Captives of New Pompeii

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Captives of New Pompeii Page 5

by Aubrey Ross

  “The future has yet to be written. You can always—”

  “Cut the bullshit, Felicia. Have you ever seen something that didn’t happen?”

  Unable to speak the lie, Felicia shook her head.

  “Well, this is going to be interesting. He’s sexy as hell, but I can’t imagine when or why I would actually fall into bed with him. My husband is jealous and cruel. I haven’t taken a lover in three years because of what he did to the last man I slept with. Trust me, it wasn’t pretty.” Laetif stood and carefully pushed in her chair, a study in elegant aloofness.

  “Again, I apologize. I did not mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset, just confused.” She straightened her shoulders and recaptured a bit of her previous verve. “Let me know how your exploration goes.” With a saucy wink, she left the mess hall.

  “Why didn’t you lie to her?” Aiden lamented, leaning back in his chair.

  “I tried. I am not as good at it as you are.”

  “I’d say there is no way Caleb would touch her knowing what’s at stake, but Caleb’s not like that. He likes it best when the stakes are highest.”

  She thought again of the man in the vision and a shiver sped down her spine. “Your brother is a very handsome man. I can understand why she would…”

  His chair slammed down and he pulled her to him, chair and all. “Stay away from my brother. I love him with all my heart, but he would gobble you up like candy.”

  “Only if I was really hungry.”

  Felicia raised her gaze to the man standing directly behind Aiden and her mouth gaped. The vision had not done him justice. Aiden’s handsomeness was subtle, shining through when he smiled and when she gazed deep into his eyes.

  Caleb, on the other hand, had the sort of face that turned heads and inspired sighs. He was half a head taller than Aiden and more heavily muscled. The clean lines of his black-and-green uniform showcased the basic shape of his body, but she had seen his true magnificence in the vision. Two shades darker than his brothers, Caleb’s green eyes assessed her with masculine appreciation. He offered her a quick smile then slipped into the chair beside Aiden.

  “What happened to keeping her away from the crew?” He motioned to the rapidly filling tables.

  He had asked the question in Fedoros. Felicia wasn’t sure how she was able to comprehend their language, but she wasn’t ready to reveal her ability.

  Despite Caleb’s rudeness, Aiden responded in Latin. “Our conversation with Madame Xyell took longer than we expected, we’ll—”

  “Why the fuck were you having a conversation with Xyell’s wife?” Caleb ignored the prompt and continued in Fedoros.

  “I ran into her in the corridor,” Felicia told him. He looked at her again, his gaze intense and commanding. She quickly lowered her gaze, confused by her immediate reaction. She wasn’t afraid of him, so why had she cowered?

  “I’m not going to bite you.” He finally switched to Latin. “You’re at the mercy of my idiot brother. I understand that.”

  “It was not his fault.” Her voice was stronger, but she could not bring herself to meet his gaze.

  We’ve got ourselves a submissive. Oh this could be fun. Do you want to train her or can I?

  Felicia gasped and raised her head. “No one is going to ‘train’ me! I am high priestess of the Temple of Venus. I am no man’s pet.”

  The brothers exchanged confused expressions.

  “Did I say that out loud?” Caleb asked.

  “No,” Aiden assured him. “She’s seriously psychic, so I’m not surprised she overheard you. What doesn’t make sense is how she understood you.” Aiden touched her chin, guiding her face around until she looked at him. “How long have you been able to understand us?”

  She licked her lips, far more comfortable looking into his warm gaze than his brother’s tempestuous stare. “It happened in the corridor, when I collided with Madame Xyell. She had my arms and you wrapped your arm around me from behind. It was like a whirlpool swirling around us. The current flowed from her into you and back into me. I have been able to understand your language ever since.”

  “Now that sounds downright kinky.” Caleb chuckled then shook his head. “I didn’t mean train in a cruel or derogatory way. The process is exciting and pleasurable.” He rested his forearms on the table and leaned toward her. “Why do you keep looking down when I look at you?”

