Doggone Daddy

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Doggone Daddy Page 8

by Liam Kingsley

  I smiled and relaxed in his arms, not feeling the slightest bit awkward or self-conscious. When his knot receded and he softly slipped out of me, I turned to look at him properly.

  “Thank you,” I said, still marveling over all the amazing things he’d done to my body. “It was incredible.”

  He smiled, and then gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. “Good. Now come on, let me take care of you.”

  “Haven’t you already done that?” I asked with a grin.

  “A different way.” He slapped me on the ass, and then dragged me from the bed before leading me into a huge bathroom with a shower large enough for both of us a few times over. Then he did just what he said. He took care of me, washing me gently, massaging my back, making me feel cared for and special. After, he dried me off and helped me get dressed before dressing himself. Then he wrapped his arms around me again as if he couldn’t stop from touching me.

  “Stay with me tonight?” he asked. “I don’t want you to be alone yet.”

  I didn’t want to be alone either, but more importantly I didn’t want to be away from Jason.

  “I’d love that,” I said with a smile.

  We spent the afternoon and evening just hanging out and getting to know each other, and I didn’t think I’d ever had a better day in my life. Conversation came easy, and the laughing and joking vibe that had materialized after the attack seemed ever present now the sexual tension had abated—well, it wasn’t as all-consuming as it had been. We watched a couple movies, romantic comedies even though that wasn’t Jason’s preferred genre, made popcorn, and had ice cream, chunky chocolate for me and vanilla swirl for Jason. All my favorite ways to spend an afternoon, except better because Jason was by my side.

  When we were finishing off our ice cream after the second movie, Jason shifted a little closer to me on the couch and gave me a speculative look.

  “You know, I have to admit I was surprised when you told me you were a virgin,” he said.

  “Well, you took care of that pesky problem, didn’t you?”

  Jason laughed. “And I loved every second of it, but seriously, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I just wondered why you’d never been with anyone before?”

  The question didn’t make me uncomfortable now, though at one point it might have. “I guess it has to do with being relentlessly bullied when I was in high school. About my weight, and because I like pink, and my taste in music, and, well, let’s just say I’m not your average omega. I tried to ignore it, but after a while it got to me. It really solidified some insecurities, especially about my body. I’ve never felt secure enough to put myself out there. Until you. I don’t feel nearly as shy about my body after what happened between us today.”

  “I’ve never even noticed your weight.”

  I had to laugh. “Come on, Jason. You saw every bit of me earlier.”

  He nodded. “And I find you incredibly sexy. You have no idea how attractive you are, do you?”

  I bit my lip, not sure what to say.

  “You know that day when the dogs got out? The way you stood up to me then, I really took notice of you. Your confidence. How self-assured you are. And the more I’ve gotten to know you… I couldn’t give a fuck what you look like, Trevor. But, just to let you know, you have the cutest dimple on your left cheek. You have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. You smile like you’ve just seen a unicorn riding a rainbow. And your ass… I keep wanting to sink my teeth into it, and…other parts of me. You’re an incredible man, Trevor. Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.”

  His words warmed me all over. How could I be so lucky? Jason truly seemed to like me for who I was, something I’d longed for my entire life.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, and then I thought of something. “And I’m so sorry again about what happened to Stacia’s dress that day. How can I make it up to her?”

  Jason smiled. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. Besides, I think your offer to let her hang out with the dogs made her forget all about her dress.”

  We talked for a little more about Stacia then. How his drunken hookup with a friend years ago had resulted in their daughter. How they co-parented so well, even though they weren’t together. Just thinking about what a great father he was had me falling a little harder for him.

  “How have you not been snapped up yet?” I asked, nudging him with my shoulder.

  He didn’t laugh this time. He looked at me as if he were debating something. Then he nodded quickly, apparently deciding on what to say.

  “I’ve not been in a lot of relationships either, Trevor. The one person I was serious about hurt me really badly. I found him with another alpha.”

