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Wanted By The Devil

Page 11

by Joanna Blake

  Don't panic Callie, it's just a blackout.

  Just then a loud sound came from the kitchen. It sounded like someone falling. The whimper that followed set my heart racing.


  I was on my feet and running unerringly through the dark house. A soft blue light flashed from the living room. The ancient VCR must have some sort of battery in it. It was literally the only thing I could see in the whole place. Even the streetlights out side were out.

  How utterly useless.


  "I'm here. In the kitchen."

  Shit. Gran's voice sounded weak. I forced myself to stay calm, going into nurse mode. I crouched low, feeling around the room until I found Gran on the floor.

  "Are you alright?"

  "I think so. I just- well I can't seem to stand up."

  "Hold on, let me get a flash light."

  "There's one in the drawer next to the stove."

  I rustled around for a few minutes before I felt my hand close around the plastic cylinder. I pressed the button and thank the good lord, it worked.

  "Gran? Oh God Gran."

  My Grandmother was sprawled on the floor. Her face was twisted in pain, even though she was trying to hide it. I ran over to her and quickly did an examination, pressing along her bones and checking her pulse.

  "Does this hurt? What about this?"

  "No- no- ow- yes there."

  "Is it a burning pain or a sharp pain?"

  "Sharp- ow!"

  "Okay, that's good. I think it's a sprain. Nothing is broken, thank God. You okay to get up? I'd like to have another look with you in the chair. Let me do the heavy lifting…"

  I eased Gran into the seat and examined her again.

  "We can't go anywhere in this blackout."

  "We've been getting a lot of them lately."

  I stared at her in the dim light of the flashlight. I was trying to think. I hated the thought that she'd been living like this and not telling me. I knew she hated to make me worry.

  "How long do they usually last?"

  "Anywhere from an hour to three days a couple of years ago."

  I chewed my lip. I couldn't drive around the city with Gran in the dark. It was dangerous. If it was just a sprain she'd probably be alright after a few days anyway.

  "Okay. Let's ice it for fifteen minutes. That's the magic number, anything longer can make it worse. Then I'll wrap it and see if I can find some pain killers."

  "I have tylenol."

  "Hmmm… I'm not sure that's going to cut it. What about candles?"

  "There should be some on the top shelf."

  "Everything okay?"

  I turned to see Hunter standing in the doorway.

  I couldn't help it. My heart leapt at the sight of him.

  Chapter Six


  Damn, she was a sight for sore eyes. Callie looked beautiful, as usual. But she almost looked happy to see me.

  That was a first.

  I had ridden home as fast as I could when the blackout started. There were already riots starting all over the county. I hadn't liked the thought of Callie here unattended with her Gran.

  I'd already started thinking about her as belonging to me, even if she didn't know it yet. She would though. Soon.

  Very fucking soon.

  I grinned. I was right. Damned if the girl didn't look glad to see me for half a second. Before the disapproving look settled over her face again.

  "Didn't mean to scare you but the door was unlocked. I was worried."

  "It's okay Hunter. I told you that you're always welcome to stop by."

  I smiled at Ellie, choosing to ignore her cranky Granddaughter. Women hated to be ignored. Of course I wasn't really ignoring her, I was just pretending to ignore her.

  I couldn't ignore Callie if I was in a damn coma.

  "So, can I get you ladies anything?"

  "I'm getting some ice for Gran. Maybe you could help us get the candles down? They're on the top shelf."

  I reached up into the cabinet and pulled down the candles. I used my Club zippo to light them, setting them on the kitchen table.

  "You alright, Ellie?"

  "She'll be okay, it's just a sprain. She needs something for the pain though."

  "That I can help you with. Hold on, I'll be right back."

  "Wait- do you want the flashlight?"

  I grinned at Callie. She'd followed me out the door to the street. How sweet.

  "It's okay. I have excellent night vision."

  I could tell by the look on her face that the implications of that were clear. Yes girl, I am talking about that. I ran inside my house and got the stuff, smiling the whole time. Callie sure did shock easily. She was a prissy little thing, but in a weird way, I liked it.

  I'd love to really make her blush one of these days.

  Maybe tonight.

  A full body blush would be quite the sight to see.

  I was back at Eleanor's house in less than five minutes.

  "Here we go ladies. Pain killer."

  The two women stared blankly at the bottle of tequila I'd put on the kitchen table.

  "What? It works, believe me."

  "Gran can't drink excessively."

  "Oh hush child, I'm fine. Hand me a shot glass will you Hunter? In the cabinet over the fridge."

  I grinned and opened the cabinets up again. Sure enough, there was a neat little row of shot glasses behind the wine glasses. I grabbed three.

  Callie's eyes were sharp as ever, scowling at me and Ellie as they gleefully poured out three shots.

  "Gran, I don't think this is a good idea-"

  Bless her heart, the old lady looked up at her Granddaughter with the saddest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. Oh yeah, I had an allie in Ellie. I had a sneaking suspicion she'd been planning on playing match maker all along.

  "It hurts something awful Callie girl. You don't want that do you?"

  I watched as the girl sighed and shook her head, giving in.

