The Balance Omnibus

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The Balance Omnibus Page 30

by Alan Baxter

  As she pushed open the door to her hut a hand came down onto her forearm. She barely managed to stifle a scream before she realised it was the old man from the pyramid.

  ‘I did not mean to scare you,’ he said in his heavily accented voice. ‘But I must speak with you.’

  Stilling her trembling, Katherine took a deep breath. ‘Come on in.’

  The old man shook his head. ‘No, thank you, I will say only this. You spoke to some of my people today and they warned you of the cloak of death that is about you. I come to repeat that warning. You have seen this death now and it scared you. You can not protect yourself, that priest, Father Paleros, can not protect you. The white haired man who was once a holy man can not protect you. You should leave while you still can.’

  Katherine’s eyes were wide. ‘And you say you don’t mean to scare me?’

  ‘Death is coming here, and there is nothing that can stop it. You will become involved if you don’t leave.’

  Katherine was too stunned to speak, she didn’t know what to say. The old man headed off into the shadows. ‘Thanks for the warning!’ she called after him. He didn’t turn around, but raised one hand over his shoulder in acknowledgement.

  Isiah and Samuel sat on hard plastic seats by their departure gate. Gabriel stood beside them, scanning the area, his hands relaxed in the pockets of his trousers. Samuel was trembling. ‘This is too scary, man. He’ll be back any second!’

  Isiah frowned. ‘We have a little time, Samuel. The Devil has all of eternity and more to deal with. He has no need to rush anything. Although he is displaying uncharacteristic impatience in trying to get to you.’

  Samuel groaned, his face drawn. Gabriel smiled.

  Samuel looked at him for a second before turning away, wincing. ‘Who the fuck is this guy, Isiah? Every time I look at him it’s like trying to look at the sun.’

  Isiah and Gabriel exchanged grins. ‘You would have even more trouble coping with today if I told you,’ Isiah said. ‘This is how it works. First I’m going to change your physical appearance. It’s not permanent, more like moulding clay, and your true appearance will slowly slide back into place, but that’ll take a few hours which is all we really need. Now sit still.’

  Samuel did as he was told, staring into Isiah’s black eyes. Isiah, his face fixed in concentration, slowly began to alter Samuel’s outward appearance. Sam’s skin darkened from the chocolatey brown that was Andre Todd’s natural colour to a much darker black, with the purply sheen that only the most ebony people seem to have. His nose changed shape, widening, curving slightly. His forehead seemed to expand, his brows spreading further apart, his hairline changing its contours. Samuel’s eyes widened as his stomach began to swell slightly, changing the way he sat, his whole body taking on a slightly more portly appearance. The whole process took about two minutes. The few minor changes made Samuel look like a completely different person. Isiah sat back, breathing a sigh of relief.

  Samuel ran his hand over his face then down over his belly. ‘That felt really weird!’

  Isiah nodded. ‘Naturally. Now we come to the next stage. As far as you’re concerned it’ll be just like falling asleep. The next time you wake up it’ll be time to board. However, you must relax now, and come willingly. It’s very hard if you resist.’

  Samuel frowned. ‘This all seems so hard, so complicated. My methods are a lot easier.’

  Isiah’s face hardened. His voice was low, angry. ‘Your methods are easy for a reason, Samuel. Now are you gonna shut up and sit still?’

  Samuel said nothing, but shrugged his assent. Suddenly he felt dizzy, almost nauseous. He felt his mind begin to stretch and swim, like the moment of calm before a person passes out. Then he felt his entire being begin to slide like mud, drifting uncontrolled away from himself. The feeling was disturbing, raising a mild panic in the last edges of his consciously functioning mind. Isiah’s voice sounded, but it was inside him and all around him at the same time. Relax, Samuel, I’ve got you now. Then a heavy darkness swept through his mind and he remembered no more.

  Isiah sat back in his chair, smiling up at Gabriel. ‘Thanks.’

  Gabriel nodded. ‘No problem. What’s it feel like to have that psycho in your head?’

  Isiah laughed. ‘Oh, he’s out cold and wrapped up so tight I can barely feel him. I certainly don’t want any of his thoughts leaking into my mind.’