  I gasped, and then flushed with indignant anger. How could anyone cheat on this amazing man? I wanted to hold on tight to him and never let go, yet someone had thrown all that away? The guy was an idiot.

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I finally said. Then I gave him a soft smile. “But because of it, I get you. Certainly turned out in my favor.”

  Jason did laugh then. “Mine too. I suppose fate was telling me I had to wait for you.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and tucked me in closely to his side, and I relaxed into him. Fate was really playing with my heart here, but I had to trust I wouldn’t get hurt. I knew fated mates were rare for shifters. They could pick anyone for their mate and claim them, but fated mates were special, and I doubted Jason would let go of his, of me. It boosted my confidence, and I stretched up to give him a kiss. He kissed me back, softly, languidly, and I hummed as he slid his hands to my ass and squeezed.

  Later, in bed, Jason held me closely after making love to me again. “I loved spending today with you, having you here, in my arms, in my bed, in my home. I could really get used to this.”

  I smiled, nearly asleep, my body sated in ways it had never been before. Hope welled in my chest about what the future held for Jason and me, and I prayed this feeling never ended.



  By the following week, Trevor was pretty much back to normal. But life was definitely not. Especially with Trevor a regular part of it.

  I hadn’t been able to resist him at my house that day last week, and I was glad I hadn’t. I was enjoying getting to know my mate. Having someone to talk about my day with, to spend time with, and even though he was no longer in heat, my attraction to him was still just as strong. Actually, my need for him had started becoming deeper, more balanced. I was no longer influenced by his heat but I still wanted to hold him in my arms, kiss him, please him, and Trevor was always willing. In some cases he instigated sex, and I really loved that about him; that he was confident enough with me to do so.

  I was locking up the florist shop on Thursday evening when I heard Stacia and Trevor in the back room talking excitedly.

  “Have you heard her new album?” Trevor asked, and I could hear the grin in his voice. I smiled. That was something else Trevor had become confident with; that he could simply waltz into my shop whenever he wanted. Tonight was going to be our first date outside of my home, not that I was complaining about the hours we spent there, but this time Stacia was going to come along. It was my night to have her, and Trevor had seemed just as happy for her to be with us, which made my chest warm. He seemed to think Stacia was just as amazing as I was.

  “It’s the best!” Stacia answered him, bouncing on her toes. She was looking at Trevor with bright eyes. “My favorite ever!”

  I chuckled, leaning against the door frame. “Let me guess,” I said. “Taylor Swift?”

  Trevor grinned. “Obviously. Who else?”

  “Right?” Stacia looked at me incredulously, as if I were crazy for even asking.

  “You all locked up and ready to go?” I asked Trevor, coming up beside him. I wanted to pull him against me and greet him with a kiss, but I hadn’t really explained anything to Stacia beyond the fact that Trevor and I liked each other. That alone had been enough to make
her start talking about all kinds of future possibilities.

  While I shared her sentiments about wanting Trevor and me to have a future together, I was still enjoying this new phase of our relationship. We hadn’t really talked much about what was next, just enjoying getting to know each other.

  “Checked and double checked,” Trevor replied. “And I set the alarm.”

  As soon as I’d had the chance last week, I’d had a security system, complete with video, installed in both our shops. We’d exchanged keys to each other’s buildings as well. It had seemed to set Trevor slightly more at ease when he’d come back to work on Monday, but I knew he was still on edge. I’d made sure he hadn’t been alone at the daycare at any point either.

  “Awesome. Ready to go then?”

  I set the alarm to my own shop and we headed out.

  “So what is this mystery date?” Trevor asked as the three of us climbed in my car.

  “Yeah, tell us, Daddy!” Stacia demanded. “I didn’t even know what to wear.”

  I laughed. For a five-year-old, Stacia was more interested in fashion than any kid I’d ever known.

  “I said the same thing,” Trevor exclaimed, making a mock-exasperated face at her. “I just had to wing it.”

