His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3)

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His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3) Page 9

by Melinda Barron

  He was the first person she’d ever shared a bed with and she rather enjoyed the closeness that came from it. When they’d fallen asleep they’d lain with her back to his front, and she’d felt his cock, soft now, nestled against the small of her back.

  He’d wrapped her in his arms and she’d nestled against him, loving the feeling. But as the night wore on they’d moved apart, both of them tossing just a little until they were face to face. Now, as dawn grew closer, she wondered what she should do next. There was so much that needed to be done, including her meeting with Fiona. She needed to get there early before anyone else had a chance to talk to the flower seller.

  She knew she should get up and start her day, but here she lay, watching him. Her reasons for staying were twofold: she was enjoying herself, and he’d told her at the end of the night, right before he’d fallen asleep, that he’d sent his letters so he could go with her to see Fiona in the morning.

  There was no doubt in her mind that he would be angry with her when he woke up and found her gone, but she thought it would be for the best. She needed to go to her house, to take care of things that had been neglected for the past few days. Plus, it wouldn’t do her any good to become too accustomed to being with Julian and what he had to offer. She wouldn’t be with him for long, no matter what she might dream about. That meant she needed to keep herself grounded.

  This should be the last night she spent here. She needed to put her energies into solving the case, into finding out who killed Rogers. This was her first murder case, and if she solved it her name would become known around London, and her business could grow.

  That would be a good thing. She looked back at Julian, and then eased out of bed. She wanted to kiss him, to tell him she’d see him later this evening, but she knew that wasn’t the thing to do right now. He needed to sleep, and she needed to get things done.

  She picked up her clothes, working to stay silent as she gathered them. Then she eased out the door. She would dress in the hallway, and pray that none of the staff members would come upon her as she did.

  Going alone wasn’t a good idea, as far as Julian was concerned. He’d told her last night not to leave the house without him, and she’d agreed. He would be angry when he found her gone, but she would deal with that when it was all over.

  As she stared to dress she figured it would not be the first time a maid or footman found one of Julian’s lovers wandering the hall. It made her a little jealous to think about it, but she pushed it aside. She needed to enjoy the time and be prepared to move on, which meant she needed to solve this case.

  Once she was dressed she crept down the stairs and out the front door. Her first stop would be her house where she would change her clothes and then make her way to Trafalgar Square.

  Hopefully Fiona would be alone and she would be able to speak to her without interruptions. Where she went after that would depend on what she discovered from her source, and what she decided to share with her employer.

  Julian waited until she was out the door before he got up from bed. It took every bit of willpower he had not to grab her before she left, but he knew she needed to do things on her own for a while.

  Not that he wouldn’t make her pay for it later, but it would be payment the both of them would enjoy. He needed time this morning to make preparations for his plans, and that meant a trip to a private home in Notting Hill.

  He rang for breakfast and told the maid who arrived to draw him water to bathe. After he’d cleaned up he sat at his desk for tea and toast, his usual respite when he was alone, and made a list of what he needed for that evening. Then he wrote a note to the person he was going to visit to let them know he would be arriving soon. Once it was done he headed downstairs to find Ellington waiting for him.

  “Don’t you have things to do today?” Buxton asked of his friend, who sat in the library, a cup of tea in his hand and his feet propped up on a table.

  “I wanted to speak with you first.”

  “Come to give me my warning?” Buxton poured himself a cup of tea and sat down. “I don’t want to be the one to break it to you but I already know what’s happening.”

  “Do you?” Ellington drank from his cup. “Where is Mrs. Hamilton?”

  “She’s gone off on her own this morning, to take care of some business.”

  “She’s quite fetching, and you’re quite taken with her.”

  “I am,” Buxton said. “I hate to be the one to break this piece of news to you, too, but you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. So, why don’t you get to the point and tell me why you’re here.”

  Ellington reached into his pocket and brought out a piece of paper. “This was found on my doorstep this morning.”

  Buxton took it and read it carefully.

  “I have the upper hand, remember that.”

  “Female handwriting, with all the loops and swirls,” Ellington said. “Mrs. Howell is quite sure of herself.”

  “She seems to be,” Buxton said. “We should put a minder on her, or several of them that could trade places so she doesn’t realize she’s being followed.”

  “A good idea,” Ellington said. “Essex knows a group of lads we can use for it.” He took a drink from his tea. “So, with your new lover out and about, what are you doing today?”

  “As a matter of fact you just caught me,” Buxton said. “I’m on my way to Notting Hill.”

  “I’m jealous, you’ll be buying new toys. Tell him I’ll be by sometime soon. So she’s open to your way of life?”

  Buxton thought about telling Ellington about Alice being a virgin, and why, but that would betray her trust. So instead he said, “She and I are getting along quite well as a matter of fact. She’s headstrong.”

  “Yes, it would seem so,” Ellington said with a laugh. “In a way she reminds me of Carin, independent yet willing to let me take the lead in many ways. Will things turn serious?”

