His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3)

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His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3) Page 1

by Melinda Barron

  His Little Problem

  The Rakes of Mayfair, Book Three

  Melinda Barron

  Blushing Books

  ©2018 by Blushing Books® and Melinda Barron

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  Melinda Barron

  His Little Problem

  EBook ISBN 978-1-61258-704-2

  Print ISBN: 978-1-61258-660-1

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  What’s Inside

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Melinda Barron

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  What’s Inside

  Alice tried to stand but Julian’s hands held her firmly in place.

  “You had me come up here to get ready. Or at least I thought that’s what I was doing.” Shame burned in her cheeks. How could she have done this? Was she so desperate to lose her maidenhead that she had thrown herself at the first available man? Now, that man was going back on his word. She sat naked on his lap and he mocked her.

  Buxton pulled her closer, his lips mere inches away from hers. “I do intend to abide by our bargain, Alice. But if you remember, the bargain was that when my tormentor is identified then your problem will be gone. The blackmailer is not yet identified therefore payment can’t be made. Yet. But we can make a small payment, so to speak.”

  Alice started to struggle against his hold. “Let me go. You are going back on our deal. I thought you were an honorable man.”

  Julian tightened his grip on her waist. His cock hardened against her bottom, and his grin seemed even wickeder than it had before. “I want to play with you, Alice, to take my time, to make you enjoy it as much as I will.”

  “But I want—” She stopped speaking when he put his finger against her lips,

  “I understand what you want, Alice,” he said. “But you have no experience in these matters, and I do. Let me lead you. Follow my commands. Let me show you how incredible things can be.”

  “But you won’t…” she stopped speaking and swallowed hard. “You won’t take my maidenhead.”

  “In my own time, I will,” he said. “I will give you such pleasure tonight, pleasure that will make you soar and beg for more, even though you have been a very naughty girl tonight. Tantrums are not acceptable behavior. Neither is questioning my actions. I am in charge, Alice.”

  “You should have given me these terms when you agreed to my offer.” Despite her words, Alice felt a sense of excitement, mixed with a sense of fear. She’d never taken a submissive position with a man, even with her husband.

  “If we are not going to have intercourse I want to know exactly what will happen before I agree to your terms.” Alice stared down at him. In response to her words he chuckled. Then he pulled her closer and pulled her nipple into his mouth, sucking it hard as she gasped and arched into him.

  He pulled the hard nub between his teeth and flicked his tongue over it repeatedly. Heat and desire built inside her, pushing away any thought she’d had about trying to get dressed and leave the house as quickly as possible.

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  Chapter 1

  London, Spring 1887

  Amelia my sweet, what is wrong? Usually you don’t cry during our time together. Tell me what is troubling you. Why did you ask me here if you don’t want to play?”

  Amelia Turnston shook her head, trying hard to stop the tears that were falling down her face.

  “Please forgive me, Edward. I do care for you and I love our time together. But I can no longer see you. And I need to be released from my membership in The Rakes Club.”

  “You cannot be serious?” Edward Morton, Lord Cannonberry stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. “You love The Club. Whatever would cause you to want to leave us? I insist that you tell me right now!”

  Cannonberry stiffened as Amelia’s tears turned to sobs. He gathered her in his arms and patted her head gently. “Tell me, sweet one. Let me help you.”

  Amelia pushed away from him, wiped her tears and walked to the desk on the opposite side of the room.

  “I received this message today.” She sniffed and handed Cannonberry a piece of foolscap. The frown on his face deepened as he read the short missive.

  I know about your little Club. You will give me five thousand pounds by Friday or all of London will know about your group and their nasty little habits. Gather the money and I will contact you again.

  The note was unsigned, and Edward frowned. “When did you receive this?”

  “This morning. Please forgive me, Edward. Someone has found out about The Club and it is my fault. Why else would they send the message to me?”

  “Why indeed?” Edward crossed the room and sat down on the divan. “If someone knows about The Rakes it is not your fault.”

  Cannonberry frowned as he stared at Amelia. She was standing in the middle of the room, her face buried in her hands, sobs racking her body.