  Stacia pursed her lips and looked Trevor up and down, taking in his electric blue shorts and short-sleeve Hawaiian printed shirt. “I think you did great. Love the blue.”

  I burst out laughing, shaking my head. “You two are something else.”

  Trevor just grinned then turned on the radio. He clapped when the newest Taylor Swift song came on the radio and turned back to look at Stacia. They sang along at the top of their lungs, and I just enjoyed the moment as I drove us out of town and toward the coastal highway. Just a few miles up the road was one of the best little coves to watch the sunset. I figured it would be a good place for a date where we were bringing Stacia along. She could play in the sand and surf, and we could relax on the blanket I’d brought. I’d even packed a little picnic.

  Before long, we pulled off the highway and toward the cove. Trevor looked over at me, his eyes lighting up. “The beach?”

  I nodded. “Hope you aren’t afraid of the water,” I said with a wink, knowing he wasn’t because I’d overheard him talking in his shop the other day about how he hadn’t been out to the beach much this summer because he’d been so busy.

  He snorted and climbed from the car. “No, but I didn’t exactly dress for swimming.”

  Stacia stood next to him and put her hands on her hips. “Yeah, Daddy, you could have at least told me I needed a swimsuit.”

  “You’re in luck.” I grabbed a beach bag from the trunk along with the blanket and picnic basket. “Always prepared.”

  “Didn’t know you were a boy scout,” Trevor said. ‘I wonder what else you’re prepared for.” He smiled one of those unicorn and rainbow smiles.

  Unable to resist the desire to touch him, I slung an arm around his waist and pull him closer to me. Then I pinched his ass, laughing when he squealed.

  “That’s what you get, smartass,” I murmured, low enough that Stacia couldn’t hear. She’d run off toward the surf anyway.

  We kicked our shoes off, and hand in hand, Trevor and I strolled along the sand to find the perfect spot to watch the sunset. It was a few hours or so away, the evenings still long in early September. It was also warm, not too hot. Perfect for the date.

  We found a spot, spread the blanket, and settled down on it. The cove wasn’t too busy, but it wasn’t empty either. Quite a few other couples and families seemed to have had a similar idea, wanting to enjoy the nice weather while it lasted.

  Stacia ran around and played, leaving us to have some time to talk. We ate and drank and laughed, and I had to say that being here like this with Trevor and Stacia really felt right. Like we were a perfect little family.

  I smiled, watching as Stacia ran back up the beach after a bit, headed toward the blanket. On her way, she caught sight of a man walking his dog along the beach. She changed course, darting toward him and bending down to greet the dog.

  I stiffened and was about to call out to her when Trevor put his hand on my arm. “She sure does love dogs,” he said, watching them too. He glanced at me then pushed to his feet. “Come on, let’s go say hi.” He held a hand down to me.

  I hesitated for just a second. I didn’t really want to walk over and put myself in even closer proximity to a dog than I had to. Especially one I didn’t know. It had been hard enough trying to deal with the fact that Trevor’s dogs were such a big part of his life, not to mention his livelihood. In the end I smiled up at him and pushed to my feet as well.

  I took his hand in mine and threaded my fingers through his as we walked over. I could feel happiness radiating from Trevor, and I told myself I was doing the right thing. That it would be okay. I wanted to show him I could do this.

  As we got closer, I recognized the man as a customer of Petal Pushers, but I didn’t remember his name, even though he knew mine.

  “Jason, hi! Nice to see you.”

  I smiled at him, and then gestured at Stacia, who was laughing while letting the dog lick her cheeks. “That’s my daughter, Stacia.”

  “Quite the dog lover,” Trevor said with a smile.

  The man turned to Trevor and extended a hand. “Sam Eubanks. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “I’m Trevor,” he said, shaking Sam’s hand.

  Sam smiled at me. “You have a lovely family, Jason. I’m so glad I got to meet them. Stacia was just telling me that your husband owns a doggie daycare. Is that right?”