  “You have a very forceful personality.”

  “I intimidate you?” His smile was slow and sexy this time. “I don’t buy it. You might not understand your true nature, but your body knows.”

  “Caleb, back off.” There was definite warning in Aiden’s tone. She could almost hear them growling at each other. “Felicia is under my protection.”

  She was? She had not really thought about it in those terms, but Aiden had been undeniably protective. She looked at Caleb, waiting for his response. He was easily the stronger of the two. Would he challenge his brother’s claim?

  “Relax. I’m not trying to poach.”

  “You asked if you could train me,” she reminded him. She’d spent the majority of her life being trained by men. Trained and manipulated and abused. Then she’d realized she was strong enough to resist her tormentors and protect others they intended to victimize.

  Caleb’s smile was completely unrepentant. “I asked if he intended to train you first. If he has already staked a claim, I’m hands-off and he knows it.”

  “I belong to no man.”

  Aiden groaned and shook his head, hand covering his eyes. “Don’t challenge him. He’ll come on that much stronger.”

  “Not if she’s yours.” Caleb pushed back his chair and stood. “Take her back to the infirmary. You’re drawing too much attention here. The crew doesn’t need the distraction, and I don’t need them deciding they all want to play with the cargo.”

  Felicia cringed at his description of her people, but Aiden squeezed her knee so she kept quiet. Caleb moved on to another table where he was greeted with smiles by the occupants. His crew obviously liked him. She still was not sure what to make of him. It was easy to understand why Laetif would be tempted by his physical appearance, but his personality was rather abrasive.

  “Bring your plate along. You still need to eat.” Aiden grabbed the pitcher of wine and their glasses, and they returned to the infirmary.

  Shika, one of Aiden’s assistants, hurried across the room as they entered. “Where the hell have you been? Why didn’t you answer your audiocom?”

  “Because it’s on my desk. What’s the matter?”

  “The last group was so damn argumentative. I was ready to pull my hair out. I finally misted the leader and the others nearly fell out of their seats. One got on the floor and bowed before me. It was the most humiliating experience of my life.”

  “You commanded a man into unconsciousness. How do you think that looked to people who have never taken an aspirin?”

  “I didn’t have any other choice! I’ll do all the physical exams, but I’m not attempting another orientation. I’m no good at it.”

  He smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing firmly. She closed her eyes and moaned. “Relax. We’ll work it out.”

  Felicia watched his hands, wondering what it would feel like to have those fingers working her tight muscles. Shika seemed pleased by the touch. Tension melted from her features and she slowly exhaled.


  “I still hate you, but yes.” Shika nodded toward her and asked, “Shouldn’t she be in stasis?”

  “I’ve asked her to help out. Hopefully with her assistance the orientations will go smoother and faster.”

  “I have not agreed to help you,” Felicia reminded him.

  “I’m well aware of that.”

  “Won’t Xyell object?” Speculation narrowed Shika’s gaze. “What about the crew?”

  “I’ll keep her out of sight as much as possible. But if we’re backed into a corner, we’ll claim she’s
a consultant who shuttled over from one of the other ships.”

  “We will, will we?” Shika’s head tilted to an obstinate angle. “When did I become part of this deception?”

  To Felicia’s astonishment, Aiden chuckled. “You want out of doing the orientations, don’t you?”

  “That’s blackmail.” Shika glared, but Felicia sensed no real animosity. “The crew might buy that line, but Xyell will know better.”

  “I already took care of Xyell. According to the roster, Felicia’s tube malfunctioned and she didn’t survive.”

  His easy explanation left Felicia cold. Could his lie be undone? How could she return to her life if she was supposed to be dead?

  “Is anyone in the process right now?” he asked his assistant.

  “No, but we should call for the next batch in about ten minutes.”

  “So take a break. I’ll see you back here in ten.”

  Shika nodded and left the infirmary.