  They both glanced at the strange looking man beside Isiah. He sat very still, staring into the middle distance, like he was daydreaming. ‘Nice job that,’ said Gabriel.

  Isiah nodded. ‘The minions won’t give it a second glance, and even Lucifer himself would have trouble making a connection. It’s our thoughts I have to watch. Samuel’s are safely tucked away. I just have to keep myself covered now.’

  ‘And change your appearance,’ Gabriel added.

  Isiah nodded. ‘Good point.’ He concentrated for a second as his features began to slowly change, stretching and curving, his straight hair slowly rose, spiralling into loose curls, the colour changing from dark to blond. Using a similar method to that he had used with Samuel he increased his general proportions, belly, thighs, shoulders all expanding slightly. He released his breath. ‘That enough, do you think?’

  Gabriel nodded, smiling. ‘Yeah, good enough. I’ve really got to get a move on, but before I go, here’s an idea. Give me a flash of your mind and I’ll take it with me. Lucifer’s coming back, I can feel him. I’ll lead him back towards the train station, try to convince him that you’re running back the way you came, changing your plans.’

  Isiah raised an eyebrow. ‘Good idea, man. Thanks.’

  Gabriel shrugged. ‘No problem, my friend. It’s always a laugh to mess around with creatures like my dark brother and his ilk.’ He reached out a hand, resting his fingertips for a second on Isiah’s forehead, his eyes shut. Then he stepped back. ‘Okay, then. See you later. Good luck.’

  ‘Thanks, man. For everything.’

  Gabriel winked. ‘Here he comes!’ His features suddenly twisted ever so slightly and he became the image of Isiah. With another wink he strode off toward the exit, heading back towards the main airport and eventually the train station.

  Isiah settled back into his chair. The body of Samuel, looking unrecognisable and peaceful, sat silently beside him, its face calm. Isiah relaxed and let his own mind settle, gently pulling a shield over it. Without any major distractions he could maintain this strange hiding place for hours, like concealing a tree within a forest. He smiled as he pictured Gabriel leading Lucifer on a wild goose chase. Hopefully that would buy them some more time.

  The hour they had to wait passed quietly, Gabriel obviously having been at least partly successful in distracting his evil brother. Isiah meditated, letting time slip past him unnoticed, only occasionally rousing himself enough to look at the departures board, make sure everything was on time. Shortly before they were due to board he began to sense the devil’s minions again, roaming the airport, sniffing, physically and psychically, trying to pick up the lost trail. Now he had to be alert once more, pulling his shield tight every time a black, evil presence came close. His cover held, though he could not sense Lucifer himself around just yet.

  He would soon begin to tire again, despite his rest. The effort of holding them hidden like this would begin to tell. Like the mental equivalent of holding a weight at arm’s length, his mind was starting to tremble, the disguise getting shaky. He glanced at Samuel and saw that the physical alterations were slipping away, the skin paling again. His own physical disguise must be similarly fading. He looked up at the board again. No problem, only ten minutes till boarding.

  As he sat waiting out those ten minutes the air around them grew heavy, black. He gritted his teeth, pulling his mental cloak down as tight as possible. Satan was back.

  He sat quite still, just his eyes travelling slowly left and right, scanning for the Devil. Then he saw the man they had seen in the church, immaculately dressed, loose pony tai
l. He caught a flash of those yellow, slitted eyes that no one else could see. The Devil’s eyes played back and forth around the area, his mind reaching out, stroking the minds of unsuspecting passengers all around. Isiah was aware that Satan was no fool. The Devil knew what powers Isiah commanded and had probably decided that Isiah and Sam were hiding in just such a fashion as they were. However, all the time Isiah made a good job of it they would be safe. The Devil stalked through the lounge area, moving from their gate area into the next. Isiah relaxed slightly.

  An electronic beep sounded followed by a metallic woman’s voice announcing that their flight was ready for boarding. Isiah gently turned his attention inward. He relaxed his hold on Samuel’s consciousness, just enough to bring him round. His presence in Isiah’s mind made Isiah feel quite ill, but he would be gone again soon. Isiah spoke to him, without the nuisance of needing his voice.

  Wake up, Samuel.

  Samuel’s mind fluttered awake. A wave of panic pulsed through it when he realised that he was simply a thought in a dark place. What the fuck is going on?