  "No Gran. But I need to stay up and keep an eye on things."

  "Hunter will do that, won't you? He always keeps an eye out. You should relax too."

  "That's right, mam."

  Ellie giggle like a school girl and winked at me. Oh yeah, she was definitely up to something. I smiled. I cared about the old bird, and more than a little.

  "Don't be a stick in the mud Callie. It isn't every day you have an excuse to stop working so hard. You can't study in the dark. Loosen up a little, girl!"

  I watched as Callie joined us at the table, picked up the shot and downed it without a moments hesitation. Then she looked at me straight in the eye. I nearly fell over at the challenge in those eyes. But hell if I wasn't always up for a challenge.

  "Well, aren't you going to keep up?"

  Chapter Seven


  I lifted the cold beer to my lips. Hunter had gone next door for them after we'd finished half the tequila. Gran was in bed, sleeping soundly. That's where I should be too. But I was having too much fun.

  I was surprised as hell, but Hunter was good company. Better than good, he was great.

  I'd been laughing all night. He kept me on my toes too. We'd been sparring like two people with quick wits but opposite points of view. He wasn't so different from me after all though.

  Hunter had told me about his family, his club, the people who mattered to him. He said he would die for them. Not just his little sister or the Aunts who had raised him. Anyone in his club.

  They weren't just a bunch of criminals it turned out.

  They were his family.

  Oh yeah, the giant biker next door was making me laugh. He was so different from what I'd expected. Right now he was shirtless, at my prompting. He'd rolled up his sleeves to show off his tattoos. First were his ink from the service. He'd served in the Marines, which was pretty impressive. Then a devil with wings. Then something about his mother. I'd wanted to see them all after that.

  That's wh
y I asked him to take his shirt off. He'd been more than happy to oblige me. In fact, he'd looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

  So, yeah, I was busy looking at his tats…

  On his back were the ones that made me squeal with laughter.

  The man had tattoos of his cats. Three of them. With tiny wings and halos.

  Apparently Hunter was… a cat man. A big, burly, beautiful cat man.

  He'd looked a bit offended when I'd started giggling. He did have a heart after all. Not just for his club and family. For kitties.

  "What were their names?"

  "Brass Knuckles, Bealzabub and Zombie Cat."

  I giggled again. Was he kidding? He had a straight face- wait- no there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. His lips that were moving closer-

  My eyes lifted to his. I stopped giggling when I saw the heat there. For such cool blue eyes, they were giving off nuclear levels of heat.

  He was going to kiss me. Not all that surprisng. The fact that I wanted him to was the real surprise.

  My eyelids fluttered shut as he slid his arm behind my back, pulling me hard against his chest. At the same moment his lips came crashing down on mine. It wasn't a gentle kiss. It wasn't rough either- just- insistent.


  In half a second he'd angled his mouth open and his tongue was plunging into my mouth. There was something methodical about the way he was maneuvering me, angling me back on the couch so he could press his body into mine, shifting his hand to my breast at the same time.

  His movements were so deliberate, even though there was an untamed heat behind them…

  Almost as if he'd planned this.

  Until I started to kiss him back.

  That's when he lost all semblance of control.

  Chapter Eight


  I moaned into Callie's mouth, pressing my raging hard on into her belly. I reached down, lifting her leg up and around my hip. There. That's where I wanted to be. Right between those long, sexy legs of hers.

  Unffff… God she felt good.

  I was rocking myself into her as we kissed, feeling as if we'd gone from zero to 200 in sixty seconds. Less.

  Twenty seconds.


  And I was already out of the drivers seat. I'd thought to control this, to manage her until I had her out of her mind with lust for me. Instead we were both panting like we'd been running for miles instead of laying on a couch for a handful of minutes.

  Very, very pleasurable minutes.

  Damn but the girl could kiss!

  A few minutes ago I wasn't sure if I was even going to kiss her. No matter how badly I wanted to, my gut was screaming to stay away. That once I got in, I was never, ever going to be free again. Now I was ready to fuck her on her Grandmother's sofa. Damn couch was short too.

  Oh well, a brave man could face down any adversary.

  Even a tiny pink couch with broken springs.

  I had to tear my mouth away from hers in order to get to more important things.

  Like finally getting my hands on those tits. Those perfect tits that had been driving me nuts for weeks. Seeing her bounce gently in those worn in old t-shirts of hers… well, it was enough to drive a man insane. But now- now I could touch her.

  And taste her too.

  I tugged her shirt up and over her head and pulled the cups away from her breasts. I was as eager as a school boy, staring at the most perfect pair I'd seen in my life. Including those centerfolds in the magazines under my daddy's dresser.

  I moaned as they popped out, full, rosy tipped with hard nipples just waiting for me to taste them. Hmmmm… Sweet Jesus the woman had glorious tits!

  I growled and lowered my head, sucking the sensitive point into my hot mouth. She cried out in pleasure which only made me desperate for more. My hands moved lower, unzipping those damned jean shorts of hers. If I didn't get inside her soon, I was going to combust.

  But first I wanted to hear her make that noise again. And a lot of other sounds. Squealing, satisfied, feminine sounds.