  “You mean will I join the ranks of the married men in our Club?” Buxton shrugged. “There is a distinct possibility. I’ve thought about it.”

  “And mentioned it,” Ellington said. “I think it would be a good match.”

  “She’s worried about our differences, like stations in life.”

  “I’ll have Carin take her to tea and gently bring it up,” Ellington said. “Until then just keep fucking her.”

  Buxton barked out a laugh. “That, I can do.”

  They left together, getting into separate carriages and going different ways. Before they left, Ellington said he would talk with Essex about having Celia Howell followed. Hopefully, they would find out something more that would bring them to the end of this business.

  As Buxton’s carriage made its way toward Notting Hill, he thought about what it would be like to be married again. He hadn’t been very good at it the first time, so he wasn’t sure how he would fare this time around. Not just for himself but Alice. She hadn’t had a good marriage the first time around, either.

  Although as he thought about her marriage he decided it had been good. She’d said Joseph Hamilton had been good to her in all ways except one. Was sex all he could offer her? He didn’t think so. He enjoyed being with her. He wondered what it would be like to have her near him constantly, with no need for her to go home at night, or have to go there during the day to take care of things.

  His thoughts drifted back to the last evening, where she’d become angry about something. He’d yet to figure out what it was, and he wanted to ask her, but not tonight. He had other plans for this evening.

  The carriage pulled up in front of his destination. He got out and as he neared the door it opened. A man stepped outside and bowed.

  “Lord Buxton, always a pleasure, sir.”

  “Jakes, it’s good to see you again,” Buxton said as he stepped inside. “I have a few things that I need and I hope you have in stock.”

  “I’m just back from Paris and I bought something thinking just of you.” The salesman took the lid of
f a box and indicated Buxton should look inside. He did, and then he laughed.

  “I’ll take that, most definitely.” He took a roll of money out of his pocket. “And a few more things, please.”

  “Always a pleasure to serve you, sir, as I said.”

  Alice stopped inches away from Fiona’s cart and waited for her to serve a woman who didn’t look familiar. Alice prayed it wasn’t Celia Howell in some sort of disguise.

  “Nice to see you in a dress,” Fiona said as Alice stepped to the cart. “It promises to be a busy day, so tell me quickly what you’re looking for.”

  “Information on Celia Howell, most notably her lovers.”

  “How long do you have?” Fiona asked with a laugh. “She’s a busy woman.”

  “Shaw?” Alice asked.

  “No longer. She was lovers with his butler, until he was killed.”

  “Do you think she did it?”

  “The police are looking for her,” Fiona answered. She switched a few flowers in a bouquet. “A friend of mine who disseminates information to the general public asked me if I knew where she was. He wanted to know if I knew where he could find her.”

  “Do you?”

  “Well, I know her understudy is going on stage this afternoon.” Not for the first time, Alice wondered where Fiona got her information, how she knew things before they happened.

  “That is intriguing information, because according to my sources she has the upper hand, or at least she thinks she does.” Alice turned toward Julian’s voice.

  She wrinkled her nose to let him know she wasn’t happy that he was here.

  “Sorry, I tried as hard as I could to stay away,” he said. “I have a low tolerance for not getting my way.”

  “So I’ve noticed,” Alice said. She turned back to Fiona. “Do you know where I can find her?”

  “Where we can find her?” Buxton said.

  “I’m embarrassed to say no.” Fiona picked out a flower and offered it to Alice. “But I will find out and send the information to your home as soon as I can, Lord Buxton.”

  “Thank you,” he said. He offered Alice his arm. She took it and they turned away from the cart.

  “Did you see what happened there?” Alice asked. She couldn’t keep the anger out of her voice.

  “Yes, you left the house without me this morning and I had to hunt you down.”

  “There was no hunting,” she said. “You knew where I was going. But the moment you showed up I became superfluous. I don’t like not being able to do my job.”

  “Be angry all you like,” he said as he handed her into the carriage. “You’ll figure out a way to punish me for sticking my noise into your investigation and I’ll punish you for leaving without me today. I told you not to, remember?”

  The carriage started to move, and as it bumped along their knees touched. Alice felt a tingle, one that she didn’t really want to feel.

  “Tell me, Alice, why you were angry last night.” He put his hand on her knee and squeezed gently. “And please, be truthful with me.”

  She didn’t like where this was going, but there was no way around it.

  “I don’t want to get used to you,” she said.

  “Are you saying you love me, sweet Alice?” he asked.

  Alice sighed softly. “I never thought I would be capable of love. Although Joseph loved me in his own way he left me with very unrealistic expectations when it comes to men.”

  Julian took her hand in his. “I hope that I have changed those expectations just a little bit.”

  “You have,” Alice whispered, leaning over to kiss him softly. “And I do enjoy what we do together. But it is strange to me that I’ve become so quickly enamored of it.” She took a deep breath. “Now, I’m afraid of losing it.”