  Isiah smiled to himself. He loved scaring Samuel. Just relax, he said. We have to get on the plane now. The devil is back, but he hasn’t spotted us yet. The trouble is that you are going to have to go back into your body now to make it walk to the gate. Do you understand?

  Samuel’s mind-voice was strained, frightened. Yeah, I understand. Will he spot us as soon as I’m in my body again?

  Almost. As soon as you are in, open your eyes, stand up and follow me. We have to get to the gate, then the plane, as quickly as possible. Remember to stay among groups of people. Here we go.

  Isiah released Samuel from his mind, standing up, one hand outstretched for him to take. Sam took Isiah’s hand, standing. His knees clicked as he stood shakily, his body having been in the same position for an hour.

  The plastic woman at the desk smiled like all the others as they approached. ‘Boarding passes please,’ she said.

  Isiah handed her the two cards. She ran them through her machine, still smiling, handed them back. ‘Thank you, sir.’ She waved them through.

  As they began to walk along the square, curving tunnel towards the door of the plane Isiah felt Satan approaching. A second later Samuel’s grip on his hand tightened painfully as he noticed it too. They reached the door of the plane where another huge smile on legs asked to see their passes. She directed them to their seat, ‘Left aisle, halfway down.’

  As they took their seats a palpable wave of anger washed over them. Samuel whimpered, looking up from his window seat. Isiah, next to him in the aisle seat, was looking up too, at the man that leaned over them from the seat behind. His eyes were a burning red, his face a study of anger and hatred. ‘You are testing me too far, Interferer,’ he hissed.

  Isiah ignored Samuel’s whimpering. ‘You are easy to test it would seem,’ he said off handedly.

  The devil growled, low and menacing. ‘But now you are trapped on this plane. Why are you taking him to complete the task I set him? What possible reason do you have for this insanity?’

  Isiah chuckled. ‘I wouldn’t expect you to understand our reasons or our causes, Satan.’

  Lucifer growled again, one hand slipping over the seat, one sharp finger nail scraping the side of Samuel’s neck. Sam sat bolt upright, rigid but for his trembling. His eyes were squeezed shut. ‘I will have him, Isiah,’ said the Devil, almost lovingly. ‘I must and I will have him.’

  ‘Not now, you won’t,’ Isiah replied. ‘We’re safe enough for the time being and you know it. Another round to us. Now go away.’

  The Devil chuckled, liquid rumblings deep in his throat. ‘I’ll ride this plane with you boys, if you don’t mind. After all, that should be more fun than simply waiting at the other end.’ There was a rush of fetid air as he vanished.

  Samuel slumped in his chair, his tense muscles releasing. ‘Isiah, this is too tense. How are we safe now? Aren’t we trapped on a plane now for hours?’

  Isiah nodded. ‘Sure, but that’s not a bad thing. He won’t cause too much trouble on the flight because he won’t want a repeat of the incident on the underground. He let his anger and impatience get the better of him that time.’

  ‘Why can’t he just wait until we’re at thirty thousand feet then rip a wing off and take us all down?’

  Isiah twisted around in his seat, looking about the cabin. He pointed to an Indian man wearing a turban. ‘See him?’ Samuel nodded. ‘And him?’ Isiah asked, pointing to an Asian man further back.

  Samuel nodded again. ‘I see ‘em, but what’s your point?’

  ‘The plane will be full of all sorts of different denominations of people. Old Nick would get himself in all kinds of shit if he just brought the whole plane down and killed everybody. There’s a certain etiquette to what’s happening here. Most of it the Devil simply ignores, but there are some boundaries even he won’t cross. I’m pretty certain he won’t bring the plane down.’

  Samuel’s eyes widened. ‘Pretty certain?’

  Isiah smiled, sitting back in his chair. ‘Yeah, pretty certain.’

  Samuel was quiet for a while longer, obviously thinking. ‘What about when we change at Rio? Couldn’t he sabotage the plane so that we have to stay there? Or he could even do that now, here!’