  He directed the question to Trevor, and Trevor’s mouth opened and closed for a few seconds, apparently stunned momentarily speechless by Sam calling him my husband. Our claiming ceremony wasn’t exactly the same as a traditional human wedding, but if I claimed Trevor, the word husband would still apply to him, and I kind of liked the way that sounded. Husband.

  “Thank you so much,” I said smoothly, not missing a beat. When I didn’t dispute Sam’s assumption, Trevor’s eyes darted to me. I looked right back at him. “I think so too.”

  Stacia said goodbye to Sam and his dog, and then took Trevor’s hand and pulled him back to the beach blanket. I followed behind, a bit slower, thinking about the reaction I’d just had at the thought of Trevor as my husband.

  My fears and insecurities about trusting another man seemed to disappear when I was with Trevor, something I was just now realizing. I’d been enjoying every minute of my time with my mate. I loved the way he was with my daughter—they got along like the best of friends. And I loved the way Trevor made me feel. Alive again. Like I might actually be able to love again.


  Was that possible? I’d thought I’d never be able to love anyone after what happened with Gary; that I’d never be able to trust someone again. But I knew deep in my bones that Trevor was different. Maybe I was ready to learn to trust, to love once more.

  I reflected on that through the rest of our date, as we watched the sun go down, and all the way back to Trevor’s house. As we pulled up to the curb, I climbed from the car to get Trevor’s door for him.

  When he stood next to me, he smiled hopefully. “Would you and Stacia like to come in?”

  My immediate reaction was a wave of apprehension. So far, I’d been around Bonnie and Clyde pretty minimally. The idea of going inside, knowing they were there, made me nervous, especially since Stacia was with me. But I knew she’d love it, and just as much as Stacia and I came as a package deal, Trevor’s dogs were a part of him. I wasn’t completely sure I would ever get used to the idea of living with dogs, but I knew I needed to try.

  I nodded, smiling back. “I’d love to come inside.”

  Trevor’s pretty green eyes lit up, and Stacia practically flew from the backseat squealing about playing with the dogs. I laughed and followed Trevor inside, taking a deep breath. As soon as Trevor opened the door, the dogs came barreling toward us.

; I tensed up automatically, my body taking a defensive stance. But they didn’t jump on me like I expected. They circled around us excitedly, and Stacia got right down on their level and let them lick her face. When they sniffed me, they seemed to calm slightly. One of them, Clyde, even rolled over onto his back, showing his belly, a universal sign of submission.

  “They can sense your alpha,” Trevor murmured, giving me a wink.

  Huh. I hadn’t thought about that.

  We put on a movie once we got inside, and Stacia sat between Trevor and me. The dogs jumped up on the couch, snuggling up to Stacia—and me in the process.

  It was a little overwhelming, but not as bad as I’d thought. They seemed to like me, to sense that I was unsure of them but also to recognize my wolf shifter nature.

  When the movie was over, I glanced over at Trevor. “Thanks for having us in. This was great.”

  “I think you may have to watch this one again.” Trevor laughed with a pointed grin down at Stacia. “She slept through the end.”

  She had school tomorrow, so I knew I needed to get her home. But I hated to wake her because she was sleeping so soundly.

  As if reading my thoughts, Trevor said, “Stay here. She can sleep in my spare bedroom with the dogs. They’ll look out for her.”

  I hesitated, skeptical about the dogs sleeping with Stacia. But when Trevor bit his lip, looking worried, I realized he was also asking me to stay for another reason. Every night since he’d come out of the hospital he’d slept at my place. Tonight we’d agreed he’d sleep here because of Stacia, but to be honest, I didn’t want him here alone. Not only was he still a little uneasy from the robbery, anxious about being on his own, I didn’t want to spend the night without him.

  When I nodded, Trevor’s mouth spread wide in a happy smile. “Thank you,” he murmured.

  We got Stacia settled in Trevor’s spare bedroom, and the dogs jumped right up on the bed with her, snuggling up close.

  “They’ll keep her safe,” Trevor said again. “They won’t let anyone near her.”


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