  Aiden led her through the main area of the clinic and into a room tucked away in back. “You can eat in my office.” He motioned toward an odd-looking table. It was low and small with storage compartments attached to the underside. “It’s called a desk.”

  “Desk.” She tried out the new word, frustrated by all she did not know. “What if I do not wish to be dead?” She couldn’t force her mind beyond the question.

  “I’ll change the roster, shuffle you back into the mix.” He made it sound so simple, almost insignificant.

  He poured her a glass of wine and she nibbled at the contents of her plate. The food had probably been more appetizing when it was hot. Even so, she needed nourishment, so she ignored the taste and forced herself to eat.

  “The orientations really will run much smoother if you’ll agree to help me.” He stood near the open doorway, one shoulder resting against the wall.

  “You wake my people and tell them they are being moved to a new home because Vulcan is angry with Venus.” She took a sip of wine and thought for a moment. “Is there no chance Laetif’s husband will return us to Italy?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t understand the endgame, but this is an investment to him.”

  Thoughts raced through her head, possibilities and suspicions, each one less appealing than the last. “Are we to be sold as slaves?”

  “Slavery is illegal on Fedoros. From what I understand, they have built a city very similar to Pompeii. Once your people are settled in, life will resume much as it was before the relocation.”

  “If that is true, I find no fault in using the story to explain the relocation. But one question remains unanswered.”

  “Why is Xyell doing this?”

  She nodded. “He must gain something or he would not have gone to all this trouble.”

  “And I don’t have the answer to that question.”

  “Who would? I cannot offer my support until I understand the—how did you put it?—endgame.”

  “Laetif is our best hope of finding out what’s really going on.” Moving behind the desk, he then sat. Then he pushed his fingers upward across the desktop and glowing images erupted in the space between them. Felicia gasped and leapt out of her chair, moving behind it for shelter. “It’s all right. This is just the graphical interface for the computer. Most of the functions can be reached through voice command, but this provides more information.”

  “This is one of your…machines?” She pressed her hand over her frantically beating heart and shivered.

  “I’m sorry. I should have warned you. Our machines are so much a part of everyday life that I forget about them. I’ll try and be more sensitive to your frame of reference.”

  At time such as these she felt so foolish, so small and insignificant. She was not stupid. She was even able to read and write, which was highly unusual for a woman of her station. Still, Aiden’s world made her feel—lost.

  “Laetif has a do-not-disturb designation. We’ll have to try again in the morning.”

  Felicia took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. “And I cannot help you until I have spoken with her. I have to understand what will become of my people before I can participate in the transition.”

  Aiden sighed, but he did not argue. “Then I need you out of sight. I understand why you won’t help me, but I can’t allow you to sabotage me either. You need to wait in my cabin. I have three more groups to get through tonight.”

  * * * * *

  Laetif sat at the small, round table in her cabin, staring at the hologram of New Pompeii. The city really was spectacular and amazingly authentic. Would it please Felicia’s people, or would they be so traumatized by the upheaval that they wouldn’t appreciate the splendor?

  Aiden’s flimsy story hadn’t fooled Laetif for a minute. Felicia was clearly one of the survivors. Had she caught his eye while he was examining her and he hadn’t been able to cram her back into one of those infernal stasis tubes? Laetif liked the idea. It was romantic. And romance was sadly lacking in the world, in most worlds, for that matter.

  Pushing back her chair, she stood and wandered about the cabin. Not that there was anything she hadn’t seen a hundred times before. This had seemed like such a good idea in the beginning. She’d surprise Mikko by accompanying him on this historic journey. The Thrax brothers had been happy to make the arrangement. She was Mikko’s wife, after all. Why would they hesitate to help her with the surprise?

  Mikko had been surprised all right. He’d been shocked and furious, and he’d had her moved into her own cabin before the first day was through. For one foolish moment, she’d actually thought the close quarters would force him to rediscover their love. They’d been so combustible once, so lost in each other. But those days were long gone. And she’d spent the past eight weeks alone in this dreary cabin.