  ‘Calm down, Samuel,’ Isiah said. ‘We only land at Rio for about thirty minutes. We don’t even leave the plane. We wait for more passengers to board, more fuel to be pumped in, then we take off again. Lucifer won’t bother sabotaging the plane here or at Rio. Why would he bother? You heard him, he’s interested to know what we’re doing. You have to remember that time and place are irrelevant to him. He can be anywhere, anywhen he wants to.’

  ‘I hope you’re right, man.’

  ‘Of course I am. But be alert. He’s certain to play games with you, like he did before, make you see things. And don’t go to the bathroom alone.’

  Samuel groaned. ‘I hope I don’t need to go at all. How suspicious is that gonna look, us both going together!’

  Isiah looked him in the eye. ‘Which would you prefer? Pissing with me beside you or Lucifer?’

  ‘I’ll just hold it.’ Looking around again he said, ‘Actually, I haven’t needed to go for ages. And I haven’t been particularly thirsty or hungry.’ His stare was accusatory.

  Isiah laughed. ‘I’ve been controlling your metabolism to a certain degree. It’s to make things easier for both of us, so don’t get so upset.’

  Samuel shook his head. ‘I don’t feel like I have any control over anything I’m doing any more.’

  ‘Never mind, Samuel. You’ll get to eat and drink on the plane. Your body still needs energy.’

  Samuel made a dismissive sound. ‘Oh, joy.’

  After a few minutes the standard announcements and introductions began to flood from the tannoy system. Following that the stewards took their positions to go through the flight safety demonstration. Samuel groaned, burying his head in his hands as Satan stood in the aisle, grinning maliciously at them as he demonstrated how to inflate a life jacket.

  They took off uneventfully enough. Samuel made full use of the stewardess’s drinks trolley, repeatedly ordering large whiskeys, drinking them neat. He stopped calling her over after she arrived with her clothes torn and bloodstained, her flesh ripped and tattered around her face and neck. She seemed completely unconcerned by her appearance as she poured another whiskey, her blood tinged drool dribbling into the glass with the spirit. Samuel turned away to stare out the window at the black night. The few whiskeys he had already had were taking their effect and with a gentle nudge Isiah managed to knock him off into a fitful, dream filled sleep. The flight was peaceful for a while.

  Samuel woke with a start, crying out, as the plane came in to land at Rio. Isiah told him where they were. ‘Fuck me,’ Samuel said, rubbing at his eyes. ‘I can’t believe I managed to sleep all that time.’

  ‘Hmm, strange isn’t it.’

  Samuel looked at him
with narrowed eyes. ‘I had some pretty fucked up dreams though, man.’

  ‘Naturally. No doubt the devil spent most of the flight in your dreams with you.’

  Samuel sighed, massaging his temples. ‘So many times I wanted to wake up! I knew I was dreaming, but I couldn’t wake up from these horrible images and endless chases.’

  Isiah patted Samuel’s arm. ‘Don’t worry. It’ll soon all be over.’

  Samuel looked at him, trying to gauge his sincerity. He gave up after a few seconds, staring out the window again.

  The plane landed at Rio on time, without any untoward occurrence. Isiah could feel Samuel’s fear and discomfort, spreading off him like a smell. As the plane took off again Samuel was looking more worried than ever.

  ‘Getting worried about Guatemala?’

  Samuel nodded. ‘I’ve never been anywhere like that before, let alone with all this added stress. You know, I keep thinking about that episode of the Twilight Zone, have you seen it?’

  Isiah raised his eyebrows. ‘Which one?’

  ‘You know, the guy on the plane with the little demon outside ripping up the wings and the engines and shit.’

  Isiah laughed. ‘Oh, yeah.’

  Samuel leaned back, pointing out the window, his face drawn. Isiah leaned over him to look out. There was a whole bunch of the devil’s minions out there, dancing and cavorting and copulating on the wing of the plane. Isiah sat back. ‘He’s just messing with your mind, Samuel. The madder you are, the weaker you are. The weaker you are, the easier it is for him to get to you.’

  Samuel’s voice was thin. ‘It’s working, man! I don’t know how much more of this I can take.’

  Isiah hid his smile behind his hand. ‘You’ll survive.’ He was taking too much pleasure from Samuel’s suffering, but he couldn’t help it. He would, however, have to be careful. Samuel still needed all his strength to perform his task.


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