>   “Come here, sweet one,” he whispered, smiling as she crossed the room quickly and buried herself in his arms. “It’s not your fault, truly. And you should have trusted me to take care of this. You will not leave The Club.”

  He gently pushed her hair away from her face and ran his hands over her wet cheeks. “As my wife your membership in The Club will be mandatory.”

  Amelia pushed herself away and stared into Cannonberry’s eyes. “Wife?”

  Cannonberry smiled. “I should have done this long ago. I love you, Amelia. I have no desire to be with anyone but you. When you are my wife I can care for you properly, and you needn’t worry about things like this.” He rattled the paper, and then kissed Amelia softly.

  “Oh, Edward.” The words were breathed against his lips and Cannonberry laughed.

  “There is the little matter of trust. Of you not trusting me enough to take care of this problem. Instead, you took matters into your own hands with this ridiculous idea of leaving The Club, and me. Perhaps a spanking will help you to remember to come to me, to not be afraid. Do you agree with me, Amelia?”

  Without saying a word, Amelia stood, and gathered her long skirts around her waist. She undid her underclothes and bared her behind, lying herself across Edward’s lap so that her bottom was fully exposed.

  He rubbed her bottom and then smacked it. “I will take care of this situation, Amelia. You relax and enjoy one of your favorite activities.”

  He smacked her bottom again and she groaned in pleasure.

  Edward pushed away the thoughts of blackmail and centered his thoughts on reddening the pretty bottom across his lap, and how there would be many more nights of pleasure before them after they were married.

  “Did she say how it was delivered?” Julian Gregory, Lord Buxton, eyed the piece of foolscap in his hand.

  “A maid found it on her doorstep this morning, wedged under the mat.” Cannonberry took a sip of his port. “We need to check with the other single female members of The Club to see if they received similar messages.”

  Buxton stood and walked to his desk and picked up two similar pieces of foolscap.

  “Margaret Walker and Hannah Morrow. These notes were delivered in the same manner that Amelia received hers. Our ladies sent them to me this morning, desperate for help. I checked with three other single ladies. None of them have received missives. The only member left to check is Shelia McCoy.”

  “She has received nothing.” Jonathan Barrow, Lord Barton, stepped into the room and closed the door. “I thought I would check with her on my way over here.”

  Buxton smiled at the young lord as he took a seat. “So that’s why you’re late. I’m glad to see that the two of you are getting along so swimmingly.”

  “You were a fool to let her go, Buxton,” Barton answered. “She’s quite delicious.”

  “Yes, well, let’s just say we didn’t see eye to eye. So, three of our single female members have received notes of blackmail. We need to plot our next move carefully.”

  “Pay off the notes and it all goes away,” Barton said, taking a glass of port from the table.

  “On the contrary,” Buxton replied. “If we pay off the blackmailer he, or she, will continue to seek money. We need to find out who this person is and contain the situation before it gets out of hand.”

  “And how do we do that?” Cannonberry’s voice was harsh. “I don’t want to see Amelia hurt, or frightened, any more than she already is.”

  Buxton smiled. “I agree, about all our ladies. I’m sure our anonymous friend will send more instructions later in the week. I say we make it look like we are complying with the request. And we set up someone to watch the situation and report back to us about who arrives to pick up the money.”

  “Then we take that person down,” Cannonberry said. “But who do we get to watch the area where the transaction is scheduled to take place? Whoever is doing this is smart enough to deliver the notes at night and will not go out in broad daylight to pick up blackmail money.”

  Buxton laughed. “Correct again, my friend. That someone will more than likely set up the payoff at night, while we are otherwise engaged at a party. If he sees any one of us he will run. No, I know someone who could do the job for us. Let me handle it.”

  “And is this man discreet? We’re taking a very big risk here.” Barton sat his glass down and eyed his friend.

  “It’s not a he, it’s a she,” Buxton replied. “And I know she will be very discreet.”

  “To what do I owe this surprise visit, Lord Buxton?” Alice Hamilton gave her guest a cup of tea, took up her own and sat down. “I must admit your note came as quite a shock. I don’t often have contact with Lords and Ladies.”