  Felicia’s prediction had haunted her all evening. If Laetif had an affair with the captain, it was sure to be a short-term, shipboard sort of romance. She’d never been interested in something so superficial. She shook her head. Felicia was wrong. That was all there was to it. Caleb was utterly fuckable, that was a fact, but Laetif had no interest in being another notch on his bedpost.

  The door buzzer interrupted her troubled thoughts and she crossed to the security panel, activating visual. Quade. She sighed. What was Mikko’s newest goon doing here? “What do you want? I’m not feeling well.” She transmitted audio only, enjoying the momentary advantage.

  He straightened his shoulders and clasped his hands behind his back. “I was sent to check on you. We heard you left the mess hall abruptly and Ambassador Xyell was concerned.”

  That was three hours ago. He must not have been too concerned. “Tell Ambassador Xyell that I’m fine.”

  “I can’t do that, ma’am. I was told not to return until I’d seen you.”

  Laetif triggered the door and positioned herself in the doorway, forearm resting against the frame. “Now you’ve seen me. Go away.”

  His smile was hesitant and conflict raged in his dark eyes. “May I come in?”

  What was Mikko’s game? Why would he send one of his thugs to spy on her? All he had to do was activate security and… Her mind went blank, refusing to absorb the possibility.

  Quade took advantage of her hesitation and slipped past her. He was by far the best-looking of Mikko’s men. Tall, well-built and dangerous. Just the way she liked them. He’d swept his sleek black hair away from his face and bound it at the nape of his neck. The wide synth-leather strip circled the thick mass all the way down his back, keeping it contained and controlled. Everything about him was contained and controlled. He exuded strength with every movement, but there was a stillness about him that terrified her.

  “Is he watching us? Why are you here?” She moved away from the door and it slid closed, locking automatically.

  “I have no specific orders. Your husband felt you’d been alone too much during this journey. He thought you might be bored.”

  “So he sent you to what? Play chess with me?”
  “If you like.” He stalked toward her, eyes focused on her mouth.

  This was bad! Her emotions were too raw, too volatile. She wasn’t composed enough to verbally spare with this hunk, and she didn’t dare let him touch her. She’d go up in flames. “I can’t do this right now. I won’t!” She darted past him and escaped into the hall without a backward glance.

  Not caring where she went, she rushed down one corridor and then another. She was relatively safe if she stayed on this deck. The crew wasn’t allowed up here. A large viewport beckoned from a neat little alcove. She ducked into the small area and leaned against the wall. Her nightgown swirled against her legs, drawing her attention downward. This couldn’t be happening! She wasn’t even properly dressed.

  She overlapped the edges of her robe and tightened the belt, knowing the clingy material outlined every curve and hollow of her figure. Covering her face with her hands, she took slow deep breaths. Her husband had sent one of his guards to seduce her! The reality cut through her, slicing into what remained of her heart. Mikko hadn’t touched her in months. Finding his pleasure somewhere else was one thing, but this took his betrayal to a whole new level.

  Hurt crashed through her anger and disbelief, spreading what was left of her composure. Her husband didn’t love her. She’d accepted that fact long ago. But he cared so little about her that he’d tried to pawn her off on an employee!

  A warm hand touched her shoulder and she gasped, instinctively drawing away as she lowered her hands from her face. Caleb Thrax stood there in all his rugged glory, concern gleaming in his dark green eyes. “Are you all right?”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and emotion constricted her throat. She released a pathetic sob and shook her head. In one smooth motion, Caleb drew her to him and wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want this.” Her heart shuddered as she was propelled along the inevitable path. “I didn’t want any of this.”

  She raised her face and looked into his eyes, feeling the instant attraction, the elemental stirring she knew would follow. Parting her lips, she offered an invitation a man like Caleb was powerless to ignore. His face lowered toward hers. Their lips brushed and lingered. She waited for his mouth to move, for him to deepen the kiss and take control. Instead he pulled back and gently pushed her away.


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