  “Losing what? The sex?”

  Was it her imagination or did he sound disappointed?

  “Not just the sex,” she admitted. “I’ve been alone so long, and it’s strange to me that I’m feeling a connection to you so quickly.”

  “Not strange,” Julian said. “When there is a connection between two people it can happen very fast. I do believe there is a connection between us, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Julian, I do.” How could she make him understand? “But when it’s over I’m alone, and last night it just—bothered me. I assure you it won’t happen again.”

  “What if I might want it to happen again?” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “I rather like the idea that you want to continue after this is over.”

  “Is that what I said?”

  “I think so, yes.” He kissed her hand again. “But I am going to give you a paddling.”

  “Hearing that does not make me want to continue when this is over,” she said.

  “Just a little reminder that I told you not to leave the house without me this morning.”

  “I’m not good at following orders,” she said.

  “I’ve seen that for myself,” he said.

  Alice turned to him. She didn’t like the fact that things were moving in a direction other than the case, but he looked so damn handsome sitting next to her.

  “Well, if you are going to paddle me, as you say, then I just won’t go into the house with you until the dinner tonight.”

  “Do you think that will stop me?” he said with a laugh.

  Alice felt a catch in her throat, because she knew he was telling the truth. He would spank her in front of his friends. But if she put up a fuss would they allow it? What had he said about everything being consensual?

  “I have something to show you, Alice. It is time for a little discipline.”

  She considered the situation, thought about his words. He planned on spanking her here, in the carriage. He couldn’t do much in this space, and, of course, he’d called it a paddling.

  She would say he wouldn’t take off her clothing but she knew better. After all, he’d taken her maidenhead in this very conveyance.

  “You’re going to show me the discipline?” she asked, in an effort to stall.

  “I went to see a friend today,” he said. “He lives in Notting Hill and he provides me with toys that come in handy in my pursuit of pleasure. Today, I bought a beautiful paddle from him. I want you to see it.”

  He reached under the seat and brought out a box.

  “Open it,” he said.

  She did as he asked, intrigued about what she would find inside.

  It was a glossy piece of wood, shaped in an oval with a handle on one end. She picked it up. It felt cool in Alice’s hand. She looked back to him and his smile was almost chilling. He took the paddle from her and said, “I bought quite a few things today, not just this.”

  “Are there more boxes under the seat?” she asked.

  “No, they are at home,” he said. “But I wanted you to see this.”


  “You’re so sweet, Alice,” he whispered. “Now that I know what was bothering you I want to talk about it.”

  “I won’t be your mistress,” she said.

  “I believe you’ve voiced that sentiment before,” he said.

  The paddle kept her attention, but then, when the silence took hold she shifted her gaze to him.

  “You intrigue me, Alice,” he said. “Since the first night I met you when you entrusted me with the secret about your husband. You were so open and honest.”

  “Most people are not,” she said.

  “So true,” he said. “I’m sure you know about that because of your dealings with people in your work. I know it for different reasons.”

  “The ladies who try to capture your favor?”

  “Yes,” he said with a snort, that she was sure was supposed to be a laugh.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about me coming after you for your money.”

  “What about other things?” He turned the paddle in his hands and her gaze locked onto it. “What do you say we give it a go?”

  “The paddling? Here?�
� Alice knew that wasn’t what he meant, but she was too afraid to discuss the other thing.

  “Oh no, there’s not enough room for that here.” He tapped the paddle on her knee. “And don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about; it’s not becoming on you.”

  Alice couldn’t help but smile. “People would talk, as I’ve said.”

  “Do you think I give a flying fig?”

  “Julian, you hired me to find a blackmailer to protect your reputation,” she said. “So yes, it matters to you.”

  “Alice, I hired you to find the blackmailer to protect my friends,” he said. “We’re naughty people, and frankly, if some stuffy Lord or Duke knows I like to dominate my women in the bedroom I don’t care. But the ladies involved with our Club, I do care about them. So, I will ask again, shall we give it a go?”

  She wanted to say yes, but there was a large part of her that wondered if she was putting herself up for disappointment.

  “After all, people will expect it after reading the little tidbit about us in the newspaper the other day.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “They will all say that we are seeing each other because you are expecting my child.”

  Alice’s breath caught in her throat. Why had she not thought about that before? She knew there were precautions that could be taken to make sure a woman did not conceive, but she hadn’t thought about it until now, and she’d been with him twice. Of course she could, even now, be with child. She prayed it would not be so. Although she’d thought about it in the past, she wasn’t sure she was ready for it now. There was too many new things happening in her life, and she wasn’t ready to take care of another life.

  “We’ll be more careful in the future,” he said.

  “Good.” She looked out the window. “I’m not prepared for motherhood.”

  “Are you prepared for this?” He held up the paddle. “Before you make a decision you need to know spanking, being tied, and doing as I say is part of a relationship with me. Are you prepared for that?”


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