  Buxton tried not to stare at the lovely vision sitting across from him. He had no idea that Hamilton’s widow was so beautiful, or so young. Hamilton must have been in his fifties when he died. The woman sitting before him now couldn’t have reached her thirtieth birthday.

  He looked at her with open admiration. A curvy brunette with full breasts and hips. Beautiful, brown eyes looked at him with undisguised curiosity. She was the type of woman he loved to welcome into his bedroom.

  “I was a business associate of your late husband,” Buxton replied with a smile. “I have missed him since he passed.”

  Alice laughed lightly. “Joseph has been dead for some time, Lord Buxton, almost two years now. Surely, you are not here to pay a condolence call.”

  Buxton laughed. “No, I believe I missed that time. And I’m very sorry for that. I hope you will forgive me.”

  Alice nodded at him and smiled, her silence encouraging him to continue.

  “Your husband helped me solve quite a few problems,” Buxton said, setting his teacup on the table. “And he told me that you assisted him with some of his cases.”

  A chill ran up Buxton’s spine as she laughed. It was a light, feminine laugh that he could tell she felt deep in her heart. My God, how she affected him.

  “It’s true,” Alice replied. “Joseph taught me everything he knew. He was a very good man. And a very good problem solver. Unfortunately, no one wants to use a female to solve their problems. I have been very bored of late.”

  “Perhaps I can give you something to do that will relieve some of that boredom,” Buxton replied.

  Alice took a sip of her tea, but Buxton could see that her hand shook just a little. It was obvious his visit was unsettling to her. He needed to try and put her at ease.

  “Several female friends of mine are being blackmailed,” Buxton said.


  Buxton smiled. “Something like that. I’d rather not go into too many intimate details.”

  “Sometimes the devil is in the details, just as the old saying goes,” Alice replied calmly. “If you wish for me to help you, Lord Buxton then you need to be open and honest with me. I can assure you I will tell no one.”

  “Very well, Mrs. Hamilton,” Buxton replied. “Several members of my social group are involved in a Club whose activities would be frowned upon by others. These ladies are part of that Club, as am I.”

  Alice swallowed visibly, and Buxton suppressed a laugh.

  “Is this a sex club?”

  Buxton’s laughter filled the room. Instead of sounding disgusted she sounded intrigued. “You’re nothing if not blunt. Not exactly. I would rather not tell you those particulars until the time comes. We just need to work on finding the blackmailer.”

  “And you plan on paying this blackmailer?”

  “No, I plan on making it look like we are paying him,” Buxton said. “I want you to watch the site where the transaction is to take place. Then report back to me on who showed up to collect the money.”

  Alice nodded approvingly. “I can do that, Lord Buxton. It seems straightforward enough. You are telling me the truth?”

  Buxton laughed. “Indeed, I am. And I’m prepared to give you a thousand pounds for your assistance.”

  “I have no need of y
our money, Lord Buxton,” Alice replied as she twisted her hands in her lap. “As you see, Joseph left me very well off.”

  “Indeed, he did,” Buxton replied, looking around at the comfortable surroundings. “But every little bit helps, Mrs. Hamilton.”

  When she didn’t reply Buxton gave her an appraising look. “You had another idea in mind, Mrs. Hamilton? Or may I call you Alice?”

  “You may.” Alice continued to twist her hands.

  He watched as she continued to work her fingers. She was obviously very worried about something. “Alice, please take a deep breath and tell me what you want to ask.”

  She did as he asked, and then said quickly, “Lord Buxton, how well did you know my husband?”

  “It’s Julian,” Buxton replied. “And I thought I knew him very well. Although it seems I’m about to find out differently.”

  “My husband may not have been a member of society, but he was well known, and well respected. I don’t want anything to tarnish his memory.”

  When he nodded, Alice looked at the floor and continued. “Would it surprise you to know that in the nine years we were married Joseph never touched me as a husband touches a wife? I was not to his, um, liking.”

  She raised her eyes. Buxton stared at her in confusion, and then realization dawned.

  “Ah. I see. I’m sorry, Alice, truly sorry.”

  Alice glanced down at her lap. He could tell how embarrassing this was for her. He was sure he knew where this was going, but he would not embarrass her further by letting her know. He would allow it to play out as it would.


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