  I shifted my weight and lowered my mouth to her soft belly, kissing my way down to the soft triangle of curls. She was neat but natural. Just the way I liked it.

  And she smelled sweet and feminine too.

  I liked women who looked like women down there. But this was something else. Callie had a sweet, trim little pussy that I could not wait to get inside of. I showed her my appreciation the best way I could; with my mouth.

  Slowly I slid the sharp point of my tongue up and down her puffy little lips. Hmmmm…. she was already wet. Good. I lay my thumb over her mound and started making small circles on her nub. She was whimpering faster now.

  I grinned and thrust my tongue deep inside her. Damn, the girl was tight! I'd have to go slow when I took her. If I even could get inside.

  I didn't want to rush but we were both frantic now, my tongue pushing in and out of her, preparing her for what was next.


  A lot of fucking.

  I growled again and picked up the pace, moving my thumb faster now, reaching up to grab a nipple with my other hand. That was it.

  She arched off the couch, her thighs parting as I continued to ravage her sweet pussy with my lips and tongue. Finally she squealed and I pulled back, reaching into my pocket for a condom at the same time. Thank God I'd been hopeful enough to grab one.

  I was wrapped and holding the tip of my cock at her tight slit before she'd stopped shivering with aftershocks.

  I stared down at the bossy beauty beneath me, making sure she was still conscious. She blinked up at me and smiled. That was all the permission I needed.

  I leaned in and let my cock sink into her welcoming warmth. Hmmmmffff… it was like coming home. Except I'd never liked home as much as this.

  She was to tiny though. It was almost as if she were a virgin but- no- unfff… she was just perfect, hugging my stiff prick like a glove. I pushed all the way in and paused, staring down at her.

  Then I started to move.

  Chapter Nine


  I whimpered as the hulking man above me eased deeper inside me. I was overwhelmed with sensations as he gave me what I wanted- him. I wanted to be filled up and he was doing way more than that with his oversized memeber. I gripped his heavily muscled forearms as he opened me with his massive cock.

  Oh my God… I'm fucking the damn biker!

  No. He was fucking me. And he was doing a damned good job of it.

  I had a feeling we'd barely started…

  Jesus Christ but it felt good. No one had ever taken me like this. So forcefully and yet with care. Nothing had even come close. Not in size or passion.

  Definitely not in size.

  I felt tiny and protected inside the circle of his enormous arms. His bare chest gleamed in the candle light. He was so strong- and he was using all that strength to control the pace and depth of his thrusts.

  I felt another orgasm approaching rapidly. Again? Already??? I had rarely come at all with my last boyfriend and now-

  Oh- oh oh- OH GOD!

  I arched off the couch again, my breasts brushing his smooth chest. He didn't stop, just grunted and titled his head to watch me as he circled his cock in and out of me without mercy.

  I felt the tremors receding as he leaned down to kiss me, his tongue taking my mouth with the same tempo he was using with his cock. He lifted my legs higher, letting him get deeper inside me. His face was tense with concentration as he fucked me like I'd never been fucked before.

  We both groaned in unison as he shifted again, his huge dick sliding in and out of me with ease now. I had no idea how he'd fit inside me without hurting but he had. And this new angle was creating all kinds of friction. Now each thrust was stimulating my clit. Like his thumb before when he'd-

  "Oh oh OH!"

  I looked up and saw him grinning down at me while I came a third time. I clenched down on him, hard. His smile faded and he started dr
iving into me faster and harder. I hadn't thought it was possible to fuck harder than he was already fucking me, but somehow he did it.

  He was pounding me, and damned if I didn't like it.

  My pussy quivered around him as I felt his cock pulse. Hunter was coming. He threw his head back and froze and jets of his cum hit the condom, warming up my pussy from the inside out.

  My body clamped down on him again in unconscious response as I came with him, both of us rocking on the tiny sofa. That was four times. A record for a month, let alone a half an hour. The sexy groans he was making only prolonged my fourth orgasm. I'd never cum this many times in my life, or this hard, each one bigger than the last.

  Finally he stilled. Hunter kissed my neck softly before pulling out. At that moment a loud rumbling could be heard outside. I sat up in alarm but he just grinned and pulled his pants back on.

  "What- what is that?"

  "My brothers."

  I glanced out the window and my breath caught. There were about fifteen guys outside, all on massive bikes like Hunter's. Well, almost as big. His was special, that much was obvious. But they all wore the same insignias.

  A devil with huge spiky wings.

  Just like the ones on the front of Hunter's bike.

  Just like his tat.

  Oh God.

  He wasn't just a biker. He was one of the Lucifer's Wings. It was by far the most notorious Motorcycle Clubs in Northern California.

  And he was in my house.

  Hell, he'd just been inside me.

  A shiver went up my spine.

  Chapter Ten


  "Come on honey, I want you to meet the guys."

  I was staring down at the sweaty beauty on the couch. She looked like she'd just been fucked. Thoroughly. I grinned.

  Damn but the girl was full of surprises.

  Callie look like an angel, but she fucked like a banshee. I'd never cum that hard in my whole damn life. And I'd had a lot of tail. More than my fair share by far. But she was one for the books.


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