proving to be a balm to her battered heart, as well. Like taking her on that picnic. He’d sensed how tightly she was wound up and had wanted to bring her just a little joy.

  Melanie wondered if both Rebecca and her daddy could liberate her from the isolated life she’d built for herself. From the crushing melancholy she’d been grappling with since the accident.

  Miss Murray motioned to the cars behind Melanie to go around, and the carpool line began to move at a snail’s pace. “Mr. Daughtry called to let me know you planned to pick up Rebecca.” She examined Melanie’s face with her brow raised. “Do you think you’re okay to drive?”

  “I’m fine. I think I had the heat up too high in the car. I started to feel warm.” She couldn’t tell by the look on the teacher’s face if she believed her story or not. “I also had way too much coffee today and not enough water,” she added.

  Rebecca glanced up at Melanie. “Daddy always says it’s important to drink lots of water.”

  Melanie cupped the child’s chin. “Your daddy’s a smart man.” She picked up Rebecca’s backpack from where it was resting at her feet. “So, are you ready to go?”

  “Yes! Yes!” Rebecca began her signature twirl. Melanie and the teacher broke out into laughter.

  As Miss Murray walked back toward the school, Rebecca dropped to the ground. Dizzy from twirling, she giggled and grabbed for her lunch box.

  Melanie extended her hand to help her up. She noticed Rebecca’s smile disappeared. “What’s wrong?”

  Her face pale, Rebecca pointed across the parking lot. “It’s the lady who came to The Bean, Miss Melanie.” Her eyes were like saucers. “Remember, the one who stared at me.” She turned with a jerk and buried her face into Melanie’s stomach. “Make her go away, please.”

  The woman continued to watch them.

  “Is she gone yet?” Rebecca asked with her face still covered.

  Like the protective mama bear, Melanie had no other option. Every muscle in her body was tense. She threw her shoulders back and made eye contact with the woman. “I’m going to call the police if you don’t leave,” she yelled across the grounds.

  “Are you really going to call the police, Miss Melanie? Will they put her in jail?”

  Melanie watched as the woman dropped her head and turned. She walked to the far parking lot and climbed into a car. Who was she? And what did she want?

  She dismissed the que
stions about the odd woman. It was probably all a coincidence. What else could it be? Inside the car and buckled up, Melanie headed toward Aunt Phoebe’s house.

  “Did you have a good day at school?” She eyed Rebecca in the rearview mirror. Melanie noticed she wasn’t wearing her normal smile. “Is everything okay?”

  “No. I have a problem,” she whispered while she stared out the window.

  “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help.” Melanie wasn’t sure what kind of problem could have developed in the few hours since she left The Bean to go to school, but how bad could it be? She was only five.

  She squirmed in her seat. “Daddy won’t be happy. I forgot to give him the note from my teacher last week.”

  “I’m sure it will be okay. Do you know what the note said?” She couldn’t imagine Rebecca misbehaving in class. Of course, every child slipped up now and then.

  “Well, each month Mrs. Murray has a birthday party for all the kids who have birthdays that month. Tomorrow we’re celebrating all the October birthdays.”

  “That sounds like fun.” The back of Melanie’s seat started to vibrate. “Try not to kick the seat. Why do you think your daddy will get upset?”

  “Monday’s my turn to bring in the cookies. I had a note from Mrs. Murray so we’d have plenty of time to bake. She knows how busy Daddy is. I forgot to give it to him last week.” Rebecca let out a weary sigh.

  Busy didn’t begin to describe Jackson’s life. Raising a child on his own couldn’t have been easy. And since Aunt Phoebe’s stroke, he was using his vacation time to cover at The Bean. She wondered how he managed to do it all. She wanted to do something to help him.

  She also wanted to make up for upsetting him by meeting with the real-estate agent.

  She knew just the thing.

  Melanie whipped the car into the parking lot of the market where she’d stopped earlier. She put the car into Park, unbuckled her seat belt and turned around. “Don’t worry. I have an idea.”


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